READING AS ONE OF THE TYPES OF SPEECH ACTIVITY IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
English language / speech / lesson / reading / education

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ramazonova B.R.

In this article described reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons.

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UDC 37.02

Ramazonova B.R.


BETI academic lyceum Uzbekistan, Bukhara city



Annotation: In this article described reading as one of the types of speech activity in English lessons.

Key words: English language, speech, lesson, reading, education.

It is well known that reading occupies a significant place in a person's life. It not only develops a person's ability to think and allows a deeper understanding of the world, but also enriches it spiritually. Reading is one of the most important means of human communication, and one of the most important means of human culture. In today's world, with the ever-increasing flow of information between countries, a large place in a person's life begins to take reading in a foreign language. One of the main tasks of teaching a foreign language in the primary school is learning to read and understand the text in a foreign language. Reading in a foreign language is a type of speech activity that allows not to imitate, but to reproduce one of the forms of real communication in a foreign language. Based on this function, teaching reading should be built, in my opinion, so that students perceive it as a real activity that has practical significance. What is the reason for the poor knowledge of students of the basic school reading technique and understanding of what they read? The main reason is that teachers pay very little attention to the development of methods of teaching reading and understanding of the text in a foreign language. In addition, oral speech in the classroom is given much more time than reading. In modern school textbooks on foreign languages, a differentiated approach to teaching oral speech and reading is reflected. Reading in the classroom as it loses its independence and becomes an attribute of oral speech, and reading material only an additional incentive for the development of speaking skills. However, reading from a psychological point of view is a process of perception and active processing of information, graphically encoded by the system of a language.

Thus, in this process of speech communication, there are two main inextricably interrelated distinctive features:

a) the process of perception of printed or written text;

b) the process of understanding the readable. Reading as a type of speech activity is the extraction of information from the printed text. This activity is differentiated by different characteristics, which is embodied in different types of reading. In any educational institution, and in the basic school including, the purpose of training is development of ability of reading about itself, synthetic, untranslated. Other types of

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(25) 2019 science-j.com

reading prepare its functioning as a type of speech activity and in General serve as a means of teaching a foreign language. The new state standard for basic General education in a foreign language specifies the minimum content of basic educational programs.

Depending on the type of reading, it requires students to achieve an understanding of texts with different depth and accuracy of penetration into their content: with an understanding of the main content (introductory reading), with a full understanding of the content (studying reading), with a selective understanding of the main content of authentic texts, on the materials reflecting the peculiarities of life, culture and life of the countries of the studied language. The main types of reading in the learning process are browsing and search, translation and untranslated, studying and familiarization, analytical and synthetic, as well as reading aloud and to himself. Viewing reading involves getting a General idea of the material being read. Its purpose is to provide a broad overview of the topic and the range of issues addressed in the text. This is a cursory selective reading, reading the text in blocks for more detailed acquaintance with its "focusing" details and parts. It usually takes place during the initial review of the content of a new publication in order to determine whether it contains information of interest to the reader, and on this basis to decide whether to read it or not. Search reading is focused on reading Newspapers and literature on the specialty. Its purpose is to quickly find in the text or in an array of texts well-defined data (facts, characteristics, figures, indications). It is aimed at finding specific information in the text. Studying reading provides the most complete and accurate understanding of all the information contained in the text and its critical understanding. Introductory reading is a cognizing reading, in which the subject of the reader's attention is all the speech work (book, article, story) without setting to obtain certain information.

Untranslated reading occurs in advanced students when the process of reading in a foreign language becomes similar to the process of reading in their native language. Translated reading develops the ability to work independently on a foreign text and use dictionaries and reference books, which is a means of improving the educational level of students. Reading about yourself must be carried out both in the classroom and at home. Analytical and synthetic types of reading are distinguished on the basis of psychological setting. In analytical reading, students ' attention is directed to the detailed perception of the text with the analysis of the language form, while synthetic to the holistic perception of the content. Analytical reading develops students ' ability to identify places of the text that make it difficult to understand, and use the dictionary and other reference literature. Synthetic reading is based on a strong knowledge of lexical and grammatical material, the ability to recognize the meaning of unknown words by contextual guess and formal features, the function of words in a sentence.

