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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sadykova A. K., Savich К. V.

In this article, we will learn how to recognize the psychological prerequisites for a child to improvise, what is the problem with this study and how to help a child discover their hidden talents for improvisation and develop them.

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УДК 159. 928


Садыкова А. К., Савич К. В. Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (г. Кокшетау, Республика Казахстан)

Аннотация. В этой статье рассматривается вопрос, а том как распознать психологические предпосылки к импровизации у ребенка, в чем проблема этого исследования и как помочь ребенку раскрыть свои скрытые способности к импровизации и развить их.

Ключевые слова: творчество, развитие творческих способностей.



Sadykova A. K., Savich KV. Abay Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University (Kokshetau, the Republic of Kazakhstan)

Annotation. In this article, we will learn how to recognize the psychological prerequisites for a child to improvise, what is the problem with this study and how to help a child discover their hidden talents for improvisation and develop them.

Key words: creativity, creativity development.

The problem of determining the psychological prerequisites for the development of the ability to improvise in primary school age is directly related to research in the field of the development of creativity and creativity in ontogenesis.

Research in this area focuses on the problems of the correlation of genetic and environmental factors, the definition of psychological, age-related characteristics, the dynamics and stages of the development of creative potential.

In such theories of development as" Recapitulation Theory"," Revolutionary Theory"," Functional approach"," Evolutionary theory", the score of different points of view on the problem of the correlation of genetic and environmental factors is presented. Currently, the most popular "Probabilistic" ("stochastic") theory, according to which the level of development of higher mental functions is determined by combinations of genotypic or environmental factors as a result of random and difficult to predict circumstances. According to the proponents of this approach, the

foundation for future achievements is what was achieved at the previous stage. This logic becomes fatal. What is lost at a certain stage of development can be completely irreplaceable or made up, but with significant losses. These ideas are supported, in particular, by the theory of "sensitive periods of development" and by research in the field by geneticists. The child, according to the figurative expression of A. Zhakkar, builds his own brain. At the same time, a significant role is played by the factor - "activity of the Self1'.

In the study of general creativity and its specific types, such as the ability to improvise, it is impossible to ignore age as a biological phenomenon, but it is necessary to distinguish between the biological and psychological types of reality. It is believed that the research motivation, which manifests itself in the reflex "What can I do with this?" is inherent from birth to every person. There is a positive correlation between the manifestation of creativity and the psychophysiological interhemispheric functions of the brain. According to modern studies of FAP

(functional asymmetry of the hemispheres), the development of the right hemisphere and the desire to harmonize the hemispheres is the leading factor explaining the patterns of age — related dynamics of development in general and creative potentials in particular.

Physiological studies in the field of physiology have shown that for the manifestation of spontaneous creativity there are necessary prerequisites in the level of activation and reactivity, but these prerequisites are actualized if they interact with other, higher formations in the structure of individuality. The most significant differences are observed in the interaction of the right and left hemispheres when solving creative tasks of different types. The basis for the development of creative potential is the interaction of the hemispheres.

The desire for creative activity arises at the stage of human development as a social being. The prerequisites for the development of creative motivation as a new formation in the personality structure are the concentration of interests, the development of creative technologies, and individual experience of creative activity of a person.

The main vector of the development of creative potential probably "unfolds" similarly to the process of personal development as a whole and goes from uneven, reintegrated development of various properties and qualities to integration and the formation of complex formations; from disharmony - to harmonization in the individual version of development. The development of a child from the standpoint of synergy, including the development of creativity, has its own logic, its own laws, its own forces of development, immanently inherent in a particular individual. Man, being a self-regulating being, in the process of development acquires such properties that are not clearly predetermined by either external influences or internal natural data.

The main prerequisites for the development of the ability to improvise in primary school age are the features of the motivational, emotional spheres of the child, cognitive processes, as well as fundamental changes in the social position. In the period from 6-7 years and up to 10-11 years, the younger student finds himself in a new social environment with numerous rules and requirements. The general characteristics of all cognitive processes of the child are their

arbitrariness, productivity and stability. Educational activities are leading at this age, as children are active researchers of everything new and are included in the game, educational and work activities. There are connections between the means and the goals of activity, and there is an interest in creativity. Children are naturally curious and creatively oriented, like to experiment with different materials " ... learn in this process and feel inner freedom in expressing themselves...".

The difficulty of becoming a child's personality, first of all, is to change the status. Gradually, he moves from the object to the active subject of educational activity, and the successful mastery of this activity depends on the activity of the individual himself. At this age, it is fundamentally important for children to be a person, to learn to do something better than others, to be the center of attention. Their subjectivity is expressed in acts of transformation, the manifestation of initiative. Improvisation is one such act. The transition from object to subject is realized under the influence and interaction with the surrounding reality. During this transition, the child acquires the opportunity for independent (free) manifestations in relation to the surrounding reality, nature, people and to himself. The period of formation of a person as a subject is determined by the degree of his independence, freedom of his actions, and decision-making.

Improvisational forms of activity are the closest, most accessible and interesting for younger students. The peculiarity of improvisation lies in the search character, based on the intuition of children. During improvisation, the child is convinced of his ability to create and discover something new for himself. Primary school age is a turning point in a child's life, it is the last stage when children can be children and look at the world in a special, childlike, direct way. For the subjects of improvisation-this quality is very valuable and necessary. "All subjects of improvisation are creators: designers, creators, innovators, i.e. individuals engaged in creative improvisation."

The development of improvisation affects the adaptability to the social conditions of younger students. "Improvisation is the starting and driving spring of creativity, without improvisation, any creative beginning and its continuation is impossible. It is "fast" creativity, creativity without preparation. It awakens and makes material the

deep potential of a person, it is a bridge from the subconscious, super consciousness to his conscious sphere and vice versa."

Any activity of primary school students is associated with emotions, whether it is an educational activity that requires care and perseverance, or play and communication. Children easily understand the emotions that arise in familiar life situations. In addition, they are able to suppress negative emotions and are able to portray even those emotions that they do not experience. The emotional sphere of primary school students is characterized by impulsivity, responsiveness and sensitivity to events, spontaneity and frankness of expressing their experiences. Children's emotions are a prerequisite for improvisation, an internal imperative for creating improvisational images based on the impressions and experiences that the child experiences.

Thus, the main prerequisites for the development of the ability to improvise in primary school age are the features of the motivational, emotional spheres of the child, the dynamics of the development of cognitive processes, as well as fundamental changes in the social position. The creative characteristics of age are the focus on the world, the range of cognitive interests, emotional spontaneity, syncretism and increased receptivity, the essential role of imagination in the development of higher mental functions, the imaginative basis of thinking, the processes of emotional and intellectual anticipation, the "novelty effect", the tendency to experiment and spontaneity of children's creativity, etc. This gives

grounds for identifying this age as sensitive for the development of the ability to improvise.

The development of improvisation is promoted by various types of activities, among which it should be noted that artistic activity is the most productive, which is due to the improvisational nature of art, the correspondence to the nature of childhood, age characteristics and the sensitivity of children to artistic forms of knowledge.

Bibliographic list

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Садыкова Айгуль Казихановна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

Савич Ксения Валерьевна, магистрант, Кокшетауский университет им. Абая Мырзахметова (Республика Казахстан, г. Кокшетау).

e-mail: ivanchenko-v@mail.ru

Дата поступления статьи: 24.03.2021

© Садыкова А.К., Савич К.В., 2021

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