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Ключевые слова
professional adaptation / professional development / social and labor sphere / effective adaptation. / профессиональная адаптация / профессиональное развитие / социално-трудовая сфера / эффективная адаптация.

Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Chulponova, Hadicha Toshbaevna

In this article, professional development, the role of competitive personnel in the labor market, orientation to the profession, leaving work issues of satisfaction and professional competence and motivational approach are highlighted.

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В данной статье профессиональное развитие, роль конкурентоспособных кадров на рынке труда, ориентация на профессию, уход с работы освещены вопросы удовлетворенности и профессиональной компетентности и мотивационного подхода.



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(1/2), Jan., 2023


Chulponova Hadicha Toshbaevna

Senior teacher,

Tashkent State Transport University, Department of Social Sciences


In this article, professional development, the role of competitive personnel in the labor market, orientation to the profession, leaving work issues of satisfaction and professional competence and motivational approach are highlighted.

Keywords: professional adaptation, professional development, social and labor sphere, effective adaptation.


В данной статье профессиональное развитие, роль конкурентоспособных кадров на рынке труда, ориентация на профессию, уход с работы освещены вопросы удовлетворенности и профессиональной компетентности и мотивационного подхода.

Ключевые слова: профессиональная адаптация, профессиональное развитие, социално-трудовая сфера, эффективная адаптация.


Most resources are relatively easy to acquire, more difficult to develop and maintain. In relation to the staff, this is true in the first place. Coming to the organization, a person receives a lot of what he really needs. The organization satisfies his need for inclusion in a reliable social environment (confirming daily that the world around him is real and adequate), takes care of professional development, thereby increasing the value of an employee in the labor market. However, after about four to six months after employment, a person begins to realize the restrictions imposed on him by the organization. For example, norms that do not satisfy it, methods of decision-making, distribution of responsibilities, principles of bonuses, the degree of informing employees. If by this time the company has not given up on the employee, it should start working with him as part of the retention policy. Otherwise, the employee and the social reality of the organization will enter a decisive phase of interaction, when each of the parties soberly assesses its capabilities and readiness to continue cooperation.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1/2), Jan., 2023


One of the dialectical contradictions in the development of mankind is the desire of an individual for stability, the preservation of such a position he has achieved, which he considers satisfactory for himself, and for the entire human society - for continuous development and improvement. A person is psychologically characterized by a subconscious feeling of resistance to everything new, unknown, which can change the position he has already achieved.

Meanwhile, the ability of employees to quickly adapt to continuously changing external conditions is vital for the organization, they are required to be more flexible, they must have a highly developed sense of the new, recognize, pick up and develop everything progressive in their field. Adaptation (from Latin adaptatio - adaptation) -adaptation of an organism, individual, collective to changing environmental conditions or to its internal changes, which leads to an increase in the efficiency of their existence and functioning.

A. B. Georgievsky, on the basis of a comparative analysis of a large number of definitions of adaptation, proposed his generalized concept of adaptation: "Adaptation is a special form of reflection by systems of the influence of the external and internal environment, which consists in the tendency to establish dynamic equilibrium with it."

The main problems of personnel management in the social sphere include the problems of employment, wages, normal conditions for life and work. The unregulated mechanism of labor disputes, the lack of guarantees and attention to personnel, their training, retraining and advanced training, adaptation to new working conditions - all this indicates a low level of professionalism in working with personnel.

In modern conditions, a civilized employer is required to strictly comply with the norms of legislation in the social and labor sphere. Considering that in none of the legal sources the term "professional adaptation" is used directly, but similar in meaning are used: "professional orientation", "vocational training", "retraining", "advanced training", the employer often uses such changing concepts. This allows him to interpret the law ambiguously, freeing himself from additional adaptation procedures. While the adaptation of personnel through compliance with the regulatory requirements of the labor code is a necessary condition for activity.

The relevance of the problem of professional adaptation of young professionals for the social sphere is due, first of all, to the specifics of this industry, which consists in the fact that its object is a person. The main criterion for the professionalism of the activity of young specialists in the field of "person-to-person" is responsiveness,


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1/2), Jan., 2023

goodwill, willingness to selflessly come to the rescue, sincere concern for the fate of people. In order for the assistance provided to the client to be of high quality, bringing satisfaction, social workers must have a high level of professionalism. Professionalism here is a special property of people to systematically, efficiently, efficiently and reliably perform complex activities in a wide variety of conditions. In this sense, the "means of activity" becomes the personality itself, whose properties act as professional properties. Professional adaptation technologies are designed to help a social specialist at the stage of entering the profession, to identify his compliance with the chosen job. In many organizations it is accepted as an axiom that the hiring process ends only after the implementation of all processes and procedures for professional adaptation. Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of young professionals into the life of the organization. Practice shows that 90% of people who left their jobs during the first year made this decision already on the first day of their stay in the new organization.

