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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Menshikov Petr V., Kuznetsova Natalia V., Korobchenko Andrey I., Golubchikov Gennadiy M., Arpentieva Mariam R.

One of the situations of the formation and development of personality is associated with tourism, its traditional and innovative types, including glamping. In its immediate, non-delayed relaxation potential, glamping is a very productive and effective practice and technology of tourism, however, the idea of glamping initially involves stimulation and simulation of communication with nature, and as such, with reality. Although the practice of glamping as a whole creates the conditions for the activation and development of a person’s interest in nature and culture, in himself as a subject of nature and culture, its capabilities cannot be overestimated. The ideological orientation of glamping and its consumers towards comfort is rather an attempt to get away from reality, rather than return to it. Therefore, the influence options and types of consequences, possibilities and limitations of glamping in the framework of different programs and orientations can vary significantly. There are attempts to comment on the psychological aspects of glamping as a type of psychotherapeutic and ecological tourism, but they do not go beyond the current findings and advertising and analytical articles on glamping sites and, a bit, social networks. The research method is a theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of glamping. The study is of an exploratory nature, aimed at identifying the psychological, pedagogical and other problems and possibilities of glamping as a type of ecological and ethnic tourism. Among the existing areas of research, the leading ones are two points of view on glamping: 1) as a successful and promising type of tourism and recreation of a person, containing numerous psychological and pedagogical development potentials and combining previously unconnected (proximity to nature and comfort), 2) as a type of relaxation -recover tourism aimed at avoiding reality and simulating development.

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UDC 379.85+159.98+379.851

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10204


K. E. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University (Kaluga, Russia); PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor, e-mail: edeltanne@list.ru


Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia); Researcher; e-mail: ikio@ikio.msu.ru


Irkutsk State University of Railway Transport (Irkutsk, Russia);

PhD in History, Associate Professor; e-mail: korobchenko-1968@mail.ru


East Siberian branch of the Russian State University of Justice (Irkutsk, Russia); Lecturer; e-mail: atletsport@mail.ru


K. E. Tsiolkovskiy Kaluga State University (Kaluga, Russia);

PhD (Dr.Sc.) in Psychology, Professor; e-mail: mariam_rav@mail.ru


Abstract. One of the situations of the formation and development of personality is associated with tourism, its traditional and innovative types, including glamping. In its immediate, non-delayed relaxation potential, glamp-ing is a very productive and effective practice and technology of tourism, however, the idea of glamping initially involves stimulation and simulation of communication with nature, and as such, with reality. Although the practice of glamping as a whole creates the conditions for the activation and development of a person's interest in nature and culture, in himself as a subject of nature and culture, its capabilities cannot be overestimated. The ideological orientation of glamping and its consumers towards comfort is rather an attempt to get away from reality, rather than return to it. Therefore, the influence options and types of consequences, possibilities and limitations of glamping in the framework of different programs and orientations can vary significantly. There are attempts to comment on the psychological aspects of glamping as a type of psychotherapeutic and ecological tourism, but they do not go beyond the current findings and advertising and analytical articles on glamping sites and, a bit, social networks. The research method is a theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of glamping. The study is of an exploratory nature, aimed at identifying the psychological, pedagogical and other problems and possibilities of glamping as a type of ecological and ethnic tourism. Among the existing areas of research, the leading ones are two points of view on glamping: 1) as a successful and promising type of tourism and recreation of a person, containing numerous psychological and pedagogical development potentials and combining previously unconnected (proximity to nature and comfort), 2) as a type of relaxation -recover tourism aimed at avoiding reality and simulating development.

Keywords: glamping, ecological tourism, ethnic tourism, psychotherapeutic tourism, educational tourism, simulation, human development.

Citation: Menshikov, P. V., Kuznetsova, N. V., Korobchenko, A. I., Golubchikov, G. M., & Arpentieva, M. R. (2020). Psychological and pedagogical aspects of glamping: Tourism as a practice for personal development. Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 14(2), 38-49. doi: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10204.

