CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Management / method / image / conflict / employee / leader / communication / purpose / Управление / метод / образ / конфликт / сотрудник / руководитель / общение / цель

Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Kodiraliev, Abror Tojimurot Ugli

This article reflects the image of the leader in management, the role of the leader in conflict situations arising in the course of work, forms of communication between the leader and employees, improving the skills of the leader in today's information society.

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В статье отражены образ лидера в управленческой деятельности, роль лидера в конфликтных ситуациях, возникающих в процессе работы, формы общения лидера и сотрудников, совершенствование навыков лидера в современном информационном обществе.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, p VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11

educational, natural and social sciences ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor Q SJIF 2022: 5.947

Advanced Sciences Index Factor ASI Factor = 1.7



Kodiraliev Abror Tojimurot ugli

Teacher of the Department of History and Philosophy of the Denov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy qodiraliyev31 @gmail.com +998975353007


This article reflects the image of the leader in management, the role of the leader in conflict situations arising in the course of work, forms of communication between the leader and employees, improving the skills of the leader in today's information society.

Keywords: Management, method, image, conflict, employee, leader, communication, purpose


В статье отражены образ лидера в управленческой деятельности, роль лидера в конфликтных ситуациях, возникающих в процессе работы, формы общения лидера и сотрудников, совершенствование навыков лидера в современном информационном обществе.

Ключевые слова: Управление, метод, образ, конфликт, сотрудник, руководитель, общение, цель


Ushbu maqolada boshqaruv faoliyatida rahbarning imidji, ish davomida kelib chiqadigan ziddiyatli vaziyatlarda rahbarning o 'rni, rahbar va xodimlar o 'rtasidagi muloqot shakllari, bugungi axborotlashgan jamiyatda rahbarning mahoratini oshirish masalalari o 'z aksini topgan.

Kalit so'zlar: Boshqaruv, metod, imidj, ziddiyat, xodim, rahbar, muloqot, maqsad.


Any person, whether he is an ordinary citizen or a leader, must first of all follow the norms of the state and society, fulfill his obligations, duties and tasks within the law, in accordance with justice and moral principles. In particular, the issue of the leader's spirituality is very sensitive and very important. Because he is a person who acts on behalf of the state in the eyes of the nation. If the leader is tolerant, highly


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

moral and cultured, and does not treat people well, he will never be respected by the team or the nation.

When analyzing according to the function of management activity, it can be seen that communication is considered not only a condition of this activity, but also its content and independent part. R.L. Krichevsky, while analyzing management activities, defines communication as a communicative-regulating or communicative-organizational function of leadership. Management communication ensures the effectiveness of management activities. Management communication is a special type of communication. It differs from other types of communication in that management tasks are solved through and with its help. Therefore, management communication is defined as a type of communication, the purpose and result of which is to solve specific management tasks.


"Management communication, like other types of communication, has three facets.

1. Communicative (exchange of information)

2. Perceptive (understanding each other during communication)

3. Interactive (joint action or exchange of behavior in the process of communication)". In practice, in the process of communication, all of them are mixed and complement each other. Management communication has a specific structure and can be said to be embedded in the "blood" of any management activity: a manager spends 2/3 to 3/4 of his working day on various forms of communication. Correct organization of management communication is a catalyst of management activity. On the contrary, the leader's lack of management communication skills and abilities and communication culture puts into question the successful work of both him and his employees. Therefore, at the same time as mastering management actions, it is also very important to master communication methods, skills, and abilities, and to form a culture of communication. Here it is necessary to pay attention to one thing: any communication based on management according to the form is not the same in essence. It can be a management communication only if the following two conditions are met:

1. Management tasks are solved by means of it;

2. Its participants will have the opportunity to express themselves, develop themselves, and achieve success.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Only when these two conditions are fulfilled is the essence of management communication will be more effective. According to the famous psychologist A. Yu. Panasyuk,

"The importance of management communication is that during its process, the employee not only understands what the manager wants, but also moves from the inside to the manager." Panasyuk calls this rule the First Law of Management Communication. Therefore, the fact that the employee understood his manager does not mean that he agrees with his manager's request. This, in turn, causes various disruptions in the process of task execution at almost all stages of communication, i.e.: at the first stage, when tasks and instructions are given, at the second stage, at which the execution of the task is monitored, and finally, at the third stage, at the stage where the work performed by the employee is evaluated. . Conflicts between a leader and an employee usually arise during the process of delivering information in the nature of an assignment. Because in this process, the employee is particularly strongly influenced and pressured. Any job can be done poorly, satisfactorily, well, or excellently.

