QUALITY OF LIFE AND PROBLEMS OF ITS EVALUATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Shakhtamanova A.O.

The article analyzes the category of "quality of life", considers modern methods and identifies their positive and negative sides for the purpose of further development of an effective system of assessing the quality of life in the Russian Federation.

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UDC 330

Shakhtamanova A. O. master student 1 course, faculty of economics Dagestan State University Russia, Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala QUALITY OF LIFE AND PROBLEMS OF ITS EVALUATION

Abstract: The article analyzes the category of "quality of life", considers modern methods and identifies their positive and negative sides for the purpose of further development of an effective system of assessing the quality of life in the Russian Federation.

Keywords: assessment of quality of life, methodology, population, indicators of living standards, region.

Currently, the problem of assessing the quality of life as a criterion of the level of socio-economic development of the country and its individual regions is very relevant among researchers in various fields. According to the" Main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", the country will provide a sustainable and dynamic improvement of the quality of life, as well as the solution of demographic, social and environmental problems, reliable national security. For the effective implementation of the above-mentioned directions, a clear empirical base should be formed, as well as a management body, whose task will be to formulate criteria for determining the quality for each region of Russia.

Despite the fact that the category of "quality of life" is studied and widely used to prevent negative processes for a long time, it is still difficult to measure. This makes necessary the use of a whole range of methods, integral and specific indicators, which were formulated by foreign and domestic scientists.

There are many approaches to the definition of "quality of life". Zarakovsky G. M. believed that the quality of life is "a complex system of socio - economic, political, cultural, ideological, environmental indicators, factors, conditions of human existence".

In general, the examined category can be characterized by such indicators as the necessary available volume of goods and services, life expectancy, favorable social climate, access to education and health care, as well as comfortable working conditions.

The list of indicators for determining the quality of life of the population is quite extensive. Among the objective techniques can be called such as the" Index of human development (HDI)", the method of measuring the quality of life of the population, the method of I. Gundarov, V. N. Krutko, D. S. Lvov, A. A. Prigarin, V. A. Lishchuk, F. M. Rudnin, the methodology of the Institute of integrated strategic studies, the methodology of the Institute Of non-Profit organization "the Committee on demographic crisis", etc.

In international practice, the human development Index (HDI) has been the most common among such indicators in recent years.

In the Russian Federation, state work on the definition and implementation of a given quality of life is carried out through the legislative introduction of standards (indices) of quality of life, which usually include three blocks of comprehensive indicators that characterize the health of the population and demographic well-being; satisfaction with living conditions; the spiritual state of society.

The main problems faced by researchers in assessing the quality of life include:

1. Choice of indicators. Until now, there is no single system of indicators characterizing the quality of life, and there is no unity in understanding what socioeconomic phenomena denote the definition of "quality of life". The practice of comparing the quality of life, conducted by the UN, shows that it is necessary to have at least 150 objective indicators (socio-demographic characteristics, health and education, housing, sanitation, employment, income, etc.), which greatly complicates the assessment.

3. Measurement and comparison of selected indicators. Quantitative measurement of objective indicators (level of income, wages, etc.) is not difficult, but when trying to measure the subjective feelings of a person, the level of his satisfaction problems appear.

3. The lack of norms and benchmarks for a particular region, municipality. The existing norms are calculated without taking into account the territorial features of individual regions of Russia.

4. The choice of methods for assessing the quality of life. It should be noted that the existing methods and concepts of measurement are not universal and have a number of disadvantages. All this does not allow to get reliable information about the level of quality of life and see the whole picture.

5. Assessment of quality of life in municipalities. This aspect is not paid enough attention, while monitoring of the socio-economic situation in municipalities is very important for strategic planning of local development and budget.

Thus, it can be concluded that today, due to the differentiation of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the lack of a universal method of evaluation and a comprehensive system of indicators, it is impossible to determine the average quality of life of the population as a whole. The development of effective methods, as well as taking into account the territorial characteristics of individual regions will lead to a more effective system of assessing the quality of life.


1. The main activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024 (app. The government of the Russian Federation 1.12.2018) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://www.consultant.ru

2. Zurakowski G. M. Quality of life of the population of Russia // G. M. Zurakowski.

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3. Starkova L. S., Nezvanova K. V. Methodology of evaluation of the quality of life of the population // «Bulletin of the Vladimir State University» - 2016. - No. 2 (8).

- p. 169-181.

4. Mazepina O.Y. The problem of determining and measuring the quality of life of the population // «Problems of territory development» - 2014. - No. 6 (84). - p. 8390.

UDC 055

Sharibayev N. Y.

Djurayev Sh.S.

Jabborov A.M.

Namangan engineering-technological institute


Abstract: With the aid 3d Max software and Max Script language created animation for linear, trigonometric, integral, differential equations and for their systems. Thus the set of 3d Max, Max Script with mathematical equations will facilitate the creation of animated action applied mechanics, equipment and processes using mathematical models.

Keywords: Animated model; graph algorithm; Max Script software; the object motion; the description of the technological process; integral- differential mathematical model; Max Script; 3ds Max.

Any animated motion can be described by the mathematical formula. Animated action is given in the form of an equation Y = F (X), where the function F (X) may be linear, not linear, e.g.... trigonometric, and more can be defined integral-differential equations. [1].

Using Max Script program allows to portray motion of a point on the given coordinates. This limits the ability to create a visual model of the object as the coordinates of the movement is changing by every change parameter of the mathematical model. To solve this problem will require the creation of special programs in Max Script. [1],[2],[3],[4].

The aim of the process is to show the possibilities about Max Script to create animated motion by the construction of an appropriate program, which allows to calculate the coordinates of the object.

1. The creation of a linear movement using Max Script. The code is written in Max Script: a=sphere radius:3 for i=1 to 100 do( y=3*sqrt(i);

sphere radius:1 pos:[i,y,0] at time i animate on(a.pos=[i,y,0] a.rotation.z_rotation=random 0.0 120.0 a.rotation.x_rotation=random 0.0 120.0 a.rotation.y_rotation=random 0.0 120.0))

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