Научная статья на тему 'Psychology-pedagogical model of resotialisation pupils of specialized institutions for children with deviant behavior'

Psychology-pedagogical model of resotialisation pupils of specialized institutions for children with deviant behavior Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Kamilova Nadira Gayratovna

In the given article is presented the model of resocialization pupils of specialized institutions for children with deviant behaviour. Model resocialization result of long-term experimental activity directed on studying of features of adaptation and resocialization pupils on the basis of specialized colleges for children with deviant behaviour. In the article are described methodological bases of model of resocialization, technologies of resocialization and special receptions in activity of participants of rehabilitation space, and also criterion of efficiency of process of resocialization pupils of specialized institutions. The given technologies can widely be used in work of practical psychologists; educational institutions of any type, within the limits of preventive maintenance are described behaviour of children and teenagers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychology-pedagogical model of resotialisation pupils of specialized institutions for children with deviant behavior»

Section 3. Pedagogical Psychology

Kamilova Nadira Gayratovna Tashkent State Pedagogical Universite candidate of psychology science, docent of "Psychology" department E-mail: nadira05@list.ru

Psychology-pedagogical model of resotialisation pupils of specialized institutions for children with deviant behavior

Abstract: In the given article is presented the model of resocialization pupils of specialized institutions for children with deviant behaviour. Model resocialization — result of long-term experimental activity directed on studying of features of adaptation and resocialization pupils on the basis of specialized colleges for children with deviant behaviour. In the article are described methodological bases of model of resocialization, technologies ofresocialization and special receptions in activity ofparticipants ofrehabilitation space, and also criterion of efficiency of process of resocialization pupils of specialized institutions. The given technologies can widely be used in work of practical psychologists; educational institutions of any type, within the limits of preventive maintenance are described behaviour of children and teenagers.

Keywords: resotialisation, deviant behaviour, the client the aligned approach, dialogical formation, self-knowledge, self-control, self-management, self-creation.

Offences of minors are regulated by various social insti- sence of the humanistic approach is formulated as follows:

tutes. Public influence can have character of legal sanctions, medical intervention, pedagogical influence, social support and the psychological help. Owing to difficult character of behavioural infringements their prevention and overcoming demands well organized system of social influences.

Talking about resocialization minor offenders, we mean, as a rule, the long process having in the basis a difficult complex of psychology-pedagogical, economic, medical, legal and organizational measures, directed on formation at each child of ability and readiness for inclusion after stay in specialized institution for children with deviant behaviour, in usual conditions of life of society.

Conceptual bases of the program developed by us resocialization were ideas of humanistic psychology of A. Maslou, A. Adler, K. Rogers, activity approach and H. Leontyev. Methodological value of the system approach by concept working out consists that he allows to estimate special complete properties of theoretical basis of investigated processes, to open dynamics of their functioning and development.

The most important methodological basis for concept construction is humanistic and activity approaches. The es-

any psychological phenomenon, whether it is process, a condition or property of the individual, cannot be correctly understood without its personal conditionality, without its system of relations to the world, the nature, a society, to itself, without humanitarian rehabilitation process directed on spirituality cultivation. Activity approach allows to direct efforts to development of subject activity, including spiritual when the subject becomes "subject" itself.

Rehabilitation process is considered by us taking into account its personal conditionality, personal positions of its participants. The model of the program developed by us resocialization pupils specialized establishments it is focused on strategy which specifies in ability to change, to personal dynamics: ability to self-development, self-improvement, self-education — strategy of open type which offers not the description of an end result of rehabilitation, and the description of these processes in such organizational, methodical and psychological characteristics which give the chance to children and adults to feel satisfaction «here and now» instead of working with orientation on useful to the future, but, nevertheless, far results.

Main objective of rehabilitation process of children with deviant behaviour is their further adaptation in the prosaically environment, leaving from the criminal world. Therefore work of psychological service is directed on development of the person of each teenager, ability to realize the problems, to find decision ways, to put the purposes, to carry out them, respecting and accepting other people that correspond to essence humanistic psychotherapy of K. Rogers.

