Научная статья на тему 'Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses: psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity'

Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses: psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vovk Iryna, Vovk Yuriy

The development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses with consideration of psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity is an actual task facing modern managers. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the relevance and identify the psychological and pedagogical aspects for designing a program of leisure activities in animation service. The challenge is to substantiate the need for a psychological and pedagogical approach to the work of a manager who develops and performs animation activities in the hospitality industry, as well as to show the impact of the animation service on the quality of service. The factors influencing the formation of animation services are analysed in the article; the main functions and trends of animation activity are highlighted; the ways of introducing animation programs into the domestic tourism activity are identified. The tourism industry development in the general infrastructure of the hospitality industry will help solve various problems: upbringing, culture developing, strength-recreating, mood raising, creating a unique recreation program to attract more guests.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses: psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity»

Economics, Management and Sustainability

journal home page: http://jems.sciview.net

Vovk, I., & Vovk, Yu. (2017). Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses: Psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity. Economics, Management and Sustainability, 2(1), 67-75. doi:10.14254/jems.2017.2-1.6.

ISSN 2520-6303

Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses: Psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity

Iryna Vovk *, Yuriy Vovk **

* Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, 56 Ruska str., 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship ** Ternopil Ivan Pul'uj National Technical University, 56 Ruska str., 46001 Ternopil, Ukraine

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Transport Technologies and Mechanics

Article history:

Received: March 10, 2017 1st Revision: April 10, 2017

Accepted: April 28, 2017

JEL classification:

L83 L21 L22



Abstract: The development of family leisure activities in the hotel and restaurant businesses with consideration of psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity is an actual task facing modern managers. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the relevance and identify the psychological and pedagogical aspects for designing a program of leisure activities in animation service. The challenge is to substantiate the need for a psychological and pedagogical approach to the work of a manager who develops and performs animation activities in the hospitality industry, as well as to show the impact of the animation service on the quality of service. The factors influencing the formation of animation services are analysed in the article; the main functions and trends of animation activity are highlighted; the ways of introducing animation programs into the domestic tourism activity are identified. The tourism industry development in the general infrastructure of the hospitality industry will help solve various problems: upbringing, culture developing, strength-recreating, mood raising, creating a unique recreation program to attract more guests.

Keywords: animation activities, animation service, animator, client, tourist, tourist company.

Corresponding author: Iryna Vovk E-mail: vovk.ira.2010@gmail.com

This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

1. Introduction

The objective of the research is to substantiate the relevance and identify the psychological and pedagogical aspects for designing a program of leisure activities in the animation service. The necessity of the psychological and pedagogical approach to the work of a specialist developing and carrying out animation activities in the hospitality industry should be proved; the influence of the animation service on the quality of service should be defined. The factors influencing the formation of animation services should be analysed; the main functions and trends of animation activity should be highlighted; and the ways of introducing animation programs into the domestic tourism activity using foreign experience should be determined.

Modern researchers L.V. Volyk, N.V. Martyshyna, G.A. Nasedkina, Ye.Ya. Orhekhova, I.I. Shulga and others have studied the pedagogical trends of animation. French scientists J. Dumazedjer, P. Beznar, and R. Labourier have studied the subject of leisure animation from the middle of the twentieth century. They noted a double meaning of the animation phenomenon: on the one hand, it is a method of adaptation and social therapy; on the other hand, it is an ideology of dismissal through participation (Kylymystyi, 2010).

2. Research results

Modern Russian scientists have studied the active, cultural, and recreational leisure and the modern tourism animation management in their works. Streltsov Yu.A. (2002) focuses his attention on the relevance of analysing animation activities in free time [13]; Garanin N., & Bulygina I. (2003), and Galperina T.I. (2006) consider a technique for developing the scenario-directing animation measures. Ukrainian researchers also cover various aspects of animation in recreational and tourist activities. Kylymystyi S.M. (2007) was the first to investigate the tourism animation as a cultural and recreational activity. Baylik S.I. (2006) defines the sports and recreational aspects of hotel animation. Mikho O.I. (2008) concentrates on tourism specialists training in organization of animation events. Nevertheless, there is no unique approach to the essence of recreational and tourism animation, the development and ways of introducing animation programs in the conditions of modern Ukrainian tourism business. This situation is complicated by the fact that a modern person is in a certain state of alienation, and does not understand the meaning of life.