"Мировая наука" №4(25) 2019


One of the typical mistakes made by students in the course of learning to read, is the discrepancy between the sensory and motor processes that arise in the perception of the text. Errors of thinking in reading can be divided into a number of groups, the nature of which, although similar to the nature of errors in writing, but has some features: the First group of errors due to lack of active thinking. This group includes errors in reading the word without taking into account the relevant rules or features of the designation of the letters of the sounds included in this word. This case is observed when the student studied the rule of writing this word and its alphabetic designation has not yet been automated and, if necessary, controlled by consciousness. The second group of errors is due to the fact that the student thinks in the system of the native language. The third group consists of errors of incorrect generalization of features of linguistic phenomena or rules of the studied language. These errors are explained by summing up the linguistic phenomenon under the previously learned rule or its erroneous identification with the previously learned rule. Most often these errors occur at the initial stage of training. And when reading, there is a mechanical substitution of an unfamiliar word for another, known to the student word. The fourth group of errors is associated with the formation of false automated links (errors of false connections). In order to understand what a false connection is in reading, it is necessary to remember how this process proceeds. In the case of correct reading visually perceived stimulus directly entails an adequate response and implementation of the act of communication.

In the case of false connections, communication is realized, but this reaction is inadequate visual stimulation. This is because a certain read operation should only be performed on expressions of one kind, but it is performed on expressions of another kind. The nature of the fifth group of thinking errors is the inability to apply the rule. These errors result from the inability of students to accurately and correctly analyze linguistic phenomena and the lack of a strong link between the characteristics of linguistic phenomena and the relevant rules. The sixth group of errors" of perseveration." They are based on the inertia of nervous processes, as a result of which the perceived visual image is obviously too late in consciousness, which leads to the reading of extra letters, their omission or rearrangement. To the same group of errors can be attributed inertia error actions that are associated with the tendency of the student to act stereotypically. Very often mistakes are associated with the wrong perception of the context of the phrase or the whole text.

And finally, the last, the seventh type of error of extra-contextual perception. These errors are explained by the fact that "the word acts when reading not as part of a complex stimulus (phrase), but as an independent unit, taken out of context. The word is not understood in the context of the whole phrase." The teacher should clearly understand the psychological and linguistic nature of reading errors in order to correct them more effectively. Students ' awareness of the causes of mistakes will also help to overcome the erroneous action. In conclusion, it should be noted that currently learning

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №4(25) 2019 science-j.com

to read in a foreign language is a very important problem, and the search for effective methods and means of learning to read in a foreign language is quite an urgent task. After all, one of the common means of personality formation in a civilized society is reading because of its great intellectual and emotional impact on the individual. But, unfortunately, the students in their vast majority do not read in their native language. That is why reading was given and paid much attention in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. Without mastering reading as a type of speech activity, the further use of a foreign language after school is quite limited.


1. Berman, I.M. Methods of teaching a foreign language. -M. 2000.

2. Berman, I.M. Reading as a subject of study and as a psycholinguistic process. -M. 1974.

3. BIM I.L. Theory and practice of foreign language teaching in secondary school. 4. M. 2005.

UDC 338.48

Ruzieva G.F. teacher

Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara



Abstract: this article discusses the importance of government support for innovation in tourism.

Keywords: tourism. innovation, government support, competition

Renewal and growth in tourism is a business behind the dynamics of tourism changes in models, clarifies the new conceptual issues. For example, one of the key innovations in tourism change one is the trend of "experimental economics".

Renewal and growth in tourism indicates that increasing the overall competitiveness of the economy through the introduction of innovation processes in tourism promotes productivity, profitability and quality improvement. Innovation is a major force for structural change in the field of tourism. This, for example, shows updates through the simulation of small and medium sized businesses

Competition is one of the key drivers of innovation in tourism but collaboration is crucial in promoting structural change and innovation. It is, of course, the main reason for interfering in the field of tourism, as the apparent new structures and innovation, when governments are in partnership. Tourism innovation and growth by government agencies, especially micro firms and small tourism businesses

"Мировая наука" №4(25) 2019


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