Научная статья на тему 'Communication strategies of the Tyumen region space'

Communication strategies of the Tyumen region space Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Isakova A.A.

The article considers the regional advertising as a form of mass communication. Now advertizing is one of bright indicators of loan and adaptation of foreign language in Russian. The relevance of this research is defined by the most everyday life as to adapt to the conditions of everyday reality, it is forced to be guided more independently among a city stream of mass media.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Communication strategies of the Tyumen region space»

3. Bol'shoj frazeologicheskij slovar' russkogo jazyka / 4-e izd. Telija V.N., otv. red. - M.: AST-Press, 2014. - 784 s.

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5. Dudincev V.D. Belye odezhdy / Roman-gazeta. - 1988. - V. 7, 8. - 240 s.

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7. Kovshova M.L. Ob alljuzivnyh reakcijah v jeksperimental'nom issledovanii frazeologizmov / Psiholingvistika v XXI veke: rezul'taty, problemy, perspektivy. Tezisy XVI Simpoziuma po psiholingvistike i teorii kommunikacii / Otv. red. E.F. Tarasov. - M.: Jejdos, 2009. - S. 220-221.

8. Kunin A.V. Anglo-russkij frazeologicheskij slovar'. - 4-e izd. - M.: Rus. jazyk, 1984. - 944 s.

9. Kunin A.V. Frazeologija sovremennogo anglijskogo jazyka. Opyt sistematizirovannogo opisanija. - M.: «Mezhdunarodnye otnoshenija», 1972. - 291 s.

10. Kunin A.V. Kurs frazeologii sovremennogo anglijskogo jazyka. - M.: Prosveshhenie, 1986. - 212 s.

11. Problemy frazeologicheskoj semantiki / Pod red. G.A. Lilich. - SPb.: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo un-ta, 1996. - 172 s.

12. Rajhshtejn A.D. Lingvostranovedcheskij aspekt ustojchivyh slovesnyh kompleksov // Slovari i lingvostranovedenie. Sbornik statej Vereshhagin E.M. - M.: Izdatel'stvo «Knizhnyj mir» , 1982. - 184 s.

13. Stepanov Ju.S. Konstanty: Slovar' russkoj kul'tury. Opyt issledovanija. - M.: Shkola «Jazyki russkoj kul'tury», 1997. -824 s.

14. Sternin I.A. Leksicheskoe znachenie slova v rechi. - Voronezh: Izdatel'stvo Voronezhskogo universiteta, 1985. - 172 s.

15. Telija V.N. Osnovnye osobennosti znachenija idiom kak edinic frazeologicheskogo sostava jazyka // T.S. Aristova, M.L. Kovshova i dr. Slovar' obraznyh vyrazhenij russkogo jazyka / Pod red. V.N. Telija. - M.: Otechestvo, 1995. - 368 s.

16. Telija V.N. Semantika idiom v funkcional'no-parametricheskom otobrazhenii // Frazeografija v mashinnom fonde russkogo jazyka. - M.: Nauka, 1990. - 418 s.

17. Chalkova E.G. Lichnostno-orientirovannoe obshhenie na anglijskom jazyke. Semanticheskie polja povedenija, jemocional'nogo sostojanija. - M.: Magistr, 1996. - 118 s.

18. Chehov A.P. Rozovyj chulok // Sobranie sochinenij v 12 tomah. - M.: Pravda, 1985. - T.V. - 431 s.

19. Shanskij N.M. Frazeologija sovremennogo russkogo jazyka. - M.: Vysshaja shkola, 1969. - 232 s.

20. Cambridge Idioms Dictionary. Second edition. - CUP, 2006. - 520 p.

21. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. A.P. Cowie, R. Mackin, I.R. McCaig. - OUP, 1986. - 752 p.

DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2016.47.274 Исакова А.А.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3312-3034, Кандидат филологических наук, доцент, Тюменский государственный нефтегазовый университет КОММУНИКАТИВНЫЕ СТРАТЕГИИ РЕКЛАМНОГО ПРОСТРАНСТВА ТЮМЕНСКОГО РЕГИОНА


В статье рассматривается региональная реклама как одна из форм массовой коммуникации. В настоящее время именно реклама является одним из ярких показателей заимствования и адаптации иностранной лексики в русском языке. Актуальность данного исследования определяется самой повседневной жизнью, поскольку, чтобы адаптироваться в условиях повседневной действительности человек вынужден в большей степени самостоятельно ориентироваться среди городского потока средств массовой информации.

Ключевые слова: товарные марки, словесные товарные знаки, прагмоним, поликультурная основа, язык рекламы Тюменской области, национальный колорит, пассионарность, лингвокультурологический подход

Isakova A.A.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3312-3034, PhD in Philology, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES OF THE TYUMEN REGION SPACE


The article considers the regional advertising as a form of mass communication. Now advertizing is one of bright indicators of loan and adaptation of foreign language in Russian. The relevance of this research is defined by the most everyday life as to adapt to the conditions of everyday reality, it is forced to be guided more independently among a city stream of mass media.

Keywords: trademarks, word trademarks, pragmatonim, multicultural basis, the language of advertising of the Tyumen region, the national character, passion, lingua cultural approach.

Comprehensive research of the communicative space of the Tyumen region is becoming increasingly important and actual nowadays. The process of spontaneous, unregulated influx of foreign words in Russian language is closely associated with activation of business, scientific, trade and cultural relations.

Indeed the penetration of foreign languages is irreversible in Russian. Since the early twentieth century many scientists have tried to deal with this process but how it has been? Let's take the most banal example described in linguistic textbooks: just a few words: "pozor, mostilische, mokrostupy". Nobody understands what does it mean, but these are native Russian words. It means "theater, sidewalk, galoshes", but these are early borrowed foreign words. Thus the using of the foreign borrowing is dictated by time and ethno-linguistic regularities. But... Is such penetration always justified? It's an important question. But why do we so easily change a Russian word for a foreign one, especially in advertising.

Lexical borrowing is a result of the interaction of languages [1:66]. It is one of the general linguistic problems, and its learning has great importance for characterizing the ways of the development of modern literary language. Research of the lexical borrowings is based on the theory of language contact and the interaction terms of the different languages vocabulary.

There are two approaches to decide the issue of borrowing. Traditionally borrowing means a complex, multifaceted process which is one of the ways to increase the native vocabulary and to develop the creative activity of the borrowing language and foreign language material. It's not just a vocabulary of the replenishment quantity but also the qualitative changes. This process is caused by the influx of foreign-language lexical items and active exploration of alien words and suggests an enrichment of the language associated with the conversion of foreign words in Russian [2: 34].

Our days it's one of the advertising brightest indicators of borrowing and adapting of the foreign vocabulary in Russian. There are a lot of foreign words especially used in Tyumen catering. Everyone knows Ukrainian restaurant "Chinook", Kazakh cafe "Asia", Georgian cafe "Alaverdi", Uzbek cafe "Tamerlane", Armenian cafe "Urartu", English cuisine restaurant "English gardens" and others. Some cafes have names in English with a varied range of dishes for example: Italian Pizza, American hotdogs, Russian salads, and they also have an English version «Free days», «Fast-Food», and Russian «fridayz». «fast food» etc. Moreover all these names are not caused linguistic shock by people and they're adapted in freely everyday Tyumenian conversation.

Since ancient times the proper names have been the most important elements of language consciousness and they are required detailed study by all scientists. The proper names are studied by the special science - onomastics, many other sciences try to disclose their natural secrets. The emergence of new facts, new knowledge gives new directions in this study [3:78]. Competent possession of onomastic knowledge contributes to successful mastering of the language, adequate participation in intercultural communication, ownership of technology transfer, disclosure of the content of the work, understanding of the meaning of the text and many others. The rapid growth of consumer goods leads to the growth of regional pragmonimics, where now you can allocate different pragmonimic spheres of consumption, such as: engineering (transport, medical, household, etc.), grocery goods, light industry, etc. Each of these subspaces may also have further gradation. Indeed the proper names can be included in a huge vocabulary, which is practically impossible to compose all these words in dictionaries. Thus, the huge body of proper names cannot be an object of one research.

