Научная статья на тему 'Public administration of development of agroindustrial complex in the context of the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine (archetype approach)'

Public administration of development of agroindustrial complex in the context of the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine (archetype approach) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Halanets Volodymyr Vasyliovych, Dzyanyy Rostyslav Borisovich, Dziurakh Yurii Mikhailovich

Agroindustrial complex consider to be the locomotive of the Ukrainian economy. It provides traditionally 15-20 % of GDP annually, generates currency earnings from exports of agricultural products, under the conditions of the debt burden on the national economy is a source of coverage of current liabilities. The main task of the agroindustrial complex is to ensure the country’s food security, and the population is a quality production of domestic production. Active participation of the country in international economic relations is a decisive factor in the development of the country’s economy. In place of the theory of economic growth, the concept of sustainable development arose. Today, in the scientific literature there are many definitions of sustainable development. This situation is conditioned by two factors: the complexity of the concept, which includes the economic, environmental, social and other aspects of the development of society, as well as the divergence of views of scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians. For better understanding, this term should be divided into two parts. The combination of the terms “sustainable” and “development” can strengthen the connection of the orderly changes in the world economy system, taking into account the integration of different goals, territories and time in the nature of the nature. Sustainable development of agroindustrial complex requires state support. In addition to solving the issue of ensuring food security of the country, sustainable development of the agricultural sector is important from the point of view of providing employment, increasing the export potential of the country. Ukraine is one of the key players in the global agricultural market. The lack of innovative approaches to the development of the industry leads to a lack of investments that are necessary for its development, while rural residents are looking for work abroad. In the conditions of existence of an objective threat of exhaustion of natural resources as sources of fuel for the needs of mankind, the need to solve the problem of finding alternative sources for covering energy needs becomes more urgent. Bioenergy could satisfy a significant part of the energy needs of the housing and communal services of Ukraine. In addition, the land which, due to pollution, became unfit for the cultivation of food plants, could be used to grow energy crops. The agrarian sector of the economy has a powerful potential that can be activated under the condition of the implementation of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine and Archetype in Public Administration.

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АПК считается локомотивом экономики Украины. Традиционно он обеспечивает 15-20 % ВВП ежегодно, генерируя валютную выручку от экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции в условиях долговой нагрузки на экономику страны, является источником покрытия текущих обязательств. Главная задача АПК: обеспечить продовольственную безопасность страны, а ее население качественной продукцией отечественного производства. Активное участие страны в международных экономических отношениях является определяющим фактором развития экономики страны. На смену теории экономического роста со временм пришла концепция устойчивого развития. Сегодня в научной литературе существует много определений устойчивого развития. Такая ситуация обусловлена двумя факторами: сложностью концепции, включающей в себя экономические, экологические, социальные и другие аспекты развития общества, а также несовпадением взглядов ученых, предпринимателей и политиков. Для лучшего понимания этот термин следует разделить на две части. Их сочетание: “устойчивое” и “развитие” позволяет усилить связь упорядоченных изменений системы мирового хозяйства с учетом интеграции разных по характеру целей, территорий, времени. Устойчивое развитие АПК нуждается в государственной поддержке. Кроме решения вопроса обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны, устойчивое развитие аграрного сектора является важным с точки зрения обеспечения занятости населения, наращивания экспортного потенциала страны. Украина является одним из ключевых игроков на мировом рынке сельскохозяйственной продукции. Отсутствие инновационных подходов к развитию отрасли вызывает нехватку инвестиций, необходимых для ее развития, сельские жители в поисках работы едут за границу. В условиях существования объективной угрозы исчерпания природных ископаемых как источника получения топлива для нужд человечества, все большую актуальность приобретает необходимость решения проблемы поиска альтернативных источников для обеспечения энергетических потреностей. Биоэнергетика могла бы удовлетворить значительную часть энергетических потребностей жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Украины. Кроме этого земли, ставшие непигодными для выращивания продовольственных культур вследствии загрязнений, могли бы использоваться для выращивания энергетических культур. Аграрная сфера экономики имеет мощный потенциал, который можно активировать при реализации Стратегии устойчивого развития Украины и архитипики в публичном управлении.

