PROSPECTS OF INTRODUCTION PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIESII FIR NORTHERN KYRGYZSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
Pseudotsuga / the results of the introduction / the course of growth / trunk shape

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Ivanov A., Abylgazieva A.

The forests of Northern Kyrgyzstan have very poor species composition. Harsh growing conditions, dry climate, vertical zones, localization of forests on the slopes of northern exposures, whereas the opposite forestless slopes have created more or less tolerable conditions for the existence of only one species. It is Tien-Shan’s spruce. According to some sources forests of Northern Kyrgyzstan was not consist of only one species. In past historical periods in their composition was also attended by Pseudotsuga of Asian species, hemlock and other wood species. The unsatisfactory natural resumption of local breed, intensified exploitation of spruce forests of Kyrgyzstan during the last hundred years, cattle grazing, and in recent years the recreation led to serious concerns for their further fate. One of the ways to solve this situation may be introduction of tree species in the region. In last 80 years’ different tree species was been tested for the enrichment of species composition, productivity improvement of spruce forests and for landscaping purposes. One of these species, which may in a relatively short time increase forest productivity is Pseudotsuga. The prospects of its breeding noted in many countries of Europe. In Central Asia, small areas of artificial plantations of this species are only in Kyrgyzstan. Currently, the second stage of introduction of this breed in Kyrgyzstan is underway. Pseudotsuga in local conditions creates highly productive plantations, developing according to class I bonitas, tolerates harsh forest conditions,also there is a natural resumption. Not affected by pests and diseases. Among the shortcomings, a relatively high trunkshift should be noted. In general, this breed can be recommended for plantation afforestation and widespread introduction into the belt of spruce forests of Northern Kyrgyzstan.

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Список литературы

1. Витковский А. З. Современное состояние ихтиофауны водохранилищ Манычского каскада : автореф. дис. ... канд. биол. наук : 03.00.16. Ставрополь, 2000. 24с

2. Воловик С.П., Корпакова И.Г., Барабашин Т.О., Воловик Г.С. Фауна водных и прибрежно-вод-ных экосистем Азово-Черноморского бассейна. -Краснодар: ФГУП «АзНИИРХ», 2010. - 251 с.


1. Vitkovsky A. Z. The current state of the ich-thyofauna of the reservoirs of the Manych Cascade : abstract of the cand. biol. nauk : 03.00.16. Stavropol, 2000. 24 p.

2. Volovik S. P., Korpakova I. G., Barabashin T. O., Volovik G. S. Fauna of aquatic and coastal-aquatic ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea basin. -Krasnodar: FSUE "AzNIIRKH", 2010. - 251 p.


Ivanov A.,

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Kyrgyzstan Republik National Scence Academy/

Institute of biology. Scientific Center of Forest Research 720024. 15 Dorozhny, Bishkek.

Kyrgyz Republic Abylgazieva A.

Kyrgyzstan Republik National Scence Academy/

Institute of biology. Scientific Center of Forest Research 720024. 15 Dorozhny, Bishkek.

Kyrgyz Republic


The forests of Northern Kyrgyzstan have very poor species composition. Harsh growing conditions, dry climate, vertical zones, localization of forests on the slopes of northern exposures, whereas the opposite forestless slopes have created more or less tolerable conditions for the existence of only one species. It is Tien-Shan's spruce.

According to some sources forests of Northern Kyrgyzstan was not consist of only one species. In past historical periods in their composition was also attended by Pseudotsuga of Asian species, hemlock and other wood species.

The unsatisfactory natural resumption of local breed, intensified exploitation of spruce forests of Kyrgyzstan during the last hundred years, cattle grazing, and in recent years the recreation led to serious concerns for their further fate. One of the ways to solve this situation may be introduction of tree species in the region. In last 80 years' different tree species was been tested for the enrichment of species composition, productivity improvement of spruce forests and for landscaping purposes.

One of these species, which may in a relatively short time increase forest productivity is Pseudotsuga. The prospects of its breeding noted in many countries of Europe. In Central Asia, small areas of artificial plantations of this species are only in Kyrgyzstan.

Currently, the second stage of introduction of this breed in Kyrgyzstan is underway. Pseudotsuga in local conditions creates highly productive plantations, developing according to class I bonitas, tolerates harsh forest conditions,also there is a natural resumption. Not affected by pests and diseases. Among the shortcomings, a relatively high trunkshift should be noted.

In general, this breed can be recommended for plantation afforestation and widespread introduction into the belt of spruce forests of Northern Kyrgyzstan.

