Научная статья на тему 'Psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign language for adults'

Psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign language for adults Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sarzhanova D.Zh., Dzharkinbekova N.K., Khasanova U.A.

This article is about of the peculiarities of foreign language teaching an adult audience. The author highlights the psychological and psycho-pedagogical approaches to learning. In particular, it focuses on the deficiencies of modern methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and ways of overcoming them. I put forward points account which, in my opinion, may significantly increase the level of foreign language teaching for adults.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psycholinguistic aspects of teaching foreign language for adults»

УДК 811.111:372.811.111.1

1 2 3 ©

Sarzhanova D.Zh. , Dzharkinbekova N.K. , Khasanova U.A.

1Master of Humanities Sciences, senior teacher of the Foreign languages department, South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy; Assistant professor, teacher of the Foreign languages department, South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy; 3Senior teacher of the Foreign languages department, South Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy,

Kazakhstan, Shymkent



This article is about of the peculiarities of foreign language teaching an adult audience. The author highlights the psychological and psycho-pedagogical approaches to learning. In particular, it focuses on the deficiencies of modern methods of teaching foreign languages and ways of overcoming them. I put forward points account which, in my opinion, may significantly increase the level offoreign language teaching for adults.

Keywords: psycholinguistic aspects of teaching a foreign language, adult audience, the modern methods of teaching foreign languages, communication, speech activity.

Ключевые слова: психолингвистические аспекты обучения иностранному языку, взрослая аудитория, современные методы преподаванию иностранному языку, коммуникация, речевая деятельность.

Mastering a second (non-native, foreign) language is an object of the study of sciences as psychology, psycholinguistics, linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages. Making training system, as we know, we use data from the linguistic description of the target language, as well as teaching methods of FL by developing principles for teaching methods and techniques.

The process of learning foreign language is quite different, it is not confined to the assimilation of information about the target language at the level of phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. We are talking about the development of speaking skills in a foreign language, abilities to carry speech activity with the purpose of communication. Speaking skills is a part of the overall system of human activity, The object of linguistics is language material and to imply it in the language system, and the object of psycholinguistics - speech and speech activity. Language is one of the most important part of communication and the tool of overcome language barriers between people of different nationalities. Today, foreign language proficiency is one of the most important conditions for the adaptation of the individual in the modern world. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the European Commission on multilingualism in education sphere is education aimed to the learning of two or more languages. Today, about 28 percent of the population of EC know two or more foreign languages. Kazakhstan as a potential member of the European community can not stand aside from these global trends. Therefore, issues and ways of learning foreign language is actually and important both for Kazakhstan and Europe countries.

In this article, we want to pay attention to the psychological and linguistic aspects of foreign language teaching for adult audience, which, as we know, has its own specifics, which is conclude in psychological, physiological and social factors. In the adult audience we mean people aged 20 years and older who have low levels of language training or haven't it at all.

The object of the article is an adult audience.

The subject is psycholinguistic components have a positively effect improving on adults' education of foreign language.

© Sarzhanova D.Zh., Dzharkinbekova N.K., Khasanova U.A., 2016 г.

Purpose of the article is to consider the psycholinguistic aspects of adult education of foreign language.

The psychology of teaching a foreign language is the one direction of educational psychology. This is an integrative science which is consist of useful information of methods accumulated in the general and pedagogical psychology, psycholinguistics and communication psychology, social psychology, ethno-psychology, developmental and differential psychology. In particular, psychology of teaching of foreign language researches psychological patterns of the process of teaching a foreign language, especially pedagogical and educational activities, speech activities as an object in the process of teaching a foreign language. It is important to note that the teaching and learning of a foreign language is a matter as pedagogy (methods) as linguistics. Due to the pedagogical development has increased the efficiency of the learning process and learning of foreign language. Issues of modernization of education, attracting high pedagogical technologies in teaching, computerization of educational process.