Текст научной работы на тему «Public administration of development of agroindustrial complex in the context of the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine (archetype approach)»

UDC: 338.24 : 338.436 (477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-18-3-127-142

Halanets Volodymyr Vasyliovych,

PhD in Public Administration, associate professor at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79054, Lviv, Petly-ury Str., 4, Apt.192, tel.: +38 098 54 79 129; e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9348-6211 Галанець Володимир Васильович, кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент, доцент кафедри адмШстратив-ного та фтансового менеджменту, На-щональний утверситет "Львiвська полi-техтка", 79054, Львiв, вул. С. Петлюри, 4, кв. 192, тел. +38 098 54 79 129, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-9348-6211 Галанец Владимир Васильевич, кандидат наук государственного управления, доцент, доцент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Национальый университет "Львовская политехника", 79054, Львов, ул. С. Петлюры, 4, кв. 192, тел. +38 098 54 79 129, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-9348-6211 Dzyanyy Rostyslav Borisovich, PhD in Chemistry, associate professor at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 79491, Bryukhovychi, Sosnovaya po-liana str., 4/1, tel.: +38 097 71165 83; e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-8633 Дзяний Ростислав Борисович,

кандидат хiмiчних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри адмШстративного та фтансового менеджменту, Нащональний утверситет "Львiвська полтехнжа", 79491, Брюховичi, вул. Соснова поляна, 4/1, моб. +38 097 711 65 83, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-8633

Дзяный Ростислав Борисович,

кандидат химическиих наук, доцент, доцент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Национальный университет "Львовская политехника", 79491, Брюховичи, ул. Сосновая поляна, 4/1, тел. +38 097 711 65 83, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-8633

ка", 81100, г. Пустомыты, ул. И. Мазепы, [email protected]

Dziurakh Yurii Mikhailovich,

assistant at the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 81100, Pustomyty, Mazepy Str, 8/3, tel.: +38 098 979 07 58; e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7131-7468 Дзюрах Юрш Михайлович, асистент кафедри адмШстративного та фтансового менеджменту, Нащональ-ний утверситет ^wiecbrn полтехт-ка", 81100, м. Пустомити, вул. I. Мазепи, 8/3, тел. +38 098 979 07 58; e-mail: yriu. [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7131-7468 Дзюрах Юрий Михайлович, ассистент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Национальный университет "Львовская политехни-8/3, тел. +38 098 979 07 58; e-mail: yriu.

ORCID: 0000-0001-7131-7468


of the strategy of sustainable development of ukraine (archetype approach)

Abstract. Agroindustrial complex consider to be the locomotive of the Ukrainian economy. It provides traditionally 15-20 % of GDP annually, generates currency earnings from exports of agricultural products, under the conditions of the debt burden on the national economy is a source of coverage of current liabilities.

The main task of the agroindustrial complex is to ensure the country's food security, and the population is a quality production of domestic production. Active participation of the country in international economic relations is a decisive factor in the development of the country's economy.

In place of the theory of economic growth, the concept of sustainable development arose. Today, in the scientific literature there are many definitions of sustainable development. This situation is conditioned by two factors: the complexity of the concept, which includes the economic, environmental, social and other aspects of the development of society, as well as the divergence of views of scientists, en-

trepreneurs and politicians. For better understanding, this term should be divided into two parts. The combination of the terms "sustainable" and "development" can strengthen the connection of the orderly changes in the world economy system, taking into account the integration of different goals, territories and time in the nature of the nature.

Sustainable development of agroindustrial complex requires state support. In addition to solving the issue of ensuring food security of the country, sustainable development of the agricultural sector is important from the point of view of providing employment, increasing the export potential of the country.

Ukraine is one of the key players in the global agricultural market. The lack of innovative approaches to the development of the industry leads to a lack of investments that are necessary for its development, while rural residents are looking for work abroad.

In the conditions of existence of an objective threat of exhaustion of natural resources as sources of fuel for the needs of mankind, the need to solve the problem of finding alternative sources for covering energy needs becomes more urgent.

