PROSPECTS FOR ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Sciences of Europe
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Ключевые слова
Russia / electronic government / digitalization / public services.

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Vershitskaya N.

The paper considers the digital environment regulation and the electronic government of the Russian Federation; it analyzes the advantages and problems of active digitalization implementation in the provision of public services.

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Vershitskaya N.

Institute of Economics and Management V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Russia


The paper considers the digital environment regulation and the electronic government of the Russian Federation; it analyzes the advantages and problems of active digitalization implementation in the provision of public services.

Keywords: Russia, electronic government, digitalization, public services.

The Government of the Russian Federation is directing the emphasis in the provision of its services towards digitalization. In 2002, the development of electronic government began within the framework of the "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)" program, the main goal of which was the formation of a regulatory legal framework and the creation of infrastructure in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT). In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018 No. 204 "On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", the National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" was worked out. One of the objectives of the Program is to create a system of the digital economy legal regulation based on a flexible approach. The implementation of this objective is dedicated to the Federal Project "Normative regulation of the digital environment", which is supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation [1].

This choice is already being implemented by the Government and has shown both advantages and certain disadvantages.

The transition from the fifth to the sixth technological order led to the global interest of the political international community and states in building an information society and the prospects for the development of an electronic state. At the beginning of the 21st century, individual states reached the stage of practical implementation of the principles of e-government: they introduced electronic identification tools, signed relevant agreements between governments (at the national, regional and municipal levels) and created the necessary telecommunication networks. However, key criteria for the digitization of public administration were in the works. Thus, in 2001, the United Nations developed initial criteria for ranking UN member states in ensuring equal access to e-services through the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in public administration (United Nations Division of Public Economy and Public Administration, 2002).

Over the years, as reforms in public administration progressed, Russia's ratings in various global rankings have remained stable or have gradually improved.

The development of e-government is an evolutionary process [2]. The state, like business, follows the development path from the simplest stage of broadcasting

through the subsequent stages of interaction and transactions - up to the integration stage. And if at the very beginning of the formation of the digital era in public administration, e-government was limited only by its presence on the Internet, the pages of the websites of the Government and Administrations were static and performed an elementary informing function, today the websites of the state bodies allow exchanging information with citizens whereas consumers have access to all information resources and websites supported by databases. Today, almost on all government services websites, a visitor can use the financial transactions function to remotely pay taxes, duties, fines, etc. It should be noted that the electronic government in the Russian Federation reaches the stage of integration, when all departments of public authorities interact quickly and efficiently, eliminating duplication of functions.

Access to all electronic services of the state is carried out through a single portal. E-government and the sphere of providing state (state and municipal) services in electronic form, as a rule, exclude the state's competition with other participants in public relations (and service providers). Removal of the state from this area can entail large-scale negative consequences, but overregulation of this area also has a significant negative effect. The Russian electronic government has reached the stage of integration, and the Unified Portal of Public Services is intended to become a single point of contact for all electronic services for citizens and businesses. It provides access to many government services, includes the ability to make payments and other transactions, but the range of the state services available remains very narrow and does not always exclude the need for paper bureaucracy. In the process of transferring services to an electronic form, the procedures for their provision are often not optimized, which does not allow reducing the time of transaction costs and services. And the electronic services and services offered by the authorities are incomplete and irrelevant to the user. As a result, the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form has increased dramatically in recent years. The Russian portal of public services has the highest traffic among all public portals in the world - over 1 billion visits. Under the current political system of Russia, the transfer of regulatory powers from the federal to the regional and local levels of government has neg-

ative consequences, expressed in fragmented state policy and manipulation of information to the detriment of achieving real indicators [3].

The Russian government is taking action and spending significant resources on the digitization of government, but it still faces common challenges related to bureaucratic governance, especially at the regional and local levels. This is why the authorities seek to concentrate regulatory powers, exercise coordination functions, actively monitor the implementation of their decisions and ensure adequate funding.

Today there is no unambiguous assessment of the prospects and directions for the development of digital-ization and electronic services in general. Despite the fact that Strategies have been adopted to determine the general directions for the development of e-govern-ment, subsequent Federal Laws are of a non-systemic nature. The bureaucratic style of management, especially at the regional and municipal levels, hinders innovation, hinders the achievement of goals and leads to manipulations that have no factual basis. The solution to these problems may lay in determining the essence

of state (state and municipal) services, i.e. establishment of a clear system of regulatory criteria and law enforcement regulation.


1. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - site [Electronic resource]. - URL: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/direc-tions/gosudarstvennoe_upravlenie/normativnoe_regu-lirovanie_cifrovoy_sredy/

2. Вершицкая, Е. Р. Цифровые технологии и интернет-голосование в сфере электронной демократии / Е. Р. Вершицкая, Н. А. Вершицкая // Тенденции развития интернет и цифровой экономики : Труды III Всероссийской c международным участием научно-практической конференции, Симферополь- Алушта, 04-06 июня 2020 года. - Симферополь- Алушта: ИП Зуева Т.В., 2020. - С. 193-200.

3. Гаршина, И. Ю. Электронное правительство в Российской Федерации: современное состояние и перспективы развития / И. Ю. Гаршина, И. Н. Макаров // Ученые записки Тамбовского отделения РоСМУ. - 2019. - № 15. - С. 108-114.


Денисов Д.М.

BidKpumu мiжнародний yHieepcumem розвитку людини «Украта»



Denysov D.

Open International University of Human Development «Ukraine»



У науковш лiтературi та навчальних поабниках [5-9] недостатня увага придметься ролi проектних оргашзацш в проектуванш управлшня. У публтащях, присвячених проблемам управлшня проектами, ро-зглядаються галузевi проблеми стандартизацп [2], оцшки ризишв [3], вдосконалення процеав матерiа-льно-техшчного постачання при реалiзацiï швестицшних проекпв [1, c.65], тобто розглядаються методи-чш та практичш питания управлшня проектами без урахування особливостей етапу проектування. Пи-тання вдосконалення процеав управлшня етапом проектування розглядаються в порiвняно нечисленних публжащях i виданнях [4, с. 10]. У цш статп використання шформацшних технологш в управлшш проектами розглядаеться на приклащ IT компанп «GlobalLogic».


In the scientific literature and textbooks [5-9] insufficient attention is paid to the role of design organizations in the design of management. In the publications devoted to problems of project management, branch problems of standardization [2], risk assessment [3], improvement of processes of material and technical supply at realization of investment projects [1, p.65] are considered, that is methodical and practical issues of project management without taking into account the peculiarities of the design stage. Issues of improving the management of the design phase are considered in a relatively small number of publications and publications [4, p. 10]. In this article, the use of information technology in project management is considered on the example of IT Company "GlobalLogic".

Ключовi слова: проект, управлшня проектами, менеджмент, система проектування.

Keywords: project, project management, management, design system.

GlobalLogic допомагае брендам створювати цшнють протягом життевого циклу продукту — не лише розвиваючи передовi технологи, але й допо-магаючи перетворити рашше випущеш продукти на б№ш релевантш для досввдчених користувачiв

цифрових технологш. Використовуючи методи проектування, орiентованi на людину, висококласш iнженернi навички та професшний шдхвд — ми до-помагаемо нашим ктентам переосмислити свш 6i-

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