ПРОЦЕСС ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ АРЕНДАТОРА Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Игнатович Т.А.

Работа посвящена такому известному явлению в экономике как аренда. Мною был исследован процесс влияния эффекта контроля ренты. Так же изучена необходимость и важность планирования аренды и заключения договора аренды.The work is devoted to such a phenomenon known in Economics as rent. I have investigated the process of the effect of control rents. Also studied the need and importance of planning rent and the contract rent.

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Текст научной работы на тему «ПРОЦЕСС ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ АРЕНДАТОРА»

приобрести. В этих выставках обычно проходят игры, конкурсы с отличными призами.

Итак, чтобы контролировать рынок сбыта компания регулярно проводит мониторинг, создает отличные условия для того, чтобы клиенты выразили свои желания и предпочтения. Для стимулирования сбыта «ЭПЛ Даймонд» прибегает к таким методам как реклама, различные скидки и акции, выставки, конкурсы и прочее.

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1. Интернет-ресурс: http://www.epldiamond.ru/shop/faq/ (дата обращения: 20.12.2016).

2. Интернет-ресурс:

http://www.epldiamond.u/company/news/promsvyazbank_sovmestno_s_epl_day mond_sdelal_dragotsennoe_predlozhenie_klientam_orange_premium_club/ (дата обращения: 20.12.2016)

3. Интернет-ресурс: http://www.epldiamond.ru/catalog/sergi-s-brilliantami/ (дата обращения 20.12.2016)

4. Интернет-ресурс: http://www.epldiamond.ru/shop/delivery/ (дата обращения 20.12.2016)

5. Интернет-ресурс:

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6. Интернет-ресурс: http://www.beboss.ru/franchise/1863 (дата обращения 20.12.2016)

УДК 347.453

Игнатович Т.А. студент 2 курса ОмГУ им. Ф.М. Достоевского Экономический факультет профиль «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»

Сергина С.А., к.п.н. научный руководитель, доцент кафедра ИЯ Ф. Россия, г. Омск ПРОЦЕСС ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ АРЕНДАТОРА Аннотация: Работа посвящена такому известному явлению в экономике как аренда. Мною был исследован процесс влияния эффекта контроля ренты. Так же изучена необходимость и важность планирования аренды и заключения договора аренды.

Ключевые слова: Аренда, планирование переговоров аренды, эффект контроля аренды, инвестиции, договор аренды.


Annotation: The work is devoted to such a phenomenon known in Economics as rent. I have investigated the process of the effect of control rents. Also studied the need and importance of planning rent and the contract rent.

The key words: Rent, planning for lease negotiation, the effect of rent control, investment, rental agreements.

In the modern market economy it is very difficult for a beginning businessman to enter the market. This is due to the fact that there are a large number of competitors. The creation of a new company also entails high costs, such as buying the building, equipment and so on. To reduce the size of the costs a newcomer businessman can use such tool as market rentals.

Renting is a form of property contract, due to which some property is transferred for temporary ownership and use to a tenant for rental. The lease ensures the citizens and legal entities the opportunity to benefit from temporarily use of another's property, when they don't need them permanently or they do not have sufficient funds for permanent use. The owner of the lease is allowed, in turn, to realize his economic interests - to obtain some income from rental of property which is temporarily not used or which is specifically designed for temporary transfer to others.

I believe that this topic is relevant not only for the people who are engaged in business, but also for ordinary citizens. In today's world, people often face with the necessity to sign the rent contract for various reasons: rent accommodation and transport, rental equipment and household appliances. The object of the lease may be land, a forest, an entity, and other things that do not lose their natural properties during their use.

People should be careful when signing the lease. When signing the contract, people often do not read the documents carefully enough because of their legal ignorance. Often, for this reason, many people may lose their own money, leased property and products obtained by the lessee in the use of the leased property in accordance with the contract.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the process of tenant activity. To implement this aim it is necessary to fulfill the following tasks:

1) To investigate the question «Is It Better to Rent or to Buy? »

2) To answer the question "How to plan lease negotiations?" and to rate the importance of the rental contract.

3) In the process, it is necessary to explore different points of view of economists on the effects of rent control and how it affects the investments from sponsors and the state.

Is It Better to Rent or to Buy?

1.7 "Arguing about whether rent versus buy is a better financial decision is like debating active versus passive investment strategies, hedge funds versus mutual funds, Apple versus Google," said Richard A. Posner. "Somebody's going to be right in terms of higher returns in the future, but we can't know in advance who that will be — and it will be tough to quantify how much risk was taken along the way" [1].

