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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dragomyretska Natalia Mykhailivna, Durharian Maryna Matevosivna

The article is devoted to the creation of public-public partnerships in the field of blood donation as part of public management. Particular emphasis is placed on one of the subjects of public administration, namely, NGOs, which are public units which play a significant role in the development of free blood donation. The problems stated is considered in the article from several positions, i.e.: understanding of the role of the public and public associations in the public- public partnership and public-private partnership; selection of the most acceptable for Ukraine foreign experience of participation of public associations in the development of blood donation, as a subject of public management and administration. in the science and practice of public administration in Ukraine and in foreign countries; an experience of public associations within public-public partnerships and public-private partnerships; an choice of the most expedient foreign experience of participation of public associations in the development of blood donation as a subject of public administration and administration for Ukraine. The comparison of the experience of foreign countries and Ukrainian realities has shown such potential of public associations, which is not used in Ukraine. The article shows that the development of civic responsibility and civic engagement in blood donation is closely linked to the public policy in this field. The latter, in its turn, contributes to the formation of a specific model of public-public partnership in the field of blood donation, which is developed in foreign countries. Accordingly, public policy Examples of a successful combination of public-public and public-private partnerships for the development of blood donation in foreign countries are demonstrated in the article. Emphasis is placed on modern trends in the world practice of forming the social capital of a state where blood donors are a value of the state. Forms of building a public-public partnership depend on the traditions of public administration and health care systems of different countries. The Ukrainian legislation states the responsibility of public authorities for the development of blood donation. Legal acts determine opportunities for public participation in the organization and promotion of blood donation and its components among the Ukrainian population. However, the methodology for building public-public partnership in the field of blood donation has not been developed up to the present time. The article demonstrates that the Ukrainian science of public administration lacks basic scientific research on this subject.

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Dragomyretska Natalia Mykhailivna,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Pro fessor, Pro fessor of the Department of Humanities and Social and Political Sciences Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Genoese Str., 22, Odesa, 65009, tel.: +38 (048) 705 97 88, e-mail: natalia-odessa @ukr. net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5713-6724

Драгомирецыса Наталгя Михайлгвна,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, професор кафедри гумат-тарних та сощально-полтичних наук, Одеський регюнальний тститут державного управлтня Нацюнальног ака-деми державного управлтня при Президентовi Украгни, 065009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, тел,: +38 (048) 705 97 88, e-mail: nataiiaodessa@ukr.net, https:// orcid.org/0000-0001 -5713-6724

Драгомирецкая Наталия Михайловна,

доктор наук государственного управления, профессор, профессор кафедры гуманитарных и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22, тел.: +38 (048) 705 97 88, e-mail: nataiiaodessa@ukr.net, https://orcid, org/0000-0001-5713-6724

Durharian Maryna Matevosivna,

Master of Public Administration, Head of the clinical laboratory of the municipal nonprofit enterprise "Odessa Regional Blood Trans fusion Station " of the Odessa Regional Council, Biskvitnyi Side str, 2/3, Odesa, 65039, tel.: +38 (048) 776 19 69, e-mail: re/0000-0003-4340-7348

Дургарян Марина МатевоЫвна,

магхстр державного управлтня, зав1дуюча клнчног лаборатори комунального неко-мерцшного тдприемства "Одеська обласна станщя переливання кров1" Одеськог об-ласног Ради, 65039, м. Одеса, пров. Б1скв1тний, 2/3, тел.: +38 (048) 776 19 69, е-mail: durgaranmarina4@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4340-7348

Дургарян Марина Матевосовна,

магистр государственного управления, заведующая клинической лабораторией коммунального некоммерческого предприятия "Одесская областная станция переливания крови" Одесского областного совета, 65039, г. Одесса, пер. Бисквитный, 2/3, тел.: +38 (048) 776 19 69, е-mail: durgaranmarina4@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4340-7348


Abstract. The article is devoted to the creation of public-public partnerships in the field of blood donation as part of public management. Particular emphasis is placed on one of the subjects of public administration, namely, NGOs, which are public units which play a significant role in the development of free blood donation. The problems stated is considered in the article from several positions, i.e.: understanding of the role of the public and public associations in the public-public partnership and public-private partnership; selection of the most acceptable for Ukraine foreign experience of participation of public associations in the development of blood donation, as a subject of public management and administration. in the science and practice of public administration in Ukraine and in foreign countries; an experience of public associations within public-public partnerships and public-private partnerships; an choice of the most expedient foreign experience of participation of public associations in the development of blood donation as a subject of public administration and administration for Ukraine. The comparison of the experience of foreign countries and Ukrainian realities has shown such potential of public associations, which is not used in Ukraine. The article shows that the development of civic responsibility and civic engagement in blood donation is closely linked to the public policy in this field. The latter, in its turn, contributes to the formation of a specific model of public-public partnership in the field of blood donation, which is developed in foreign countries. Accordingly, public policy Examples of a successful combination of public-public and public-private partnerships for the development of blood donation in foreign countries are demonstrated in the article. Emphasis is placed on modern trends in the world practice of forming the social capital of a state where blood donors are a value of the state.