Bioenergy could satisfy a significant part of the energy needs of the housing and communal services of Ukraine. In addition, the land which, due to pollution, became unfit for the cultivation of food plants, could be used to grow energy crops.

The agrarian sector of the economy has a powerful potential that can be activated under the condition of the implementation of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine and Archetype in Public Administration.

Keywords: public administration, sustainable development, agriculture, archetype approach.


Анотащя. АПК вважають локомотивом економши Украши. BiH забезпе-чуе традицшно 15-20 % ВВП щорiчно, генеруе валютний виторг вщ експор-ту сшьськогосподарсько! продукци, в умовах боргового навантаження на на-щональну економшу е джерелом покриття поточних зобов'язань.

Найголовшшим завданням АПК е: забезпечити продовольчу безпеку краши, а населення — яюсною продукщею втизняного виробництва. Активна участь краши у мiжнародних економiчних вщносинах е визначальним фактором розвитку економши краши.

На змшу теори економiчного зростання виникла концепщя сталого розвитку. Ниш в науковш лiтературi юнуе багато визначень сталого розвитку. Та-ка ситуащя зумовлена двома факторами: складшстю концепци, що включае в себе економiчнi, еколопчш, сощальш та iншi аспекти розвитку сустльства, а також розбiжнiстю поглядiв вчених, пiдприемцiв i полiтикiв. Для кращого розумiння цей термiн варто роздшити на двi частини. Поеднання термов "сталий" i "розвиток" дае змогу посилити зв'язок упорядкованих змш сис-

теми св^ового господарства з урахуванням штеграци рiзних за характером цiлей, територш, часу.

Сталий розвиток АПК потребуе державно! пiдтримки. Окрiм вирiшення питання забезпечення продовольчо! безпеки краши, сталий розвиток аграрного сектору е важливим з точки зору забезпечення зайнятосп населення, нарощування експортного потенщалу краши.

Украша е одним iз ключових гравцiв на свiтовому ринку сшьськогоспо-дарсько! продукци.

Брак шновацшних пiдходiв до розвитку галузi спричиняе нестачу швес-тицiй, потрiбних для 11 розвитку, сiльськi мешканцi в пошуках роботи !дуть закордон.

В умовах юнування об'ективно! загрози вичерпання природних копалин як джерел одержання палива для потреб людства, все бшьшо! актуальности набувае необхiднiсть вирiшення проблеми пошуку альтернативних джерел для покриття енергетичних потреб.

Бiоенергетика могла б задовольнити значну частину енергетичних потреб житлово-комунального господарства Украши. Крiм того земля, яка внасл^ док забруднення стала непридатною для вирощування харчових рослин, могла б використовуватись для вирощування енергетичних культур.

Аграрна сфера економжи мае потужний потенщал, який можна активу-вати за умови реалiзацil Стратеги сталого розвитку Украши та архитишки в публiчному управлiннi.

Ключовi слова: публiчне управлшня, сталий розвиток, сiльське господар-ство, архитипний шдхщ.


Аннотация. АПК считается локомотивом экономики Украины. Традиционно он обеспечивает 15-20 % ВВП ежегодно, генерируя валютную выручку от экспорта сельскохозяйственной продукции в условиях долговой нагрузки на экономику страны, является источником покрытия текущих обязательств.

Главная задача АПК: обеспечить продовольственную безопасность страны, а ее население — качественной продукцией отечественного производства. Активное участие страны в международных экономических отношениях является определяющим фактором развития экономики страны.

На смену теории экономического роста со временм пришла концепция устойчивого развития. Сегодня в научной литературе существует много определений устойчивого развития. Такая ситуация обусловлена двумя факторами: сложностью концепции, включающей в себя экономические, экологические, социальные и другие аспекты развития общества, а также несовпадением взглядов ученых, предпринимателей и политиков. Для лучшего понимания этот термин следует разделить на две части. Их сочетание:

"устойчивое" и "развитие" позволяет усилить связь упорядоченных изменений системы мирового хозяйства с учетом интеграции разных по характеру целей, территорий, времени.

