DOI: 10.24411/2181-0443/2020-10158
Аманов Акмалжон Каримжонугли Тайлокова Муштари Баходировна Субхонов Улугбек Журакулович Каримова Мавлуда Нематовна Эсанкулова Бустоной Собировна Юлдашева Азиза Нодиржоновна Низомова Икбола Бахтиёр кизи
Самаркандский государственный медицинский институт
Пузырный занос - одно из ведущих гинекологических заболеваний, и число больных этим заболеванием с каждым годом растет. В последние годы возраст женщин, больным пузырным заносом, значительно моложе, а средний возраст начала заболевания составляет 21-39 лет.
Во всем мире роды у женщин 126 миллионов в год. 126 000 из них заболеет пузырный заносом или хорионическим раком. Поскольку трофобластические заболевания сейчас чаще встречаются у женщин репродуктивного, они вызывают бесплодие, инвалидность, стресс и даже смерть у женщин. При изучении распространенности заболевания пузырный занос выше среди сельских женщин, чем среди городских. Это связано с большим количеством сельского населения и большим количеством беременностей у сельских женщин.
Ключевые слова: пузырный занос, хорионическая карцинома, химиотерапия, репродуктивный возраст, монохимиотерапия.
Cystic drift is one of the leading gynecological diseases, and the number of patients with this disease is growing every year. In recent years, the age of women with cystic drift is much younger, and the average age of onset of the disease is 21-39 years.
Around the world there are 126 million child birth per year. 126 000 of these get sick with cystic drift or chorionic cancer. Since trophoblastic diseases are now more common in women of reproductive age, they cause infertility, disability, stress and even death in women. When studying the prevalence of the disease, cystic drift is higher among rural women than among urban women. This is due to the large number of rural population and the large number of pregnancies among rural women.
Key words: cystic drift, chorionic carcinoma, chemotherapy, reproductive age, monochemotherapy.
Елбугоз касаллиги барча гинекологик касалликлар ичида олдинги уринларни эгалламокда ва бу касалликка чалинганлар сони йилдан- йилга ошиб бормокда. Охирги йилларда елбугозга чалинган аёллар ёши хам анча ёшариб бормокда ва касалликни уртача учраш ёши 21-39 ёшни ташкил килади.
Бутун дунё буйича 1 йилга 126 млн. та тугрук булса, шулардан 126 000 таси елбугоз касаллиги ёки хорионкарциономага тугри келади. Хрзирги кунда трофобластик касалликлар репродуктив ёшдаги аёлларда куп учраганлиги сабабли, аёлларда бепуштликка, ногиронликка, рухий зури;ишга, хаттоки улимга сабаб булмокда. Касалликни таркалиш даражаси урганилганда шахар ахолисига нисбатан кишлок аёллари орасида елбугоз касаллигига чалинганлар купрок учрайди. Бу эса кишлок ахолиси сонининг куплиги ва кишлок аёлларида хомиладорлик сонининг куплиги билан богликдир.
Калит сузлар: елбузоз касаллиги, хорионкарцинома, химиотерапия, репродуктив ёш, монохимиотерапия.
Relevance. Cystic drift has recently taken a leading place in gynecological practice. This is evidenced by the fact that women with the disease are cured in 100% of cases by the use of chemicals in the treatment of the disease due to the high sensitivity of the disease cells to chemicals.
According to statistics, the incidence of trophoblastic diseases is increasing year by year. According to the World Health Organization in 2012, the number of people registered for these diseases is more than 46,000, and the number of patients receiving chemotherapy is more than 40,000, and this figure is still growing. At a meeting in Geneva in 2011, 1 in every 1,000 births was due to cystic drift. All over the world 126 million per year. 126,000 of them are due to cystic drift or chorionic carcinoma. But the number of registered cases of trophoblastic diseases in 1 year has reached 150,000. Trophoblastic tumors can occur before the age of 20 and even after the age of 40, while chorionic carcinoma is noted to occur mainly after post menopause.
