QUESTION OF TRANSPORT NOMINATION SUGGESTIVITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Isakova A.A.

The article is devoted to transport brands and transport trademarks. The purpose of our research is to try to objectively assess the transport brand field and the effectiveness of transport advertising slogan. The experimental study has shown that different transport nominations are perceived and remembered in different ways. The language of visual images plays an especially important role in advertising. The visual language is perceived faster and easier because it is more accurate than verbal language which consists of complex letter lines. The transport logo, symbols and advertising slogans play a certain role. Our findings have shown that the semantic perception of a foreign-language transport brand is a problem of common understanding and orientation in accordance with the purpose or main motive of the received message. The transport slogan study is very relevant because a slogan as a mean of transport brand "transferring". Relevance is determined by the presence of a huge number of transport nominations in Russian and foreign languages. A well-crafted slogan remains in the person memory and helps especially foreign-language transport trademarks to adapt in speech. The article analyzes effective ways of suggestive slogan creation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18454/RULB.2021.28.4.6


Научная статья

Исакова А.А. *

Тюменский индустриальный университет, Тюмень, Россия

* Корреспондирующий автор (isakovaaa[at]yandex.ru)


Статья посвящена транспортным товарным маркам и брендам. Цель нашего исследования - попытаться объективно оценить поле транспортных брендов и его эффективность в рекламном слогане. Экспериментальное исследование восприятия названий транспортных средств показало, что разная номинация воспринимается и запоминается по-разному. Большое значение в рекламе имеет язык визуальных образов. Он воспринимается быстрее и легче, т.к. более точен по сравнению с вербальным языком, который состоит из ряда сложных линий в виде букв.

Определенную роль играют логотип, символика и рекламный слоган транспортной торговой марки. Полученные нами данные показали, что семантическое восприятие иноязычного транспортного бренда представляет собой проблему общего понимания и ориентации в соответствии с целью или основным мотивом получаемого сообщения. Мы считаем, что изучение слогана как средства «перевода» транспортной торговой марки является в настоящее время очень актуальным. Актуальность определена наличием огромного числа транспортных номинаций как российского, так и иностранного происхождения, исследование эволюции и функционирования данной группы лексики представляет интерес для изучения становления и развития лексико-семантической системы языка. Анализ определенных микро и макросхем лексики остается актуальной в языкознании и сегодня, поскольку сложные процессы формирования семантической группы и различных полей еще недостаточно освещены.

В статье проанализирован ряд эффективных способов для создания суггестивных слоганов транспортных номинаций.

Ключевые слова: транспортные бренды, транспортные номинации, специфика семантики, адаптация, заимствования, лингвокульторологический аспект.


Research article

Isakova A.A. *

Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia

* Corresponding author (isakovaaa[at]yandex.ru)


The article is devoted to transport brands and transport trademarks. The purpose of our research is to try to objectively assess the transport brand field and the effectiveness of transport advertising slogan. The experimental study has shown that different transport nominations are perceived and remembered in different ways.

The language of visual images plays an especially important role in advertising. The visual language is perceived faster and easier because it is more accurate than verbal language which consists of complex letter lines. The transport logo, symbols and advertising slogans play a certain role. Our findings have shown that the semantic perception of a foreign-language transport brand is a problem of common understanding and orientation in accordance with the purpose or main motive of the received message. The transport slogan study is very relevant because a slogan as a mean of transport brand "transferring". Relevance is determined by the presence of a huge number of transport nominations in Russian and foreign languages. A well-crafted slogan remains in the person memory and helps especially foreign-language transport trademarks to adapt in speech.

The article analyzes effective ways of suggestive slogan creation.

Keywords: transport brands, transport nominations, specifics of semantics, adaptation, advertising slogans of vehicles and services, borrowing, linguoculturological aspect.


The most important and characteristic features of any language vocabulary composition are mobility, variability, using of various means and resources, and desire for improvement and development.

Great importance is attached to the problems of creating trademarks by foreign researchers. They say that an unsuccessful name can lead to market failure, and successful name can bring millions [1]. The trademark is the core of any advertising text, it is designed » to conquer, » to seduce, to charm» [2].

Multiple brand repetition promotes its memorization [3]. The brand becomes a signal of verbal and non-verbal original units in the mind of the addressee. The original, sonorous, and memorable tradename becomes an integral part of effective sale advertising in the context of fierce competition. The scientific naming approach requires knowledge, understanding of the customer consciousness [4].

The principle of consciousness understanding was developed in the works of A. Leontiev. He writes that the characteristic of activity is its objectivity. Activity is controlled by the image of the mental subject reflection. The image is subjectively determined. It depends on needs, motives, attitudes, emotions: the image formation and development is carried out through the most important mental processes. Feeling, perception, memory, imagination and thinking realize consciousness of the world meaningful reflection of [5]. G. Hegel says that consciousness is knowledge of the external and internal object content, and the

direct existence of the mind [6. P. 7]. E. Tarasov notes the social nature of the consciousness formation with language signs. [7, P. 9].

The key concept of any categorical paradigm is a research object of real / unreal reality and cognitive activity. The object of onomastic research is both original and borrowed lexical units. All nominations are firmly included in the daily life of our society.