Устойчивое развитие АПК нуждается в государственной поддержке. Кроме решения вопроса обеспечения продовольственной безопасности страны, устойчивое развитие аграрного сектора является важным с точки зрения обеспечения занятости населения, наращивания экспортного потенциала страны.

Украина является одним из ключевых игроков на мировом рынке сельскохозяйственной продукции.

Отсутствие инновационных подходов к развитию отрасли вызывает нехватку инвестиций, необходимых для ее развития, сельские жители в поисках работы едут за границу.

В условиях существования объективной угрозы исчерпания природных ископаемых как источника получения топлива для нужд человечества, все большую актуальность приобретает необходимость решения проблемы поиска альтернативных источников для обеспечения энергетических потребностей.

Биоэнергетика могла бы удовлетворить значительную часть энергетических потребностей жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Украины. Кроме этого земли, ставшие непигодными для выращивания продовольственных культур вследствии загрязнений, могли бы использоваться для выращивания энергетических культур.

Аграрная сфера экономики имеет мощный потенциал, который можно активировать при реализации Стратегии устойчивого развития Украины и архитипики в публичном управлении.

Ключевые слова: публичное управление, устойчивое развитие, сельское хозяйство, архитипний подход.

Formulation of the problem. The

need for sustainable development of Ukraine's economy today is evident. An important part of it is the agroin-dustrial complex (AIC). Many economists consider the agro-industrial complex to be the locomotive of the Ukrainian economy. It provides traditionally 15-20 % of GDP annually, generates currency earnings from exports of agricultural products, under the conditions of the debt burden on the national economy is a source of

coverage of current liabilities. In the coming years, Ukraine is obliged to pay the principal amount of external debt and interest in the following volumes: 2019 — US $ 5,987 billion USA; 2020 — USD 6,081 billion USA; 2021 — $ 6,286 billion USA; 2022 -3,658 billion dollars USA [1]. The main task of the agroindustrial complex is to ensure the country's food security, and the population — quality goods of domestic production. Active participation of the country in interna-

tional economic relations is a decisive factor in the development of the country's economy. According to the results of the global competitiveness assessment in 2017, Ukraine ranks 81 out of 137 countries, and the market efficiency of goods 101 [2]. This requires increased attention to the issues of the proper management of the development of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine.

Analysis of recent publications.

An important contribution to the development of theoretical, methodological, scientific and practical principles of sustainable economic development was made in the works: I. Bistryakova, O. Veklych, K. Melnyk, A. Chukhno, A. Borodin, A. Malinovsky, V. Yurchy-shyn. Conceptual principles of archetypes became the subject of research by E. Afonin, O. Donchenko, S. Krymsky, K. Jung. Despite the large number of studies devoted to the sustainable development of the economy, the development of the agro-industrial complex, the study of archetypes, the problems of the public management of the development of agro-industrial complex in the context of the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine on the basis of the archetypical approach remain insufficiently highlighted.

The purpose of the article is: to identify the trends and identify the peculiarities of the public management of AIC development in the context of the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine on the basis of an archetypal approach.

Presenting main material. The theory of sustainable development has gained popularity over the past decades. In place of the theory of eco-

nomic growth, the concept of sustainable development arose. Today in the scientific literature there are many definitions of sustainable development. This situation is conditioned by two factors: the complexity of the concept, which includes the economic, environmental, social and other aspects of the development of society, as well as the divergence of views of scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians. For better understanding, this term should be divided into two parts. The combination of the terms "sustainable" and "development" can strengthen the connection of the orderly changes in the world economy system, taking into account the integration of different (nature, economic, social), territories (separate settlements, regions, states, continents, planets), time (present and future generation). These components are of great significance, since they provide a variety of liveliness and the needs of an individual and of mankind as a whole. Social progress, in turn, is possible in the case of an integrated implementation of the mentioned components [3, p. 35]. Under constant social development understand only those changes that are in the interests of the majority of citizens, contributing to improving the quality of their lives.

