РАЗВИТИЕ ПРЕНАТАЛЬНОЙ ПРИВЯЗАННОСТИ В КОНТЕКСТЕ СЕМЕЙНОГО ОПЫТА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
пренатальная привязанность / семейный опыт / ментальные представления о родительстве / prenatal attachment / family experience / mental representations of parenthood

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Радованович М.

Пренатальная привязанность описывается как психологическая связь, которая развивается во время беременности между матерью и плодом. Его важность отражается на качестве ухода беременной женщины за плодом и считается предвестником эмоциональной привязанности между матерью и ребенком, а также важным аспектом формирования родительской идентичности и подготовки к ответственному и компетентному воспитанию детей. Исследования показывают, что паттерны, формирующие родительскую идентичность, передаются от поколения к поколению через опыт, который усваивается и формируется внутренней рабочей моделью, компоненты которой являются родительскими репрезентациями. Таким образом, целью исследования было изучить прогнозирующий вклад семейного опыта в развитие пренатальной привязанности. В выборку вошла 91 беременная женщина, и она была собрана в Клинике гинекологии и акушерства в Нови-Саде, где испытуемые находились в связи с определенными проблемами со здоровьем во время беременности. Шкала оценки пренатальной привязанности матери использовалась для изучения пренатальной привязанности (PAI-MFAS R1, Hanak, 2006), в то время как опросник «Отец / мать присутствия» использовался как мера родительского опыта (FMPQ, Krampe&Newton, 2006). Результаты показывают, что эффект позитивных отношений с матерью вносит наиболее значительный прогностический вклад в развитие пренатальной привязанности, что согласуется с исследованиями, показывающими, что характеристики опекунского поведения напрямую связаны с предыдущим опытом родителей в семьях. происхождения. Данные обсуждаются в контексте понимания роли матери как доминирующего опекуна в нашем обществе, а также идеи моделирования как гипотезы, лежащей в основе объяснения передачи родительских прав из поколения в поколение.

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Prenatal attachment is described as a psychological connection that develops during pregnancy between mother and fetus. Its significance is reflected in the quality of a pregnant woman's care for the fetus, and it is considered to be a developmental precursor of emotional attachment between mother and child and an important aspect of forming parental identity and preparation for responsible and competent parenting. Research indicates that the patterns that form parental identity are transmitted transgenerationally, through experience that is internalized and shaped by an internal working model whose components are parental representations. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine the predictive contribution of family experience to the development of prenatal attachment. The sample included 91 pregnant women, and it was collected at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics in Novi Sad, Serbia where the examinees stayed due to certain health problems during pregnancy. The Maternal Prenatal Attachment Assessment Scale was used to examine prenatal attachment (PAI-MFAS R1, Hanak, 2006), while the Father / Mother Presence Questionnaire was used as a measure of parental experience (FMPQ, Krampe& Newton, 2006). The results indicate that the effect of a positive relationship with the mother makes the most significant predictive contribution to the development of prenatal attachment, which is in line with research that indicates that the characteristics of foster care are directly related to previous experiences of parents in families of origin. The data are discussed in the context of understanding the role of the mother as the dominant guardian in our society, but also the idea of modeling as a hypothesis underlying the explanation of the transgenerational transmission of parenthood.



Радованович М. (Сербия, Нови Сад, ПЦ) radovanovic.mila@gmail.com

Аннотация: Пренатальная привязанность описывается как психологическая связь, которая развивается во время беременности между матерью и плодом. Его важность отражается на качестве ухода беременной женщины за плодом и считается предвестником эмоциональной привязанности между матерью и ребенком, а также важным аспектом формирования родительской идентичности и подготовки к ответственному и компетентному воспитанию детей. Исследования показывают, что паттерны, формирующие родительскую идентичность, передаются от поколения к поколению через опыт, который усваивается и формируется внутренней рабочей моделью, компоненты которой являются родительскими репрезентациями. Таким образом, целью исследования было изучить прогнозирующий вклад семейного опыта в развитие пренатальной привязанности. В выборку вошла 91 беременная женщина, и она была собрана в Клинике гинекологии и акушерства в Нови-Саде, где испытуемые находились в связи с определенными проблемами со здоровьем во время беременности. Шкала оценки пренатальной привязанности матери использовалась для изучения пренатальной привязанности (PAI-MFAS R1, Hanak, 2006), в то время как опросник «Отец / мать присутствия» использовался как мера родительского опыта (FMPQ, Krampe&Newton, 2006). Результаты показывают, что эффект позитивных отношений с матерью вносит наиболее значительный прогностический вклад в развитие пренатальной привязанности, что согласуется с исследованиями, показывающими, что характеристики опекунского поведения напрямую связаны с предыдущим опытом родителей в семьях. происхождения. Данные обсуждаются в контексте понимания роли матери как доминирующего опекуна в нашем обществе, а также идеи моделирования как гипотезы, лежащей в основе объяснения передачи родительских прав из поколения в поколение.

