BENEFITS OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
reading / magazine / newspaper / text / reading material / authentic text.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Galina Nikolayevna Krivosheyeva

Learning foreign languages contributes to the overall speech development of students. Reading is one of the main types of speech activity. It can act as both a goal and a means of learning. This article devoted to explore some useful techniques to utilize magazines and newspapers in high school education by giving instructions and recommendations for prospective educators.

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Galina Nikolayevna Krivosheyeva

Teacher, Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages Chichik State Pedagogical Institute

Learning foreign languages contributes to the overall speech development of students. Reading is one of the main types of speech activity. It can act as both a goal and a means of learning. This article devoted to explore some useful techniques to utilize magazines and newspapers in high school education by giving instructions and recommendations for prospective educators.

Keywords: reading, magazine, newspaper, text, reading material, authentic



With the help of reading, a person gets acquainted with the scientific and cultural achievements of mankind, gets acquainted with the art and life of other peoples. The process of reading has a huge impact on the formation of personality. With the help of reading, the active and passive vocabulary is enriched students have a vocabulary, grammatical skills are formed. One of the main problems of learning to read is the problem of selecting texts and clearly organizing work with them. Working with authentic texts contributes to the development of students' critical thinking and universal learning activities, and also represents relevant and interesting material for study, as they create the illusion of familiarization with the natural language environment. In addition, newspaper materials will help students to get acquainted with the culture, stereotypes of behavior, processes taking place in society in our time.


Let's turn to the consideration of the concept of "reading". Reading is an independent type of speech activity that provides a written form of communication [1, p. 153]. Much attention has always been paid to the problem of the formation of reading skills. The teacher is tasked with


teaching students to read texts, understand and comprehend their

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content with different levels of penetration into the information contained in them. The main task of reading is to consolidate the ability of students to extract useful information from the text being read, to instill in students a taste for independent reading of literature in a foreign language.The student needs the following types of reading: viewing to find the necessary information in the text; introductory to get an idea of the text; a student to sort out all the details.

The methodology of working on a foreign language text contains a number of techniques that can be used to develop various reading skills. So, for example, "multiple choice" can be used for all three types of reading. [3, p. 18] Students are offered five questions on the text with four possible answers. Type assignment "naming" is used to develop the ability of introductory reading. Students are offered three passages and four titles to them, i.e. one name is superfluous.

There is also a technique of "recovery" or "filling in the gaps" can only be used to develop the ability to read with a full understanding of the information. So, students receive a text in which every N—nth word is omitted (N - ranges from 5 up to 10). The task of students is to fill in the gaps with words that are appropriate in meaning. The "mosaic" technique involves the separation of the "information bank", i.e. after getting acquainted with a certain part of the information, students exchange it and restore the general content of the text. "Taking notes" or "making short notes" is a method of work aimed at developing the ability to write down briefly in the form of notes the content of the text read in order to fix the necessary information for further use. "

Text translation" - this technique develops the expression of the idea of the read text in another language. Such a method of working on the text as "logical rearrangement" or "sequence restoration" suggests the redistribution of the material in a logical sequence or according to a plan. The result of this work is a recreated coherent text. Meaningful and semantic choice of answers or judgments can be carried out with the help of tasks called "true / false statements". The "supplement" technique is based on a passage of text or a number of unfinished sentences that need to be completed using the information, received from the read text. This technique is characteristic for the development of the ability to read a text with a full understanding of the information.

Thus, we have reviewed the methods and techniques of working on a foreign language text, the choice of which should be guided by the purpose of the lesson, the type of text selected for reading, as well as the stage of working with it.

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So how are authentic texts used when teaching reading? Translated from English as "authentic" means "natural". Currently, there are several approaches to determining the essence of authentic texts. Those materials that are used in the real life of those countries where this foreign language is spoken are considered authentic. These include texts extracted from newspapers and magazines, various kinds of announcements (announcements, posters, advertisements, signs, schedules, menus, etc.), letters, correspondence, radio and television news programs, air and railway tickets, artistic texts. By their nature, they are usually divided into pragmatic (signs, announcements, menus, transport schedules, etc.), journalistic (newspaper and magazine articles), artistic and popular science.