Sustainable development of AIC requires state support. At the state level, it is worthwhile to select the following forms of direct budget support: subsidizing agricultural production; subsidizing of short-term and investment crediting of agricultural enterprises; provision of subsidies to compensate farmers for agricultural crop insurance; subsidies on capital expenditures. Indirect support is the

purchase of agricultural products, foodstuffs; regulation of the market of production through the procurement of grain, the implementation of commodity interventions; protection of economic interests of commodity producers in the field of AIC in the course of their foreign economic activity, etc. Under conditional direct support, production potential and positions on the consumer market are strengthened by means of measures that provide favorable organizational and economic conditions for the functioning of agricultural producers. This includes measures to restructure the indebtedness of agricultural producers for payments to the budget of all levels, state extra-budgetary funds, energy suppliers and other logistical resources; creation of a special tax regime; support of agrarian science; realization of state programs and national projects.

According to K. M. Melnyk [4], the effectiveness of state regulation and support of the agrarian sector can be achieved if:

• resources, benefits, subsidies, subventions, etc., will be allocated in advance to state programs of agricultural development and support of agricultural producers;

• unconditional compliance by agrarian enterprises of the mandatory requirements provided for by these programs will be ensured;

• the precise definition of the share of the state and the share of enterprises in expenses in the implementation of the corresponding programs will be determined in advance;

• measures will be taken to attract international technical assistance to the agro-industrial complex.

In addition to solving the issue of ensuring food security of the country, sustainable development of the agricultural sector is important from the point of view of providing employment, increasing the export potential of the country.

Ukraine is one of the key players in the global agricultural market. The agrarian sector of Ukraine today is the backbone of the Ukrainian economy and is one of the main budget-filling and export-oriented sectors of the national economy. About 20-24 % of Ukrainian exports are agricultural products of Ukraine. The products are exported to more than 190 countries of the world, Ukraine holds leading positions in the world market, in particular, exports of cereals and oilseeds. Commodity structure of export and import of AIC products is shown in Table.

Commodity structure of Ukraine's exports has fallen in most commodity groups since 2015. The reason was the crisis in the economy and the loss of the Russian market, the prohibition of transit of Ukrainian products through the territory of Russia. A similar situation with regard to the commodity structure of imports, the country became less dependent on imported goods from abroad, began to increase the turnover of production of own products.

In the structure of imports, ready food products, which is evidence of the irrational structure of foreign trade, when more goods are imported with high added value, while mainly raw materials and products with a small degree of processing are exported.

The main market for Ukrainian agricultural products is the Asian market,

commodity group Export in mln. of dollars import in mln. of dollars

2013 2014 2015 2016 2013 2013 2014 2015

1. Live animals, products of animal origin 1084,1 1014,5 823,4 775,1 1894,5 1124,1 548,2 626,3

% to the total 6,4 6,1 5,7 5,1 23,1 18,6 15,7 16,1

II. Products of vegetable origin 8875,9 8736,1 7971,5 8093,7 2670,1 2031,6 1146,2 1284,8

% to the total 52,1 52,4 54,7 53 32,6 33,5 32,9 33

III. Fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin 3507,1 3822,1 3299,8 3962,9 403,4 301,7 1823,4 245,9

% to the total 20,6 22,9 22,7 25,9 4,9 5 5,2 6,3

IV. Ready food products 3571,7 3096,3 2468,4 2450,1 3219,5 2601,8 1607,7 1734,0

% to the total 21 18,6 16,9 16 39,3 42,9 46,1 44,6

Total 17038,8 16668,9 14563,1 15281,8 8187,4 6059,3 3484,4 3891,1

with India, Iran and Turkey the main partner countries. The main partners of EU member states are Spain, the Netherlands and Italy.

The trend in recent years is a reduction in revenues from exports of goods and a simultaneous reduction in exports of agro-food products. However, although trend is negative, exports of other, non-agricultural products declined even faster. The past two years have seen even an increase in agricultural exports. Over the past 5 years, the share of AIC in the structure of Ukraine's export earnings has increased from 26 % to 42 %. It should be noted that the basis of agricultural exports in the future is the export of raw materials, the main positions — wheat, corn, barley, soybeans.