Keywords: Pseudotsuga, the results of the introduction, the course of growth, trunk shape.


Main aim of a forestry of Kyrgyz Republic is strengthening protective properties of mountain forests and their recovery. Also new plantings must be the source of wood production, which cease feels sharper every year. This questions must be solved, by breeding local spruce, and by methods of introduction, which can result in increased productivity of forests and reduced wood growing time, also enriching the very poor species composition of spruce forest.

Works on the introduction of exotics in Northern Kyrgyzstan began at the 30s of the last century and over

several decades, 11 species of pines, 8 of larch trees, 9 of spruce trees, 7 firs and 3 species of Pseudotsuga were introduced into crops and park plantings as well as hardwood.

For more than 50 years, a green species of Pseudotsuga (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. Viridis Franco) has been growing in forests of Northern Kyr-gyzstan.

The growth of this breed under different forest's conditions was studied at 27-years old plantings [8]. Long time, which past after research has made its own

adjustments, and it became necessary to conduct research in a more mature plants and develop the recommendations for its further cultivation.

The purpose of these studies was concluding the results of introduction 53-years old plantings of green species pseudotsuga and evaluation prospects of its cultivation in the region. To achieve the goals it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. conducting retrospective analysis of the growth of this breed in various forest conditions

2. revealing the results of introduction and the state of plantings of this breed.

3. developing recommendations for further testing and widespread adoption of this fast-growing species for afforestation in the region.


The objects of research were ordinary cultures of pseudotsugas in the tracts Krasulino (2150) and Djelanda (2036 m above sea level), growing on the hills of NE exposition, with a steepness up to 100. Trial areas were laid here and taxation measurements were carried out. For this purpose, trees were counted at each trial plot, and three sample trees corresponding to the average trees on the plantation were taken. The taxation description of the stands, growth analysis at different periods of growth and the shape of the trunks were carried out according to the generally accepted technique [2, 7]. For the clarification of objects location GPS-navigator, rangefinder was used. For taxation measurements, a measuring fork and an altimeter РМ 5/1250 were used. Microsoft Excel was used for the processing of field materials.

On the test areas, as well as during the reconnaissance survey of all plantings, the state of stands for the presence of diseases and pests and presence of natural regeneration were determined in general.

Main part.

The issue of distribution of the genus Pseudotsuga in past historical eras was described in details by Hermann R. [18] with reference to various literary sources. According to archaeological findings, it was found that Pseudotsuga, which is similar to the North American species, belongs to the early Tertiary period (about 50 million years ago). Since then, the morphological characteristics of the species have changed slightly. Cones, seeds and needles of modern Pseudotsuga can hardly be distinguished from the "ancestral".

The findings of this breed in Japan and North America do not give an answer, which of the two species is original, Asian or North American. In the early Tertiary period, it could grow between Asia and North America.

According to some reports, severe changes in climatic conditions occurred during the Pleistocene and Halacene in the Northern Tien-Shan. At this time, spruce satellites (Abies, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga, Cedrus, etc.), which were previously in the first ancient tier, secede from spruce forests of the Northern Tien-Shan. The spruce formation then became monopodial [13].

This breed is introduced to Western and Eastern Europe, Scandinavian countries. It grows successfully in Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Northwest Russia and Caucasus.

In the countries of Central Asia, for the first time it was introduced in Northern Kyrgyzstan, where currently there are small experimental plantings of this breed.

The first experiments on breeding Pseudotsuga of green variety in Kyrgyzstan began in 1952. Seeds obtained from Trans Carpathian Ukraine were sown in a nursery at an altitude of 2036 m above sea level. In the spring of 1954, the obtained seedlings were planted in three plots at heights of 2036, 2100 and 2137 m above sea level. At heights of 2100 and 2137 m, the plants fell out completely, at 2036 m, they were frozen almost every year [4]. Currently, 5 trees have been preserved at this height. Maximum diameter - 52 cm, height - 28 m.

Work on testing Pseudotsuga in Northern Kyrgyzstan continued in 1961. Seeds obtained from natural range (British Columbia, Canada) were sown in the nursery without preparation.

For three years, seedlings were grown in the sowing department of the nursery. The average height of three years old seedlings was 18.7 cm. In the spring of 1964, forest crops were planted from the grown seedlings in the tracts of Dzhelanda (2036) and Krasulino (2150 m above sea level), in an ordinary way.

Currently, these plantings have reached the age of 53 years. They are characterized by rapid growth and resistance to diseases and pests.