Ключевые слова: пренатальная привязанность, семейный опыт, ментальные представления о родительстве.

DEVELOPMENT OF PRENATAL ATTACHMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF FAMILY EXPERIENCE Mila Radovanovic (Novi Sad, Serbia, PQ radovanovic.mila@gmail.com

Summary:Prenatal attachment is described as a psychological connection that develops during pregnancy between mother and fetus. Its significance is reflected in the quality of a pregnant woman's care for the fetus, and it is considered to be a developmental precursor of emotional attachment between mother and child and an important aspect of forming parental identity and preparation for responsible and competent parenting. Research indicates that the patterns that form parental identity are transmitted transgenerationally, through experience that is internalized and shaped by an internal working model whose components are parental representations. Therefore, the aim of the study was to examine the predictive contribution of family experience to the development of prenatal attachment. The sample included 91 pregnant women, and it was collected at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics in Novi Sad, Serbia where the examinees stayed due to certain health problems during pregnancy. The Maternal Prenatal Attachment Assessment Scale was used to examine prenatal attachment (PAI-MFAS R1, Hanak, 2006), while the Father / Mother Presence Questionnaire was used as a measure of parental experience (FMPQ, Krampe& Newton, 2006). The results indicate that the effect of a positive relationship with the mother makes the most significant predictive contribution to the

development of prenatal attachment, which is in line with research that indicates that the characteristics of foster care are directly related to previous experiences of parents in families of origin. The data are discussed in the context of understanding the role of the mother as the dominant guardian in our society, but also the idea ofmodeling as a hypothesis underlying the explanation of the transgenerational transmission of parenthood.

Key words:prenatal attachment, family experience, mental representations of parenthood.


Modern theories in developmental psychology consider the parental role from the point of view based on mental representations of parenthood. Thus, the quality and patterns of parental care for a child, his attitudes, emotions, and behaviors in this role have a set of mental representations as their baisis. The world of mental representations is a subjective, fanatical world that exists in parallel with the objective, external world. In addition to real situations and experiences from the daily interaction of parents with the child, it also contains all the fantasies, hopes, fears and dreams of parents. In addition, the representational world consists of memories of one's own childhood and behavior patterns of one's own parents.

Pregnancy is a unique period in life when future mothers' perceptions of themselves, others and their own experiences with parents are reactivated and reorganized to make room for a new notion of the child, the relationship with the child and the notion of self as a parent. In the research of prenatal attachment and its relation to the development of the parental role, researches tried to determine the connection of this concept with psychological variables that could have significance in the prediction of its development has a significant place. Among them, perhaps the most significant are those that bring it into connection with the mechanism of transgenerational transmission of attachment patterns, which are considered to be mediated by the mental representations on which the very concept of prenatal attachment is based. The aim of this research is to offer an answer to this question.


The sample consists of 91 pregnant women from Novi Sad, Serbia. The general data questionnaire was constructed for the purposes of this research and is intended for the collection of socio-demographic data and data on pregnancy. Also the maternal prenatal attachment scale (PAI MFAS, Hanak, 2006) andfather / mother presence questionnaire (FMPQ, Krampe& Newton 2006) was used.

Results and discuision.

Prenatal attachment as a psychological connection of the future mother with the baby is an important aspect of pregnancy and parenthood. It is believed that a pregnant woman who has the capacity to develop a quality prenatal care relationship thus ensures a more favorable pregnancy outcome, as well as better quality care for the child after birth (Huth-Bocks et al. 2004).