Article History Disclosure statement

Received 21 April 2020 No potential conflict of interest was reported by Accepted 25 May 2020_the author(s)._


© 2020 the Author(s)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

УДК 379.85+159.98+ 379.851

DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10204

МЕНЬШИКОВ Петр Викторович

Калужский государственный университет им. К.Э. Циолковского (Калуга, РФ); кандидат психологических наук, доцент; e-mail: edeltanne@list.ru КУЗНЕЦОВА Наталья Валентиновна

Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова (Москва, РФ); научный сотрудник; e-mail: ikio@ikio.msu.ru КОРОБЧЕНКО Андрей Иванович

Иркутский государственный университет путей сообщения (Иркутск, РФ); кандидат исторических наук, доцент; e-mail: korobchenko-1968@mail.ru ГОЛУБЧИКОВ Геннадий Михайлович

Российский государственный университет правосудия, Восточно-Сибирский филиал (Иркутск, РФ); преподаватель; e-mail: atletsport@mail.ru АРПЕНТЬЕВА Мариям Равильевна

Калужский государственный университет им. К.Э. Циолковского (Калуга, РФ); доктор психологических наук, профессор; e-mail: mariam_rav@mail.ru


Одна из ситуаций становления и развития личности связана с туризмом, его традиционными и инновационными, включая глэмпинг, видами. По своему непосредственному, не отсроченному релаксационному потенциалу глэмпинг является весьма продуктивной и эффективной практикой и технологией туристики, вместе с тем, идея глэмпинга изначально предполагает и стимуляцию, и симуляцию общения с природой, и как таковой, с реальностью. Хотя практика глэмпинга в целом создает условия для активизации и развития интереса человека к природе и культуре, к себе как субъекту природы и культуры, ее возможности нельзя переоценивать. Идеологическая ориентация глэмпинга и его потребителей на комфорт представляет собой скорее попытку уйти от реальности, а не вернуться к ней. Поэтому варианты влияния и типы последствий, возможности и ограничения глэмпинга в рамках разных программ и ориентаций могут существенно различаться. Существующие попытки комментировать психологические аспекты глэмпинга как вида психотерапевтического и экологического туризма, но они не выходят за рамки текущих констатаций и ре-кламно-аналитических статей на сайтах глэмпинга и, немного, социальных сетях. Метод исследования - теоретический анализ психолого-педагогических аспектов глэмпинга. Исследование носит разведывательный характер, направленный на выявление психолого-педагогических и иных проблем и возможностей глэмпинга как вида экологического и этнического туризма. Среди существующих направлений исследования ведущими являются две точки зрения на глэмпинг: 1) как успешный и перспективный вид туристики и отдыха человека, содержащий многочисленные психолого-педагогические потенциалы развития и соединяющий «несоединимое» ранее (близость к природе и комфорт), 2) как вид релаксационно-восстано-вительного туризма, имеющего целью избегание реальности и симуляцию развития.

Ключевые слова: глэмпинг, экологический туризм, этнический туризм, психотерапевтический туризм, образовательный туризм, симуляция, развитие человека.

Для цитирования: Меньшиков П.В., Кузнецова Н.В., Коробченко А.И., Голубчиков Г.М., Арпентьева М.Р. Психолого-педагогические аспекты глэмпинга: туризм как практика развития человека // Современные проблемы сервиса и туризма. 2020. Т.14. №2. С. 38-49. DOI: 10.24411/1995-0411-2020-10204.

Дата поступления в редакцию: 21 апреля 2020 г. Дата утверждения в печать: 25 мая 2020 г.

Everything in the world that shines and fragrant is doomed to disappear.

Our world does not know constancy.

Today we are walking a long way through the mountains of being and our affairs.

