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Ключевые слова
using mobile technology / mobile education / motivation / types of motivation / internal / external / mobile application / psychology / pedagogy / electronic device / a smartphone / a tablet / a computer

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mukarama Katayeva

This article analyzes and makes recommendations for using mobile technologies for educational purposes in higher education, the methodology of teaching a foreign language, researchers’ ideas about distance education, and the importance of mobile technology. The psychological and pedagogical conditions for using mobile technologies in teaching foreign languages, Motivation is a great way to engage students to study on mobile devices – the types of Motivation which are vital to use during classes. There are internal and external, positive and negative motivations that make learning exciting or satisfying the basic psychological needs of a person – mobile application, which students studied during a term in Namangan Engineering Construction Institute. The author gave the result of the research in Table 1a. In conclusion, Motivation is essential for the strategic success and implementation of the educational system. Teacher motivation is vital for several reasons. It is necessary for teacher creativity achievement and motivates teachers.

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The European Journal of Education PREMIER

and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4 H

ISSN 2310-5704 ppublishing.org



Mukarama Katayeva 1

1 Namangan Engineering Construction Institute, Uzbekistan

Cite: Katayeva M. (2023). Psychological-Pedagogical Requirements of Foreign Language Teaching to Students in Technical Areas. European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEAP-23-4-66-71


This article analyzes and makes recommendations for using mobile technologies for educational purposes in higher education, the methodology of teaching a foreign language, researchers' ideas about distance education, and the importance of mobile technology. The psychological and pedagogical conditions for using mobile technologies in teaching foreign languages, Motivation is a great way to engage students to study on mobile devices - the types of Motivation which are vital to use during classes. There are internal and external, positive and negative motivations that make learning exciting or satisfying the basic psychological needs of a person - mobile application, which students studied during a term in Namangan Engineering Construction Institute. The author gave the result of the research in Table 1a. In conclusion, Motivation is essential for the strategic success and implementation of the educational system. Teacher motivation is vital for several reasons. It is necessary for teacher creativity achievement and motivates teachers.

Keywords: using mobile technology, mobile education, motivation, types of motivation, internal, external, mobile application, psychology, pedagogy, electronic device, a smartphone, a tablet, a computer


At the current stage of the development of the science of pedagogy, the use of mobile technologies for educational purposes in higher education is, on the one hand, a relatively new direction in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, which requires particular study. On the other hand, mobile technologies have already. Distance education is a well-learned tool which provides a transition from traditional forms of education to mixed education (Andreev A. A., Sol-

datkin V. I., 1999; Evdokimova M. G., 2001; Amin, A. K., Degeng, N. S., Setyosari, P., & Djatmika, E. T. 2021; Ramírez-Donoso, L., Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Neyem, A., Alar-io-Hoyos, C., Hilliger, I., & Rojos, F. 2023).

Mobile applications are small software designed to perform certain functions on an electronic device such as a smartphone, tablet or computer. With the development of science and technology, the ownership of smartphones is becoming more and more widespread. Subsequently, mobile applications running on

smartphones are gaining momentum, covering a wide range of applications, including education (Lu, Y., & Xiong, T., 2023).

However, local methodological developments are significantly different from their counterparts in the West due to the delay in the appearance of modern technologies in the Uzbek market. Due to the gradual integration of mobile technologies into the educational process abroad (from the most spartan audio players and personal digital assistants (PDAs) to innovative smartphones, tablet computers and game consoles), the situation in our country is entirely different. It is urgently necessary to introduce modern technologies, which, in turn, requires teachers to learn more about the use of mobile technologies at various stages of education and to learn that they face other challenges (Liu, C. L., & Lai, C. L. 2023).

Despite the different approaches to integrating mobile technologies into the educational process in Western and local ways, the relevance of their use is unquestionable, confirmed by the research developed to date, theoretically based and devoted to experience. The use of mobile technologies in the educational process for learning English and its valuable and convenient aspects (Mu-hammed, A. A. 2014), the specific features of mobile applications that teach a foreign language (Sanda, L., & Klimova, B. 2021), cognitively Older adults use mobile applications to improve foreign language learning (Klimova, B. 2023), lessons on language learning opportunities using portable devices to identify recurring themes, studies for instructional and academic research design, and mobile application design best practices. (Chwo, G. S. M., Marek, M. W., & Wu, W. C. W. 2018). Foreign Language Teaching and systematic analysis of the effectiveness of using mobile technologies (Mt) in learning (Hawamdeh, M., & Soykan, E. 2021), using mobile applications in independent foreign language learning (Lai, Y., Saab, N., & Ad-miraal, W. 2022), the importance of mobile applications and their correct use in the process of increasing foreign language vocabulary (Polakova, P., & Klimova, B., 2022). The analysis of these researchers made it possible to determine a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions for using mobile technologies in foreign language teaching,

which allows for optimizing the educational process and achieving more effective results.


One of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for using mobile technologies in teaching foreign languages to students is to encourage students to use mobile technologies as an educational tool. However, a teacher may encounter many obstacles when starting such a process. Therefore, the teacher needs to be able to interest them in mobile education. In this case, the teacher should be able to motivate the students and increase their interest in the lesson in this way (Yunusalievna, E. M.; Maxmudovna, K. M., 2022).

