Научная статья на тему 'Reading and Internet networks during pandemic'

Reading and Internet networks during pandemic Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
games / social networks / messengers / pandemic / electronic library / online classes / facebook / youtube / instagram / telegram / игры / социальные сети / мессенджеры / пандемия / электронная библиотека / онлайн-классы / facebook / youtube / instagram / telegram

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Malikova Dilrabohon Mahmudovna

this article studies and makes recommendations on subject of reading and encouraging reading among school students during pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, out of precaution, people are forced to stay indoors and with some more spare time available, they are beginning to take note of electronic libraries. Variety of literature in different languages that are available on telegram messengers would satisfy the reading needs of most people. Telegram offers not only electronic books, but also a large number of audio books, which are being used with widespead interest

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
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эта статья изучает и дает рекомендации по теме чтения и поощрения чтения среди школьников во время пандемии. Во время пандемии COVID-19, из-за мер предосторожности, люди вынуждены оставаться в помещении, и, имея еще немного свободного времени, они начинают обращать внимание на электронные библиотеки. Разнообразная литература на разных языках, доступная в telegram, удовлетворит потребности большинства людей в чтении. Telegram предлагает не только электронные книги, но и большое количество аудиокниг, которые используются с большим интересом.

Текст научной работы на тему «Reading and Internet networks during pandemic»

Список литературы /References

1. Психологическая подготовка спортсмена. [Электронный ресурс]. // Физическая культура и спорт, 2020. Режим доступа: https://fkis.ru/ (дата обращения:07.07.2020).

2. Психологическая подготовка спортсменов. [Электронный ресурс]. // Приволжская государственная академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма, 2020. Режим доступа: https://www.sportacadem.ru/ (дата обращения:07.07.2020).

3. Психологическая подготовка спортсмена. [Электронный ресурс]. // Учебные материалы, 2020. Режим доступа: https://works.doklad.ru/ (дата обращения:07.07.2020).

READING AND INTERNET NETWORKS DURING PANDEMIC Malikova D.M. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Malikova572@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: this article studies and makes recommendations on subject of reading and encouraging reading among school students during pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, out of precaution, people are forced to stay indoors and with some more spare time available, they are beginning to take note of electronic libraries. Variety of literature in different languages that are available on telegram messengers would satisfy the reading needs of most people. Telegram offers not only electronic books, but also a large number of audio books, which are being used with widespead interest.

Keywords: games, social networks, messengers, pandemic, electronic library, online classes, facebook, youtube, instagram, telegram.

ЧТЕНИЕ И ИНТЕРНЕТ-СЕТИ ВО ВРЕМЯ ПАНДЕМИИ Маликова Д.М. (Республика Узбекистан)

Маликова Дилрабохон Махмудовна - докторант, Научно-исследовательский институт педагогических наук Узбекистана им. Т.Н. Кары Ниязи,

г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: эта статья изучает и дает рекомендации по теме чтения и поощрения чтения среди школьников во время пандемии. Во время пандемии COVID-19, из-за мер предосторожности, люди вынуждены оставаться в помещении, и, имея еще немного свободного времени, они начинают обращать внимание на электронные библиотеки. Разнообразная литература на разных языках, доступная в telegram, удовлетворит потребности большинства людей в чтении. Telegram предлагает не только электронные книги, но и большое количество аудиокниг, которые используются с большим интересом. Ключевые слова: игры, социальные сети, мессенджеры, пандемия, электронная библиотека, онлайн-классы, facebook, youtube, instagram, telegram.

In the age of 21st century technological advances the attitude towards books and reading appears to have changed. Book sales and foot traffic to libraries have declined noticeably. Nowadays, those who read are primarily college students, along with graduate and doctorate students working on researches. Children spend most of their times playing video games. The 'housewives' spend their spare time on tabloid press or soap operas on television. The entertainment sites on mobile devices with their eye-catching graphics (games, social networks,

messengers) draw attention of the masses. Therefore, people pay less attention to thought provoking books and works of text. During the COVID-19 pandemic, out of precaution, people are forced to stay indoors and with some more spare time available, they are beginning to take note of electronic libraries. Variety of literature in different languages that are available on telegram messengers would satisfy the reading needs of most people. Telegram offers not only electronic books, but also a large number of audio books, which are being used with widespead interest. For instance, "We listed to books at home", "We listen to books", "Jizzah library for visually impaired", "Audiobooks.uz", "Audio knigi" and others.