We see fleeting dreams and don't get drunk on dreams (Sasaki T., 1996, p. 170)

Introduction. The world is changing rapidly. New problems give rise to transformations of people's relationships in a wide variety of areas, including tourism. Modern tourism is associated with the trends of avoiding public events, popular places, a situation in which there are large crowds. Recently, the phenomenon of "overtourism" has also gained importance as "the glut of some cities and resorts in the world with an excessive flow of tourists, which has a negative impact on the life of the local population and the identity of the area." At the same time, researchers note that despite the importance of the tourism industry for the development of regions, an abundance of tourists often leads or is associated with "degradation of the quality of life of local residents; ... rising property prices aimed at increasing tourism revenues; the threat of destroying infrastructure and harming the local ecosystem. "It is not surprising that the local population reacts both in the form of protests and other forms of conflict behavior, described by the concept of tourismphobia" [14, p. 318; 42]. People tend to opt for options that suit everyone. At the same time, many people tend to leave somewhere more outside the city, to nature. Someone buys summer cottages and builds their own "paradise in a hut" on the basis of more or less regular living in it, but for many people the idea of tourist trips of a "weekend", including glamping, is close [13; 36; 38; 45]. Glamping itself develops both as a practice of private glamping, and as a practice of tourism itself, as a business. With all the variety of glamping, there is a need to form a more or less integral idea of it as a sphere related in one way or another to human development: first of all, with the personal, as well as interpersonal and educational and professional. The psychological and pedagogical view of glamping involves attention to its educational

and psychotherapeutic aspects, opportunities and limitations.

Analysis of publications on research issues. The problem we are considering, however, has not been practically studied. There are some attempts to comment on the psychological aspects of glamping as a type of psychotherapeutic or educational ethnic or ecological tourism. But these attempts do not go beyond the general conclusions. In fact, they are more of an advertisement for glamping, and not analytical studies. They are on special websites of travel agencies and, a little, in social networks and scientific periodicals [9; 20; 11; 20].

Methods and methodology. The research method is a theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical aspects of glamping. The study is of an exploratory nature, aimed at identifying organizational, psychological, pedagogical and other problems and possibilities of glamping as a type of ecological and ethnographic tourism, aimed at solving the problems of the development of a man or woman as a person, as well as its development in interpersonal and educational-professional [4; 39].

In existing studies, two points of view on glamping are leading:

1) glamping is a multidimensional and multifunctional type of tourism (recreation, education, health improvement, etc.) of a man/ woman who has significant potential for personal, interpersonal and educational and professional development. This tourism department notes the requirements that were "previously unconnected". It is proximity to nature and comfort;

2) glamping is a form of relaxation, etc. Here, usually this kind of ecological or ethnographic (ethnic) tourism is meant, aimed at avoiding the reality of a man/ woman (tourist) and simulating his development.

The first view seems obvious: a new place and time of life, a new experience, a new social environment or, finally, its absence, isolation and solitude. The second is less obvious, however, directly follows from the very definition of glamping. As an epigraph to our work, we could therefore choose the words of R. Descartes: "Everything that exists must surpass itself in order to be itself at the next

moment in time" [25, p. 112]. However, in reality, we have something else: a man is a creature of fantastic inertness and stubborn cunning. He is ready for anything, if only he does not set himself in motion and does not put himself into question [25, p. 112]. Glamping is a kind of journey without travel: it has too much simulation to be a reality. Glamping is a consumer orientation.

On the way to implementing the model of "sustainable development", that is, in fact, abandoning development, the consumer market has formed and is developing a new form of tourism "product": glamping, the essence of which is to "change without changing", that is - to pretend that the change, and the journey with which it is connected, has occurred. This desire is well known to all psychotherapists and counseling psychologists, and is denoted by the concepts of "resistance to change" [35], development, protection from development, "flight from development" (lona complex), etc. [26; 27]. Also in pedagogy, there are numerous descriptions of school disorders and neuroses such as schooling / superficial or "strategic" education. This is such a violation as an imitation of training and education. It is also an attempt to make learning and upbringing as "easy" so that a person who does not make any effort to change does not reach them. Such a man or woman will remain an eternal client of the "lifelong education" system. He or she is not busy with the essence of the studied and not with the values of culture, but with building a strategy for social promotion and sale of his not very significant knowledge and skills (competencies).