In the work with the senior teenagers, the great value has overcoming of existential vacuum (absence of vital sense and vital values and the purposes, assuming leaving in addicted behaviour. In this case the most defensible is the activity of the psychologist in frameworks of logo therapy of V. Frankla.

The effective result in work with teenagers gives introduction by teachers (by means of psychologists) to the technology assuming formation of motivation of the teenager to training and personal self-change, leaning on experience, motivating and supporting independent decisions.

Creation of conditions for process of rehabilitation of teenagers with deviant behaviour inseparably linked with destruction of stereotypes and models of the relations corresponding to rules asocial of subculture; with orientation to occurrence in teenagers' positive reactions and desires to self-change according to other valuable orientations. The cognitive-behavioural direction in psychology assumes that the most part of human behaviour is learn by means of supervision over models. Studied through supervision includes: display of attention (interest), preservation (it is connected with liking to object), production («and I so can») and motivation («and I so will be»). These ideas are basic in working out of psych correctional technology in work with children with deviant behaviour.

The research carried out by us has shown, that the most productive psych correctional and rehabilitation work with children with deviant behaviour is in the event that all participants of rehabilitation process are involved in psych correctional activity (teachers, tutors, doctors, heads), not only united by an overall aim, but also owning practical skills in various psychological directions and the information on psychological condition of each teenager and in common working in the uniform technology directed on personal self-change of the teenager. Synthesis of various directions allows designating this technology as multimodal technology of psych correction and psychotherapy of the person of children with deviant behaviour. It includes system technicians of humanistic psychology, cognitive-behavioural psychology,

technology of multimodal psychotherapy. Using of such technologies allows to reaching optimum results of multilateral influence on person of the teenager both from adults, and from contemporaries.

In the result the teenager infected with asocial subculture, quite adapted in the criminal world and frequently not showing aspiration to returning in the prosaically environment, appear not one person (the teacher, the tutor, the psychologist), causing liking and desire to reproduce model of its behaviour, but group of the persons united by the general values, sincerely located to the teenager, respecting its opinion and opinion each other, with the developed feeling of empathy. Such group offers the teenager the developed model ofbehaviour, in a root distinct from models of behaviour of antisocial groups, however is enough rallied that the teenager has felt the safety and desire to reproduce such relation to the world. In this direction we would define work system as psych correctional technology of cooperation. She assumes work in micro collectives — with group of children the tutor, the teacher-curator, the master, the psychologist, the tutor directly work. Each adult owns the timely information on psychological condition and intrapersonal changes of the teenager, practical psych correctional and psychotherapeutic technicians, is aligned on the pupil and changes of its private world.

The multimodal technology of psych correction of the person of children offered by us with deviant behaviour is carried out by the psychologist together with other experts in psych correctional and psychotherapeu-tic work in educational, educational, industrial practice activity in group and individual forms. The psychologist spends distribution of accents of activity between participants of rehabilitation process.

Thus, the multimodal technology of influence on personal self-change of the teenager with deviant behaviour is under construction in system of the decision of the psych diagnostic, psych correctional and psychotherapeutic problems which are carried out as psychological service, so under its management of all participants of rehabilitation process (psychologists, teachers, doctors, tutors, masters of in-service training, social teachers, teachers of an additional education) with accurate distribution of their duties and influence spheres.

To successful construction ofeducational process with children with proof uncooperative altitude to school (to 90% ofagain arriving pupils) conducts an establishment of positive interpersonal contact between the teacher and the pupil, therefore in the course of obligatory consultations besides acquaintance to a level of development ofinforma-

tive processes at children psychologists give to teachers the characteristic of an emotional condition, personal development of each pupil, the recommendations directed on creation of humanitarian rehabilitation space in the course of educational activity.

