QUESTIONS OF SUPPORTING INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES IN TAJIKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kamaev David Arnoldovich, Samadov Rustam Isakovich

The article discusses some topical issues of modern methods of supporting innovative processes in the national economy. The author proposes some directions of state support for the innovation process in the Republic of Tajikistan.

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DOI: 10.47581/2020/10.23.PS85/IE/7/49.009 Kamaev David Arnoldovich

PhD in Economics, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Russian Federation, Moscow Samadov Rustam Isakovich,

PhD in economics, Tajik state University of law, business and politics, Republic

of Tajikistan, Khujand

Abstract. The article discusses some topical issues of modern methods of supporting innovative processes in the national economy. The author proposes some directions of state support for the innovation process in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Key words: innovation, innovation process, state programs, small innovative enterprises.

There is no doubt that scientific and technological progress contributes to the active creation and implementation of innovations, increases the competitiveness of individual organizational and legal structures and the national economy as a whole, and also positively affects the growth rate of the national economy. However, the achievement of high rates of innovative development can be ensured only with the direct participation of the state, whose task is not only to create the necessary economic, financial, credit and organizational and legal conditions for the development of innovative activities, but also to develop and implement an innovative strategy aimed at consolidating the efforts of the state. , science and business for the most effective use of the innovative potential of business entities [7,9,11,14,19,20].

At present, the problem of forming a national innovation environment is a strategic priority for the development of the Republic of Tajikistan [10,17].

Our analysis has shown that the following basic forms of stimulating the innovation activity of small businesses have taken shape in world practice:

- Provision of credit resources, including without payment of interest (Sweden); non-repayable loans to cover 50% of the cost of innovation (Germany);

- Direct financing, which reaches 50% of expenses for the creation of new products and technologies (France, USA and others);

- Reduction of state duties for individual inventors and the provision of fiscal benefits to them (Austria, Germany, USA, Japan, etc.), as well as the creation of a special infrastructure for their support and economic (insurance);

- State programs of financial and technical support for innovative MPEs carrying out R&D on the subject of government organizations (USA, Japan, Great Britain, India, China, etc.);

- Targeted donations for scientific and research developments (practically in all developed countries);

- Creation of a wide network of venture capital funds used for the implementation of innovative projects by the forces of private sector partners (in all developed and developing countries);

- Organization of the foundations for the introduction of innovations taking into account possible commercial risk (England, Germany, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands);

- Regulatory and legal support for the protection of intellectual property and copyright rights (in all developed countries);

- Deferral of payment of duties or exemption from them, if the invention relates to the economy of energy (Austria);

- Free services of patent attorneys at the request of individual inventors, exemption from payment of fees (Netherlands, Germany, Japan, India);

- Facilitation of taxation for enterprises operating in the innovation sphere, incl. exclusion of R&D costs from taxation, preferential taxation of universities and research institutes (USA, Great Britain, India, China, Japan);

- State programs to reduce risks and reimburse risk losses (USA, Japan);

- Establishment of a network of science parks, business incubators and technology development zones (in all developed and developing countries);

- Formation of powerful state organizations (corporations, agencies) providing all-round scientific and technical, financial and industrial support of innovative small enterprises (USA, China and others)

- Information and search specialized sites on advanced technologies and innovative developments, allowing interested companies to quickly find the necessary technical solutions and options [1,4,5,8,12,13,15].

According to the Research and Development Expenditure by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2017), Israel spends 4.3% of GDP per year, South Korea 4,2%, Japan, respectively 3.3%, USA - 2.8%, China - 2.1% . At the same time, the Republic of Tajikistan spends for these purposes about 0.1% of GDP. The rather low level of financing of innovative activities in our country threatens to be left in the scientific and technical sphere and, as a consequence, in the social and economic development. This situation is primarily caused by the lack of state scientific and technical policy, confirmed by practical actions at all levels of legislative and executive power. In addition, a competitive market for free capital, interested in venture capital investment in small innovative enterprises, did not exist in Tajikistan until the present time [2,3,16,18]. Based on the foregoing, among the most important problems that require the primary development of mechanisms for state regulation of innovation activities in Tajikistan, we can name the following:

□ Development of a substantiated state scientific and technical policy for the prospective period until 2030, determination of strategic priorities for innovative development and their resource support.

□ A significant increase in government spending on R&D and bringing this indicator to 1 percent of GDP by 2021.

□ Creation of special institutions for financing innovative activities.

□ Significant simplification of procedures and requirements for obtaining a bank loan to stimulate the country's innovative development.

□ Improving the system of microfinance for innovative development.

□ Encouraging private sector participation in setting and financing S&T development priorities.

□ Creation of a constantly updated unified database of innovative projects and potential investors.

□ Active introduction of a mechanism for organizing R&D through a state order according to the program-target principle using project management mechanisms.

□ Ensuring complete digitalization of the state cadastre management by 2021 and simplification of the property registration procedure.

Risk capital activity can only grow when long-term funding sources such as pension funds and insurance companies become available. For the development of venture financing in Tajikistan, in our opinion, it is necessary to develop and implement a number of the following state initiatives.

□ Creation of a legal basis for the activity of venture funds, as well as for venture investment by pension funds, insurance companies and other credit and financial institutions;

□ Development of the information environment, allowing small innovative enterprises and investors to find each other, as well as to stimulate cooperation relations between small and large enterprises;

□ Development of effective mechanisms of financial and fiscal stimulation of innovation activity;

□ Development of measures for financial stimulation of the activity of venture investors (tax benefits, state guarantees and investment insurance) investing in innovative and high-tech small enterprises;

□ Promotion of professionalism in the field of venture activities by training specialists in the respective business schools and universities.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the creation of an effective national infrastructure to support innovation activity is one of the most important conditions for further scientific, technical and economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan, and will also create a truly favorable environment for the development of a digital economy in a digital economy.

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Российский университет дружбы народов, г.Москва, Россия, Самадов Рустам Исакович, к.э.н.к,

Таджикский государственный университет права, бизнеса и политики, Республика Таджикистан, г. Худжанд

В статье рассмотрены некоторые актуальные вопросы современной методики поддержки инновационных процессов в национальной экономике. Автором предложены некоторые направления государственной поддержки инновационного процесса в Республике Таджикистан.

Ключевые слова: инновация, инновационный процесс, государственные программы, малые инновационные предприятия.


DOI: 10.47581/2020/10.23.PS85/IE/7/49.010 Клишина Юлия Евгеньевна, к.э.н., доцент

(e-mail: yuliya_klishina@mail.ru) Углицких Ольга Николаевна, к.э.н., доцент

(e-mail: kolga_u@mail.ru) Тосунова Александра Яковлевна, студентка (e-mail: tosunova.alex@yandex.ru) Ставропольский государственный аграрный университет,

г.Ставрополь, Россия

Современный маркетинг в постоянно развивающейся рыночной динамической среде характерно набирает обороты в своем внутреннем развитии, в том числе - в продвижении страховых продуктов, для которых, помимо динамики, нужны и некоторые стабилизирующие процессы, позволившие сохранить ценные черты самой системы страхования для всех существующих потребительских сегментов страховых услуг.

Ключевые слова: страхование, маркетинг, маркетинговые коммуникации.

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