Научная статья на тему 'Psychoemotional adaptability of first-year students of urban and rural population to university education'

Psychoemotional adaptability of first-year students of urban and rural population to university education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Larina E.M.

The purpose of the present study was to develop and substantiate the educational technology of physical and psychological rehabilitation of students based on the use of mind-body training sessions. In the process of physical education one should take into account the mental health characteristics of first-year students with different regional populations, and adjust the content and purposes of means and physical load. The individually-differentiated type of organization of the fitness training process using the priority methods and a set of physical and breathing exercises contributed to a remarkable reduction and elimination of anxiety, apathy and discomfort, increased locomotor activity and independence, increase of the level of development of physical qualities. In the experimental group of first-year students at the final stage of the research the characteristics of endurance (running), force (pull-ups), speed and strength qualities (standing long jump) have significantly improved compared to the baseline indices. The carried out health mind-body training was proved to be efficient only in two thirds of the subjects (74.7% -with the asthenic form, 73.1% anxiety form, 63.55 hypochondriacal respectively). One-third of first-year students is in a state of impaired mental health. According to the findings of the present research there is an applied need for using of the mind-body training for correction of psychoemotional condition, physical and mental health as the foundations of physical education of first-year students of the Agrarian University, belonging to different regional populations (urban and rural).

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Текст научной работы на тему «Psychoemotional adaptability of first-year students of urban and rural population to university education»


E.M. Larina, associate professor, Ph.D.

Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov

Keywords: motivation, physical development, physical health, mental health.

Relevance. Negative environmental changes define the progressive deterioration of human health, based on the formation of the "self-concept" of a healthy personality and the conditions for self-knowledge, self-development and self-actualization (L.I. Lubysheva, V.K. Bal'sevich, M.Ya. Vilensky). The competition in the modern society requires training of the physically and mentally healthy, developed, independent, creatively thinking personality. It becomes urgent for students to engage in conscious physical exercises being good for their functional and mental states (A.V. Chogovadze, M.M. Ryzhak, Yu.M. Nikolaev, L.G. Apanasenko, L.P. Popova). The constant psycho-emotional stress has a negative effect regarding psychosomatic health problems (K.V. Sudakov). Human psychosomatic health is a fundamental component affecting place in society, progress in studies and at work, family and employee relations (D.A. Davidenko). It affects stress tolerance, mood stability and viability of an individual (V.P. Kaznacheev, R.M. Mogendovich, V.K. Bal'sevich, V.D. Kryazhev).

The problem is to study the adaptation of first-year students to learning in case of their low motor activity, little interest in physical culture and mass sports. The desired outcome of physical education of students in Agrarian university is development of health protection as a positive creative process to implement the latent mechanisms of motivation and creative potential, contributing to self-actualization of an individual via implementation of the values of physical culture and sport. The problem lies in the contradictory situation: the program, the methodology of forms and means, development of innovative educational technologies of health improvement and self-correction of impaired or deteriorating health.

The purpose of the study was to develop and substantiate the educational technology of physical and psychological rehabilitation of students based on the use of mind-body training sessions.

Research organization. Integrated studies were conducted in 2009-2012 in Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov. The subjects were first-year students aged 17-18 years making up 1200 persons, among whom 942 first-year students were selected upon medical examination, who were classified based on their belonging to urban and rural populations.

Results and discussion. During the educational experiment it was found that motivation of first-year students belonging to different regional populations (urban and rural) to exercises remains relatively low, especially in female students, and students of urban population. Moreover, students of regional rural population, both males and females, take greater interest in exercising in swimming and cross-country skiing sections. Morphological and functional indicators of physical development are descriptive of the state of


mental and physical health. To a certain extent these indicators of physical development and, primarily, its integrative characteristics - body length and weight, vital capacity (VC) - reflect the influence of environmental conditions and lifestyle, material conditions, the mode of physical activity among them, in organized form and individually.