The main results of the study. Glamp-ing is an attempt to combine, compromise on urban comfort and nature untouched by civilization. Glamping combines the luxury of a hotel room along with "escapism and adventure camping." The concept of "glamping", or "glamorous camping" means "luxurious glamping", that is, staying in nature associated with placing guests in the comfortable conditions inherent in the hotel. Glamping is seen as a more or less secluded, quiet vacation in the wild or in conditions close to it, simulated.

The tradition of glamping has existed for a long time: these are royal tents with

luxurious decoration (during hunting trips, meetings with dignitaries, military campaigns), and African safaris in the 20th and present centuries. Glamping carries the idea of a "royal journey" to this day. However, the idea of "glamping" in itself was taken up by travel companies in the UK, in the context of major music festivals, more than a quarter century ago (in 2005). The fact is that many vacationers did not want to be satisfied with tents, preferring comfortable living: residents of "developed countries", "urban people" are practically unable to survive in natural conditions, staying in them often becomes such a serious test that a person loses the desire to return to nature , more and more turning to the world of gadgets, etc. .. Later, the model developed by fans spread to family and business trips: long trips abroad were replaced by holidays in the countryside, but with the usual amenities.

Since 2010, glamping began to develop rapidly around the world.

In Russia, glampings began to be actively created in 2015. Now there are ecoglamp-ings and farmglampings, glampings for vegetarians and surfers, lovers of other forms of outdoor activities. Vivid examples are "Walk the City" in Tula Region, "Forest and Sea" near Moscow, LeapRus in Kabardino-Balkaria, "Mishkina (Bear) Tale" in Karelia and "Cheposh Park" (Altai). There are attempts at glamping in Moscow and Moscow Region, including near Kaluga, Karelia, Altai, and Siberia, but often they suggest a cottage village or a well-equipped camping [33, etc.]. In general, the glamping movement in our country is quite chaotic, for a number of reasons, including the lack of strong and diverse traditions of active tourism, as well as legislative and other problems and restrictions that do not stimulate the development of glamping.

The boom in the development of the global glamping industry came in 2017 [16, p. 209]. Currently, these trends are of great interest in a number of countries, including the United States, Britain and Australia. Now there are more than 7000 glampings around the world. The use of glamping and other innovative means of accommodation is considered as a way to attract new segments of the tourism market to the regions [8]. The market

of glampings is growing very intensively, by more than 1/5 per year, which is quite a lot.

The development of glamping tourism, according to the few available and often overlapping studies, is caused by many factors:

1) the emergence of new environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies, devices and techniques in the field of eco-engineering, which they make it possible to design and create glamping hotels and bases in the territories of nature protection zones, territories and waters of national parks, including [32].

2) The limited nature of certain natural resources (imaginary or real) requires humanity to change its consumption model, new types of consumers are forming, including people who are only interested in environmentally friendly products and services that do not have a negative impact on the environment ("omniconsumer", or Omni consumer). They are characterized by such intentions as active independent leisure, developing, including psychotherapeutic tourism (self-development and social events), which is also a driver of innovative changes in programs and technologies for tourist services in campsites, "re-design" of a tourist product

3) Formation of the active participation of "consumers" in the production and processing of information, the development of regions, their communities and organizations, including business, etc. We observe active processes of self-organization of amateur tourism, which encourage tourism specialists to change types tours and create innovative, unique offers for individual market segments [16, p. 209-210].

4) Some experts note, however, that many laws of Russia, the content of many of the legal normative documents of the Russian Federation, contain a large number of restrictions, which, in aggregate, create an insurmountable barrier to the creation of modern comfortable glampings (tourist parks as varieties of glamorous campsites) that could correspond to international standards [16, p. 210]. However, in our opinion, against the background of a general change in legislation and restrictions, the preservation of these laws is of crucial importance in the prevention of the plunder of nature [1; 2; 3] , including the means of «glamorous camping.»