A person is responsible for himself/herself and his/her being. He/she is obliged to answer the question about who he/she is and what he/she represents by himself/herself. "This is the question, to which a person should answer. Therefore, he/she cannot in fact ask about the content of his/her being, because life confronts a question to a person: he/she should not inquire, he/she is rather someone who asks; he/she should correspond to life itself and be responsible for life. A person knows that he/she proves his/her human essence, showing clearly what a person is capable of, only during the contact with the fact, which is not subjected to changes, and by overcoming of this situation. Only a position and setting, with which a person encounters inevitable blows to destiny, are important, and nothing else. A person is allowed and judged to win the content in this life until the last breath" (Frankl, 2016). A person in his/her being is responsible for himself/herself and his/her existence. A person acts as a judge and is responsible for what he/she has done with himself/herself. This situation gives rise to a person's sense of anxiety, which is expressed as a guilt. The feeling of guilt in existential psychology differs from traditional psychology, where it is defined as an emotional state associated with experiencing the wrong action by feeling the negativity. Existential psychology adds an important change to the concept of guilt. Complete acceptance of responsibility for the actions extends the boundaries of guilt, reduces the possibility of escape. A person is guilty not only for crimes against other people, moral or social rules. A person is responsible for crimes against himself/herself. Anxiety in the relative sense is a feeling of guilt, and in absolute terms - anxiety - self-affirmation and condemnation. In fact, a person is the freedom, as the ability to define himself/herself through decisions making in the framework of randomness. In this framework, a person is destined to make from himself/herself what he/she should become, that is, to fulfil his/her purpose. However, how to know one's potential and one's purpose? How do we know that we have lost our way? By guilt. Here there is an opposite threat - the ability to act contrary to destination, to resist to essential destiny. That is a feeling of guilt that returns a person to his/her true destination. According to V. Franklin, existential guilt is a positive constructive force that brings us back to ourselves. Human life is given as an opportunity for self-realization. It is nothing but an opportunity for self-realization. "A person is nothing more than what he/she does with himself/herself," wrote J.-P. Sartre. Betrayal of individual appointment in life is clearly expressed in the novel by F. Kafka "The Process". Erich Fromm described the state of the character of Franz Kafka's hero: "In the human sense, he was almost dead,

but he could continue to lead the life of a bank employee as before because this activity had nothing to do with human existence" (Frankl, 2016).

There are several points of view on the problem of guilt. According to the classical theory, the neurotic feeling of guilt arises because of the conflict between superego and infantile sexual and aggressive desires (Z. Freud). In existential psychology, guilt is defined as an emotional state associated with the experience of wrong actions, an uncomfortable state that characterizes the anxiety in conjunction with the feeling of its "negativity" (I. Yalom).

Existential gilt is a positive constructive force, an advisor that brings us back to ourselves. Heidegger wrote, "To be guilty also implies to be responsible "for", that is, to be a source, or an author, or at least a casual cause of something "(Heidegger, 1927).

Russian existential philosopher V.S. Solovyov wrote, "Of all the terrestrial beings, only a person can treat himself/herself critically - not in the sense of simple dissatisfaction with any his/her state or actions (this is possible for other animals), and also not in the sense of the vague uncertain feeling of anxiety, but in the sense of consciously negative evaluation of the very mode of his/her being and of the main directions of his/her lives, as those that do not correspond to what should be". The living and clear conscience is the only thing that gives a person the opportunity to resist the effects of an existential vacuum - conformism and totalitarianism (Frankl, 2016). Anxiety is the awareness of the unresolved conflicts between the structural elements of an individual. Pathological anxiety, with which psychology deals can be understood, explained and overcome if viewed in the context of existential anxiety. According to P. Tillich, pathological anxiety is a kind of existential anxiety that arises in special conditions. In the special conditions of human existence (catastrophe, crisis, violence), an existential anxiety is manifested in one or more of its kinds. Anxiety pushes a person to courage, but if he/she does not have enough strength to resist, then despair becomes an alternative to courage. Courage does not eliminate existential anxiety, but it takes the anxiety of nonbeing into oneself. Courage is a self-affirmation as a counter to nonbeing. Anxiety pushes us to courage, as only despair can be an alternative to courage. If a person does not have the courage to take anxiety, he/she may deviate from the existential situation of despair only by escaping into a neurosis. In the neurotic state, a self-affirmation does not disappear: on the contrary, it can be very strong and emphasized. Nevertheless, neurotic Me is reduced Me. Some of his/her potencies are not allowed to actualize life. A person claims somewhat less than his/her essential or potential being. He/she renounces a part of his/her potencies in order to save the remnants of being. This scheme explains the double nature of a neurotic. On the one hand, a neurotic is more sensitive to the threat of oblivion than a normal person is, and since nonbeing reveals the secret of being, then a neurotic can be a creative person largely than a healthy person. Restrictions of extensiveness occur due to greater intensity, but this intensity is specified in one exact, which leads to a distorted perception of reality in general.