The analysis of the factual material obtained during the studies revealed different levels of physical development of first-year students of different regional populations, with that, they significantly prevailed in students of rural population. Herewith, the indices registered in rural students were significantly higher compared with urban students. Thus, VC - by 820 ml respectively (3900 and 3100 cm3; p< 0.05), hand dynamometry - by 11 kg (40 and 29 kg; p<0.05), birth-death ratio - by 20 conditional units (56 and 35 c.u.; p<0.05), force index - by 21 c.u. (50 and 29 c.u.; p<0.05). Only one index was better in urban students -body weight (79 and 70 kg; p<0.05). While evaluating their physical fitness using the most significant control-pedagogical tests, we observed a more substantial advantage of rural students. It was found that the results of the tests in 3000-m run (13.54 and 14.97 min; p<0.05), standing long jumps (232.7 and 215.7 cm; p<0.05), pull-ups (14.0 and 10.3 times; p<0.05) were significantly higher in rural students rather than urban ones. In consideration of the most important indicator of body functioning - physical working capacity based on the PWC170 test results, students of rural population were registered to have significantly higher absolute (1180.6 and 998.6 kgm/min; p<0.05) and relative (17.2 and 14.1 kgm/min, p<0.05) indicators.

The indices of the response of the cardiovascular system to physical load, particularly, the type of normal response (normotonic) was significantly often (89.2%) registered in rural students compared to urban students (70.4%). At the same time, the hypertonic type of response was observed in students of urban population three times as often (22.7 and 8.0% respectively; p<0.001). According to the findings of the examination of the structure of mental health, among the testees from Group A, who were physically healthy, only one third (30%) of the total sampling were mentally sane. The study of the phenotypic characteristics of dactylar dermatoglyphics (as a genetic criterion) and their relationships with the indicators of physical health of students revealed the following. The cardiovascular pathology risk factor is definitely related to the number of "W" curves (r=0.33; p<0.05), and the total number of strokes (r=0.34; p<0.05). In case of neuropsychic deadaptation (like hypochondriacal deadaptation of an individual), significant differences were registered in the dermatoglyphic picture - an increase in the number of "W" curves (p<0.05). These facts brought out clearly that the negative signs of deadaptation can be anticipated at the very early stage - the beginning of deadaptation in first-year students.

The indicators of mental health of first-year students, estimated based on the level of their personal well-being, enables us to determine their different degrees. Thus, in the subjects, classified as healthy first-year students, the overall estimate of their well-being was ranged in the average level (352-426 points). At the same time, we registered the low level of personal well-being in students with NPDA disorders. It should be noted that the indices of personal well-being in different groups, formed according to the level of mental health of first-year students of the examined regional population (urban and rural), are characterized by


different features. The conducted researches were determined to have a key point related to evaluation of the level of physical fitness of first-year students with neuropsychic deadaptation of different kinds. The analysis of the research findings enabled us to establish that, if compared to individuals with the asthenic form, students with the normal form of NPD showed better results in 3000-m run - by 1.11 min (13.90 and 15.01 min respectively; p<0.05). If compared with the hypochondriacal form - by 1.08 min (13.90 and 14.98 min; p<0.05). Similar trend was observed during 100-m run. Thus, students with the normal form of NPD displayed better results than those with the asthentic form by 1.1 sec (14.0 and 15.1 sec respectively; p<0,001), with the anxiety form - by 1 sec (14.0 and 15.0 sec; p<0.001) and with the hypochondriacal form - by 0.8 sec (14.0 and 14.8 sec; p<0.001). Force indices (pull-ups) were also of different nature. Thus, compared with individuals with the asthentic form, subjects with the normal NPD performed much more pull-ups - by 2.4 times (11.18 and 8.92; p<0.05) and compared with the hypochondriacal form - by 3.79 times (11.76 and 7.98; p<0.05).

Conclusions. Mental health characteristics of first-year students from different regional populations should be taken into account in the course of physical education, and the content and purposes of means and physical load should be adjusted. The individually-differentiated type of organization of the fitness training process using the priority methods and a set of physical and breathing exercises contributed to a remarkable reduction and elimination of anxiety, apathy and discomfort, increased locomotor activity and independence, increase of the level of development of physical qualities. In the experimental group of first-year students at the final stage of the research the characteristics of endurance (running), force (pull-ups), speed and strength qualities (standing long jump) have significantly improved compared to the baseline indices. The carried out health mind-body training was proved to be efficient only for two thirds of the subjects (74.7% - with the asthenic form, 73.1% - anxiety form, 63.55 - hypochondriacal respectively). One-third of first-year students is in a state of impaired mental health.

According to the findings of the research, the mind-body training should be used for correction of psychoemotional condition, physical and mental health as the foundations of physical education of first-year students of Agrarian University, belonging to different regional populations (urban and rural).


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Corresponding author: [email protected], [email protected]

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