PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM ANIMATION ACTIVITIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sabirov K.N., Hamroev N.Sh., Khamroyev G.F.

For successful animation of visitors, animators must perform very complex, demanding, and dynamic tasks. Professional performance of tasks implies the need for an animator to be a complete person. This means that he/she not only must have a sound education, but also have to be specialized for certain activities. There are different types of animators so that their diversity mirrors the success of the hotel. Animators must have certain basic physical and psychological characteristics. So, despite the knowledge and experience, animators must have inherent characteristics such as talent, humor, to be friendliness, and so on. Sense of humor and ability to work with people are two important characteristics of a successful animator. Many hotels need animators who can entertain tourists and make their stay memorable resort experience, which will be a reason for return of tourists. One of the key factors for tourism success is animator.

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Sabirov K.N. the head of international affairs

TIIAMEBB Hamroev N.Sh.

Bukhara branch of the Tashkent Institute of Engineers Irrigation and

Agricultural Mechanization Uzbekistan Khamroyev G.F.

Doctorate TIIAMEBB



Annotation: For successful animation of visitors, animators must perform very complex, demanding, and dynamic tasks. Professional performance of tasks implies the need for an animator to be a complete person. This means that he/she not only must have a sound education, but also have to be specialized for certain activities. There are different types of animators so that their diversity mirrors the success of the hotel. Animators must have certain basic physical and psychological characteristics. So, despite the knowledge and experience, animators must have inherent characteristics such as talent, humor, to be friendliness, and so on. Sense of humor and ability to work with people are two important characteristics of a successful animator. Many hotels need animators who can entertain tourists and make their stay memorable resort experience, which will be a reason for return of tourists. One of the key factors for tourism success is animator.

Keywords: animator, tourism, recreation, characteristics, tourists, hotels


Animator is a tourist worker, who with his/her general characteristics must meet all required criteria and roles. His/her activity begins with the first contact with visitors, lasts throughout the tourist stay until their departure, which includes sending and promise that the next meeting will strive to meet all of their interests, preferences, and desires. Because of that, he/she is required to have a specific character trait and physical endurance. So, animators have to fulfill certain roles which might render them to be complete people and to have everything that is in the function of enriching the content of tourist stay.

Animators must be psychologically and physically healthy, which means that there must be a person without any mental and physical disabilities. By their external physical appearance, it must be at a higher level, i.e., they must meet

stringent criteria. His/her appearance may be one of the important criteria in terms of its final choice.

He/she performs highly complex, diverse, and subtle tasks. For this purpose, the psychological and physical characteristics should be taken into account for selection of animators. In that connotation, according to Butler (1968), the most significant psychological and physical features of the animator include:

(1) Personal and professional honesty;

(2) Sense of humor;

(3) Sense of providing services;

(4) Understanding of animating as art;

(5) Intelligence and common sense;

(6) Good psychophysical health;

(7) Energy and enthusiasm;

(8) The ability for the organization. Cerovic (1999) also highlighted a number of such features:

(1) Pleasing appearance: Because an animator's activity is related to the subjective judgment of the members of the group, his/her outward appearance should be adapted to the group;

(2) Optimal age of life: Age of animators is specifically determined and should be in accordance with the requirements of the group. They are supposed to be relatively young and experienced;

(3) A stand: Given that animating is a dynamic profession, permanent change will not affect the proper situations and quick decision-making when there is a conflict in communication with the group;

(4) Interest and engagement: Animators should be flexible, because they are changed according to the mood and attitude of the group, and they should be interested to be involved in adapting to the group;

(5) Honesty: With their interpersonal communication with the group, they should possess a high degree of honesty and never have to compromise the trust that has earned the group their verbal or non-verbal actions;

(6) Professionalism: In relation to members of the group, an animator should manifest a high level of expertise and knowledge. This is the only way for an animator to gain great authority;

(7) Natural talent: Given the fact that animation is a complex and specific activity, here creativity comes to the fore. Primarily through interpersonal communication, animators have to spread a feeling of serenity, mood, and balanced humor [3];

In this context, Kripendorf (1986) considered that animation should be run by educated animators with special personal characteristics and with the best pedagogical education. Such animation today is still rare, but is often misinterpreted and commercialized. An animator, to successfully organize and realize the animation programs, must meet certain roles in terms of visitors, because he/she knows the various aspects of the tourism offer.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the roles of animators. Source: Finger and

Benoit (1988).

The basic features of the roles set out in the scheme under Cerovic (1999)


(1) Colleague: Animator to visitors should be set as a colleague, but not in the professional sense, because they will be participating in the same activities during the tourist stay. We can say that success is the animator who to the guests will be set as a colleague and assist in animation programs;

(2) Driver: Group, animators, and spiritual adviser of their activities. This role is particularly significant for those visitors who are more difficult to adapt to the new environment. Animators perform with all their knowledge, skills, dexterity, and creativity and motivate guests to stay active;

(3) Organizer: In order to successfully realize animation programs, animators need to be successful organizers, because visitors see it as colleague, counsellor, and above all personality which they can rely;

(4) Universal: Animators not only need to know all the contents of the animation, but should also have a wider education and general culture. It actually means that he/she will be able to handle in any situation including even extreme cases;

(5) Specialist: Despite its universality, he/she should be a narrow specialist for a specific animation activity;

(6) Active guest on holiday: First of all, an animator is a tourist worker who encourages and organizes animation activities. He/she should be an active member of the group. If an animator behaves as an active guest on holiday, each member of the group will perceive him/her as their colleague;

(7) Host: Animator is a representative of the hotel, the place, and the country as a whole. In every situation, he/she should make it clear that he/she was proud to belong to the community that he/she represents;

(8) Representative: This role of the animator does not give him/her any special power, but means that it protects the interests of the hotel, resort, and even the country as a whole;

(9) Informator: Animator is the carrier of information to visitors. Guests as a group or individual are usually interested about their stay in the country, population, its culture, and customs. For this reason, animators need to have a wide range of knowledge and information and should timely inform the subjects who show an interest in some information about the foreign country;

(10) Partner in conversation: It is known that interpersonal communication is the essence of animation. It is actually a conversation between two or more persons. Through dialogue, visitors get various information in their domain of interest and ask a number of questions in the process of animation. Through conversation, animators will instruct guests in the direction that better exploits the benefits which allow tourist destination [4];


1. Buntasheski, B. (2001). Animation in tourism offer. Ohrid: Research Institute of Tourism.

2. Butler, G. D. (1968). Introduction to community recreation. New York, N.Y.: McGraw Hill Inc..

3. Хамроев Гиёсжон Файзулло угли, Тураев Саидали Сохиб угли. Выбор Рабочего Оборудования Гидроцилиндра, Установленного В Комбинированном Агрегате // Столица Науки статья в журнале - научная статья 2020. - №5 (22). - c. 96 - 104.

4. ^амроев Гиёсжон Файзулло угли, Тураев Саидали Сохиб угли. Эффиодент усе оф препаратион аггрегатес фор плантинг ландс ин а сингле пасс wnrx, а страигхтенинг торсион wорк // матерiали мiжнародноï науково! конференций (Т. 1), 12 червня, 2020 рш. Кшв, Украша: МЦНД. - c. 119-121.

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