Forms of building a public-public partnership depend on the traditions of public administration and health care systems of different countries. The Ukrainian legislation states the responsibility of public authorities for the development of blood donation. Legal acts determine opportunities for public participation in the organization and promotion of blood donation and its components among the Ukrainian population. However, the methodology for building public-public partnership in the field of blood donation has not been developed up to the present time. The article demonstrates that the Ukrainian science of public administration lacks basic scientific research on this subject.

Keywords: public administration and administration, blood donation, free voluntary blood donation, public-public partnership, public associations, social responsibility.


Анотащя. Викладено питання побудови державно-громадянського партнерства у сферi донорства кровi як складово!' публiчного управлшня. Зро-блено особливий акцент на одному з важливих суб'екпв публiчного управлшня - громадських об'еднаннях, як ввдграють вагому роль у розвитку безоплатного добровшьного донорства кровь Висвгглена у статл проблематика розглядаеться з кшькох позицш, а саме: розумшня ролi громадськос-т та громадських об'еднань у розвитку донорства кровi в наущ та практищ публiчного управлшня Украши та в зарубiжних державах; досвщу роботи громадських об'еднань у межах державно-громадського партнерства i державно-приватного партнерства; виокремлення найбшьш дощльного для Украши зарубiжного досвiду участ громадських об'еднань у розвитку донорства кровi як суб'екта публiчного управлiння та адмiнiстрування. Порiв-няння досвщу зарубiжних держав i украшсько!' практики продемонструвало тi потенцiйнi можливостi громадських об'еднань, якi не використовуються в Украïнi. Показано, що розвиток громадянсько!' вiдповiдальностi та громадян-сько!' активностi в донорствi кровi тшно пов'язанi з публiчною полiтикою у данш сферi. Остання, своею чергою, сприяе формуванню певно!' моделi дер-жавно-громадянського партнерства у сферi донорства кровь яке розвинене в зарубiжних державах. Наведено приклади результативного поеднання дер-жавно-громадянського та державно-приватного партнерства в зарубiжних державах задля розвитку донорства кровь Акцентовано увагу на сучасних тенденщях у свiтовiй практищ щодо формування соцiального капiталу дер-жави, де донори кровi е щншстю держави. Форми побудови державно-гро-мадянського партнерства залежать вiд традицш публiчного управлiння та системи охорони здоров'я рiзних держав. В украшському законодавствi констатуеться вiдповiдальнiсть органiв публiчного управлiння за розвиток донорства кровi та визначаються можливостi участi громадськосл в оргаш-зацiï та пропагандi донорства кровi та ïï компоненпв серед населення. Втiм

не розроблена методолопя побудови державно-громадянського партнерства у сферi донорства кровь Продемонстровано, що в украшськш науцi публiч-ного управлiння вiдсутнi науковi фундаментальш дослiдження означено! проблематики.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлiння та адмiнiстрування, донорство кровь безоплатне добровшьне донорство кровь державно-громадянське партнерство, громадськ об'еднання, громадянська вiдповiдальнiсть.