A neurotic person is more sensitive to nonbeing and, accordingly, possesses a greater anxiety. He/she gives preference to a fixed, albeit limited, and unrealistic type of self-affirmation. Considering a healthy person, this self- affirmation is fragmentary. A healthy person keeps away from extreme situations, courageously overcoming concrete objects of fear. Usually he/she does not realize that anxiety and nonbeing are present in the depths of his/her personality. However, his/her fragmentary self-affirmation is not fixed and not protected from the threat of anxiety. A normal person is largely adapted to reality than a neurotic. He/she lacks the intensity that can make a neurotic a creative person. Anxiety does not make a healthy person create fictional worlds. He/she asserts himself/herself in unity with those parts of reality with certain features that he/she encounters. However, self-affirmation of a person can also become neurotic. It occurs when the reality, to which he/she is accustomed, changes and there is a real threat for fragmentary courage that allows him/her to cope with the usual objects of fear. This happens in critical historical periods. We are experiencing precisely this period in the development of civilization. Now the instincts do not tell a person what to do, no traditions - what is worth doing, sometimes he/she even does not know what he/she wants. Instead, a person either seeks to do the same as others (conformism), or does what others want from him/her (totalitarianism) (Frankl, 2016).

More and more relevant in our time is the need for a complete rest, which is associated with an unprecedented rate of life, with increasing emotional load. All this determines the increasing role of recreational activities, that is, human activities in their free time, which is carried out in order to restore his/her physical and psychological forces. The recreational effect is supposed to be achieved in the case when a person begins to feel the state of psychophysiological comfort and readiness for new loads. The tourist trip in conjunction with well-organized animation support can successfully solve this task.

The world experience of the organizers of tourism activity shows that they are increasingly focusing on diversification and revival of tours, irrespective of the types of tourism. Ukrainian

tourism today cannot compete with the advanced tourist countries of the world in the sphere of industry improvement.

Recently, family vacation has become very popular and is in great demand in the domestic sphere of hospitality and abroad. According to Garavin N.I., Bulgina I.I., "animation" is a new direction in tourism, which is intended to "breathe the soul" into tourist programs and attract participants to them (Garanin, & Bulygina, 2008). At the same time, according to Kurylo L.V. (2009), animation activity should be interpreted as a collection of socially significant actions of an individual, which are aimed at intensive awareness of his/her interaction with the environment and the development of socio-cultural values while satisfying the relaxation-restorative, cultural, educational and cultural-creative needs and interests.

The natural reaction of people who daily experience such a negative pressure is the desire to escape from the usual circle, join nature, get new impressions, receive new or forgotten spiritual values, find themselves in a new circle of communication, and finally, get the opportunity to stay in motion, feel themselves in recreation and entertainment environment.

The positive aspect of this complex situation is its contribution to the increasing tourist demand. In such conditions, tourist recreation appears to modern people as a form of comprehensive upgrade of an individual. The pedagogical value of animation activity is to provide children and young people with the conditions for their inclusion in creative, recreational, educational, entertaining activities that have a great potential of methods and techniques for spiritual and cultural enrichment during the rest in boarding houses and hotels. Thus, M.M. Yaroshenko (2000) in his concept studies socio-cultural animation of one of the young branches of social psychology and pedagogy and defines it as "pedagogy of socio-cultural activity".

