QUICK READING TECHNOLOGY IN ENGLISH LESSONS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sabirova N.K.

This article discusses the technology of productive reading in English lessons as a means of forming foreign language communicative competence

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УДК: 13.00.01

Sabirova N. K.

English teacher

Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers QUICK READING TECHNOLOGY IN ENGLISH LESSONS

Abstract: This article discusses the technology of productive reading in English lessons as a means of forming foreign language communicative competence Key words: English, reading, lesson, reading process, problem, relevance

Reading is a type of speech activity focused on solving communicative problems.

The productive reading technology was developed by Professor N. N. Svetlovskaya. This technology is applicable in English lessons at different stages of training.

The purpose of productive reading technology is to form the type of correct reader activity, the ability to independently understand the text. It should be noted that this technology is aimed at creating communicative universal educational actions that are priority in English lessons, the ability to interpret what has been read and formulate one's position, while correctly understanding the interlocutor (author), the ability to consciously read aloud and to himself texts. In addition, the technology of productive reading is aimed at the formation of cognitive universal educational actions, namely the ability to extract information from the text.

Reading is an important aspect also because it provides a process of communication between teacher and student, between student and student.

The reading process and its result - the extraction of information - are of great importance in the communicative and public activities of people. This form of written communication ensures the transfer of experience accumulated by mankind in various areas of life, develops intelligence, aggravates feelings, that is, educates, develops, educates. In a word, reading forms the qualities of the most developed and socially valuable person.

According to the program on foreign languages in the field of reading instruction, the teacher is tasked with teaching students to read texts, understand and comprehend their contents with different levels of penetration into the information contained in them. Mastering the reading technique in English at the initial stage is an independent problem. That is why we pay special attention to the formation of this skill in the process of learning to read. The study once again revealed problems that a teacher in primary school may encounter in the process of teaching them how to read.

The orientation of education has the main goal - the development of the student's personality on the basis of the development of various methods of action, the formation of his abilities to navigate in large volumes of information, to improve the skills of correct, effective reading.

The relevance of this technology is due to: • the need for a qualified reader;

• the need to broaden one's horizons;

• immersion in a foreign language culture through reading various texts;

• reading with selective understanding of the necessary or interesting information - the ability to view the text;

• selection of information that is necessary or of interest to students.

As a result of work on this topic, the following problems were identified:

• inability to work with text;

• inability to determine the topic, text content by title;

• highlight the main idea;

• select the main facts from the text, omitting secondary ones;

• establish a logical sequence of basic facts of the text.

• reading with full understanding of the content of simple authentic adapted texts of different genres;

• lack of understanding of the need to learn English;

• inability to use the acquired skills in practice.

Thus, you can:

1. to form the methods of understanding and analysis of the text;

2. develop an interest in reading;

3. develop oral and written speech;

4. To develop the creative abilities of children.

Learning to read involves solving the following tasks:

1) the formation of reading techniques and methods of understanding and analysis of the text - the right type of reading activity; simultaneous development of interest in the reading process itself, the need to read;

2) the introduction of children through literature into the world of human relations, moral and ethical values; education of a person with free and independent thinking; the formation of aesthetic taste ...

Subject results of mastering by a graduate of a primary school a foreign language program:

In the cognitive sphere:

• command of working with text: the ability to use a specific reading strategy depending on the communicative task (to read a text with different depths of understanding);

In the aesthetic sphere:

• desire to get acquainted with samples of artistic creativity in a foreign language and means of a foreign language.

Reading competency is a special form of personal education, reflecting the system of key competencies acquired by the child in the learning process, focused on his successful socialization in society.

Communicative competence, as one of the mandatory ones for formation, is determined by the presence of productive reading methods and a quality skill aimed at mastering the main reading methods and the quality of reading skill: correctness, fluency, awareness, expressiveness.

Stages of working with text


- Awakening and stimulating motivation to work with text;

- updating the personal experience of students by attracting knowledge from


educational areas of school items;

- prediction of the content of the text based on the knowledge of students, their life experience, on the heading and figures, etc.


-understanding basic information:

definition of its main idea, topic, problem, etc .;

- search for the main information;

- the establishment of logical and semantic relationships;

- search for additional, clarifying information


Using the content of the text to develop the ability of students to express their thoughts in oral and written language

Types of exercises

Pretext Stage

Read the title and say what will be discussed in this text.

Read the first sentences of the paragraphs and identify the questions that will be addressed in this text.

Read the last paragraph of the text and tell me what content may precede this conclusion.

Read the text to the indicated place and tell me how, in your opinion, the events ended. Read the text to the end to find out if you are right.

Text stage

Read the text, divide it into semantic parts, select the names for each of them.

Read the text and find in each part one sentence that conveys the main idea of this part.

Read the text and arrange the plan items according to the logic of the story.

Tell which of the following statements correspond to the content of the text.

Arrange the following sentences of the text in a logical sequence and number them in order.

Read the text, relate its content to the title.

Post Text Stage

Based on the content of the text read, complete the sentences using the proposed options.

Explain how you understand the statement in the text that .... Tell me if you share this view.

Express your attitude to what you read.

Comment on the part of the text that you found most interesting.

Formulate the goal, which, in your opinion, was set by the author of the text.

Express your attitude to what you read. Tell me if you agree with the assessment of the author of events, facts.

Tell me which of the listed facts you first learned from the text you read. In reading, a substantive plan is highlighted, that is, what the text is about, and a procedural plan, that is, how to read and voice the text. In the organization of reading education at the initial stage, it is necessary, in addition to reading skills, to develop articulation, which determines the quality of reading. Phonetic refinement of the text is combined with work in the aspect of reading awareness: understanding the meaning (translation) of unfamiliar words, explaining grammatical phenomena, translating complex syntactic text structures.

To master grapheme-phonemic correspondences on a conscious basis, at the initial stage of learning to read, you can perform the following exercises:

• the student is trying to read the word on his own;

• the teacher gives exemplary reading;

• the class reads in chorus after the teacher;

• the student reads aloud;

Further it is necessary to control the reading of weak students. Learning to read words can be carried out:

• based on a series of words with the same sound, read by the rules. Words that do not comply with this rule, but with the same sound, are also included in a number of these words, for example duck, run, jump, son, mother;

• using partial transcription with highlighting the corresponding letters that transmit the given sound, for example [u:]: too, school, fruit, ruler, blue, two, do;

• using complete transcription of words;

• by analogy, for example, children can read the words right, night, they need to read the new word light. (There are few words for the rule, but you need to establish an association). Or brought - thought, ring - bring, drink - think.

In all cases, it is desirable that children read first, so that students read consciously. In the case of reading by the teacher or the announcer of the words, the mastery of reading is based on imitation.

It happens that in the textbooks used for the initial stage of training there are not enough tasks to consolidate reading rules. In this case, in the lessons I use additional exercises that will help students not only repeat the learned rules of reading, but will also contribute to the development of thinking (analyze, compare, generalize).

In conclusion, it should be noted that appropriately selected texts and assignments to them contribute to the development of students' interest in reading in a foreign language, which in turn is an important factor in the successful mastery of this type of speech activity. Our deliberate use of texts selected in accordance with the cognitive interests of children in the English lesson and in extracurricular work on the subject allows us to judge the increased interest of students in the subject, improving the reading technique and a deeper understanding of foreign language texts.


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3. Levina O.D. Article on "Technology of productive reading in English lessons" 2016

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