The arguments in favor of ownership are persuasive, particularly for people who expect to stay in place for at least five to seven years but probably more. A mortgage acts like a forced savings plan, even if you're paying the bank hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest for the privilege of building equity. Call it the cost of enforcing a positive behavior.

Buying also generally protects consumers from rising rents, while traditional mortgage payments remain constant. Then, there is the fact that buyers are using borrowed money to purchase an asset that is likely to appreciate over a long period, though that can backfire.

How well any household will fare financially by buying or renting really depends on factors no one can predict. Other studies have found that renters who invest their down payment and any savings from renting as opposed to owning often come out ahead [2].

"Disregarding the special amenities that many people value in homeownership," Professor Shiller said, "it would be hugely better invested in the stock market" [3].

Theoretical renters put their down payment in a portfolio that often consisted of more than 50 percent stocks (the professors created a portfolio that approximated the risk of owning a home), and continued to invest any savings from renting. But this assumes that there are savings from renting, which is not always the case, and that the renter is disciplined enough to actually set the money aside.

The authors' point, however, is that people often blindly believe that buying is usually the smarter option. "Most of the public drive to buy is without looking under the hood," Professor Johnson said.

Another study, from Hello Wallet, a unit of Morningstar, came to similar conclusions in 2014 when comparing a hypothetical, moderate-income family that bought, with one that rented, in 20 major cities across the country. The study projects that median-income families, or those who earn about $50,000, will often end up with more net wealth if they rent versus own over the 10 years from 2013 to 2022.

But any number of variables can quickly shift that calculus, including the price of the home relative to the rent, whether the family is affluent enough to benefit from tax savings, and the time spent in the home [4].

"The longer you stay, the stronger the argument is for buying, all else equal," said John Wiley, who conducted the analysis. But he also contends that the tax advantages of homeownership are often oversold, particularly to moderate-income households [5].

Planning the lease negotiations.

Rental agreements

If a person made a choice in favor of the lease he needs to make planning for lease negotiations. Planning begins with a thorough analysis of market conditions to determine the prevailing rates for similar rental properties within the area. Confine the investigation to locations comparable in terms of traffic count, tenant mix, and the ability generate equivalent sales per square foot. Although properties are never equivalent in all respects, a comparative analysis will provide a reasonable rental for the location under consideration.

Next it is necessary to determine prevailing rents and terms granted by the owner to other tenants within the site. After that a person must verify

what similar tenants are paying for rent and the concessions routinely extended. It is important to inquire about the most recent leases, as older leases, of course, may not accurately reflect current rental rates.

The seller's existing lease other provides a basis for projecting new lease terms. Don't assume that a new lease will automatically result in a higher rent. While this generally occurs, there are too many situations where rents have actually decreased with new leases offered at substantially reduced rents and other concessions willingly granted because the location is in less demand [6].

Check the demand for space within the site. Equally important, assess the owner's bargaining position. Vacancy rates, tenant turnover, and the duration of vacancies are clear signals. Review whether weaker tenants are replacing strong tenants and whether renewal options are being exercised. Of course, a deteriorating location should cause concern over the long-term suitability of the location and desirability of the business as an acquisition.

The reputation of the owner must also be explored. Some are notorious for granting only short-term leases, only to demand excessive rents upon renewal. Others are financially weak, with their properties in disrepair or in jeopardy of foreclosure. Many more disregard their own responsibilities under the lease or unreasonable interfere with their tenant relationships, and you therefore must enter negotiations well-armed to protect yourself [7].

In many instances, people complain of rental scam. What's sad about most of these cases is the fact that they are unable to prosecute the landlords since they did not have a binding contract. Even if they were to go to court, it would be their word against the landlord's. To protect yourself against such situations, you need a rent agreement.

A rent agreement is a form or document that states all the terms of agreement you make with your land lord. You know the amount of money to be paid per month, what happens if something breaks in the house or in case of a robbery - all the details of your agreement.

Drafting your own rent agreement may be hard. This is because; you do not have the experience and knowledge of the relevant law. Hiring a professional to do it for you is also very expensive. Because of these two reasons, most people don't bother having a rent agreement [8].

The Effects of Rent Control

Many people are unhappy with the prices and resource allocations determined by the market. Tenants, for example, are always complaining that housing rents are too high. They want lower rents and other demand that government agencies step in control the actions of "greedy" owners. Elected officials sometimes respond with rent controls. Rent control places a limit on the amount of rent a landlord can charge.