During the growth and development, thinning was carried out in the plantings. Information on the dates of their holding, the volume of logged wood and mortality has not been preserved.

Under Pseudotsuga crops, soil was formed on carbonate loams [14]. The content of humus differs greatly in various forest conditions. In general, the soils under crops are highly humus and have a good structure, which allows them to be classified as fertile.

Currently, grassy and shrubby vegetation in all plantings is completely absent. The results of Pseudotsuga's ordinary crop, growing in the tracts of Jelanda and Krasulino at the foot of the slopes of NE exposure, growth analysis presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Taxation indicators of 53-year-old Pseudotsuga crops in the tracts of Jelanda and Krasulino

Place Amount of trunks on 1 hectare, pcs Average diameter, cm Average height, m Sum of м2 Stock per 1 ha, m3 Average increase in stock, m3/ ha

Jelanda 958 31.5 24.0 74.6 843 15.9

Krasulino 914 30.8 23.0 68.0 763 14.4

As can be seen from the data in the table, Pseudotsuga plantings growing under slightly different forest conditions, in this case, it is height above sea level, have almost identical growth rates. The decrease in stock in Krasulino is due to a slightly smaller number of trees per hectare, a smaller diameter and height. According to our observations in Northern Kyrgyzstan, ordinary Pseudotsuga cultures grow in the first class of bonitas.

The severe forest conditions of the Tien-Shan, main of which are dry air and soil, do not significantly affect the productivity of Pseudotsuga plantings. In some cases, this breed outpaces coeval plantings in Europe in terms of growth rate and productivity.

In Europe, a Pseudotsuga forms plantations of I-III classes of bonitas. At the age of 60, bonuses of class I bonitas have a reserve of 595 m3 / ha, II-476 and class III bonitas -307 m3 / ha. The total productivity of plantings (including intermediate use) of I-III classes bonitas at the age of 55 years provides 924 m3/ ha [17].

In France, in Rhone Valley, at the age of 40, its average height is 20 m, average diameter is 33 cm, the stock is 698 m3/ ha, number of trees per 1 hectare is 1000 pcs., increase in stock is 17.4 m3 / ha [1].

In England, 47-year-old Pseudotsuga have a stock of 715 m3/ ha. At the age of 80, particular trees produce 12 m3 of wood, and the best specimens at the age of 140 reach a height of 56 m [16].

In Belarus, intensive growth of this breed in volume continues up to 55-65 years, and its maximum average increase in stock occurs at the age of 65-70 years. [15].

The current growth in height in Northern Kyrgyzstan increases up to 30 years, then it decreases up to 40 years, and over the past 13 years it has been the same. The average growth in height up to 50 years is steadily increasing. Its maximum noted at the age of 50 years, then it decreases slightly.

Periodic growth in diameter reaches its maximum value at 30 years, then drops sharply. The average increase in diameter up to 53 years is gradually increasing and in its values is as close to the current one as possible.

The current growth of Pseudotsuga in the natural range reaches its greatest value at the age of 40, and the average at 50 years [10].

In Latvia, a significant growth in this breed is observed at a relatively young age. The growth in height begins to decrease earlier than the growth in diameter [12]. An increase in the current growth of this breed in Germany is observed up to 35-45 years and is equal to I bonitas 25.1, in II bonitas - 21.1 and in III bonitas 14.1 m3 per ha [17].

Pseudotsuga cultures grow slowly in the first decade, and then significantly increase growth. Their productivity in the northwest of the USSR lags behind the productivity of forest stands in their homeland, but it is more than that of pine and spruce plantations [5].

Pseudotsuga could become the most important and valuable tree species worldwide [6]

Thus, studies of the growth of Pseudotsuga in Northern Kyrgyzstan have shown that this breed in local conditions is characterized by rapid growth, resistance to diseases and pests, and now we can confidently say that it is very promising for afforestation and the creation of industrial plantations in this region.

One of the main indicators of acclimatization is the ability of the planting or particular individuals to produce high quality seeds and viable natural resumption. As for the Pseudotsuga, in some cases a good resumption is noted.

In the conditions of Northern Kyrgyzstan, the fruiting of this breed was first observed at the age of 20 [8]. Seeds at this age were of poor quality. Currently, abundant fruiting is observed every 3-4 years. Seedlings are obtained from seeds of local resumption, which are mainly used for growing large-sized planting material for landscaping. The second stage of introduction has begun, and the creation of forest crops has not gone beyond the boundaries of experience.