The theory of nomination is one of the emerging and developing theories in modern linguistics. Four types of nominations are distinguished:

1. Normal or natural nominations. These nominations are formed naturally and correspond to the norms.

2. Nominations of standardization. These are nominations based on metaphor, metonymy, etc.

3. Nominations of target nominations. These are artificial nominations.

4. "Pathological" nomination. They represent the norm deviation and the influence of extralinguistic factors.

The name has long been studied at the level of paradigmatic relations. The term "nomination" is high frequently used in modern linguistic literature, and its content remains ambiguous. The nomination means both the creating, fixing, distributing process of the name in different fragments of reality, and the significant language unit formed during the naming process.

The cognitive linguistics relies on the theory of nomination, according to which the naming process establishes the connection of language elements with the facts of real reality. These concepts are associated with a specific category, combining names into certain classes and categories. Thus, you can create an unlimited number of nominative units.

Nominative units of the language are diverse both in the semantic content and in the structure.

Analysis of the onomastic space allows us to single out a subgroup of transport names. It should be noted that this peripheral category of onymic vocabulary is not previously represented in the research field of onomasts. The corpus limitation of factual transport material is due to economic factors and the growth of globalization processes. Transport nominations have adopted in the life of modern society.

The relevance of the following research is defended the increased interest in transport nomination processes and their modeling abilities.


The methodological basis of the work is fundamental philosophical concept research of the relationship between language and culture, works about onomastics and cognitive linguistics, communicative aspects of human interaction in transport environment. Research methods are 1) a descriptive method, 2) a comparative analysis, 3) a method of cultural background interpretation; 4) an associative analysis method.


Nomenclature names are a pronounced "borderline" group of nominative vocabulary. Names combine the qualities of both proper names and appellatives. The nominative vocabulary is influenced by extralinguistic factors, especially purposeful human activity, and it accordingly provides the most obvious results of this activity. The replenishment of new transport proper names and new classes of onyms takes place in modern society. In addition, a number of nomenclature designations is a result of artificial nominations. The road & transport nomenclature can be considered a kind of some author's system with specific individual features.

All road-transport nominations can be roughly divided into two groups. The first group of name creation is most suitable for individualization of a given object in a series of homogeneous ones requiring a minimum of nominative efforts (KAMAZ, BMW, etc.). The second group is an unconventional, original form of naming requiring both conscious nominative efforts on the part of the subject (Volkswagen, Audi, etc.).

As a rule, the transport nomination adheres the following advisory principles proposed by onomastics:

— the nomination must perform an advertising function and appeal to the consciousness of the person according to attracting attention and arousing interest in transport brands or services (Auris, KAMAZ NEO, DreamGaz, Sold, Ditch Witch),

— nomination should be easily remembered and reproduced in speech (Kalina, Priora, Lexus, Autograd).

Modern transport modifications often contain many new foreign-language words. The replenishment of Russian vocabulary is intensive by including of new foreign transport brands in the condition of constantly developing international contacts in the transport and road business. The analysis of this lexical category is interesting in the linguoculturological aspect The semantic structure of linguoculturems turns out to be more complex than the actual linguistic units [8]. A cultural and conceptual component is added to the usual components (sign-meaning). Linguoculturems have a number of features:

— they express the name of the field,

— they have a certain structure,

— they are combined and differentiated by the nature of the sources.

During the language complex study, the field method has certainly got great importance in the extralinguistic aspect of functioning and description. Responding to the systemology urgent problems, the "field" concept has been applied to synchronize linguistic interpretation of " the world pictures " in the designation theory. It is a kind of reaction to the atomic consideration of the substantive language units' side in various languages.

The "field" concept has been supported in the general language system concept. In principle, such field should represent a complex multidimensional structure, because its reflected elements have not only a linguistic, but also a kind of extra-linguistic dimension.

All elements (illustration, headings, text, logo, layout of elements, common image) closely interact in the creation and market adaptation of the transport brand.

The transport names influence potential buyers, and the overall effect is determined by a predefined associative field within the framework of this single combination and internal connection: "Toyota - Drive Your Dreams (Manage the Dream)," Renault - Passion for life (Energy of life) "

Semantic field theory largely predicts the structure of the associative field. A feature of the associative field, its elements, its nature of the main semiotic properties is a more complex nature, multidimensional phenomenon compared to the usual semantic field.

Therefore, two aspects of its units can be distinguished in the linguoculturological transport brand field, such as linguistic and reference ones. This fact is especially important, since one of the most important tasks is to ensure memorization. The perception and processing of any information are influenced by many factors. The main ones are cognitive, emotional, behavioral [9].

The cognitive component is associated with the perception of a person's transport brand nomination. So, the cognitive component study involves the analysis of an information processing processes, namely: feeling, perception, memory, representation.