In the analytical report, the National Institute of Strategic Studies notes that in order to ensure sustain-

able competitive development of agrarian business and minimize the negative impacts and risks of the world market, Ukraine needs to diversify agricultural exports both in terms of the product nomenclature and range, and in relation to the geographic markets. Specialists emphasize that the raw vector does not provide prospects for the development of the national economy, if Ukraine will be positioned only as a producer of high value-added raw materials. Over the past twenty years, the value added of agriculture and the food industry in the structure of gross value added of Ukraine has decreased from 23 to 14 %. A rapid decline in this indicator poses a real threat to national food security. The basis of Ukrainian agri-food exports is products with a low and medium degree of processing — cereals and oilseeds, sunflower oil, products of the food industry. The share of these com-

modity positions over the past 10 years has increased from 62 % to 90 % [6].

Scientists emphasize that the purely raw material for agricultural exports should be gradually replaced by stimulating investment in livestock farming, and in the case of oilseeds, to deepen their processing for food (sunflower, soybean) and bioenergy (rapeseed). The promising niche for the AIC of Ukraine is organic products, for this purpose it is necessary to develop a certification system.

The main factors hindering the strengthening of the competitiveness of domestic agricultural products in foreign markets are: low level of development of the financial and credit system, underdevelopment of the sphere of insurance against production and credit risks, underdeveloped infrastructure of agroindustrial complex, which increase the cost of production. In addition, agricultural products have a low quality, accordingly, the prices on it are reduced. In general, the agricultural sector needs state support.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On State Support to Agriculture in Ukraine", state support is provided as follows [7]:

• state regulation of prices of certain types of agricultural products;

• state regulation of the agricultural insurance market;

• other types of support for producers of agricultural products and the agrarian market (state mortgage purchases of grain, credit support for agricultural producers (credit subsidy), deregulation of the Ukrainian agricultural market and prohibition of discrimination of the rights of its owners;

• state support of producers of livestock products;

• other types of state support of agricultural producers.

Support for the development of rural areas is carried out in the following ways:

• solving short-term tasks connected with support of incomes of agricultural producers by artificial reduction of production costs, subsidization of certain types of products. Such a form of support does not always contribute to the intensification of production, the introduction of new technologies, the increase of labor productivity in the agrarian sector, in general, has a minimal impact on these processes;

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• measures aimed at solving long-term problems related to technical and economic development, promote the implementation of intensive management methods, increase the efficiency of agricultural production.

It should be noted that the implementation of sustainable development of the economy must be carried out in the context of the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine until 2030.

The draft Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 was discussed in June-December 2016. representatives of public authorities and local self-government of all regions of Ukraine, deputies of different levels, academics and educators, representatives of civil society organizations, professional associations, business, mass media, experts of international organizations took part in regional and national consultations.

In 2030 Ukraine is seen as a country that is developing on the principles of

sustainable development. The strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine until 2030 is focused on the vectors identified in the Strategy for Sustainable Development "Ukraine 2020" [8]:

• the vector of development - ensuring the country's sustainable development, carrying out structural reforms, ensuring economic growth in an environmentally sound way, creating favorable conditions for conducting economic activity;

• the vector of security — ensuring the security of the state, business and citizens, protecting investment and private property, securing peace and protection of borders, fair and impartial justice, urgently carrying out purges of power at all levels, and ensuring the implementation of effective anti-corruption mechanisms. The priority is the safety of life and health of a person, which is impossible without an effective system of public health protection, provision of proper medical services, protection of socially vulnerable groups of population, a safe environment and access to high-quality drinking water and sanitation, safe and high-quality food products, and industrial goods;

• the responsibility vector is to provide guarantees to every citizen regardless of race, color, political, religious or other beliefs, gender, ethnic or social origin, property status, residence, language or other characteristics, have access to high quality education, security systems health and other services in the public and private sectors;

• the vector of pride is to ensure mutual respect and tolerance in society, pride in its own state, its history, culture, science, and sport.

According to the strategy, the national goals of sustainable development of Ukraine are singled out, in particular [9]:

• ensuring sustainable branch and regional development;

• promote sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex;

• provide access to affordable, reliable, low-carbon energy for all and increase energy efficiency;

• to ensure sustainable development of regions on the basis of preservation of national cultural values and traditions.