Types of speech activities (speaking, listening, reading, writing) is formed in the process of teaching a foreign language in schools and universities. Since the ancient language, speech, words are not enough studied still studying and the problem, which is explained by complexity of these phenomena. Many sciences combine their efforts in the study of speech processes. This sphere of psychology that studies the structure of the speech activity is called psycholinguistics. As A.A. Leontev said psycholinguistics is arose from the need to give a theoretical understanding of practical problems, which is purely a linguistic approach, linked with an analysis of the text, not the person's speech which was not sufficient. The subject of psycholinguistics as A.A. Leontev determined in 1969, "speech activity is a whole and its patterns of simulation" [5,18]. Psycholinguists research the linguistic (verbal) behavior of man, describing the model of mental processes, operations, actions that occur in listening and speaking. They try to determine what linguistic units are involved in encoding (speaking) and decoding (hearing) sentences. What is similarities and differences between the linguistic grammar and the one. In the field of general scientific knowledge speech is traditionally been seen as one of the global problems. Usually learning a foreign language is accepted to base on the work with texts, both in writing and orally. However, practice shows that the understanding of the text - "flow sentences" often is not sufficient to work successfully in a foreign language environment. Person who studies a second language and who wants to adequately and directly use foreign language (in this case - English) in the real world, spontaneously emerging communicative situations, should know not only vocabulary and grammar, but also ability to understand cultural and social features of native speakers' behavior. Therefore it is necessary to form student's perception of foreign language materials of intercultural communication, that is, understanding of national and cultural significance of the text. Recently, more attention is paid to the study of the psychological concept of learning a foreign language, which is basically develops skills through the variety of learning activities. Psychological bases of activity approach in teaching highlights the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, P.Y. Galperin, D.B. Elkonin: general theory of activity, the theory of thought and expression activities.

The works of the Soviet scientists was given on thinking and conscious understanding of the process of human cognitive activities. In particular, S.L. Rubinstein investigated the formation of speaking skills in their essential connection with the cognitive activities in the process of communication.

Psychological and methodological studies (I.P. Pavlov, A.P. Starkov, R. Ranye, O. Meyli, G. Losanov and others) depend not only on cognitive processes, but also from the affective aspects (emotional and expressive aspects) and personal factors. Thanks to modern psychological studies based on suggestopedia (open of hidden human capabilities), has developed a number of intensive methods of teaching a foreign language, which are based on the work of the subconscious: "method of learning during sleep," "immersion method" and etc. The founder of the development of non-traditional methods of a foreign language learning was the Bulgarian psychotherapists G. Lozanov, who suggested using Suggestopedia as a means to enhance the mental processes in learning a

foreign language. His method is based on tools that helps activate the internal resources of the enterprise and to uncover the hidden unconscious human abilities and capabilities. Russian teachers - Methodologists G.A. Kitaygorodsky I.Y. Schechter, L.V. Davydov and others have been developed and put into practice the intensive methods of teaching foreign language. The principles of consciousness, activity and emotional learning are dominant in the methods which are developed by A.A. Kitaygorodsky. The main aim of the method is to overcome "the language barrier" and psychological discomfort which is achieved through the artificial situation that encourage to communication: communicative tasks, role-playing games, etc. One of the main features of the intensive teaching methods is the number of teaching hours in the classroom.

Psycholinguistic orientation of the educational process in learning FL involves following positions:

• the ratio of the theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

• oral speech at the stage of the development of speaking skills.

• learning language through speech.

• orientation speaking skills and linguistic competence in their native language.

• formation of the active and passive vocabulary.