The fact that prenatal attachment is based on the development of mental representations of self-as-mother, on the basis of which notions about the baby and the relationship with it are further developed, suggests that this concept is an important aspect of parental identity formation. Research suggests that patterns that form parental identity are transmitted transgenerationally, through experience that internalizes and shapes an internal work model whose components are parental representations (Mayseless, 2006; George& Solomon, 2008). Taking into account the stated fact, the aim of the research was to examine the predictive contribution of family experience to the development of prenatal attachment.

Looking at the results, it is noticed that the experience of a positive relationship with the mother makes a significant contribution to the development of all three components of prenatal attachment, while the perception of a positive relationship between parents stands out as a significant predictor of fetal responsibility and care. The relationship with the father has only a marginal significance when the experiences of the relationship with the mother as a predictor are

included in the model. This finding can be interpreted in accordance with Stern's (Stern, 1995) observation that a crucial role in supporting the future mother is given by a good holding environment. Furthermore, in the interpretation of the results in which the role of the mother stands out as the dominant predictor, we can also use the results of research on parental roles which point out that the mother is the dominant parent when it comes to caring for children in families in Serbia.

Taking the lead in providing care, mothers have played the most important role in families of origin in internalizing patterns of parental care, which will serve future mothers as a basis for developing a relationship with their own baby. In this sense, the data on the importance of a positive introjected image of the mother's role for the development of prenatal attachment obtained in this study are consistent with the idea of modeling as a hypothesis underlying the explanation of transgenerational transmission of parenthood.

The question of how the experience in the family of origin has an effect on the current parenting remains open. The concept of the introjected role of parents (used in this research) is one of the considered answers. It implies that the effects of experiences with parents in the family of origin do not model direct behavior, but contribute to the specifics of the development of the working model of parental role as a belief system, personal emotional experiences related to the guardian role and the like. In that sense, the results shown by the connection between the introjected position of the mother and prenatal attachment are in line with this theoretical expectation: a quality internalized representation of the mother's guardianship role is associated with quality early models of fetal attachment (prenatal attachment).

The fact that positive experiences from the family of origin have a significant predictive contribution to the development of prenatal attachment indicates that the experience of emotional security in relation to one's own parents is important for the experience of parental care, and consequently for readiness to engage in self-parenting. In this sense, experience from the family of origin should be viewed as a relevant factor both in researching the concept of prenatal attachment and in planning practical forms of support for pregnant women.

The results of this research indicate that pregnant women who had low functional relationships with the mother (experiences of less availability and involvement of mothers) are at risk for developing less functional work models, and that transgenerational transmission of lower quality child care in this group of parents visible already by forming ideas about oneself and the child in pregnancy. In that sense, preventive work, with the aim of supporting better quality child care, should certainly include women with such experiences during pregnancy.

However, looking at the share of variance that experiences from the family of origin can explain when it comes to the development of prenatal attachment, it can be seen that there is still a lot of room to consider including an additional set of predictors. Research states that experience with one's own parents, although important, is not the only and sometimes crucial factor that can influence the formation and quality of prenatal attachment (Huth-Bocks et al, 2004). Other important factors relate to the social environment and the support that the pregnant woman has from her partner and significant others. Thus, the conditions in which a pregnant woman lives and the characteristics of her social environment may be related to a qualitative change in the expected pattern of care in pregnant women. The findings suggest that factors such as social support for the pregnant woman, the levels of stress she is exposed to, and the changes she experiences in her relationships with other people may change her way of caring for the child. and further research should strive to cover a larger number of these predictors.


1. George, C. & Solomon, J. (2008).The caregiving system: a behavioral systems approach to parenting // Cassidy, J. & Shaver, P. (Eds). Handbook of attachment. N.Y.: The Guilford press.

2. Huth-Bocks, A., Levendosky, A., Bogat, A.& Von Eye, A. (2004). The impact of maternal characteristics and contextual variables on infant-mother attachment // Child Development, 75 (2): 480-496.

3. Mayseless, O. (2006). Parenting representations. N.Y.: Cambridge university press.

4. Stern, D. (1995). The Motherhood constallation. A unified view of parent-infant psychotherapy. N.Y.: Basicbooks.

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