An animator working in conditions of hotel recreation of children and their parents should not only be able to design and conduct animation programs, but he must possess a complex of knowledge in pedagogy and psychology, in order to implement professionally the educational tasks in animation programs. That is why, he should involve children and their parents in active, creative, interpersonal relationships regarding to the age and individual characteristics of animation participants. He should develop them as creative personalities; provide conditions to eliminate psychological and physical stresses. The challenge is to disclose the abilities of the individual through a variety of means and active methods of recreational pedagogy (Plotnikova, 2011).

An analysis of the various concepts of socialization shows that it consists of two components, which reflects two parallel processes. First, it is the process of adapting a person as a biological being to life in society. Secondly, socialization is the process of forming a personality - the development and self-improvement of a person in the process of acquisition and reproduction of culture at all age stages. Thus, since the family is a connecting link between the child and other social structures, the animation activity in the hospitality industry is sufficiently capable of performing the tasks of socializing the younger generation through engagement in leisure activities.

The value of a differentiated approach in leisure pedagogy cannot be overestimated. An animator as a teacher must always take into account the age and individual characteristics of children who come to rest in a hotel or a boarding house. The purposefulness of the activity, predicted by the differentiated approach, accelerates and deepens the pedagogical effectiveness of animation work. An animator develops plans and programs of animation more accurately, corresponding to the specifics of a particular group of children. The age consideration was laid in the cultural-historical concept of L.S. Vygotskiy (Vygotskiy, 1996). He considered this concept as a special combination of internal and external development factors that determine the patterns of mental development in a particular age. In modern psychology, the age is considered the concrete and relatively limited in time degree of mental development of an individual and his/her development as a person. It is characterized by a set of natural physiological and psychological changes, not related to the differences of individual characteristics.

The core of animation programs is a game that is relevant and demandable in all age periods. Thus, while playing at leisure, the rules of self-restraint and self-determination are acting. The game is always a test of yourself, your capabilities. In the game, the transition from education to self-education, to free conscious work on the own will occurs naturally. Not by chance, L.S. Vygotskiy (Vygotskiy, 1996) wrote that a child could reach higher achievements in the game, which tomorrow will be his average moral level, his morale.

Thus, the characteristic psychological features of young children are emotionality, desire for mass actions, and tendency to imitate. The basic method of animation interaction is a method of mass influences. Therefore, the most popular are the various forms and contents of "interactive" -special events, in which children are drawn into mass games. The game method takes the lead in working with younger students.

The effect of the first signalling system is known to dominate over the second one in the perception of different phenomena among pupils of junior school age. Therefore, children more

deeply perceive animated visual-figurative actions. Instability of the mood and its rapid change require a skilful support from the organizers of the animation. Fast fatigue is compensated by a timely change in the forms and tasks. Physical preparedness of schoolchildren is achieved in everyday health work, games, walks, outdoor competitions. At the same time, pre-school and junior school age is the most sensitive period for intellectual, emotional, aesthetic and artistic development.

According to researchers T.G. Kazkovyi, N.K. Sakkulina, the disclosure of children and adolescents personality is possible in the appropriate conditions for the development of their free creative potential without pressure from adults. An animator should turn every meeting of the children into a game taking into account the increased desire of young children to play and the possibilities of pedagogical influence in animation activities. In adolescence life, a person actively begins to develop self-consciousness, make the image of "I", and lay the foundations of an active life position of an individual, which forms the core of a comprehensive and harmonious development. The public nature of the animation work contributes to the development of activity, initiative and independence of adolescents. The characteristic adolescent's desire for a search and bright impressions can be manifested in such animation activities as mobile sports games based on the principles of self-educating certain features of character: perseverance, will, intelligence, foresight, logical thinking. In adolescence life, the desire for adulthood is combined with the preserved child's attitude to life. It is the active participation of children and adolescents in animation programs that gives them an excellent opportunity to develop creative activity and initiative, eliminate internal stress and stiffness, which leads to the formation and improvement of various children's abilities (Plotnikova, 2011).