5) Glamping as a form of relaxation should create an impression of remoteness from civilization, which is relevant in modern times, when people, thanks to the persistent propaganda of the dangers of being together or near someone, begin to fear large resorts with a large crowd of people. However, this type of vacation may not be suitable for everyone, a tourist should be prepared to spend substantial funds in payment for his privacy and comfort. There is an option in which people can visit relatively unpopular places and cities, the demand for little-known routes and small cities is growing.

6) In addition, camping has become more like parks of culture and recreation, or Disney Land, where the opportunity to stay [36, p. 4]. At the same time, there are also glampings for "nomadic nomads": travel and remote work sometimes become so closely connected that this further increases the popularity of long-term booking of "glampings": individual houses / cottages in country hotels or in the wild.

7) Slow trips are also interesting: "slow" trips are a great vacation option for those who are tired of the crazy rhythm of the big city and everyday life. Its purpose is not to visit as many places as possible and see all the sights in the shortest possible time, but to "become your own", master a new territory: get comfortable and try new life in a new place: it is about breaking away from the usual life, about internal discoveries and psychological or even esoteric tourism. Of course, a lot of attention can be paid to virtual travel: some museums, theaters and galleries develop online tours.

All these trends, however, boil down to the fact that man is increasingly separated from nature, that is, from reality. Traditional ecological or ethnic tourism has the task of introducing a person to life in a natural / non-cultural environment, returning urban "convenience" from the environment to the reality of natural life, or moving from life in the traditions of one's own culture to a life organized according to the laws of another culture. However, glamping and its appearance are related to the fact that the ability and desire of modern humankind to protect nature / culture, to learn new things in itself and the world, to feel like a part of nature and culture,

humanity as a whole, is weakly expressed. The "urban man" has lost his sacred attitude towards nature and itself as a part of it, as well as a sacred attitude to culture. There are ignorance, consumerism, alienation, the desire for comfort and safety, a tendency to conformism and Machiavellianism, instead of the desire for creativity and search, freedom and love, the replacement of self-actualization as a process and the result of transcending oneself as a cultural and natural being, self-realization as a result of the sale of competencies and abilities. These negative tendencies are summarized in new practices in education, tourism, psychotherapy, medicine, etc. Therefore, despite the obvious advantages of glamping, it is fraught with many dangers.

Glamping as a type of tourism has several features:

• Profitability, lower cost and more cost-effective self-sufficiency than a cottage or hotel, the ability to buy glamping houses, etc. The installation of glamping is easily coordinated with state services; there are no legislative difficulties for stationary infrastructure (construction): according to the documents of the glamping house, it is classified as camping equipment, and land for glamping can be rented. Therefore, these modules are almost everywhere, including near water bodies.

• Glamping is easy to develop, scale, while both seasonal and year-round operation of bases / buildings is possible. Glamping can be used in the process of developing the tourism business as a kind of intelligence: if the place and services are in demand, you can further improve the chosen place or develop the business in another way - to build a hotel, communications, roads,

• glamping is promising, since there is a wide variety of beautiful places in the wild that are not yet accessible for mass tourism, thematic glamping camps are especially promising for celebrations: weddings, birthdays, graduations, as well as "interests", as well as the festivals that gave birth to them, safaris, etc. - glampings for teambuilding, thematic exhibitions, forums and seminars;

• Glamping as a type of ecotourism or ethno-tourism encourages cultural and natural immersion, broadening one's horizons and inclusive interaction with the environment.

They are focused on the transformational style of travel, the impact on human development (educational, psychotherapeutic, and healing) at the level of personality, interpersonal relationships and educational and professional development, and development.

• Glamping stimulates the activity and independence of the subject of a tourist trip, especially in his educational form. This is an activation method for people who are willing and willing to combine relaxation and recreation with development, the development of new places and traditions, to changes that are not actively resisted, as part of a developing situation (educational or psychotherapeutic) [12]. Where a person is aware of the need for change, he will also be helped by glamp-ing. Where it does not recognize and actively resists, glamping helps to simulate changes, which rather delays the solution of the tasks facing a person.

