УДК 3.155
Karimova M. Y.
Qo'chqorov A.Z.
Raxmatova K.B.
Nosirova M.B. students
Annotation: This article is devoted to the protection of motherhood and childhood in Uzbekistan
Key words: safe maternal and child health, maternal and child health, timely prevention and reduction of infant mortality
There is a beautiful article in our nation called "Mother and child with tulips." Indeed, if the mother and the child are healthy, the family will be blessed with peace and happiness in our work.
For this purpose, the program of measures to further improve the system of
documentary protection and childhood protection in our country. The program envisages coverage of newborn babies, girls, pregnant and adolescent women with full patronage service, reaching the current level from 70 to 100 percent.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev.
The Health Care Reform Program of the Republic of Uzbekistan has prioritized the work on maternal and child health. In our country the great attention is paid to upbringing and upbringing of harmoniously developed generation, because the future of our country directly depends on the quality of formation of the physical and spiritual world of the younger generation.
The tasks of upbringing harmoniously developed and healthy generation are focused on the following: the foundation of healthy children 's birth, safe mother and child health, maternal and child health, preventing and reducing infant mortality, timely and complete treatment of sick mothers and children, raising the health of families in upbringing and upbringing of healthy children, shaping a healthy lifestyle in all families, to raise their responsibility for the upbringing of the younger generation.
To achieve these goals, many problems need to be addressed. The first of the problems to be solved is to ensure that only healthy children are born in each family. Achieving this goal is the most difficult and responsible task. It is important to ensure that the birth of healthy children ensures the health status of the parents, the age of marriage and childbearing, the degree of kinship, the spiritual and psychological environment in the family, the parent and all family members a lifestyle, and a way of life.
Issues of future maternal and child health promotion and healthy maternity care should take the lead in the activities of each treatment and care unit. There is a need to radically improve the work of obstetrics and gynecological departments and cabinets within multidisciplinary hospitals. These events are set out in the state program "Soglom avlod" and have a strong place in the program.
In recent years, due to the great organizational work undertaken by the Ministry of Health, the number of women who are younger and older grows noticeably.
Healthy women of reproductive age are one of the most important conditions for the birth of healthy children. Anemia is widespread among women in all regions of our republic. They need to understand that health improvement is a continuous function of health care facilities. In addition, the treatment, rehabilitation and strengthening of reproductive age, especially for women with poor health, should be the main task of every parent, mother-in-law and mother-in-law and the whole family. Men should strive to preserve and strengthen the health of women in the family, and create the necessary conditions for their family housing. Collaboration between family and medical institutions is crucial in improving the health of pregnant women of childbearing age.
From the very beginning of each woman's pregnancy, under the supervision of a women's clinic, medical supervision is a reliable guarantee that healthy children will be born and will continue to be healthy. This is due to the occurrence of pregnancy, the prevention of certain complications and the implementation of the necessary treatment and, if necessary, the timely pregnancy.
During pregnancy, women should have the necessary medical knowledge to provide them with good nutrition and healthy growth of their beloved and future children. Unfortunately, many pregnant women are on the verge of maternity leave and are occupied with their home, home, marketplace, and occupational health and are at greater risk of developing their own and growing fetus. That is why 4-6% of newborn babies born in the country are born small, 10-16%. These babies are more likely to develop disease during the growth and development period, and all the illnesses in them become more severe.
The importance of feeding them in breastfeeding is immeasurable in growing healthy and energetic children. Mother's milk provides all nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the baby's organism during the first months of life. The first oral milk separated from the mother's chest is especially beneficial and necessary for the baby's body.
The implementation of the state program "Healthy Generation" in the Republic of Uzbekistan demonstrates positive results: significant reduction of morbidity and mortality among children has been achieved, great attention is paid to improving the health of mothers and children, breastfeeding children. is given.
Another important prerequisite for the upbringing of a healthy generation is its upbringing and improvement of the development environment. Each parent has a good example of a healthy, psychologically friendly relationship between the
family and its members, in order to ensure that their children are healthy and well-educated, and a cultural environment.
1. Давлетшин М.Г. Психологическая современного школьного учителя. - Т.: Узбекистан, 1999.-29 с
2. Кузмина H.B. Способности, одаренност, талант учителя. Л.: Знанийе, 1985,- 32 с.
3. Раченко И.П. Диагностика развития педагогического творчество учителя. - Пятигорск. 1992. - 196 с.
4. Гозиев Э. Психология. - Т.: Учитель. 2008. -186 с
УДК 60
Khamraeva N.T. senior teacher of the department "Methods of teaching Biology ", doctor of philosophy (Phd) of biological sciences
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Kodiria Merganov A. T. Associate Professor of the Department "Conservation of agricultural products and technology ofprimary processing",
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Namangan Institute of Technology Mamatkulov I.A. coals 1st year undergraduate student in the specialty "Methods of teaching Biology" Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Kodiria Dzhizak, Republic of Uzbekistan BIOREMEDIATION OF DESERT LANDS USING XYLOTERMOPHYTE
Annotation: The article is devoted to the study of cultivation of thermocerophyte (Capparis spinosa L.) - capers in the form of seedlings and seeds in order to find out the reasons for the widespread and habitability of this plant in the arid zones of Central Asia, as well as to study the characteristics of the soil microflora composition used for natural and artificial capers habitat.
Keywords: irrigation, bioremediation, takyr, agriculture, termokserofit, bioremediation, capers.
Central Asia is an integral part of the global space, where the globalization of financial, economic, ecological and other areas of agriculture is at a rapid pace. Despite this, about 70% of the entire territory of Central Asia is occupied by the land of hot desert, hill, mountain, foothill zones, saline, sandy soils, most of which do not succumb to irrigation and bioremediation. The development of these huge