Primarily these proper names can be attributed to pragmonims because they define the name of the goods with their own peculiarities of pragmatic orientation.

The present research of trade marks and names of companies, firms, enterprises increased in connection with the fact that they allow to solve such important problems of onomastics, such as the specifics of the functioning of proper names in texts, the dynamics of the relations between onomastic centre and the periphery etc. Thus, pragmonimic space is polycultural, polyvaluable and structured on nuclear peripheral principle, where pragmonims occupy leading positions [4:75]. Therefore, we can speak about the location of the nuclear pragmonimic center in onomastic field.

In other words, we can speak about some pragmonimic unity which includes pragmonim with the surrounding context (Toyota - manage dream; Lada Kalina - it seems, our city fell in love; Reno - art design of cars; air-conditioners Hitachi -nothing superfluous, but the air; computers Apple - think otherwise, never apples were not as tasty; Swiss watches Patek Philippe is set to start his own tradition; household appliances Tefal - you always think of us), because of the advertising context is spanned in the memory of speaking/listening people. Now the research of pragmonimics is very actual in connection with the fact that they allow to solve the most important problems of onomastics, such as the specifics of proper names, onomastic center and periphery, the transition of proper names, etc.

However, when we try to understand pragmonims it is necessary to know foreign languages to understand the meaning of the name and the history of creation of this or that brand. Co-existence of functionally powerful languages in a single communicative space led to the interaction onomastic units of different zones of Russian and other onomastic space, which leads to the appearance adapted names which borrow from one national system (English, German, Japanese, French etc.) in another. Nevertheless the process of deployment of the so-called onomastic myth concluded in associative pragmonimic chain, and the associative pragmonimic field «is an analogue of a set of key words in texts describing the designated in pensive object» [5:120].

So trademarks stand out among the other names because they are called to perform an aesthetic and «draft» attractive function. The main methods of creating attraction of this category are syntactic (the formation of a multi-word names with an unusual word order); semantic (usage of words with negative connotations); phonetic (the use of the rhymes and alliteration); morphological (the intentional use of alien to the language of morphological models); graphics (changes common spelling). Thus we should discuss advertizing using the pragmonimia knowledge [6:200].

At the same time we suppose that the emotional side of the advertising message is emphasized for the promotion of goods on market. A good example of this situation is vehicle advertising. Newspaper and magazine advertising, usually abounds exact characteristics of the machines thus a buyer can view on leisure. TV ads mostly emphasize "at pleasure, sat behind the wheel, the owner of a vehicle test. At that advertisers are trying to cover all aspects of a person's emotional state, ranging from calm, even inhibitory (Renault Megane. Spread your wings. / Toyota Camry - First class business class. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of unparalleled comfort. Camry gives you a incomparable sense of harmony and protection from external noise. Now nothing prevents you to enjoy the tranquility of the Camry. Your ticket to the world of comfort) to a high and cheerful (Game proactive Audi A3 Sportback. To win, there is little to be one step ahead of everyone. You must be able to keep the lead. The newest engine power up to 250 hp, all-wheel drive quattro, revolutionary mission DSG, dynamic suspension - welcome to the sport. Audi A3 Sportback. Winning a clear advantage. Hyundai Accent. Sedan life. The movement, advancing the idea). However, the most successful advertising is considered to calm, since a moderate degree of excitation information processing capability higher than that at very low or very high degree of excitation. However, the most successful advertising is considered to calm, since a moderate degree of excitation information processing capability higher than that at very low or very high degree of excitation [7:32]. Tyumen advertisers use one of the effective ways to attract attention to the advertising text, namely, the creation of new tokens. New word serves to highlight the slogan of a number of competing

advertising phrases, attracts attention and makes a person actively to try to understand the meaning of the word. The new word must be related in meaning and associative with the object of advertising, ie associated with the name of the company or product category, or the distinctive qualities of a product (eg, "KRASHnye oranges - find out yourself!" (lemonade "Crash").