Animation activity is also a specific form of advertising, the purpose of which is to bring the client to hotel facilities to create a positive impression. The main tasks of animation as a form of advertising is to strengthen the image of the hotel, to increase interest in the tourist complex and the number of tourists.

The concept of the proper conduct of animation activities includes:

- the proper use of every opportunity to awaken guests to active life, they must be surprised and admired of what is happening;

- the creation of relaxing environment;

- the attraction of tourists to the exclusive animation program;

- the creation of conditions with the least limitation and rules for comfortable rest of the


- the compliance with a single standard of service;

- the use of uniform design and uniform cloths.

Most often animation activities are conducted basing on the hotel complex. However, you can observe animated presentations on the territory of sports complexes, entertainment centres, camps, as well as on the territory of rural tourism objects.

XXI century should be the period of transition to a person "who is spiritualizing the world within himself/herself', that is, from "homo sapiens" ("an intelligent person") to "homo animates" ("a person is spiritual"). Modern animation is defined as the formula of "three D": delassiment (physical rest, relaxation) - divertissement (entertainment) - development (Shulga, 2008). Animation technologies are considered as activities for the development and presentation of special programs for leisure time. Animation programs include sports games and competitions, dancing evenings, carnivals, games, hobbies, classes in the sphere of spiritual interests, etc. An animator is a specialist in the development of individual and collective programs of leisure; he orients people in a variety of leisure activities and organizes good rest. Unfortunately, modern animation technologies are used mainly for commercial purposes, ignoring their socio-cultural potential. According to the conducted analysis, the most animators care firstly about the external form of animation, and then -about its content and cultural saturation.

The following conclusion should be made: the animation activity differs one of the main functions of the tourism industry - the increase of satisfaction during the rest. The development of this branch in the overall infrastructure of hospitality industry will help solve various tasks: education, development of culture, restoration of forces, raising mood, creating a unique recreation program to attract more guests, thereby to increase the level of tourism industry.

Table 1. Factors influencing the effectiveness of animation activities in hotel and restaurant facilities

Question Function name

1 How fast do these activities allow moving from everyday environment to free leisure? adaptive function

2 How did these measures help you get rid of the physical fatigue that accumulates during the working period of the year? compensatory function (physiological context)

3 How did these measures help you get rid of the psychological fatigue that accumulates during the working period of the year? compensatory function (psychological context)

4 Analyse the level of positive emotions that occur during animation activities. stabilizing function

5 How did these measures help you get rid of the physical fatigue that accumulates during the working period of the year? recreation function

6 Did you get new information about countries (region, city, region) due to animation events? information function

How interesting was this information to you?

7 Did you get new knowledge about countries (region, city, region) due to animation events? educative function

How interesting (cognitive, useful) for you was this information?

8 Intellectual and physical enhancement. perfecting function

9 Did animation events cause you to tell about your holiday to other people? advertising function

10 How many people have you talked about it?

- adaptive function that allows you to move from everyday environment to free leisure;

- compensatory function, which frees a person from physical and psychological fatigue of everyday life;

- stabilizing function that creates positive emotions and stimulates mental stability;

- recreational function aimed at the restoration of human physical forces;

- information function, which provides an opportunity to get new information about the country, region, people, etc.;

- educational function that allows you to acquire and consolidate new knowledge about the surrounding world as a result of bright impressions;

- improving function that leads to intellectual and physical improvement;

- an advertising function that provides an opportunity to make a tourist a carrier of advertising about a country, region, tourist complex, hotel, tour company etc. engaging his into animation programs;

Based on a survey of 70 respondents who rested in the summer camp "Svitanok", the following conclusions were made (Table 2):

Table 2. Influence of animation activities accomplished in Svitanok Tour Complex (%)

Number of answers

Scor es Questi on 1 Questi on 2 Questi on 3 Questi on 4 Questi on 5 Questi on 6 Questi on 7 Questi on 8 Questi on 9 Questi on 10 Questi on 11 Questi on 12

1 70 90 30 50 30 60 40 60 60 90 50 30

2 90 30 40 70 50 50 50 40 50 70 90 60

3 30 70 50 60 20 70 20 50 80 60 40 50

4 50 20 20 40 40 60 60 70 90 50 50 60

5 40 50 60 30 20 40 30 30 70 30 20 40

The data in Table 2 indicates that such animation activities as stabilizing, recreational, informational and advertising ones have the highest percentage of impact on consumers of animation services during animation activities in the tour complex "Svitanok". Educational and compensatory functions insignificantly influence the consumers as well. The peculiarities revealed during the study prove the possibility to develop a particular strategy of conducting animation activity.