The average incidence of trophoblastic tumors is 26-37 years (2009), and according to 2012 statistics, the incidence among 21-30 year olds was 68.4%. According to information of Ichizuka (2011)
When the 10-year results are observed, 5 mln. 1.52 million women. pregnant women were identified, of whom 2,903 were diagnosed with erysipelas, and subsequently 13.6% of them were diagnosed with chorionic carcinoma, 41.2% with invasive esophagus, and 45.2% with TBO without morphological verification. Because trophoblastic diseases are now more common in women of reproductive age, they cause infertility, disability, stress, and even death in women.
At present, the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment of TBK is high, in women, the preservation of reproductive function and the birth rate
is normal, 80-85% of healthy children are born. (3,7,8,)
Purpose. Development of clinical and morphological criteria for early detection of all types of disease in order to achieve high results in the treatment and prevention of cystic drift.
Style and materials. The Samarkand Branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology (RIOvaRIATMSF) conducted a retrospective study of patients treated with cystic drift in 2016-2019 on the basis of medical history and outpatient card.
Cystic drift disease has been on the rise in women of reproductive age over the past 10 years, including 40 patients with cystic drift in the Samarkand region who were selected and retrospectively studied.
According to some literature (1,2,4,5,6), the incidence of tuberculosis depends on the lifestyle of patients, socio-economic status, social factors. Therefore, the prevalence of the disease among urban and rural populations was analyzed. According to this analysis, the following was identified. Of the 40 patients we studied, 28 (70%) were rural and 12 (30%) were urban.
Our analysis shows that the rural population has a very high rate. This is due to the large rural population compared to the urban population, as well as the high number of pregnancies and miscarriages among the rural population, women do not consult gynecologists, low medical culture, unsatisfactory diagnosis in the first stages of the health care system.
Results. Several factors play an important role in the development of cystic drift. Of these factors, it is important that the patient's age, the total number of pregnancies, how the pregnancy ended, the end of a normal birth, abortion, or early miscarriage. It also depends on the very early or late onset of the menstrual cycle in women,
the onset of early or late sexual life, the age of the woman in the first pregnancy, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitals, hormonal disorders, the time when patients go to specialized clinics. Based on the anamnesis of the patients, we analyzed the cases that led to the development of elbow disease and the following results were obtained. When studying the social and economic conditions of patients, we obtained the following. Out of 40 patients in our analysis, 28 were rural and 12 were urban. Our analysis shows that the rural population has a very high rate. This is due to the fact that the rural population is larger than the urban population, as well as the number of pregnancies, miscarriages among the rural population, women do not consult gynecologists, low medical culture, unsatisfactory diagnosis in the first stages of the health care system. According to the results of the analysis, the highest rate falls on patients aged 20-24 years. It has been found that the incidence of scabies is getting younger.
From the anamnesis of patients, it was found that in 19 (47.5%) patients the menstrual cycle began late (17-18
years), in 10 (25%) patients 15-16 years, in 5 (12.5%) patients 13-14 years, 6 ( 15%) were found to have started in the patient at 11-12 years of age. Based on the observations, it can be said that patients with late onset of the menstrual cycle are also included in the risk group. The earlier the onset of sexual activity, the higher the risk of developing cystic drift.
Conclusion. Thus, the age of patients, early pregnancy, timely medical examination, sexual lifestyle, reproductive status, lifestyle, as well as socio-economic and social factors play an important role in the development of goiter. Risk factors in elbow disease, the initial referral of the patient, the type of treatment based on clinical signs determine the importance of individual choice for each patient. In Cystic drift, 70% of patients underwent MXT treatment, 40% of patients underwent MXT + PXT treatment, and 95% of patients had reproductive function. It should be noted that in patients with primary disease in the early stages of the disease, the outcome of the disease is good, that is, the woman's reproductive activity is preserved.
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