The experimental study of the vehicle names perception has showed that different nominations are perceived and remembered differently [10]. The language of visual images has got great importance in advertising. It is perceived faster and easier because it is more accurate compared to verbal language. Verbal language consists of complex letter forms. A certain role is played by the logo, symbols and advertising slogan of the brand. We have interviewed 128 respondents. The audience was invited to write the first word that comes to mind when thinking about transport brands. Analysis of the research results has showed that the process and mechanism of perception is almost the same and occurs automatically in all respondents. In this regard, we define some principles of a positive perception of the transport brands and the accompanying memorized advertising slogan, such as:

a) a principle of integrity,

b) a principle of inform completeness,

c) a principle of brevity,

d) a principle of clarity and clarity.

However, the results have showed that the third part of transport trademarks is only remembered by people. At the same time, a brand is better remembered with a slogan.

The advertising slogan remains in memory and gives an idea of the trademark and the brand. Moreover, nobody pays attention to the translation of the foreign transport name in the slogan, the word is not translated, but it is rather associated with a particular model.

For example:

Oldsmobile. The entire audience knows the translation of this word ("Oldsmobile" means an old car), but no respondent notes this information. Everybody recognizes a famous brand because they know advertising slogan "Innovations on the Edge of the Fall. Oldsmobile." or "This is not your father's Oldsmobile! Start something!"

In this regard, we believe that a transport slogan is a means of transport brand "transferring". So, the slogan research is currently very relevant. The well-created slogan remains in the people memory, and it helps transport trademarks to adapt in speech, especially foreign-language trademarks. First of all, it is necessary to highlight several functions of transport slogans, such as:

— ensuring of the recognition effect,

— brand adaptation function,

— suggestive function.

We are certainly interested in the last function of transport slogan. The first two functions are already enclosed in the content of the slogan itself, the suggestive function is "created." We can say that there are only slogans in transport advertising massage and suggestive slogans. The advantage of suggestive slogans is obvious.

A transport slogan is a cliched advertising expression about transport brands or highway transportation service. It consists of a short, graphically highlighted line of text. For example,

Harley Davidson - American by Birth. Rebel by Choice.

Porsche - There is no substitute.

Aston Martin - Power, beauty, and soul.

Concargo Gigantic Loads and Heavy Haulage South Africa offers specialized services in road haulage and rigging!

Thus, the main markers of transport naming are informativity and suggestiveness. The information has an important role because it forms the core of road-transport communication and a form of reality interpretation. The transport product/service information is captured and used for certain purposes, for example, buying a car. Information (awareness) is the main function to inform people about various properties and qualities of a traffic brand/service. Of course, another main function is suggestiveness. It is necessary to talk about a suggestive reaction on transport nominations. This term is real in the "suggestive paradigm". It defines the reaction to the suggestive effect. The reaction can be verbal, non-verbal, as well as verbal-non-verbal or non-verbal (manifestation in speech, gestures, facial expressions, actions). The sensational formulation of the compressive reaction is to perceive the influential/compressive intensity/on the measured or unintended compressive effect and react in a certain way.

Transport nominations are changed by including of both individual names and entire lexical strata serving from era to era and from people to people. They denote various categories of mechanisms/ services and represent an open lexical system. Regardless of the origin, the name has extensive associative connections which contribute to the fixation and constant functioning of the name in the borrowing language. These extensive associative connections allow to investigate transport naming in an ethnopsycholinguistic way. Our data also confirm the possibility of analyzing transport brands in such aspect

which gives us to track the process of the borrowed name adapting in the receiving language in dynamics. For example: Komatsu technique — kamasutra, Daewoo machine - deva.


We believe that the term "transport nomination" can be called the entire road transport infrastructure: brands of cars, names of special equipment, aircraft, trains, etc., names of transport companies and road transport services including the names of logistics companies. The close connection of the transport name and the concept seems to predefine the features of the functional order: derivational capabilities, special areas of use, the tendency of expressiveness, etc.

The main function of transport product/service information is suggestiveness, so the transport naming connects with the advertising massage.

Transport nominative units are interesting in the following reasons. On the one hand, the transport objects are quite homogeneous themselves in the same type and differ little from each other according to appearance, mode of use, result of action, etc. On the other hand, various extralinguistic factors (production, economic, legal, etc.) make it necessary to include them in one class of proper names.

We believe that there is a distinctive component in nominations of transport brands. So, it is better to consider the names of trademarks due to psycholinguistics and especially to the laws of the brand influence on the individual and mass people consciousness. The research factual material gives possibility to note that there are many borrowed words in modern road and transport advertising, such as Anglicisms and Americanisms and borrowed words of other languages. Mainly, these are Italian, Spanish and German., but Russian borrowings words are still used very seldom.

Based on the analysis, the main methods of introducing lexical and semantic transport names were identified into the advertising slogan. The inclusion of road and transport nominations is based on the principles of "notification," "suspension" and "modalization" in the text.

The analysis results have showed that various rhetorical techniques are often used in the transport advertising text: a) personification; b) metaphor; c) word play.

It possible to establish a direct connection between the pragmatic aspect of the text and the choice of lexical and semantic transport nominations, stylistic techniques and visual aids.


The project is being implemented by the winner of the Master's program faculty grant competition 2020/2021 of the Vladimir Potanin fellowship program.

Конфликт интересов Conflict of Interest

Не указан. None declared.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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