Аннотация. Изложены вопросы становления государственно-общественного партнерства в сфере донорства крови как составляющей публичного управления. Сделано особенный акцент на одном из весомых субъектов публичного управления - общественных объединениях, которые играют важную роль в развитии бесплатного добровольного донорства крови. Освещенная в статье проблематика рассматривается с нескольких позиций, а именно: понимание роли общественности и общественных организаций в развитии донорства крови в науке и практике публичного управления Украины и в зарубежных государствах; опыт работы общественных объединений в пределах государственно-общественного партнерства и государственно-частного партнерства; выделение наиболее целесообразного для Украины зарубежного опыта участия общественных объединений в развитии донорства крови как субъекта публичного управления и администрирования. Сравнение опыта зарубежных государств и украинской практики продемонстрировало те потенциальные возможности общественных объединений, которые не используются в Украине. Показано, что развитие общественной ответственности и активности в донорстве крови тесно связано с публичной политикой в данной сфере. Последняя, в свою очередь, содействует формированию определенной модели государственно-общественного партнерства в сфере донорства крови, развитого в зарубежных государствах. Продемонстрированы примеры объединения государственно-общественного и государственно-частного партнерства в зарубежных государствах для развития донорства крови. Акцентировано внимание на современных тенденциях в мировой практике относительно формирования социального капитала государства, где доноры крови являются ценностью государства. Формы построения государственно-общественного партнерства зависят от традиций публичного управления и системы здравоохранения разных государств. В украинском законодательстве констатируется ответственность органов публичного управления за развитие донорства крови и определяются возможности участия общественности в организации и пропаганде донорства крови и ее компонентов среди населения. Тем не менее, не разработана методология построения государственно-общественного партнерства в сфере донорства крови. Демонстрируется, что в украинской науке публичного

управления отсутствуют научные фундаментальные исследования данной проблематики.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление и администрирование, донорство крови, бесплатное добровольное донорство крови, государственно-общественное партнерство, общественные объединения, общественная ответственность.

Formulation of the problem. Modern world trends in development of blood donation are based on understanding the fact that this is one of the spheres of human life. This sphere has become fully public in foreign countries for the recent years, and management of blood donation is conducted in accordance with the public policy of the state. A large number of global goals for 100 % voluntary blood donation are highlighted in the WHO Global Strategy for Action (2010). These goals have been implemented in different countries for many years after the adoption of the Global Strategy and they are implemented in accordance with the traditions of public administration and the health care systems of these countries. These goals relate to the increase of public awareness concerning the promotion of voluntary blood donation with the participation of national communities, and also to the consolidation of partnerships between health care authorities and civil society for the implementation of safety and availability of blood transfusions for all patients, who need it. This paper has been developed for states, which direct their activities to create effective voluntary blood donation programs and eliminate the paid donation. Voluntary donation in this document [1] is proposed to be interpreted as valuable national assets.

The role of subjects of public administration is widely revealed in the Law of Ukraine "On donation of blood and its components" (current, latest version 2015), in particular: Article 5 defines responsibilities of executive and local governments on the development, organization and promotion of blood donation and its components; Article 8 guarantees the protection of rights to blood donors by the state; Article 9 defines bonuses granted to donors, and Article 10 establishes additional benefits. In addition, there is defined the responsibility for violation of legislation on blood donation and its components. Article 7 is important in the context of this publication, as this Article deals with public participation in the organization and propagation of blood donation among the population. What is important, this Article entitles not only the Red Cross Organization to participate in the implementation of state targeted and local blood donation programs. It also entitles to carry out the work of bringing citizens in blood donation and to promote free blood donation among the population together with health care authorities and institutions, other public associations (public organizations, associations, etc.), the statutes of which provide promotion of the public health care [2].

Unfortunately, the "Strategy for the development of the national blood system for the period until 2022 and approval of the plan of measures for its implementation" in Ukraine (the document is valid, the adoption of 20.02.2019) doesn't define of role of public associations in sphere of blood donation. There is not this in the list of problems. [3] However, state support for public-private partnerships and involvement of civil society institutions through the support of businesses initiatives is identified as one of the goals of the paper mentioned in the context of the organization and promotion of blood donation, procurement of the donor blood and its components. In reality, this essence of the paper demonstrates abilities and the scope of public administration in formation of public-public partnership and civil liability, where many question of public administration of blood donation are transferred to public associations. Nonetheless, both understanding and methodology of development of public-public partnership in the field of blood donation is not written in the Ukrainian legislation despite certain ascertaining in the abilities of public organizations. This is due to the absence of not only traditions and culture of building public-public partnership in the field of blood donation, but also absence of basic scientific researches and the developed practical methodology for building such partnership.

