QUALIMETRIC APPROACH IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF STUDENT EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
quality management of education / pedagogical qualimetry / qualimetric approach / educational and cognitive activity of students

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Baybayeva M, Niyazmetova Zuhrajon Sobirovna

The article presents the theoretical foundations of the formation of an all-Uzbek system of control and evaluation of the quality of education, conforming to European standards, allowing effective management of theeducational policy, justifies the qualimetric approach to quality management of education.

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Baybayeva M

Nizomiy nomidagi TDPU Pedagogika kafedrasi o'qituvchisi, Niyazmetova Zuhrajon Sobirovna

Pedagogika va psixologiya mutaxassisligi I bosqich magitiranti

Abüract: The article presents the theoretical foundations of the formation of an all-Uzbek sytiem of control and evaluation of the quality of education, conforming to European tiandards, allowing effective management of theeducational policy, jutiifies the qualimetric approach to quality management of education.

Key words: quality management of education, pedagogical qualimetry, qualimetric approach, educational and cognitive activity of tiudents.

Modern pedagogical science drives to comprehend the holi&ic educational process from the perspective of management activities aimed at decision-making, organization, control, regulation of the management object in accordance with a given goal, analysis and summing up on the basis of reliable information.

Management is an objectively conditioned phenomenon, brought to life by the laws and interrelations of the functioning of sy&ems. The pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary provides the following definition: "Management - this is a function of organized sy&ems of various types, ensuring the preservation of their specific fracture, maintaining the mode of activity, the implementation of their program and goals" Management of educational sy&ems, notes V.P. Sergeeva is a purposeful cognitive interaction of participants in a holi&ic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective laws, aimed at achieving optimal results.

The relevance of introducing a qualitative component in the conditions of transition to a multi- level sy&em of higher professional education is due, in our opinion, to the following main points. Firmly, in connection with the transition to educational &andards of the third the role of competence as a result of training is increasing for generations. A specials who possesses qualitative knowledge and qualimetric skills has more opportunities to ensure the quality of professional activity at any level of its manife&ation. This will be the next &ep towards bringing the quality of the specials in line with the cu&omer's requirements by increasing competence. Secondly, qualitative education in combination with the internal need of a specials in the qualitative results of his professional activity creates conditions for the formation of its qualitative culture. A qualitative culture is considered to be the highe& manife&ation of professional competence, a specific form of activity and a person's attitude to the work performed, which consi&s in realizing the importance of the quality of their actions and decisions for the purposes of production and the social environment. Thirdly, the sy&em of teaching quality management of education is closely related to innovation. The essence

of innovation activity is to ensure the possibility of creating as a new product that meets the growing needs of- and new technologies in the field of not only the production of goods and services, but also culture and education, contributing to their development by improving quality. In turn, the variety of quality provided in the process of innovation activity makes it possible to improve the entire quality management sy&em of education in higher education. In this regard, at present, the problems associated with the assessment of the quality of education have become the subject of intensive research conducted in such a new scientific branch of knowledge as qualimetry, in which the- there are patterns of obtaining and processing information about the quality of an object at all &ages of its life cycle.

Qualimetry - (from Lat. quolis - what is the quality and gr. metro - measure) is a scientific theory in which the methodology and problems of complex quantitative assessment of the quality of objects of any nature (animate or inanimate; objects or processes; products of labor or products of nature) having a material or spiritual character, artificial are &udied or natural origin [8, pp. 482-483].

Complex quantitative quality assessments have recently been increasingly introduced into various spheres of human activity. In dome&ic and foreign scientific and technical, popular science and socio-political literature, the problems of a comprehensive assessment of the quality of various kinds of objects that are not products of labor, or an assessment of the quality of various processes, are discussed.The currently exiting methods of quality assessment are characterized by internal unity. It lies in the fact that these methods are based on the general principles of quality. Therefore, from the point of view of theoretical symmetry, these techniques are homogeneous and can be described by a single algorithm. Thus, we can assume that: methods of complex quantitative assessment of quality capture everything new areas, often far removed from the primary sphere of their application; the algorithm of these methods and the principles on which they are based, practically do not differ from those adopted in theoretical geometry; the areas of application of many of these methods, for example, assessment of the quality of education and upbringing, are extremely important. Therefore, it is advisable to raise the que&ion of a unified front of the work of researchers engaged in the problem of quality assessment in a variety of socially significant areas, which will undoubtedly contribute to improving the scientific level of such research. In addition, the expansion of the sphere of qualimetry will help to bring the scientific basis for a whole range of methods for solving problems of assessing the quality of various processes and products that are not products of labor, which, of course, will be of great practical importance.