From this we can see that people can enjoy audio books while staying busy with other works. During the pandemic, with the initiative of some local authorities are giving special attention to encouraging use of online books and electronic libraries. Reading contests, such as "Reading father", "Reading mother", "Reading student", were organized. Parents were able to observe classes for their children provided on television. They can follow those classes along with their children, and review the educational and study materials, make use of the available literature. This shows the tradition of family reading is coming back.

Such programs have been wholeheartedly supported by the national broadcasting company (MTR). MTR is uploading the audio versions of its archived records to its telegram channel and this has been broadly welcomed everywhere.

Childhood is the most innocent and carefree part of life. The lullibies sung by mothers, the fairy-tales told by grandmothers have deeply impacted the growth of our minds. The telegram channel "My childhood days", "Sharing audio fairy-tales" can provide wide variety of programs that for people of all walks of life. The fairy-tales are provided in uzbek, as well as in russian.

In some of the telegram channels, such as "Readers' circle", "Electronic library", there are online reading competition. Every fortnight, a contest is held amongst readers with questions on various texts that have been read. Yet another competition scores the reviews written by contestants on a read text. For such contests, the texts to be covered are from wide range of recommended literary works. As a result, a large number of readers are involved in reading and discussion of different books.[1]

Moreover, the social networking sites, such as facebook, youtube, instagram, also have sections dedicated for reading that encourage users to read. For instance, facebook has "Readers' circle", youtube has "The library of Xurshid Davron", "Uzbek audio library", "Audio knigi". While such pages encourage people to consider audio and electronic texts, the "Readers' circle" is a place where literary enthusiast hold discussions, share opinions on latest books and hold virtual meetings amongst themselves. The purpose from establishing such platforms is to encourage reading and foster growth of interest in the world of books among young people. The school students may have special interest in books on subjects of business and enterprise. "The greatest salesman" by the American author Og Mandino, "Tuesday classes" written by Morren, "Who will cry when you die" written by Robin Sharma, "Be home when I return" by E. Safarliy, and other such works have been read with great enthusiam among readers. The interest towards the world literature among young people is very encouraging. This is the result of the different programs intended to raise interest and impove the level of literacy among young people. This can be evident in the fact that young people are trying to read the literary works in their original language. As Pushkin had once said, the writers are sun, and translators are candles. This is in no way to diminish the works of translator, but to encourage the readers that they should try to read texts in their original language. As they say, monoligual person is just one person, and a polyglot is many persons [2].

To ensure that school students don't waste their spare time during summer break the online classes and those held on TV continue. During this time of great threat of pandemic the reading can have a positive influence on children's spirits. Children can read age-appropriate and empowering books. For instance, "Riding yellow dev", "The rabbits' kingdom" by Xudoyberdi Tuxtaboyev, "The travels of Mesh Polvon" by Anvar Obidjon, various boys' and girls' encyclopedia, "Percy Jackson and the lightening thief" by Rick Riordan and others. These days even the youngest of the school students can be very active online [3]. Therefore, the parental control is of critical importance. Questions, such as "What are our kids' interests? What are they spending their time


on?" should be on parents' minds. For kids attending school the parents must be their role models and thus the reading materials recommended by parents for their children is very important. When giving books as gifts to their children, the parents should consider the content, the outer design, graphics and colorfulness of the book. Yould kids really enjoy in rich visual illustrations and graphic messages. These days childrens' books can take shape of different toys, cars, various grandious forms, audio effects that can entice interest of a young reader.

In conclusion we can say that as children are forced to spend more time indoors there are plenty of resources to ensure they can still enjoy their break and that their time is spent in a fun and educational way. All they need to do to take advantage of these resources. If we can't visit bookstores to purchase books, there are online libraries with enough reading material to keep even the most literary aficionados happy. When children aspire to read, we must provide them with opportunity.

References / Список литературы

1. Akramova G.R., Akramova S.R. Developing critical thinking on elementary class pupils is the most important factor for preparing social relationship. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS. ISSN-2394-5125. VOL. 7. ISSUE 17, 2020/ [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www.jcreview.com/?sec=cissue/ (date of access: 23.07.2020).

2. Ruziyeva M.Y. About color symbols in folklore. JOURNAL OF CRITICAL REVIEWS. ISSN-2394-5125 VOL. 7. ISSUE 17, 2020. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www.jcreview.com/?sec=cissue/ (date of access: 23.07.2020).

3. Jamilova B.S. Safarova N.O. Basics of Uzbek Children's Reading. [Electronic Resource]. URL: http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/573/513/ (date of access: 23.07.2020).

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