The management of social organizations can be recommended to take measures to fill the gaps in this area. For example, attention to such an element of corporate style as a uniform (in other words, the introduction of a dress code) can have a positive impact on the activities of the organization as a whole and will greatly help young professionals during the adaptation period. The introduction of a dress code provides the following benefits:

- improvement of labor discipline;

- increasing staff motivation;

- improving the moral climate in the organization;

- the organization acquires integrity, harmony and aesthetic completeness;

- the attitude of society towards the employees of the organization is changing -by the uniform you can immediately determine who is in front of you;

- it becomes easier for the organization to win the loyalty of the staff;

- the period of adaptation of a new employee is easier;

- labor productivity increases, tk. employees focus on work, and not on how colleagues are dressed today.

The systematic use of a set of measures for the adaptation of young professionals provides benefits in a number of areas:

1. Managers and mentors, feeling responsible for the result of the adaptation of newcomers, are more attentive to their induction.

2. It may be necessary to create "correct" job descriptions.

3. Upon taking up a position, a young specialist gets the first impression of the organization's attitude to the professional training of employees.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(1/2), Jan., 2023

4. The opinion of a young specialist can become a criterion for how the organization is perceived from the outside.

5. There is a special system for monitoring the work of not only young specialists, but also mentors, as well as all those with whom a beginner has to interact in the process of work.

6. Work on the adaptation program provides information for the assessment of the leaders themselves.

7. Timely release from "unnecessary people" occurs.

8. Adaptation can enhance team cohesion.

9. There is a decrease in unreasonably high costs for hiring new employees associated with staff turnover.

10. High-quality and comprehensive debriefing (especially upon successful completion of the probationary period) increases the motivation of a young specialist to work.

The positive experience of some organizations in the adaptation of a young specialist can be successfully applied in organizations of the social sphere. The purpose of this event is the optimal entry of young specialists into the workforce, acquaintance with the regulation of labor activity, personnel policy, the features of the production process and the corporate culture of the enterprise.

A young specialist already at this preliminary stage will be able to decide for himself how suitable the chosen profession is for him, how much he himself meets the requirements of the new position.

The success of professional adaptation depends on a number of conditions, which include: the development of the organizational mechanism for managing the adaptation process; the presence of a training system in the organization; objectivity of assessment of professional qualities and performance of functions of the position; personal responsibility of the heads of the company and divisions and, last but not least, the professional competence of the company's specialist.

Effective adaptation is understood as the process of implementing a system of adaptation measures, as a result of which:

1. start-up costs are reduced by reducing the time for a new employee to achieve the established standards for the performance of work;

2. a new member of the team has a feeling of job satisfaction, satisfaction with relationships with colleagues;

3. the young specialist is adequately included in joint activities, takes part, which is expected of him, at all the agreed stages of activity;


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(1/2), Jan., 2023

4. The young specialist is fully acquainted with all his duties, rights within the organization, benefits, rules and regulations, corporate culture values in such a way that he can act in accordance with these conditions.

Effective adaptation is a motivating factor for a young specialist. If the adaptation of a young specialist is devoid of all the performance indicators indicated above, the company and the employee himself suffer significant losses and inconvenience. Most likely, after some time, an unadapted specialist will have to be fired and again look for a person.

With properly organized adaptation, a specialist quickly joins a new social group, the level of anxiety decreases, his resources are mainly directed to creating a product of activity, and not to filling in the missing information and experiencing isolation in the team. Therefore, effective adaptation is a motivating factor for a specialist. The care of the organization about the specialist, the initiative in helping him causes the desire to belong to this social group and make their contributions to its activities.

We can say that professional adaptation can be considered as: a criterion for the success of the organization's personnel policy; one of the most important technologies of personnel management; an integral element of the corporate culture of the organization; an aspect that directly affects the motivation and loyalty of the employee and his desire to continue working in this particular organization.


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