Psychologists provide conditions (the trainings of personal growth directed on development of psycho logical culture) of development ofprofessional motivation at which the teacher who is directly carrying out work at a lesson, the client-aligned of therapy (empathy, invaluable acceptance of the pupil), builds dialogical dialogue at a lesson, seizes such receptions of cognitive-behavioural direction in psychology, as a positive and negative reinforcement, modeling of success of efforts, "encouragement", possibility granting to self-realization.

Overcoming of deviant behaviour in conditions specialized Institutions inseparably linked with aggression decrease, removal of animosities of pupils, decrease in uneasiness, level of environment dis adaptation children, and also formation of an adequate self-estimation, development of reflective skills and a personal orientation on success. In the course of experiment it is established, that annual inspection of children for level definition «is required to subjective

satisfaction itself, activity and associates». In the beginning and in the end of each academic year psychologists spend the complex inspection directed on revealing of dynamics of personal development of pupils, allowing adequately to build rehabilitation space in conditions of specialized Institutions.

Regular obligatory consultations of tutors, the organization of consultative participants' of micro collective allow teachers more successfully taking into account features and changes in behaviour and personal development of pupils to build the program of rehabilitation for each pupil.

Thanks to j oint activity with the psychologist, at the tutor working with the teenager with deviant behaviour, the empathy develops, the aspiration to unconditional acceptance of the teenager, ability to be competitors is formed, to respect experience of the pupil and its opinion (inducing to its statement). Adults help the pupil with comprehension of its vital senses; learn to put the purposes and to reach them, to overcome «the learnt feebleness».

Such approach to understanding of essence of process of psychology-pedagogical rehabilitation opens possibilities of working out of criteria of efficiency of activity and its basic indicators.

№ Criteria of investigated process Empirical indicators of the revealed criteria of investigated process

1 Presence of humanistic oriented rehabilitation-educational system Acceptance by all employees of base ideas of humanistic psychology as the methodological (conceptual) bases for a choice of strategy of the professional work; valuable oriented unity of collective; presence of the psychological atmosphere based on principles of society, cooperation, dialogue and an emotional openness of children and adults; presence in rehabilitation-educational system of system formed kinds of activity and key creative affairs; presence of helping relations in system «the teacher - the teenager», promoting maintenance of emotional comfort of pupils

2 Psychology-pedagogical competence of pedagogy and its professional skill Psychological literacy; possession of psychological technologies; empathy and tolerance; emotional and intellectual flexibility of teachers and workers, knowledge of the basic laws of preventive psychology and ability creatively to put them into practice

3 Process of accumulation by the pupil of positive subjective experience of ability to live Mastering by the teenager of ethical standards and valuable senses; development of abilities to a reflexion; display of operative adaptation in non-standard (crisis) situations; acquisition of experience of the activity directed on transformation of surrounding society and; development ofpositive subjective experience of dialogue with teachers and contemporaries; development in the teenager of the abilities directed on self-knowledge, self-control, self-management and self-creation

4 Humanistic oriented management of rehabilitation-educational system The system approach in management of establishment activity: presence of reflective management; purposeful system of carrying out of professional self-improvement of employees; a collective nature and one-man management combination in management; attraction of all interested parties to management (self-management); comprehension by employees of responsibility for its activity and destiny of children

Table 1. - Criteria of efficiency of process resocialization children with deviant behaviour

The criteria revealed by us and empirical indicators in the set full enough reflect objectivity and efficiency of successful functioning of model resocialization in activity of specialized establishments for children with deviant behaviour. Efficiency of investigated process in

many respects depends on character of expansion of this process in conditions of specialized institutions, scientifically proved technique of designing of model of the rehabilitation-educational system, an adequate choice system formed activity and the basic directions of realization.


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Karshibaeva Gulnoza Abdukadyrovna,

senior lecturer

izzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan E-mail: gulinoza.ru@bk.ru Norbekova Barno Shavkatovna, teacher Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan E-mail: barnoxon22.01@mail.ru Turakulov Laziz Tirkashevich, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan

Suicide — this is not just a way to attract attention

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