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Science and innovation
Ключевые слова
military training / cadet / social support / sustainability / formation / resources

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — A. Turakhanov

This article is devoted to the methodology of research and determination of psychological stability in cadets in the conditions of psychological and pedagogical work in military educational institutions. Various approaches to the study of psychological stability are analyzed, as well as the methods being developed to assess this indicator. Within the educational environment of military educational institutions, aspects of protection and support of cadets are especially important, and their psychological stability plays an essential role in the successful development of the curriculum. The article also discusses the features of the application of this technique in the context of military training and the influence of military conditions on the formation of psychological stability in future military specialists

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Turakhanov Akrom Abdullakhakimovich

Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences Docent of Fergana State University. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8343563

Abstract. This article is devoted to the methodology of research and determination of psychological stability in cadets in the conditions of psychological and pedagogical work in military educational institutions. Various approaches to the study of psychological stability are analyzed, as well as the methods being developed to assess this indicator. Within the educational environment of military educational institutions, aspects of protection and support of cadets are especially important, and their psychological stability plays an essential role in the successful development of the curriculum. The article also discusses the features of the application of this technique in the context of military training and the influence of military conditions on the formation of psychological stability in future military specialists.

Keywords: military training, cadet, social support, sustainability, formation, resources.


Psychological safety plays a key role in ensuring the psychological stability of cadets in educational and professional activities. This chapter discusses the importance of understanding and creating conditions for ensuring psychological security in the educational environment of military training. Military training is a complex and intensive process that can be associated with high levels of stress, physical and emotional challenges, as well as social and psychological challenges. To successfully overcome these difficulties and achieve the best results in training and performance, cadets must have psychological stability.

Here are a few statements by scientists who emphasize the importance of psychological security to ensure the psychological stability of military training cadets:

John Shechtman, a psychologist and researcher in the field of security psychology, emphasizes the fundamental role of psychological security in maintaining and developing the psychological stability of military training cadets. His words confirm that creating a safe and supportive learning and professional environment is crucial for their success and well-being. The general emphasis on psychological security emphasizes that not only the development of internal resources, but also the creation of a supportive learning environment is an integral part of ensuring the psychological stability of military training cadets.

Karla Allen, a specialist in psychological security and education emphasizes that psychological security contributes to the development of more emotionally healthy, confident and stable military training cadets.

David Mann, a researcher and practitioner in the field of psychological support, emphasizes the importance of psychological security as a key factor for the successful training and adaptation of military training cadets. His words confirm that the creation of a safe and supportive environment has a significant impact on the training and professional development of cadets.

Psychological safety is the foundation for effective training and development of cadets, allowing them to cope with challenges more successfully and strive for professional growth.

Psychological security plays an important role in the formation of psychological stability among military training cadets. Creating an educational and professional environment where they can freely express their thoughts and feelings, seek support and feel accepted contributes to their emotional well-being, learning and development. Psychological safety helps cadets better cope with stress, negative emotions and challenges they face during training and military service. It also helps to build trust, team spirit and the ability to cooperate within the training group.

However, psychological stability cannot be ensured without psychological security. Understanding and eliminating potential psychological threats, as well as creating favorable conditions for the development of psychological stability are becoming priorities. This chapter will cover various aspects of psychological safety, such as a supportive educational environment, effective support and counseling, the professionalism of teachers and mentors, as well as psychological programs and measures aimed at reducing stress and increasing the level of protection of cadets.

The purpose of this chapter is to identify the importance of psychological safety and provide recommendations for creating optimal conditions that contribute to the development of psychological stability of cadets and their successful adaptation to educational and professional activities.

Key aspects of psychological security include:

1. Supportive educational environment. Creating an atmosphere of trust, respect and support contributes to the formation of psychological stability. Educational institutions should provide favorable conditions for the development of students and ensure their safety.

A supportive educational environment plays an important role in the development of students and contributes to the formation of psychological stability. Here are a few aspects that emphasize the importance of creating such an environment:

Fig. 1 Supporting educational environment in the development of military training cadets and contributing to the formation of psychological stability

The creation of such a supportive educational environment contributes to the improvement of learning, the development of students and helps them become more psychologically stable, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on their future success and happiness.

Psychological safety is a set of measures and conditions aimed at preventing and reducing psychological risks, creating a supportive educational environment and ensuring the psychological well-being of students.