The word "motivation" (lat. movere) means that a person is encouraged to act to satisfy his/her physiological and psychological needs. Since motivation is the primary means of regulating human activity in psychology and pedagogy, the role of motivation in learning is vital. But it should be remembered that the source and level of motivation changes depending on age and type of action. For example, the motivation to study is significant for a student. In contrast, for an older adult, the motivation to have a high position in society and earn a decent income is fundamental.

When talking about the classification of motivation types, first of all, there are internal and external, positive and negative motivations that make learning exciting or satisfying the basic psychological needs of a person. Internal motivation is related to the performance of high-level actions and tasks (Augustyniak, R., Ables, A., Guilford, P., Lujan, H., Cortright, R., & Di Carlo, S., 2016). Intrinsic motivation refers to the inspiration that comes from within a person. When people are intrinsically motivated to do something, it gives them pleasure. (Hussain, S. and Javed, T., 2019), intrinsic motivation is influenced by three factors: management credibility, goal orientation, and extrinsic reward expectancy, which affect the learner's attitudes (Cho, Y., and Perry, J., 2012). Therefore, internal motivation emphasizes the ability of a person to perform specific actions to get satisfaction from the result of his/her activity and also helps to increase self-confidence. On the contrary, external

motives depend on several factors: responsibility to others, approval, material reward, special status in society, punishment, etc. Scientists think about extrinsic motivation as follows: extrinsic motivation comes from outside, such as physical rewards such as money, incentives, and bonuses (Hussain, S. and Javed, T., 2019), extrinsic motivation strengthens the relationship between

social attitudes and intentions (Mihelic, K., & Culiberg, B., 2018), Extrinsic motivation is related to task performance (TP) and contextual performance (CP), and these relationships are related to affective organizational commitment (Yousaf, A., Yang, H., & Sanders, K., 2015). Thus, external motives are unrelated to the performed activity's content or process (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Types of motivation

It demonstrates that extrinsic motivation helps to increase the amount of work done, and intrinsic motivation is responsible for its quality.

Positive motivation for cognitive activity is based on positive stimulation. For example, a student will receive an increased scholarship if they pass the exams with excellent grades, or if they attend all classes during the semester, they will automatically receive credit. The essence of negative motivation is to encourage action by avoiding possible problems or punishing them for not doing the work. For example, if a student does not speak in class, he will not be kicked out of the auditorium, or if he does not take lecture notes, he will not prepare for a seminar. Therefore, students are encouraged to engage in cognitive activities under specific incentives. Still, the nature of negative motivation is often more substantial because

"punishment" is a very influential factor for motivation.

We conducted research at the Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute. We selected 1st and 2nd year mechanical engineering technology students for the research. It arranges that they learn English using a mobile application, which can be achieved by making students interested in learning using mobile applications. In addition, motivating students to learn through a mobile application is an essential factor.


In (Table 1 a), it was found that the indicators of internal motivation and external motivation are related to each other because students work based on the result. The experiment results show that to learn the language, the learners must have a desire and their internal motivation, that is, a strong desire and

love for the language they are learning; only then will they achieve a good result. For this, it is necessary to encourage them spiritually and constantly pay special attention to them. Independent learners showed the highest

impact, completing 96% of the tasks in the mobile application. Independent learners do not need to be motivated by the teacher; it is the result of them learning how vital internal and external motivation is in life.

Table 1.


1st course 20 students

2nd course 24 students

Independent learners 10 students

intrinsic extrinsic positive negative result

8 5 2 5 60%

10 8 5 2 71%

7 3 0 10 96%


In conclusion, it can be said that motivation is necessary for the development of every individual. Motivation is essential for the strategic success and implementation of the educational system. Teacher motivation is vital for several reasons. It is necessary for teacher creativity achievement and motivates teachers. This is especially important at the higher education level (Hussain, S., & Javed, T. 2019), where students' lack of motivation to attend class is seen as one of the biggest problems in the classroom. When students' participation motivation is low, negative learning behaviour can be seen most of the students with low motivation are unable to concentrate on the sub-

ject, are bored with the lesson and have no idea about the ease of use of the issue. lacks imagination (Kiliq, M. E., Kiliq, M. Y., & Akan, D. 2021). Also, to stimulate students' internal motivation, it is recommended that foreign language teachers, whenever possible and wherever, focus on two forms of positive external motivation - identification and integration, and use less of two forms of negative external motivation - external regulation and introjection. In learning foreign languages, professors and teachers can introduce motivational tasks, tasks that can make learning engaging, and methods of stimulation, which ensure high quality and efficiency of education.


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The European Journal of Education Section 4. General psychology

and Applied Psychology 2023, No 4

Yunusalievna, E. M.; Maxmudovna, K. M. (2022). Theoretical Foundations of Using the Possibilities of Mobile Learning in the Educational Process. Web of science- Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology. DOI: 10.17762/SFS.V10I2S.1584

submitted 22.08.2023;

accepted for publication 20.09.2023;

published 28.12.2023

© Katayeva, M.

Contact: zvezda.24@mail.ru

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