Since qualimetry is a field of scientific knowledge that &udies the methodology and problems of developing complex, and in some cases, sy&ematic quantitative assessments of the quality of any objects, it is necessary to clearly underhand the relationship between qualitative and quantitative descriptions of educational process [6, pp. 251-252]. Quantity and quality act as something separate only in ab&raction, they really exi& in an indissoluble unity, within which this quality is modified, varies due to changes in quantity and individual non-essential properties, while maintaining their essential characteri&ics. The term "qualimetry" in Russian science was fir& proposed in

1968 by a group of researchers led by G.G. Azgaldov, who identified a methodological commonality of methods for quantifying the quality of completely different objects. At the same time, the necessity of theoretical generalization of these methods within the framework of an independent scientific discipline "Qualimetry" was realized, as the science of the quality of objects created by man, the technological and production processes used by him, the quality of labor and the quality of te& checks. Qualimetry in education - according to A.I. Subetto - is the science of the quality of education in all its diversity: the quality of functioning and development of educational sy^ems; the educational process, ^udents, teaching &aff, etc. It is formed at the junction of the unified science of education (educology) and the science of the quality of objects and processes - qualitology.

As N.S. Sagitova notes, there is a need to use modern methods of monitoring and evaluating the quality of education. The qualimetric component of the educational process should include quality management of education; quality assurance sy^em of education; assessment of the level of educational process [6, p. 253]. Thus, based on the analysis of these terms and concepts, we came to the conclusion that qualimetric education is a set of knowledge and the teacher's skills in designing, evaluating, ensuring, controlling and managing the quality of the educational process in his professional activity, important areas of which are: human qualimetry in education; evaluation of the quality of educational programs; evaluation of the quality of special^ models and social quality ^andards; evaluation of the quality of scientific and pedagogical potential; assessment of the quality of the scientific and material- technical base. Emphasizing the importance of the qualimetric approach in education management, F.R. Miftakhutdinova as its main goal, he puts forward the development of a new ideology of quality as fundamental knowledge.

"Qualitative education in the modern information society is necessary for everyone, regardless of the scope of his future activity, since qualitative training is an integral part of the methodological training of a special^ and consi^s in undemanding the importance for society of producing quality products, in the ability to use ^andards as a tool for regulating the quality level, to assess this level, to have skills in designing quality control sy^ems-development of control actions" [4, p. 227]. The scientific field that Judies the transformation of methods, forms, technologies of qualimetry to the assessment of psychological, pedagogical and didactic objects is called pedagogical qualimetry. Pedagogical qualimetry denotes a relatively new scientific direction of pedagogical research, the main content of which is the methodology and problems of developing complex quantitative assessments of the quality of any objects of the educational process. Despite the fact that pedagogical diagno^ics and pedagogical qualimetry are closely related practical areas of research within the framework of pedagogical science, each of them has a number of significant features. If pedagogical diagno^ics, as a rule, acts as an auxiliary element of pedagogical research, which is maximally manife^ed when monitoring the learning process, then pedagogical qualimetry, which also it should be an integral element of any monitoring, capable of conducting an independent analysis of the ^udied patterns based on mathematical modeling. Pedagogical diagno^ics is usually carried out on the problems of education and upbringing in order to develop the

necessary corrective measures. In order for the control to give an objective assessment of the level of knowledge of ^udents, Simulate pedagogical activity, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements: sy^ematic - control should be carried out regularly using a variety of methods and forms; objectivity - the inspection should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of &ate ^andards; efficiency - the results of the control should lead to positive changes, elimination of deficiencies; the competence of the inspector. The information obtained during the control, in turn, becomes the subject of pedagogical analysis. Diagno^ic methods can be very diverse, Parting with a comparative assessment based on purely external signs and ending with a quantitative assessment of the object of &udy using pedagogical methods. However, all the procedures of pedagogical diagno^ics are focused on obtaining high-quality information about the &ate of the educational process. Unlike pedagogical diagno^ics, pedagogical qualification involves comparing te& results with exiting ^andards, for example, the &ate ^andard of general education. The very name "pedagogical qualimetry" shows that its apparatus is: pedagogical actions; principles of implementation of the qualimetric approach; main directions and areas of application of complex qualimetric assessments; the end result is a coherent sy^em of assessment of control and assessment of ^udents' knowledge. The concept of qualimetric technology for the diagnosis of learning was introduced by us in connection with the need to concretize a new aspect in the technology of diagnosing the quality of ^udent education in a multi-level sy^em of higher professional education, since qualimetry is a field of scientific knowledge that ^udies the methodology and problems of developing complex, and in some cases, sy^ematic quantitative assessments the qualities of any objects that clearly express the correlation between the qualitative and quantitative description of the educational process.


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