If a person does something according to his will or against his will, the result can be neither bad nor good, but average or satisfactory.

Doing a job well means looking for new, effective ways to solve a task, using one's creative potential, and showing initiative. If the employee is dissatisfied with the manager's request, he will perform the task at the required level or as he wants just to avoid punishment. In order to have a correct understanding of each other in the process of communication of task-related information by the manager, the following are important: uniformity of professional language, consideration of intellectual level, completeness of information or task, logic of statement, and employee's focus on the issue. Information should be conveyed in such a way that it:

-does not contradict the views of the employee, his point of view on any issue; -shows the employee that he is interested in performing the task in this way; -the employee should not be affected in any way while performing his duties; Sometimes the employee opposes the manager because he does not like him as a person shows. In this case, disagreements in relationships turn from work-related conflicts into emotional conflicts. By dismissing employees who do not like him, and changing the location of personnel, the leader moves from persuasion to coercion. This, in turn, does not hurt the work process and quality. Therefore, at the first stage of communication with employees, the leader should take into account the second law of management communication. According to him: under certain conditions,

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

people are more likely to favor a person with whom they have a positive emotional relationship (favor, friendship, sympathy, love) than a person with whom they have a negative emotional relationship. (dislike, antipathy, jealousy, invisibility), they hardly accept (often deny) people's points of view. The task of the leader is to move his employees who are on the left side of the scale to the right side. It is necessary for the leader to create attraction (Latin-"attrahent"-to like, attract to oneself), to create a tendency towards him. For this, he is required to: 1) be a pleasant person and look positive;

2) acting and liking like a nice person;

3) satisfaction of basic needs and interests arising in the process of communication.

These requirements are called "social perception.". "Social perception,", in other words, is called social understanding. American psychologist Jerome Bruner was the first to introduce this term into social circulation. He focuses on the fact that despite all the individual differences in understanding, there are some common social-psychological mechanisms of understanding that are formed in the process of communication and joint life. Bruner conducted a series of experiments in the process of researching understanding and found that understanding both objects and other people depends not only on individual-personal but also on socio-cultural factors. For example, children from poor families perceive the size of coins as larger than their actual size, while children from rich families have the opposite. The formation of the image of people is also subject to the laws that form the image of any object. But understanding a person by another person has its characteristics, one of the most important of which is the understanding of his personality. In the process of understanding other people by a person, there are moral (good - bad), aesthetic (beautiful - ugly), and axiological (valuable - worthless) descriptions. People organize their behavior to make others think positively about them. One of the most problematic issues in the leader's work is the conflict, conflicts, and mutual relations with the employees. Many well-known and famous psychologists have done several works on this issue. Our main goal is to form a constructive attitude towards conflict in leaders, to make them understand that conflict is the main tool of management, and to explain that it is difficult to properly manage the work in the team if conflicts are not eliminated. Some leaders do not deeply study the mechanisms of conflict, and some avoid such situations and become indifferent. Both of these views are wrong. The indifference of the leader leads to the deepening of conflicts. Conflicts can be transmitted to other people "from generation to generation".

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

For example, in some cases, it may be useful for the future of work. Even if the cause of some dispute disappears, it may arise again. A conflict situation can harm the person himself - his health. A person's mood drops after a conflict, and he may not be able to go to work. The conflict situation can be divided into four parts: oriented towards an objective goal; not aimed at an objective goal; subjective goal-oriented; not directed to a subjective goal.