Analysis of the recent research and publications. Many foreign researchers and practitioners are interested in the subject of involvement of the public in free voluntary donation. Mostly, scientists place emphasis on the issues of

motivation, stimulation and the role of public associations in the development of blood donation. In this article we have paid attention to several publications, which reflect the main directions of foreign studies the spheres of blood donation. So, M. Nonnis, D. Massid-da, C. Cabiddu and others (2020) [4] evaluate the level and relationship between motivation to donation and the behavior of community volunteers to collect blood in public associations (on the example of NGOs in Italy). Scientists state that there are three blood collection systems at present in Europe. The first group comprises such states as Great Britain, France and Ireland, where National Health Care Services organize and control blood collection. The second group includes such states as Belgium and the Netherlands, where The Red Cross Organization has a monopoly on blood supplies; and also Germany, where The Red Cross Organization has a controlling part in managing blood sampling. There is the third group of the states, namely Italy, Norway, Portugal and Spain, where associations do the most part of blood collection, and The Red Cross Organization has a small part of blood collection. In Denmark, France, Greece, Spain and Italy blood donors are united in one or more national associations. Scientists give an example of Greece, where NGOs and citizens join their efforts for the sake of struggle against the health care system crisis. The researchers emphasize that such associations support and enhance blood donors' motivation and also keep to the opinion that blood donation is a voluntary gift, directed to unknown persons and blood donors are not to await rewards.

S. Leipnitz, M. de Vries, M. Clement and others (2018) [5] prove in their research that blood donation services are particularly interested in incentive mechanisms to retain a group of permanent donors. There are selected various mechanisms, such as economic incentives (monetary or material rewards; distribution of gifts and lotteries; paid vacation etc.) and alternative incentives (moral incentives, etc.).

Scientists consider that economic incentives can have negative effects such as motivational repression, or may push donors to present false information about their health status. They acknowledge voluntary blood donation is safer because blood donors care about their own health. L. Goette and A. Stutzer (2008) [6] demonstrate results of their own experiment about the effectiveness of material stimulation of blood donors and prove that incentives are positive and more effective for blood donors' involvement than attraction of donors without incentives. C. Greve and G. Hodge (2013) focus on public-private partnerships. As an example, they demonstrate that BST (Catalan Blood and Tissue Bank) created a strategic alliance together with public and private organizations, with NGOs as a rule. On their opinion, this is important for successful sustainable development of BST projects. [7, c. 103]

Covadonga Aldamiz-Echevarria and Maria Soledad Aguirre-Garcia (Spain, 2014) [8] consider in their scientific articles the role of public associations in the formation and development of blood donation in the context of a theoretical model for solving blood donation problems. Emphasis is placed

on the elaboration of social marketing strategies, which help to increase the number of blood donors and blood donations. Johor Baru (Malaysia, 2017) [9] substantiates more public associations have to organize campaigns about blood donation to provide the blood supply. He even writes about changing the traditions of fasting during Ramadan because blood donation is a noble cause and it involves saving other people's lives. Other researchers (Pakistan, 2019) [10] distinguish the role of public associations in the spreading information about the importance of donating blood and motivation of the public to save other persons' lives. As the researchers determine, NGOs practicing such activities need the support from government agencies in order to gain useful results. The proposals for the creation of the NGO "Public Community of Blood" are interesting. This organization has a network of more than 20,000 registered members. This NGO provides preference of social and moral contributions to the common cause. Practically, this is a program which links the donor and the recipient during emergencies.

Research on blood donation is being conducted by Ukrainian scientists too. However, studies of the role of public associations in the development of blood donation are absent in Ukrainian science unlike foreign science. As an example, we have selected several articles from different fields of science to demonstrate the research direction of Ukrainian scientists in the field of blood donation. So, H. A. Biletska and Ya. O. Kovalova (2014) [11] consider the problems of blood donation in the context of medical law and focus on the

following problems: improving public policy in the development of the field of free voluntary donation; improvement of legal acts; improving the system of motivation of the population; encouraging donor movement organizers. I. M. Shcherbakova, A. V. Vertel and S. M. Dmytruk (2016) [12] emphasize on the conceptualization of research into blood donation motives in the context of a scientific project of demographic structure research and motivation of blood donation of different socio-demographic groups of donors. V. V. Hrubliak and A. V. Mykhalskyi (2009) [13] studied the status of psychological health of potential young donors. Ukrainian scientists also do not pay much attention to the problems of building public- public partnership in the field of blood donation. This concept is present in several articles of Ukrainian legal acts, but there is no methodology, practice and understanding of organizing such public-public partnership. Exactly this has become the basis for formulating the purpose of the present article.

The purpose of the article is to demonstrate useful foreign experience of public-public partnership in the field of blood donation in the aspects of public associations' activities dealing with the development of donation in foreign states.

Presentation of the main material. We have explored scientific conceptual views concerning the role of public associations in the blood donation sphere, and have studied practical experience of foreign countries with different state systems and religious preferences. Attention was focused on the two aspects of the research pro-

cess, in particular: 1) identification of directions for scientific research useful for the Ukrainian science of public administration (see the section "Analysis of Recent Research and Publications"); 2) selection of the experience, which can be used in Ukraine without big financial investments (demonstrated in this part of our article).