The reasons are more subjective associated with frequent reorganizations of both the forest industry and scientific approaches to solving various issues related to the introduction of plants. It is believed that the subsequent naturalization after acclimatization of not only Pseudotsuga, but also of other introducers may adversely affect the formation of the local Tien Shan spruce.

Currently, the problem of increasing the productivity of spruce forests by growing fast-growing tree species in the region has been partially solved. But the question of the sustainability of natural forest ecosystems remains open, because artificial introduction of alien species is always accompanied by certain risks of displacement of local species, which are supplemented by a number of negative phenomena, such as global climate change, import of diseases and pests, anthropogenic impacts (logging, grazing of livestock) and they can be very vulnerable to natural biocenosis.

Now it is difficult to determine the critical value of the intervention when it becomes irreversible and therefore it is rather difficult to predict the consequences. They should be based on a sufficient amount of empirical material and developing relationships of woody vegetation, because the sustainable development of the forest ecosystem is a prerequisite for sustainable forest management in the future [9].

Productivity and relationships of introduced tree species and native species in Northern Kyrgyzstan, the forecasting of possible risks when introducing introducers into the belt of spruce forests have not been raised and discussed so far, and their importance and novelty become obvious.

The high growth rate of Pseudotsuga in Belarus makes it possible to completely displace other breeds from plantings at ripening age, even with their equal initial participation [15].

Recently, quite harsh and persistent demands have been voiced to stop the introduction of plants altogether, because this can lead to a "global environmental disaster" [11]. The introduction of alien species into new for them territories is recognized as one of the most serious threats to biological diversity [3].

At the beginning of the introduction search in Northern Kyrgyzstan, productivity was paramount. Now the views have changed somewhat and the sustainable development of the natural forests of the Tien Shan has been highlighted. The expansion of introduction due to introduction of a sufficiently large number of introducers into the forest belt that are already beginning to penetrate into the forest belt should be independently studied and evaluated. So far, we can only talk about a potential threat.

But such breed as a Pseudotsuga (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. Viridis Franco) in the future may seriously compete with the Tien Shan spruce, which may not be in favor of the latter [9].

Introduced forest cultures in Kyrgyzstan are mainly created in areas where the local Tien Shan spruce (Picea schrenkiana Fisch. Et. Mey) does not grow, close proximity, and sometimes even mixing, has a positive effect on the distribution of local species, subject to the close location of seed trees, since under the canopy of crops favorable conditions are created for its growth and development. Thus, studies conducted in

80-year-old cultures of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L.) showed that spruce undergrowth develops well under its canopy. Sometimes it already begins to suppress the pine and later the local breed can take a leading position in the plantation.

In Pseudotsuga cultures, spruce undergrowth was not found even with a close arrangement of seed trees. This suggests that the conditions for its distribution are not in favor of spruce.

In the mountainous conditions of Northern Kyrgyzstan, the Pseudotsuga is characterized by a high trunkshift from the butt part to the top (table 2.).

Table 2.

Relative diameters of trunks of Pseudotsuga,

Breed 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Pseudotsuga 92.0 89.0 83.0 68.0 56.0 46.0 30.0 16.0

Pine 91.6 85.0 78.3 76.6 63.3 53.3 43.4 23.4

Spruce 90.1 82.1 71.8 61.1 51.4 41.8 28.8 14.3

At relative heights of 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9, this indicator reaches maximum values in Pseudotsuga. The shape of the Pseudotsuga trunks in local conditions is close to the shape of the trunks of Tien-Shan spruce's medium full wood (q2 = 0.60). Ordinary pine, under similar growth conditions, is characterized by significantly greater full wood than local spruce.


Conducted research on the introduction of Pseudotsuga in Northern Kyrgyzstan allows us to draw a number of theoretical and practical conclusions:

In Northern Kyrgyzstan, in order to increase the forest cover and forest productivity, in areas where the Tien Shan spruce did not grow earlier, promising coniferous introducers with valuable economic traits, such as growth rate, resistance to diseases and pests, which in the future will fulfill not only raw material, but also ecological and aesthetic values, should be introduced.

The speed of growth, resistance to adverse environmental conditions and various diseases and pests can significantly expand the area of growth of Pseudotsuga in the Northern Tien-Shan.

1. To carry out the second stage of introducing Pseudotsuga from seeds of local resumption, it is necessary to carry out artificial selection in plantings of primary introduction, which differ in the most valuable economic characteristics.

2. Pseudotsuga may become one of the most valuable species in plantational forest cultivation.

3. It is necessary to carefully select areas for creating forest crops from this species in the belt of spruce forests.


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