FEATURES AND TYPES OF SITES OF THE COMPANIES OF THE B2B SECTOR Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lazviashvili L., Vardishvili L., Chechelashvili M.

The article is devoted to the strategy of online promotion of goods and services, which is currently one of the key elements of the company’s marketing plan. According to the authors, it fixes the goals of advertising campaigns, basic approaches to marketing communications, tools for promoting a product to the market. The authors believe that the developed promotion strategy will help the company to find the required number of clients, which will ensure the profitability of the business. The authors reviewed and analyzed the features and types of B2B companies. The object of the research is the strategy of promoting the company’s goods and services in the B2B sector.

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https://doi.org/10.29013/EJEMS -22-1-29-33

Lazviashvili L., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of MILLENIUM University

Vardishvili L., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of MILLENIUM University Tbilisi, Georgia

Chechelashvili M., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Georgian Technical University E-mail: maiko_23@mail.ru


Abstract. The article is devoted to the strategy of online promotion of goods and services, which is currently one of the key elements of the company's marketing plan. According to the authors, it fixes the goals of advertising campaigns, basic approaches to marketing communications, tools for promoting a product to the market. The authors believe that the developed promotion strategy will help the company to find the required number of clients, which will ensure the profitability of the business. The authors reviewed and analyzed the features and types of B2B companies. The object of the research is the strategy of promoting the company's goods and services in the B2B sector.

Keywords: promotion strategy, b2b marketing, website development, contextual advertising.

Introduction Visibility

Nowadays, potential customers turn to search en- It is important for any B2B company that a po-

gines to find solutions to their business problems, tential client can find a business on the Internet. If a

read blogs and visit websites to find the information company does not have a website or is not optimized

they need. for the required keywords related to what the busi-

A website is an excellent sales tool: it works ness is doing, it will be difficult for stakeholders to

around the clock, provides website visitors with find a site to interact with the company [1].

the information and content they need to make an Content

informed decision and allows them to interact with Site visitors will search for content that can help

the business. meet their needs. Using the site, you can post compa-

A properly configured and positioned website ny content and create new pages for it at any time. In

can be the beginning of a sales funnel in the B2B addition to the website, you can use social networks

sector, contribute to the formation of a base of po- and e-mails to post content. The more relevant, high-

tential business customers among site visitors from quality, thematically oriented content there is on the

the moment they click on the link to the readiness site, the more opportunities for attracting and con-

for sales. verting potential customers.

Important characteristics of a B2B company In addition, each content created will have its

website are: own URL and target a specific keyword, which will

provide more opportunities for interested parties to search the Internet. Thus, the more quality content a site has, the more organic traffic it will attract [2].


A B2B company website is a relatively small investment, relative to the cost of all business goals and objectives. From the very beginning ofits operation, the search engine has been optimized and now it is tuned to work with potential customers. The site continues to deliver business results while it is online. The Internet has a much greater openness than any other channel, with the help of it clients can find a business anywhere at any time [3].

All Day Long Sales

Having a website gives a business the opportunity to interact with potential customers around the clock and make sales. An online presence increases the number of contacts that impact a business on potential customers and helps it attract new buyers. With a website, a small business can quickly become an international business as it is visible worldwide and begins to grow and scale.

Building Business Credibility

As the company continues to create and publish search engine optimized content on its website, its position in search has accumulated. Statistics show that having a website increases confidence in the business among potential customers. According to a Verisign study, 56% of those surveyed said they would not trust a business without a website. Thus, without a website, a company can miss out on more than half of its potential customers.

Consider the sites suitable for B2B companies and the specifics of their work.

An information site is a resource whose main purpose is to inform users about the current activities of a company. The content of such sites is widely presented as graphical diagrams and large amounts of text. I can find such sites in the structure of government organizations, religious groups, commercial and non-profit companies, organizations involved in public affairs [4].

Commercial sites are an important type of site for companies and organizations. The information on commercial sites is primarily intended for investors, sponsors, current and future partners, and clients. This site attracts new customers and partners and therefore increases the revenues of the organization. The content of the site comprises official information: the goods and services provided, contacts, bank details, persons of the founders and co-owners of the organization, data on the presence of branches and representative offices of the company. This type of site implies a large number of pages with separate pages for each section and subsection.

Combined type - combines the basic functions of both information and commercial sites. This can help to save the company's budget for the development of the Internet portal. When developing such a project, it is necessary to clearly define the main priorities and needs of the company, to determine what income is planned to be obtained from advertising. Some companies, when they first visit the site, offer the visitor to choose which section he wants to see. At the same time, one site works, occupying one domain zone [5].

Presentation site (business car d). This is a small site mainly used to inform about the company's products, advertise new products, and get acquainted with upcoming promotions. This is a small ad on the web. Such sites, as a rule, have a simple construction scheme, the content of the site is based on colorful, juicy ads, bright, attractive fonts, and slogans. They are distinguished by an abundance of illustrations. The purpose ofthe site is to tell about a product or service.