The experience of Spain is interesting for Ukraine. The Spanish campaign SOMOS1 [14] has united together 25 NGOs with the aim to show solidarity with the state's blood donation policy and promote further development of the donor movement. These actions are aimed at increasing the social base of public associations. Activities of the NGO "The Big Heart"2 [15] attract attention too. Serving the population and improving the society is the mission this NGO. This is a youth association, which started its activities in May 2015 with the pilot project for helping people who need blood especially in emergencies. The NGO is working to expand its donor base across the country in order to overcome blood shortages to help the poor and needy, and to create a new dimension of life for the population where the word "feebleness" is excluded from the sphere of human activity. Partnerships and interaction between the authorities, advisory bodies, foundations and public associations have been developing in India too. [16] As an example, the State Council for Blood Transfusion attracts the Think Foundation to its activities. This Foundation has been delegated great responsibilities in the

1 www.somosasi.org

2 http://wwwthebigheart.in

organization of blood collection at colleges, corporations, at the stations. The State Council and the Think Foundation are together developing communication materials for their distribution to all blood banks. The Foundation also cooperates with the Mumbai University students' associations for the development of blood donation.

Materials on the activities of the non-profit charitable organization FAQS (USA, Oklahoma) [17] are interesting too. This organization conducts blood tests and collaborates with the governmental agencies and other organizations on blood quality control. The foundation named Give Life Foundation [18] was created to raise awareness of the chronic shortage of blood supplies in the United States and stimulation of blood donation and blood products, and for raising awareness of blood donation and creating a culture of voluntary donation. The mission of this foundation is to correct this imbalance and encourage every American to donate blood for other persons' lives.

The system of independent nonprofit blood centres (America's Blood Centres - ABC) [19] is developed in the USA and it is an integral part of the national health care system. Meetings of these organizations are conducted annually. The meeting program of 2020 addresses current issues of the blood industry, the best relevant practices and ways to prepare for future changes. The purpose of such meetings is to obtain the understanding necessary for taking reasonable decisions for such centres. These centres constantly work with community partners and individual donors in order to raise awareness of the need for blood; to provide vari-

ous donor bases; to guarantee the supply of various types of blood and blood products. Blood centres work with the federal agencies and state and local health care agencies to be prepared for numerous situations when blood is urgently needed. As the need for blood never stops, blood centres use complex systems of informational technologies for constant monitoring and reacting to local demands for blood. The centres are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year to deliver blood anytime, anywhere, accounting for the inpatient and outpatient conditions of the hospitals. In addition, the ABC issues a newsletter which weekly covers many problems, such as: current events, which concern the blood community; there is presented information dealing with the latest regulatory, scientific, medical, associative and legislative news regarding blood centres and other organizations which serve the blood transfusion community; announcements of webinars, vacancies, the community changes, etc.

An interesting idea is demonstrated on the site the Community Partners: Memorial Blood Centres3 (USA), which concentrates on the mission of Memorial Blood Centres that work at the local level and are designed to meet local needs. It shows that the situation can change thanks to building partnership between corporations, community and NGOs.

The project to support the Segovia Blood Donor Association [20] (Segovia is a province in Spain) has been started in 2013. The Bankia and the Hermandad de Donantes de Sangre

3 https://www.mbc.org/about-us/our-partners/

de Segovia have signed a cooperation agreement to implement the joint map of local associations of blood donors. The bank donates 50% of the profits to the association in Segovia. The Card program of NGOs is designed for socially aware and responsible clients, who want to support public associations and charities. The cardholder can choose from the list of more than 400 organizations the one the person(s) wants to donate. The National Blood Policy has been designed in Nepal [21]. The main idea of this policy is developing partnerships between the government agencies and public associations, and that will make it possible to transfer all the loading from the Red Cross Organization to other public associations and will also form the distribution of responsibilities, risks and resources under the auspices of the Nepal Blood Service. NGOs are partners when conducting blood donation campaigns, selection and recruitment of blood donation.

So, the role of public administration is in the creation of all conditions for the development of public-private and public-public partnerships. In some countries, public donor associations do many procedures for free, but sell their products and services to hospitals and the state. In Ukraine there exists a culture of free voluntary donation and the same public association activities, unlike in many countries. Despite the fact that NGOs are registered as enterprises and can have economic activities, they carry out selfless work in different directions. They work that way because there is no culture and practice of doing business in the field of blood donation in Ukraine, and there are no legal acts

or tax exemptions for this. The activities of public associations in the field of blood donation are poorly developed and there are few such NGOs. We have identified several such organizations to demonstrate the following: there are some gaps in the field of blood donation and the formation of the proper social capital; there are unexplored areas in the science of public administration.