Scientists write that modern campsites can be divided into four main types:

1. tourist parks, which are a "mix" of various accommodation services and are located in the parks of culture and leisure, created for outdoor activities and entertainment;

2. camping resorts (camping rizots) are located near natural resources that have a healing, recreational effect (healing mud, mineral water, etc.),

3. travel parks and other roadside service facilities that provide transit tourists with short-term rest and full-fledged domestic services (eco-motels);

4. event campsites - temporary camps (camps), operating during individual events, events, social holidays, etc. [37; 36; 40; 43; 48; 49].

Thus, the format of the settlement and the associated ideas about the life of people in the camp can be different, including traditional houses and hostels and non-traditional forms that satisfy ethnic, futuristic or fantasy requests of tourists (bell tents, pods, safari tents, tent cabins, tree houses , tipis, vintage caravans, vintage trailers, and yurts) [14; 15]:

1. Modern eco-houses are the futuristic buildings and entire "villages of the future" in luxurious natural and ethnic landscapes.

2. Ecocapsules are the "hobbit houses", dome rooms, capsule rooms, often allowing

you to observe nature at any time of the day

— these are stationary tents, often imitating fantasy-style life or futuristic projects. They are adjoined by awning glampings - designer tents are used in hot places.

3. Eco farms are the complex in which you can not only live, but observe and participate in the life of a rural / ethnic settlement.

Eco-houses, eco-capsules and eco-farms are well suited for "omni tourists", those who "follow fashion" in ecology and practice glamping as an element of such a fashion.

1. Ethnically specific means of accommodation, characteristic of different peoples of the world, including yurts, tipis, wigwams, plague, igloos - glampings with the national color of nomadic peoples, sometimes in combination with an authentic bathhouse, etc. [31].

2. Trails and mobile cars - stylized trails in a picturesque place, with a common veranda - a tavern. They are suitable for those who are interested in the history and romance of historical events.

3. Another type of ethnic settlements

- forest huts - as a traditional housing, as inscribed as possible in the natural landscape.

Fans of "ethnic features", researchers of traditions of other peoples and cultures, are the main consumers of this type of glamping.

1. Buildings and other accommodation facilities largely isolated from other travelers (accommodation on lighthouses, on individual islands, etc.

2. Buildings and other accommodation facilities located directly in the natural environment (rooms in the rocks, tree houses, rooms under water, etc.).

3. Buildings of the "extreme type", located in places so difficult for tourists that require special training from them, to get to such houses is an independent task of tourist travel.

These three types of buildings are shown to people experiencing sadness about the past, limitations and routines of the present, and the need to restore their life resources by updating the childhood experience with its close proximity to nature. Tree houses, for example, are an adult version of children's tree huts, obviously actualizing childhood experiences and children's aspirations. The

"extreme" part of living in such houses is also obvious.

It is interesting to note that in glamping, particular attention is given to the house itself. It is important to emphasize here: psychologically, all the listed types of houses are experienced precisely as a "new house", a kind of "place of power". This house may be temporary, but it is unusual, and not just a hotel. In such a house, a person gains experience of the unusual and becomes unusual, going beyond what is usual for himself. The structure of the house and its other features can have a significant impact on a person's understanding of himself and the world. Even an unusual "mess" of such a house, in comparison with the disorder in a house familiar to a person, can have important functions, for example, recognizing the presence of chronic fatigue or prolonged stress, providing the illusions of stability and invariability of the inner and outer world, problems in relations with someone, problems of accumulation and the lack of a "culture of the home" or lack of culture (training and education) as such. The psychology of "home" or the psychology of home as a whole is very poorly developed, however, concepts such as "home therapy" exist along with "therapy with nature" and its various types [7; 18]. Researchers note that a friendly and comfortable home environment is a resource of self-support and stabilization of the man or woman. The universal (archetypal) image of the house reflects the idea of a space of safety and life support. Everyday image - attachment to everyday experience, the need for belonging and love. A dynamic image brings together an understanding of how a man or woman can change himself through a transformation in the space of his or her house. The image of an imaginary (ideal) house reflects the idea of the most comfortable environment for a certain lifestyle [16]. Meeting with a situation of loss or change of home allows a person to realize the hidden vulnerabilities and values of their own homes and lives. Moreover, different images of the house can serve as a psychological resource. Therefore, working with an archetypal image helps with isolation from the house or its absence (the "sense of nest" is inherent in every person as a given). Everyday image