It is important to pay attention to the investment potential of the agricultural sector, the process of formation of which is largely associated with the process of primary accumulation of capital by enterprises. The growth of the volume of investment resources is not accompanied by the development of investment activity directly at enterprises. The reasons for this are that there are no conditions for the development of investment activity, lack of trained specialists and managers, unresolved issues of industry reform, prevailing costly business practices, and the lack of implementation of innovations. As a result, about 50 % of the total investment goes to intermediary activities, and not to direct production. Lack of land market, low education and lack of innovation, unusual approaches lead to the fact that the potential for increasing productivity, efficiency and diversification is not used.

Ukraine ranks 96th out of 189 in the Doing Business World Bank ranking [10]. The country ranked 76th in the Global Competitiveness Index.

The lack of innovative approaches to the development of the industry leads to a lack of investments that are necessary for its development, while rural residents are looking for work abroad.

The labor force from Ukraine became one of the main export items, dividing the TOP with metal, grain and oil. In 2018 migrant workers transferred to Ukraine $ 11,6 billion USA. The war and the provision of Ukraine with a visa-free regime have stimulated massive labor migration from Ukraine. According to the International Monetary Fund, in other countries there are three million migrant workers from Ukraine.

Private money transfers coming to Ukraine over the past five years have become an important factor in mac-roeconomic stability. As noted by the World Bank, transfers from labor migrants positively contribute to the stability of the hryvnia exchange rate.

The change of power, a number of other factors, led to a sharp decrease

(by USD 2 billion) in 2014 of cash flows from Ukrainian workers. By 2014, the bulk of migrant workers from Ukraine worked in Russia and the military conflict turned this trend.

Already in 2015, the growth of transfers from migrant workers, which reoriented to Europe, resumed and amounted to $ 7 billion. USA. In 2017, Ukraine received a visa-free regime with the EU and it also provoked massive labor migration. The volume of income from labor migrants in 2017 grew to $ 9,3 billion. The USA and in 2018 — up to 11,6 billion dollars. USA.

The volume of transfers from the labor migrants in 2015-2017 was at the level of 8 % of the nominal annual GDP of Ukraine, and according to the results of 2018, this year, all chances to reach more than 12 % (Fig. 1).

Having compared volumes of transfers and volumes of foreign investments to Ukraine, one can conclude that starting from 2014, migrant workers every year invest in the Ukrainian

Dynamics of Private Money Transfers to Ukraine in 2013-2019* ($ billion)









* 2019 - NBU forecast

Fig. 1. Dynamics of Private Money Transfers to ukraine (2013-2019)

economy several times more than foreign investors (Fig. 2).

Unfortunately, investors did not believe in the current authorities of Ukraine and are in no hurry to open their production here. As a result, Ukrainian workers are forced to go to Eastern Europe, which is often the competitor of domestic enterprises in foreign markets.

Comparison of income from labor migrants with the volume of foreign exchange earnings from exports of the mining and smelting complex, the agro-industrial sector (including food exports) and IT showed that: in 2018, Ukrainian enterprises sold grain, processed products, vegetable oils, semifinished products for export and ready-made food at $ 16,8 billion. USA; Exports of iron ore and ferrous metals, including semi-finished products, rolled products and pipes, amounted to 13,5 billion dollars. USA. IT industry has brought 3,6 billion dollars. USA. In the ranking of currency donors, the wage earned the third place, and trans-

fers from them closely approached the volumes of currency earnings from the export of iron ore and metal.

In the conditions of existence of an objective threat of exhaustion of natural resources as sources of fuel for the needs of mankind, the need to solve the problem of finding alternative sources for covering energy needs becomes more urgent.

Reducing natural gas consumption and developing energy efficiency are the most pressing challenges facing Ukraine today. Ukraine is one of the most energy-intensive countries in the world. The country's energy security is heavily dependent on the degree of diversification of energy used to meet its energy needs.

The primary task of national energy is to seek and use alternative fuels, the alternative of which is, first of all, their environmental and rehabilitation.