There is an interesting public project of Kyiv City State Administration the "Blood Donor"4 directed at uniting the blood donor community, creating conditions for them to rest after the blood collection procedure, and conducting an educational campaign on the importance of a complete rest after a blood donation.

Other Public Association the "Selfless Blood Donation Association PoK-roVa" emphasizes that no one in the state is engaged in organizing campaigning for the voluntary blood donation in a centralized and systematic way. Based on this, the organization proposed a project to create a developed system and support for selfless blood donation in Ukraine. This organization directed its activities to work out methods for the development of selfless donation among a variety of focus groups by involving psychologists and PR technologists for making campaign materials for the media, the Internet, outdoor advertising.

There is an NGO called the "Safe Blood Donors Association"5 which does not actively cover the results of its activities but it demonstrates civil

4 https://gb.kyivcity.gov.ua/projects/archive/ 2/show/3

5 https://clarity-project.info > edr

liability. It is a public association of two students of Kyiv Polytechnic University. The existence of this community association began with a volunteer donor project about giving blood ("Zdai Blood")6, the essence of which is spreading the idea of blood donation among the university students, and then among the entire student community. The NGO "All-Ukrainian Association of Blood Donors and Transfusion Assistance"7 together with the NGO "Foundation of Medical Law and Bio-ethics of Ukraine" held a discussion of the peculiarities of the implementation of relationships in the field of blood donation. All-Ukrainian the Youth Non-Governmental Organization "Association of Young Donors of Ukraine"8 founded the "DonorUA" and the "uDo-nors projects" and takes care of the problems of the national blood service development strategy and the role of community activists in this sphere.

Conclusions. The problem of involving a wide range of civic organizations in the development of free voluntary blood donation as part of a civic partnership is insufficiently researched in the Ukrainian science of public administration. History, culture and ex-

6 http://charitytuner.org/foundations/volontery /volonterskyj-donorskyj-proekt-zdai-blood/

7 23.03.2020 medicallaw.org.ua/spisok-zak-hodiv/zakhid / article/kruglii-stil-z-panelnimi-diskusijami-na-temu-donorst/?type=98&no_ cache=1&cHash=dc1cf3394235b0d7a1d05 43de13c3d9d&print=1 http://medicallaw org.ua/spisok-zakhodiv/zakhid/article/ kruglii-stil-z-panelnimi-diskusijami-na-temu-donorst/?type=98&no_cache=1&cHash=dc 1cf3394235b0d7a1d0543de13c3d9d&print=1 1/1 14.11.2018

8 https://dyvys.info/2017/03/01/cherez-neyakisnu- perevirku-krovi-my/

perience of forming public-public partnership in the field of blood donation are absent in the practice of Ukrainian public administration.

There are separate public associations which develop and introduce their own individual projects for blood donation and often do it without the support of public authorities. Foreign experience proves great opportunities of NGOs in the development of blood donation and in the legislative regulation of such activities. This is an unknown practical area for Ukraine. It can be implemented if the public, NGOs, public managers and businesses acquire new knowledge. Further explorations will cover the development of the conceptual framework for public-public partnership in blood donation in Ukraine.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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14. 25 Spanish NGOs have joined to thank those 3 million Spaniards who support them regularly with their donations [стаття] [Електронний

ресурс] // SOMOS Campaign. SOMOS Campaign: 25 NGOs have joined to thank and promote solidarity in our country. Режим доступу до статтк https://www.fcarreras.org/ en/25-spanish-ngos-have-joined-to-thank-those-3-million-spaniards-who-support-them-regularly-with-their-donations_119314. Назва з екрану.

15. Big Heart NGO [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : https://www. linkedin.com/company/big-heart-ngo. Назва з екрану.

16. Organizations — Think Foundation [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : http://www.thinkfoundation. org/our_alliances_organizations.htm. Назва з екрану.

17. FAQS: The Business of Our Blood Center [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : https://obi.org/ about-us/the-business-of-our-cent-er/. Назва з екрану.

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20. Bankia launches NGO card for blood donors association [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу : https://www. bankia.com/en/communication/ news/bankia-launches-ngo-card-for-blood-donors-association-in-segovia. html. Назва з екрану.

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