If small conflicts are not paid attention to, if they are not eliminated, they can turn into big conflicts and develop. Conflict situations in organizational-technological, economic, and micro-social systems arise independently of people's will. Imagine you were transferred to another job. You will be satisfied if your new job is not far from your home, is similar to your old job, and has a good monthly salary. But since your new job is good, your old acquaintances are not here, you need to communicate with new acquaintances in a new place. When people start a new job, they study the situation there. In time, he will leave this place, and a new employee will come to work in his place. This situation will continue, one will come and another will go. If the chief accountant enters the meeting with the manager, no one will say that he will not sit in his place. Everyone does their job. The workplace is a component of the organization. Every obligation must be determined by the law. If we consider the relationships between workplaces, these relationships are divided into three: technological, informational, and hierarchical. Technological relations in the organizational-technological system are related to the production process. Technological communication depends on how many years people have been working, their behavioral psychology, skills, and qualifications. One of the factors that causes conflict is that one employee is instructed by several superiors. As a result, the employee does not know whose instructions to follow. The fewer employees in the team, the fewer conflicts between the manager and employee. The more team members there are, the more the leader is bound to them only with tasks related to creating conditions, and the opportunity to communicate directly with employees decreases. Some leaders entrust all the work, even management, to their deputies, and they run away from responsibility. But if work is carried out in this way, conflicts and problems may arise. One of the sources of conflicts and problems is the lack of a proper approach to tasks in management. The peculiarity of business communication is that it occurs on the basis and as a result of a certain type of activity related to a job. In this case, the participants of the work-related dialogue are

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

in an official position that determines the necessary norms and standards of human behavior. Business communication, like all types of communication, has a historical character, and it appears at different stages of the social system and in different forms.

J. Rockefeller knows the importance of communication in business activity knowingly said: "To be able to communicate with people skill is a commodity that can be bought with money, just like sugar or coffee. I'm willing to pay more for that skill than any commodity in the world."

So, what should be understood by being able to communicate? This it means being able to distinguish between people and build one's relationship with them on this basis. For this, it is necessary to know the psychology of communication. In the process of communication, people understand each other, exchange information, and work together. The following types of communication can be distinguished.

1. Direct (direct) communication

2. Indirect (indirect) communication

Indirect forms of communication include advertising, visual information or it is possible to enter a restaurant menu that carries certain information. One person's understanding of another emerges as a mandatory component of communication and constitutes perception. We "read" another person based on the external side of behavior, we try to understand the significance of his appearance. The impressions created in this process play an important regulatory role during communication. Because, first of all, the person himself is formed in the process of understanding another person. Secondly, how accurately you can "read" another person allows you to organize joint actions with him in the future. Based on what signs do we determine the superiority of a person, for example, according to his social status, or according to his intellectual potential? To determine this indicator, we have two sources of information at our disposal. These are:

- a person's clothes, his external "decoration", including special signs,

glasses, hairstyles, badges, jewelry, and, in certain cases, equipment of a car,

home, office, etc.;

- human behavior (how to sit, walk, talk, where to look, etc.).

Information about superiority is usually based on clothing and behavior because they always show that a person belongs to one or another social group. There will be signs indicating this.

The influence of the attractiveness factor on knowing a person is due to its effect; other people either overestimate or underestimate some of the qualities of this

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

person. The mistake here is that if a person likes us from the outside, we think that he is an intelligent, good, interesting person. The attitude factor works in such a way that we rate people who treat us well more highly than people who treat us poorly. Anything that indicates our partner's approval or disapproval of us is seen as a sign of our relationship. The process of understanding each other is experienced in the process of reflection. In social psychology, reflection means understanding how an individual in action perceives himself or herself in a conversation. It's not just knowing the other person anymore, but also knowing how much they understand you, in other words, mirroring each other. In conclusion, it should be said:

First: Each leader should be distinguished by his diligence and initiative skills about the task he holds and be an example to subordinate employees;

Second, every leader who considers himself a leader should be able to control himself, control his emotions, and be an example to his employees with moral culture and spirituality;

Thirdly, the leader must master management skills, develop the ability to be demanding, and consult with subordinates;

Fourthly, every young leader entering the management process must be able to master the art and skills of management at a perfect level. REFERENCES

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