Although apartment rents and economic rents are not the same thing, the theory behind rent control is related to the concept of economic rent. In cities such as New York there isn't much room for new apartment buildings. Yet the city's population keeps growing. Upward shifts of demand, together with an inelastic supply of apartments, will drive apartment prices up. In the process, landlords will reap extraordinary gains (economic rents).

Rent control is imposed to the prevent apartment rents from becoming economic rents. It is based on the assumption that the supply of apartments is highly inelastic. This is not a valid assumption. The supply of apartments can change over time, as new and larger buildings replace old, smaller ones. In the short run, the supply of habitable apartments also depends on continued maintenance. If owners earn below-average income as a consequence of rent control, they will not build new apartments or maintain old ones. Over time, the quality of apartments will fall, thereby aggravating the market shortage [9].

Economists are virtually unanimous in concluding that rent controls are destructive. In a 1990 poll of 371 economists published in the May 1992 issue of the American Economic Review, 81 percent of U.S. respondents agreed, either completely or with provisos, that "a ceiling on rents reduces the quantity and quality of housing available" [10].

Myrdal stated, "Rent control has in certain Western countries constituted, maybe, the worst example of poor planning by governments lacking courage and vision" [11]. Swedish economist Assar Lind beck asserted, "In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city—except for bombing." That cities like New York have clearly not been destroyed by rent control is due to the fact that rent control has been relaxed over the years. Rent stabilization, for example, which took the place of rent control for newer buildings, is less restrictive than the old rent control. Also, the decades-long boom in the New York City housing market is not in rent-controlled or rent-stabilized units, but in condominiums and cooperative housing. But these two forms of housing ownership grew important as a way of getting around rent control [12].

Economists have shown that rent control diverts new investment, which would otherwise have gone to rental housing, toward greener pastures—greener in terms of consumer need. They have demonstrated that it leads to housing deterioration, fewer repairs, and less maintenance. For example, David Ricardo found that 29 percent of rent-controlled housing in the United States was deteriorated, but only 8 percent of the uncontrolled units were in such a state of disrepair [13].

The economic reasons are straightforward. One effect of government oversight is to retard investment in residential rental units. Imagine that you have five million dollars to invest and can place the funds in any industry you wish. In most businesses, governments will place only limited controls and taxes on your enterprise. But if you entrust your money to rental housing, you must pass one additional hurdle: the rent-control authority, with its hearings, red tape, and rent ceilings. Under these conditions is it any wonder that you are less likely to build or purchase rental housing?

This line of reasoning holds not just for you, but for everyone else as well. As a result, the quantity of apartments for rent will be far smaller than otherwise. And not so amazingly, the preceding analysis holds true not only for the case where rent controls are in place, but even where they are only threatened. The mere anticipation of controls is enough to have a chilling effect on such investment. Instead, everything else under the sun in the real estate market has been built: condominiums, office towers, hotels, warehouses, commercial space. Why? Because such investments have never been subject to rent controls, and no one fears that they ever will be. It is no accident that these facilities boast healthy vacancy rates and relatively slowly increasing rental rates, while residential space suffers from a virtual zero vacancy rates in the controlled sector and skyrocketing prices in the uncontrolled sector.

Although many rent-control ordinances specifically exempt new rental units from coverage, investors are too cautious (perhaps too smart) to put their faith in rental housing. In numerous cases housing units supposedly exempt forever from controls were nevertheless brought under the provisions of this law due to some "emergency" or other. So prevalent is this practice of rent-control authorities that a new term has been invented to describe it: "recapture" [14].

Rent control has destroyed entire sections of sound housing in New York's South Bronx and has led to decay and abandonment throughout the entire five boroughs of the city. Although hard statistics on abandonments are not available, William Tucker estimates that about 30,000 New York apartments were abandoned annually from 1972 to 1982, a loss of almost a third of a million units in this eleven-year period. Thanks to rent control, and to potential investors' all-too-rational fear that rent control will become even more stringent, no sensible investor will build rental housing unsubsidized by government [15].


In conclusion, I would like to say that the role of the lease is very important in the modern economy, as it can help the beginning business people and ordinary people who want to reduce their spending on housing.

As the result, I have analyzed the process of tenant activities. After analyzing the process of activities of the tenant, it can be concluded that the first thing which a person who wants to rent accommodation, car or equipment, needs is to solve the question: Is It Better to Rent or to Buy? He should analyze the market prices for this commodity to calculate the average amount of tax and some other things.