Taking into account national interests and energy security, renewable energy should be considered a priority direction of energy development

Money transfers and foreign investments in Ukraine ( $ billion)

11 ,6



8 5

\ __ii*^

, __

__I >2_


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201S

• Transfers® Foreign investments Fig. 2. Money transfers and foreign investments in Ukraine (billion US dollars)

in Ukraine. Bioenergy could satisfy a significant part of the energy needs of the housing and communal services of Ukraine. In addition, the land which, due to pollution, became unfit for the cultivation of food plants, could be used to grow energy crops. The development of bioenergy, and in general the renewable energy sector, could help solve many environmental problems.

The urgency of using biomass as an energy source is extremely high. The largest economic potential of biomass is the production of maize for grain, experts do not recommend its use as a biofuel because of the climatic peculiarities of Ukraine — corn stems do not have time to completely dry up, and therefore are unsuitable for burning without additional costs for their drying, which is expensive and inappropriate, since it significantly increases the cost of biofuels. The second place is the waste of grain (straw), economically expedient potential — 31,78 thousand tons or 18,24 thousand tons of conditional fuel (c.f.). The third place is sunflower waste (stems and husk). The economically feasible potential of sunflower stems is 15,24 thousand tons c.f., and sunflower husk — 1,23 thousand tons c.f. The total economic potential of sunflower waste is 16,47 thousand tons c.f.

The use of straw as the primary source of energy for the production of heat for heating and hot water needs is a top priority of the energy use of the potential of local biofuels.

The use of biomass as a fuel will ensure the development of a new business — the procurement of local fuels with the involvement of small and medium businesses; save significant

money for the purchase of traditional energy sources.

Recently, special attention is paid to issues of archetype in public administration, as a practical field of application of scientific and theoretical research. Modern researchers in the field of studying archetype are: E. Afonin, I. Birich, S. Krymsky.

Ideally, the people and the state they form must rely on the collective unconscious. Every nation has a unique archetype. It is a form of collective unconscious, through which the experience of the people is passed from generation to generation. Knowledge of archetype allows you to explore the mentality of the people, his prehistory and the future.

It is known that no country in any era survived the crisis due to purely economic circumstances. Indeed, at the heart of economic activity is a certain psychoculture.

Given that archetype in public administration generates a certain tool for the implementation of state policy, one should take into account the need to restore the archetype of the Ukrainian-host.

In a simplified form, the psychosocial portrait of a Ukrainian is a self-sufficient master who relies on his own strength; psychosocial portrait of a European is a hired employee who has formed a civil society through which he defends his rights.

To the defining archetypes of the Ukrainian mentality, S. Krymsky refers to the land and the ideal of freedom. The archetype of the land integrated the agrarian-industrial, social-historical and spiritual-cultural attributes of national life.

The social system gave birth to the psychotype of a Ukrainian as a self-sufficient host who relied on his own strength. It was this psycho-type that did not allow the emergence of a homegrown feudal class, and therefore the task of state creation, which was unsustainable for him, lay on the shoulders of the peasantry and the Cossacks. It is worth noting that the urgency and the need to restore the archetype of the Ukrainian-master today is just in time. After all, only the real owner of the land — a peasant, the farmer will be able to effectively use it, perceiving at the same time the archetype of the earth and able to combine modern technology of management.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The development of public management of AIC in the context of the strategy of sustainable development of Ukraine impedes the difficulties that are characterized by the general complex political-economic situation in the country, groundless administrative barriers, corruption and excessive regulation. The inflexible land market coupled with low education and the lack of young, business, innovative farmers restrain the formation of an effective structure of economic activity in agriculture and lead to the non-use of the potential for increasing productivity and diversification in the agrarian sector. The country ranked 96th out of 189 in the World Bank's Doing Business rating for 2015. Despite a slight increase in the rating due to reforms registered in 8 spheres, Ukraine still lags behind all the countries of the region. On a global scale, the business environment in Ukraine can be compared with the

Philippines, the Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka.

With all these negatives, the agrarian sphere has a powerful potential that can be activated if the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Ukraine and Archetype in the Public Administration are implemented.

In further research, in order to increase the effectiveness of the implementation of public administration strategies, in particular in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy, one must rely on an archetype - a psychosocial portrait of a Ukrainian self-reliant owner who appreciates land, freedom and innovation in farming.

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