Entertainment portal. This is a site designed to increase customer engagement through interesting and unusual content. This type of content may include special promotions, hands-on jokes, fun games, and quirky apps. All this work is accompanied by colorful animation.

Help site or navigator. This type of resource should help the buyer or client find the information they need, both about one product and about

all products in general. It can be a search engine, a reference site, a survey, and rating systems.

Analysis of the target audience of the company's services. Determination of the target audience, its interests, and purchase motives is necessary for the correct choice of channels and promotion tools, as well as the formation of a value proposition. In addition, the analysis will help determine which promotion tools are more profitable to use, what information needs to be placed on the site, which design is preferable to choose. Let's analyze the target audience [6].

Suppose that at the moment the company has 25% of the area leased to 7 different companies. First, you need to analyze existing customers, their characteristics, and purchase motives. It is necessary to draw up a questionnaire for interviewing representatives of existing companies, comprising 14 questions:

1. What industry does your company belong to?

2. Describe your key business processes?

3. How much stock do you have?

4. What and how has to be transported in business activities?

5. What or what premises does your company rent? (warehouse, production, office)

6. How long has your company been renting this space?

7. What is the area of the premises rented by the company?

8. How long has your company been in the market?

9. Where did you rent premises before (if the business is not new)?

10. Why did the company decide to change the place of the lease?

11. Where and how did you search for information about commercial premises?

12. Tell us about the other options you are considering. Why did you choose our company?

13. For how long are you planning to rent the space?

14. What do you like and dislike, as an employee, on the territory of the property complex?

15. How do you get to work?

16. How many minutes does your trip take on average? [7]

These questions help to identify the following parameters for drawing up a portrait of the target audience and segmenting it:

- Characteristics of the business that rents space;

- Characteristics of the areas that each type of business chooses;

- Purchase motives (what contributed);

- Reasons for choosing (what advantages are important);

- What needs to be improved in the conditions for employees of tenant organizations.

In addition, these questions help to understand how to build the promotion of rental services: what advantages to focusing on, what problems the purchase of our company's services solves.[8]

Interviews should be conducted using sound recording equipment. Based on the results of the interviews, the motives for renting space can be clarified, for example:

- Relocation due to business expansion, the need for a larger area;

- Moving from the suburbs to the city center;

- Search for a convenient transport location for the transportation of goods, etc.

The reasons for choosing the property complex of a company providing services identified, as a result of interviewing existing clients may be the following:

- Good condition of the premises, their readiness for operation (availability of electricity, heating, sewerage);

- Convenient geographical and transport location;

- Availability of a choice of premises for different purposes;

- Access control;

- Availability of internal infrastructure: roads and sidewalks, parking, canteen (quote: "employees will be comfortable").

The next step is to consider the requirements for tenants from the service company. A company may include the following desirable qualities of an enterprise:

1) Financial stability, timely payment of rent payments,

2) Preferred "clean" production, for example, assembly lines for technical goods, computer, household, and industrial equipment;

3) The preferred availability of citizenship of the country where the resident is located for all employees of the organization (in connection with the access control);

4) The enterprise should preferably not have the status of increased secrecy, since other organizations are supposed to be located on the territory;

5) The activities of the enterprise must be legal.

In addition, it should be noted that based on the

characteristics of the territory, the availability of access control, which cannot be completely canceled, tenants cannot be organizations engaged in direct B2C trade in the territory, and other companies that require a constant flow of customers, for example, a fitness center, a clinic, shop [9].

Financial and educational organizations should be excluded. It is also important to focus on the ratio of production, warehouse, and office space: 50, 33, and 17%, respectively. This suggests that it is necessary to search mainly for leasing companies, and not for management companies. First, look for large and medium-sized enterprises. The most profitable for the company will be clients whose enterprises can occupy all 3 types of premises. These can manufac-

ture enterprises with warehouse stocks and management personnel.

Based on the analysis of existing tenants, the company's attitude to potential customers, characteristics of the territory and premises, the following main audience segments can be distinguished:

1) Enterprises for the production and/or assembly of household or computer equipment;

2) Mechanical engineering;

3) Sewing factories, sewing production;

4) Medical or scientific laboratories;

5) Furniture factories;

6) Production of household chemicals or cosmetics;

7) Bakeries;

8) Packing shops;

9) State-owned enterprises of the nuclear or military industry [10].

Thus, the most target segments are enterprises for the production and assembly of household or computer equipment, medical or scientific laboratories, and packaging shops. But all of these segments should be considered as potential customers since their compliance with the requirements and rental conditions is quite high.


The analysis of promotion tools showed that the site is one of the most effective promotion tools in the B2B sector in the field ofreal estate rental. Having your own website will help increase the credibility of the company in the eyes of potential clients, it is most convenient to consider and select a property and quickly find contacts to communicate with the organization.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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