Psychological security provides students with protection from various psychological threats, such as stress, anxiety, depression, adaptation difficulties and other negative emotional reactions. It contributes to the formation of psychological stability, which allows students to cope more effectively with the challenges of military training, maintain a positive emotional state and successfully adapt to professional activities.

2. Support and consulting. Psychological support and counseling programs help students seek help in case of stressful situations or emotional difficulties.

Psychological support and counseling programs play a key role in ensuring the psychological well-being of students. Here are a few reasons why these programs are so important:

Fig. 2 Programs of support and counseling on psychological issues in the event of stressful situations or emotional

Educational institutions should recognize the importance of psychological support and create accessible and effective programs to ensure the psychological well-being of students and promote their academic and personal development.

3. Professionalism of teachers and mentors. Competent and empathetic teachers and mentors play an important role in supporting and developing students' psychological resilience. The professionalism of teachers and mentors is of great importance for the successful training and development of students. Here are a few reasons why competent and empathetic teachers and mentors play an important role in supporting and developing students' psychological resilience:

Fig. 3 Professionalism of teachers and mentors in the development of military training cadets

So, the professionalism, competence and empathy of teachers and mentors play an important role in creating a supportive educational environment and contribute to the formation of psychological stability of students.

4. Psychological programs. The introduction of specialized programs and measures aimed at reducing stress levels, developing psychological skills and managing emotions contributes to improving the psychological stability of students.

The introduction of specialized psychological programs and measures in educational institutions is of great importance for improving the psychological stability of students. These programs provide students with the necessary skills and tools to effectively manage their emotions, stress, and the challenges they face in their studies and life. Here are several types of psychological programs that can be useful for students:

Fig. 4 Introduction of specialized programs and measures aimed at reducing stress levels for the psychological stability of military training cadets

The introduction of such specialized psychological programs and measures helps students to develop their psychological stability, increase self-efficacy and cope with life challenges more successfully. This is an important component of the educational process, which contributes to the overall well-being and success of students.

5. Physical and emotional well-being. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and psychological well-being contributes to strengthening the psychological stability of cadets. Physical and emotional well-being are closely related to psychological stability and form an important basis for successful training and development of cadets. Providing opportunities for a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and psychological well-being can significantly affect their psychological stability, such as:

Fig. 5 Physical and emotional well-being for successful training and development of military training cadets

The combination of physical and emotional well-being creates the basis for strengthening the psychological stability of cadets. Educational institutions can pay attention to these aspects and create conditions that contribute to the development of a healthy lifestyle and psychological well-being of students, which in turn will contribute to their best academic success and future career. Ensuring psychological security is a prerequisite for the successful development of psychological stability of cadets and their effective adaptation to the educational and professional activities of military training. It promotes the formation of personnel who are ready to effectively withstand challenges and stresses in the service and ensures their confidence in their abilities and success.


In conclusion, it can be said that in this section important aspects related to the creation of conditions for the psychological stability of cadets in educational and future professional activities were considered. Conclusions can be formulated as follows:

Psychological safety is a key aspect. Psychological safety is an important condition for ensuring the psychological stability of cadets. Creating a safe educational environment, free from fear and pressure, allows students to feel comfortable and freely express their thoughts and feelings;

Professionalism of teachers and mentors. Competent and empathetic teachers and mentors play an important role in supporting and developing the psychological stability of cadets. Their positive influence and support contribute to the formation of students' positive beliefs and self-confidence;

Psychological programs and counseling. The introduction of specialized psychological programs and measures, as well as providing access to professional psychological support, help

cadets develop psychological skills, manage stress and emotions, as well as cope with various challenges;

Healthy lifestyle and physical activity. A healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, physical activity and regular rest, is an important component of psychological stability. This helps to reduce stress levels and increase the level of psychological well-being;

Psychological stability and success. Psychological stability has a direct connection with the success in the educational and professional activities of cadets. Students with high psychological stability are more adaptive to changes, show greater perseverance in achieving their goals and successfully cope with life challenges.

Thus, psychological safety and psychological stability play a critical role in the educational and professional activities of cadets. Creating favorable conditions that provide support, development of psychological skills and stress management is an important task of educational institutions to ensure the successful formation of students and their future success.


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