Homonymy and polysemy are an inexhaustible source of verbal tricks that allow elegantly packaged advertising information to the user easier to perceive and quickly memorize the message. However, only one word game's enough in the advertising text. It requires several mandatory conditions for the justification and functional use of reception. For example, a "brilliant defense of your shoes" (means Shoe care "Kiwi"), "Fresh solution" (candy "Mentos"), "The source of cheerfulness" (mineral water "Aqua Minerale" "Bon Aqua").

There is another way to attract the attention of consumers who are the creators of advertising - the so-called "deliberate mistakes". Sometimes when you use the word puns parties artistic device differ not only in meaning but also in spelling. When playing a graphic slogan it looks like a deliberate misspelling. Usually the creators of advertising texts not only prefer not to hide this incomplete overlap but also specifically allocate it. Thus, the slogan attracts attention unusual shape. Often the use of such techniques is compounded correction "deliberate mistakes", e.g. "Chew - do not chew" (chewy candy «Miller»). "Ravsvratno low prices" (mobile phones «Motorola Ravs»).

Researchers allocate also basic design at creation of suggestive texts which received widespread practice - use of phraselogical units. It is quite explainable: phraselogical units are bright, colorful, at the same time make part of active lexicon of native speakers. Advantage of the phraselogical unit means its habitualness and recognition. One of words automatically pulls for itself another, their compatibility is predictable. It considerably increases ability of the consumer to perceive, remember and reproduce a slogan. Besides, as a rule, phraselogical units are, concrete [8:10]. They express difficult representable abstract concepts by means of visible subject pictures.

Usually phraseological units are used in advertizing creativity in two forms. The first option - paraphrases. Advertizing phrases paraphrase the phraseological unit, replacing one of the words making it with the conformable. At the same time it is necessary to remember that using of the phraseological unit was functional in the advertizing text, it has to transfer important consumer information on goods. Such information dressed in a figurative form is much easier and is more strongly remembered by the consumer.

The phraseologies using in advertising are "turned inside out" very often, especially when the integral value phraseologism splits into separate values of its constituent words [9:103]. These words are typically called significant and advertising units. We can see a "defrazeologizatsiya" and the expression takes on new meaning with the object of advertising in the mind. Although the idiom does not formally change the meaning but it's another unit of language. These idioms are perceived much better and operate more efficiently than simply preparing stable expressions used in its everyday sense. For example, "easygoing" (Aeroflot); "Bathe in luxury!" (Company "Maxwell" - equipment for bathrooms) and others.

All this techniques for creating advertising texts promote memorization of advertising and many foreign words. On many billboards advertising abounds in Russian interspersed with non-native, that helps consumers learn and remember items in both Russian and foreign language (Karius Company. Quality should be easy. Dipton Enterprises Limited. 10 years in Russia. Always on the Passat lowest price). Almost all companies give Tyumen advertising in Russian, and a product name or a foreign enterprise (Denim Clothing-, md Westland. / Configure and professional installation, Pioneer. / Install - computers. Chain stores). Even all the familiar former cinema "Jubilee" and the cinema "Cosmos" are now foreign names (Eng.) And Artpalas Kinomax.

Along with the development of the advertising business in Tyumen formed a special sphere of communication with an original Russian language. Many Tyumenians use the following expressions: otkserit (instead of a copied), drink a Coke (the buying any gas. Water), my Toyotochka (affectionately known as Toyota), buy diapers (instead buy diapers). Consequently, we can talk about a kind of multicultural language based the Tyumen region advertising, which requires a certain control and further study.


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