- a source of feelings of intimacy and safety

- protection from the environment and unfriendly situations. The dynamic image of the house reflects the desire for personal change. Staying or placing in an ideal house is a tool of self-help in difficult situations: a person learns the uniqueness of his own lifestyle, his aspirations and needs [28]. Glamping is an ideal or almost perfect home that sets the direction for development. Of course, this is a special kind of "home therapy", far from free from imposing fashion on one or another home design. However, directional movement along this path is possible. It is especially productive when the glampings are owned by the tourists themselves, and not by travel companies and corporations. It is also interesting at the same time that in individual glampings you can unobtrusively and naturally implement the practice of psychotherapy "at home" (home-based therapy): psychotherapeutic, healing and developing relationships here are formed and develop faster and more intensively than in the traditional form of work [41; 42; 50; 51].

• However, another problem arises here. The goal of glamping is to be original, exotic, but at the same time to preserve all the features of a comfortable life and environmental friendliness [19, p. 198]. This goal, although it seems attractive, is very ambiguous in reality. Many of the life vicissitudes and difficulties of glamping clients can be described as meta-patologies and overcoming metapatologies [17]: metapatologies associated with dilemmas arising from isolation from the ontologi-cal basis of being [17; 23; 34]. The typology of metapathologies includes many states of dissatisfaction of a person with himself and his life, incompleteness or senselessness of his being [46; 47]. Overcoming pathologies is associated with the formation and development of ideas about the importance of self-actualization, that a person becomes himself, only surpassing himself, that a fully functioning person has a "sense of the way" that allows you to build an individual life strategy, achieving your own goals, important for a person, and for the community [21; 22; 24; 26; 27].

Glamping, by its very nature, pays very little attention precisely to "excellence": the effort required to get out of a well-known,

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safe, routine, creative, change, reality. Extreme in conditions of consumer satiety is often simply simulated, which means the question arises: if there was no threat and no effort, how valuable, lasting and widespread, how real can the change achieved along this path be? How much does a person live "in reality", and how much does he imitate life, satisfaction, and happiness, refusing to be a subject of his own activity [5; 6; 17; 22; 30].

Conclusion. Among the existing areas of research, two points of view on glamping are leading:

1) as a successful and promising type of tourism and recreation of a person, containing numerous psychological and pedagogical development potentials and combining the «unconnected» earlier (proximity to nature and comfort);

2) as a type of relaxation and restoration tourism, aimed at avoiding reality and simulating development.

In general, the problem of glamping poses the question of where the "urban man" is moving: towards nature and himself, or vice versa, from nature, imitating inclusion, turning nature into another fragment of the urban environment. " The general trend of ruraliza-tion (relocation of the urban population to villages and villages, urban fouling by rural «outskirts») increasingly brings together urban and rural types of life, absorbing the best of village life and nature-like lifestyle. We can say that glamping is a motivational step on the path to the transition to life models of a person of the future, that is, to models combining life in a village and a city. In this sense, glamping can be both productive and destructive practice: a lot depends on its consumers, tourists, travel agencies and the community as a whole. Everything can be used both for the benefit of man and his development, and to the detriment. In themselves, comfort, stability - in many ways - is good, but the desire for comfort and the unwillingness of changes and trials are a threat to development, and therefore human life. While the consumer orientation and other neuroses of the "urban man" are not decreasing, they are progressing. And glamping in its modern form is one of the manifestations of a person's consumer relationship to himself and nature. But with-

in the framework of pedagogy and psychologists, educational practices and psychological assistance, it can become a very good tool

and technology to support the formation and development of a person as a person, partner and professional.

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