During the organization of the learning process of FLT uses data of psycholinguistics, which can occur spontaneously and you can observe the emergence of new and effective teaching methods. This process is permanent and promises further opportunities to increase the efficiency of the learning process of FLT. One reason of bad results in the study of foreign language is not enough using audiolingual method, which was formed under the influence of behaviorism and structuralism. Its basic principle is the formation of skills through learning to automatism through certain speech patterns. This method which has shown its effectiveness in practical teaching activities and does not find a corresponding reflection in the most foreign textbooks: lexical and grammatical lesson is not repeated but is not fixed in the next lesson. As a result, learning material doesn't remain in long-term memory. I offer to enlarge of opportunity to teaching audiolingual method, based on the well-known folk proverb: "repetition is the mother base of learning" (Russian proverb). I think the lexical and grammatical materials should be activated from lesson to lesson and serve as a basis for further learning. Further we offer to activate the author's principle, which is based on the idiomatic saying "less is more", that is much more useful to have a profound assimilation of smaller amounts of material than attempt at giving the listener as much information. In this context it is appropriate to pay attention to the specifics of adult audiences. In most are adults who study in the evening and in addition, training courses, there are many other things: work, family, personal life, etc. Basically, they do not have enough free time for full implementation of the home exercises or other tasks. This is another specific item in language training courses. And it must also be taken into account when constructing the training sessions. Returning to the intensive teaching methods it is important to note that the effectiveness of such training is 25-30 hours a week. If the number of hours is less than 25-30, then we can not call it "intensive" or accelerated learning of foreign language. I offer some points which in combination with already known methods and techniques help to significantly improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning of a foreign language:

• with the help of special exercises to use passive vocabulary into active.

• teach quickly transform their ideas into a foreign language, using its own active vocabulary.

• systematically consolidate the material; the main thing is not full amount of educational material provided by the teacher, but the volume of material that the listener is able to remember.

• new material should remain in the long memory of the listener at the level of cognitive processes of recognition or mention.

On the base of own methodological approaches learning a foreign language for adult Zh. L. Vitlin attracts psychological experiments in the field of verbal thinking and memorize materials in FL by individual age and social groups of students [8,7]. Zh. L. Vitlin is focused on psychological and pedagogical methods of teaching of adults. He believes that the practical lessons for adults are

came to develop of age-related psychology, to formation psycholinguistics and establishment teaching psychology as an independent science. But Zh. L. Vitlin states that for successful development of TM for adults methodologists and teachers must take into account the general characteristics of the people psyche of mature age, based on a variety of scientific data [8,46-47]. But, as the author notes there is not created the psychology for adults for teaching foreign languages, and in particular the grammar; and teaching grammar is one of the backward areas of applied psychology" [8,47]. That is confirmed by V. A. Artemov's and foreign experts' opinion. Zh.L. Vitlin explains psychological factors for teaching foreign language. This includes linguistic experience, verbal thinking, verbal memory, speech personality traits, motivation, teaching, general ability of adults to learning and especially learning foreign languages in school conditions. Summarizing the views of psychologists on the nature and function of verbal thinking in learning a foreign language, Zh. L. Vitlin distinguishes two groups: foreign and speech thinking; and thinking in native language. On the first stages of learning a foreign language thinking in native language or its elements are included in the mental activity of an adult in the process of perceiving or storing in the memory of foreign language materials, i.e, in the process of creating linguistic experience in the field of second language. In other words, the level of verbal thinking, in generally, influence on the success of learning a foreign language. Zh.L. Vitlin also criticizes existing in psychological and pedagogical literature views about the superiority of adults who learning FL in the level of development of different kinds of thinking. All these views by opinion based on a mixture of the concepts of "age-related features of adults thinking" and "thinking features of educated adults," which is proved by the results of experiments. Experimental and theoretical data about influence of verbal memory is the ability to learn a foreign language Zh.L. Vitlin sums in the following provisions: voluntary memorization of foreign language materials of adults better than other age groups; teaching of educated adults by visual presentations is more robust and accurate memorization than memorizing by aural impression. An important problem of psychology and methods Zh.L. Vitlin calls establishment depending memorizing foreign language materials on the level of education and linguistic experiments of different groups, especially adults who do not have higher education. As psychologists and teachers approve that adults are less able to memorize foreign words than children [8, 58-62].

So, I believe that the needs of modern society for the learning of a foreign language must be proportionally combine classical methods, with taking into account psycholinguistic features for adult audience and the student.


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