The availability of a priori capabilities allows us to formulate a specific animation strategy, which in turn can provide for the development of a more effective animation campaign, and define the so-called a priori probabilities.

Let us indicate the probabilistic strategies, if the totality of the first group of activities is used as p ■ = 1,...,n; a matrix of positive decisions of the first group as A =|| af- !L«; a matrix of the

group of measures that negatively affect the general impression of the holidaymakersR =||r !L n-Then the suitable criterion will be the maximization of positive decisions:


max = V p .a..

1<i<m 1J

J =1

or minimization of the risks of adverse effects:


min V pr

J =1

Animation events involving children and their parents are a powerful tool for influencing family cohesion and strengthening and preserving family values, which, unfortunately, are subject to transformation in today's conditions of globalization of society (Ryzhova, & Stavtseva, 2013; Yaroshenko, Kiseleva, & Chernichenko, 2001).

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In 1998, the work of Hunter & Bleinberger (1998) was published, which substantiated the importance of urban entertainment centres and analysed the trends in family entertainment in the city downtown. An important element of animation activity can be computers and other interactive technologies based on them. In this case, the studies of A.Venkatesh (1996) should be considered.

According to research by Eng Tat Khoo, Tim Merritt, Adrian David Cheok (2009), we can conclude on the importance of social interactions between families and friends. The authors of the article developed certain steps for the development of a family entertainment system between generations that focuses on physical and social interactions using a mixed system of interactive flooring.

The main project goals include facilitating interactions between users with varied levels of skill in appluing technology, utilizing the familiar physical motions from other activities to make an intuitive physical interface, and encouraging social interactions among families and friends. The detailed implementation of these steps is presented in the design of the entertainment system Age Invaders, which takes into account the needs of different generations and allows uniting representatives of different age groups based on common games in animation activities (Khoo et al., 2009). "This is a fresh idea and it was my first time playing" quoted by one of the older people, to which all agreed. They were all excited about this new entertainment platform. The older people have never performed any computer related activities or played electronic games before and are afraid to attempt them. However, the players see this physical game system as being so different from traditional computer systems that not only were they comfortable to use the system, but they were also having fun interacting with other players while playing.

3. Conclusions

Nowadays, preserving and strengthening the authority of the family in the eyes of the younger generation is a priority task facing the society. This task is set by animators in the development of animation activities that unite the families while participating in holidays. The fate of a family in the future as a social institution will depend on the attitude of younger generations to a family. On the one hand, the family provides two necessary conditions for the contact of a child and an adult - the continuity of emotional communication with the same people and the duration of such communication. On the other hand, the family is a multi-faceted system, in which there is not only the interaction and the relationship between "father and child", but also the interpenetration of the adult world into the world of children, which can objectively contribute to the formation of children's "family image".

It should be borne in mind that the value of family and family lifestyle, and the value of a child can often be of prime importance due to animation activities, while implementing the process of socialization through the inclusion of children and their parents in a variety of animation activities. Socialization is a complex, multi-faceted process of an individual's entry into a social environment with its own mechanisms. The socialization means that a person acquires a set of role expectations and representations in various spheres of life.

Animation activity performs one of the main functions of the tourism industry - an increase in pleasure during the rest. The development of this industry in the overall infrastructure of the hospitality industry will help solve various tasks: education, development of culture, restoration of forces, raising mood, creation of a unique recreation program to attract more guests, thereby to increase the level of tourist industry development.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.14254/jems.2017.2-1.6


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Citation information

Vovk, I., & Vovk, Yu. (2017). Development of family leisure activities in the hotel and

restaurant businesses: Psychological and pedagogical aspects of animation activity. Economics,

Management and Sustainability, 2(1), 67-75. doi:10.14254/jems.2017.2-1.6


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