As for newspapers and magazines, being a mass media, they are very important for students in general, and in English lessons in particular, as they provide up-to-date information, informing about everything that is happening in the world and around us, thus, they deepen and broaden the horizons of students. Another feature of newspapers is that they include texts of various types and language styles, which are not so easy to find in generally accepted sources and textbooks of the English language. In newspapers and magazines we can find poems, comics and articles about new movies, new youth movements, sports clubs, music, art, environmental issues. A huge variety of newspaper articles means a large selection of sources of information from which students can choose the most interesting for themselves, which creates a favorable environment for working with this material. Many newspapers and magazines have articles dealing with the problems of youth. As practice shows, the discussion of such texts is interesting for students of grades 8-11. The size of a newspaper article can vary from a short paragraph to an entire page. Looking through any issue, you can select the most suitable publications for the lesson, taking into account the size of the article, the complexity of the language, the amount of new information, the main content, and, of course, the level of knowledge of students. There are two levels of working with text - pre-text and post-text. [1, p. 153-162]

At the first stage, without reading the text, you can ask students to predict the content of the article by its title or illustration, asking students questions: who do you think the person is in the picture? what will happen next? where do you think it is happening? why is the person angry/sad/happy? who is the person mentioned in the heading? what part of paper do you think the

headline appears in? sport? news?

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While reading a newspaper article in English students can discover synonyms and synonymous expressions, such as prices go through the roof and prices increase dramatically. This will help not only to get acquainted with new words, but also to learn their meaning in context. After reading the text, you can write out the key sentences of the article, this exercise develops reading in order to understand the main idea.

You can give students a good reading exercise that involves their reaction to what they read - continue with the following phrases:

The article surprised me because...

I disagree with the writer because.

I agree with the view that.

I'm not sure about. I'd like to know more about.

It's difficult to agree or disagree because.

In my opinion. [4]

All these above exercises are widely used by teachers to teach English with the help of a newspaper article. O.F. Kirsanova presents her teaching methodology [2, pp. 89-92]. She divides work with a newspaper article into 3 stages:

Stage 1 - work with a newspaper article before reading it. Students are invited to view the entire issue of the newspaper and tell which headings it contains and which of them attracted attention, explain why. For discussion the completed work can be used reference schemes.

Stage 2 - introductory reading. At this stage consideration of a newspaper article, you can exercise: determine illustration of what is covered in the article; read the title and subtitle and say what will be discussed here; to read the first paragraph and tell you what information is transferred the whole article; to read the last paragraph and say what kind of content can to precede him; to read the first sentences of paragraphs, and to name the issues that will be addressed in the text; find international words on them determine the subject of the text.

Stage 3 - work with the text of the article. In other words, search reading. To carry out this type of reading , tasks such as: find the answer to the question: when did the event occur? Where did it happen? In which country? Who are its main participants? Which paragraph contains the main idea of the text? In addition to working on reading and speaking skills, you can replenish your vocabulary. To do this, it is necessary to invite students to compose dictionary entries based on the information they have read. It is possible to

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acquire new grammatical skills, examples of which are found in the articles.


Currently, the teacher has ample opportunities to use authentic materials from magazines and newspapers in his work. The selected text must meet certain requirements. It should be informative and interesting so that students can satisfy your cognitive needs, enrich your worldview, your ideas about the culture and history of the country of the language being studied and enjoy reading and discussing the text. A well-chosen text maximally stimulates the language activity of students and their communicative readiness.

Also, the text should correspond to the age characteristics of the students. It is important to choose such a system of exercises that will help not only to test new knowledge, but also to better assimilate them.

In this article, the teaching of reading newspapers and magazines in a foreign language in secondary school was considered and sets of exercises for the formation of reading skills of newspapers and magazines for 9th grade students were proposed.


1. Galskova, N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages: A teacher's manual/N.D. Galskova. - M.: ARKTI, 2003. - pp. 153-162

2. Kirsanova, O.F. The use of authentic materials in English lessons as a means of forming foreign-language cultural competence/O.F. Kirsanova // Bulletin of the Moscow University. - 2001. - No. 2. - pp. 89-92.

3. Nosonovich, E.V. Parameters of an authentic educational text // Foreign languages at school. - 1999. - No. 1. - p. 18.

4. How to learn English from newspapers and magazines? [electronic resource]. -Access mode: http://nikitindima . name/2009/06/23/ how-to-learn-english-from-newspapers-and-magazines/

5. Crystal, D. and D. Davy (1975). Advanced conversational English. Longman: Harlow, Essex.

6. Crystal, D. (2003). The Cambridge encyclopedia of the English language (2nd Edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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