The process of renting is very complicated; it takes into account many factors, both economic and personal. Many economists agree that renting is a more profitable tool.

Also it is important to choose the right owner who will provide necessary related services in full, such as repair, technical equipment and so on. A properly drafted lease agreement is a guarantee of a long and good relationship between the tenant and the owner. The conditions spelled out in the contract, must satisfy both the tenant and the owner.

It is also necessary to pay attention to such aspect as investment. Perhaps one of the negative consequences of the lease is the loss of external investment. For investors there is a risk that the rent will increase and income from investments will be reduced, and if the company goes bankrupt the investors would get nothing. And if the room and the equipment were the property of the company they would have covered their costs through the selling of a private property of the company. As for the personal funds, making the choice in favor of renting, a person finds out additional investments that previously would have gone to the purchase of a building. Now they can be invested in something else, for example, in business, in buying new equipment; increasing the number of employees and so on. Also, at rent the need in the credit disappears.

In this work, I observed many different points of view on the process of leasing and its importance, I also shudied the views of many well-known economists, writers and professors. I also observed the process of renting and its impact on the example of the city of New York. Thus, the purpose and objectives of my work were achieved.


1. Richard A. Pasner. (1974). The Theory of Economic Regulation. Chicago: National Bureau of Economic Research.

2. Krueger, Anne O. (1974). The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society. University of Chicago: Press for NBER.

3. Shiller, R. (2008). The Subprime Solution: How today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to Do about It. New York: Faculty of Economics.

4. Shiller, R. (2013). Irrational optimism. How reckless behavior controls markets. New York: Faculty of Economics.

5. Wiley, J. (2012). Investment Philosophies: Successful Strategies and the Investors Who Made Them Work. New York: Columbia University.

6. Bernard, H. (1985). Documentary Guide to Commercial Leasing. USA: The American Law Institute.

7. William M. Eandes. (2003). The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law. Cambridge: Harvard University.

8. William M. Eandes. (2005). The Problematic of Moral and Legal Theory. Cambridge: Harvard University.

9. Mankiw, N. (). Principles of Economics. State University: Department of Economics & Finance, Central Missouri State University.

10. Block, W., Walker, M. (1992). Entropy in the Canadian Economics Profession: Sampling Consensus on the Major Issues. San Diego: Harcourt College.

11. Myrdal, G. (1965). Opening Address to the Council of International Building Research in Copenhagen. Little Rock: University of Central Arkansas.

12. Lindbeck, A. (1972). The Political Economy of the New Left. New York: Harper & Row.

13. Ricardo, R. (1983). On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Canada: McMaster University,

14. Galbraith, J. (1983). Economics in Perspective. Canada: Houghton Mifflin Company.

15. Niebanck, L. (1968) Rent Control and the Rental Housing Market in New York City. New Orleans: College of Business Administration Loyola University.

Идрисова Х.М. студент 4 курса Дагестанский Государственный Университет


АГРОПРОМЫШЛЕННОГО КОМПЛЕКСА РОССИИ Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются важнейшие вопросы современного состояния и будущего развития аграрного сектора страны. Главной проблемой, на которую необходимо обратить пристальное внимание, является низкая конкурентоспособность аграрного сектора России на внутреннем и внешнем рынках. Представляется, что для российского АПК жизненно важным является определение его места в мировом продовольственном рынке, что имеет существенное значение в связи с вступлением России в ВТО.

Ключевые слова: аграрный сектор, сельскохозяйственный товаропроизводитель, агропродовольственный рынок, импортируемая сельскохозяйственная продукция, рыночные преобразования, конкурентоспособность аграрного сектора, органическая продукция.

Рыночные преобразования в аграрном секторе экономики страны выявили множество новых проблем, которые необходимо теоретически исследовать и обобщить, что в конечном итоге приведет к практическому решению задач формирования и развития отечественного аграрного рынка.

Аграрный рынок по своей структуре неоднороден. В него входят рынки про-довольствия, специализированные сырьевые рынки, материально-технические ре-сурсные рынки. Агропродовольственный рынок отличается характерным для него постоянством спроса населения на продукты питания. Динамичность развития агропромышленного рынка сопряжена с его нестабильностью. Повышенная конъюнктурная неустойчивость проявляет себя неравномерным поступлением сельскохозяйственной продукции в разные сезоны года, что влечет за собой, как правило, нестабильность доходов сельскохозяйственных товаропроизводителей.

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