Научная статья на тему 'Promoting professional self-determination in students: helpful websites and web-based exercises'

Promoting professional self-determination in students: helpful websites and web-based exercises Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Таньков Николай Николаевич

Представлен обзор российских веб-сайтов, обладающих профориентационным потенциалом. Приведены примеры заданий, реализуемых с использованием сети Интернет и нацеленных на развитие профессионального самоопределения студентов.

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The article gives a review of Russian websites focused on vocational issues. It also presents a number of web-based exercises to promote university students’ professional self-determination

Текст научной работы на тему «Promoting professional self-determination in students: helpful websites and web-based exercises»

УДК 378


Н. Н. Таньков

Представлен обзор российских веб-сайтов, обладающих профориентационным потенциалом. Приведены примеры заданий, реализуемых с использованием сети Интернет и нацеленных на развитие профессионального самоопределения студентов.

The article gives a review of Russian websites focused on vocational issues. It also presents a number of web-based exercises to promote university students’ professional selfdetermination.

Russia's transition to a two-level model of higher education, its informatization, socio-economic and political transformations have altered training requirements for modern university students: graduates should have information awareness, realize the social significance of their future profession, seek constant selfdevelopment, be able to estimate their possibilities and personal resources, have a high motivation to get involved in professional activities. Unfortunately, papers, studying motives of modern students’ learning activity and vocational choice, indicate that they do not have a marked positive attitude towards profession. As a rule, students associate their occupational choice with desire to continue the learning activity itself, to obtain pleasure from its process and results, and with necessity to get a higher education and an appropriate diploma [1; 2]. The analysis of the studies devoted to the problem of students’ professional self-determination, reveals a gap between the requirements of the personality-centered paradigm of professional education and the uniform approach to specialist training.

All these factors necessitate the development of innovative approaches to solve the problem of promoting students’ professional self-determination in modern institutions of higher education.

The analysis of psychoeducational literature led us to a conclusion that the problem of promoting professional self-determination can be effectively solved if "we create a new generation of information sources relevant for vocational guidance" [3, p. 67]. In our opinion, these are Internet resources which, according to scientists, represent "a set of information technologies and databases accessible by means of these technologies and are constantly updated" [4, p. 9]. We consider that to effectively promote students’ professional self-determination it is necessary to find Internet resources possessing considerable potential relevant for vocational guidance, and to work out exercises, which could help implement the potential.

Exploring the World Wide Web enables us to reveal some groups of Internet resources which, in our opinion, possess considerable potential relevant for vocational guidance.

1. Websites www.trudvsem.ru,www.job.ru,www.superjob.ru,hh.ru, www.zarplata.ru,rabota.mail.ru, www.resume-bank.ru,www.jobsmarket.ru, www.e-xecutive.ru,https://rabota.yandex.ru, www.rabotka.ru,www.rabota-in.net help select vacancies using various search options, and offer an opportunity to place your curriculum vitae (CV). These websites contain articles and news blocks devoted to the problems of professional self-determination and labor market. Web-

sites career.ru, www.egraduate.ru,www.jobfair.ru,faculty.ru provide information on internship and recruitment programs for young specialists offered by large companies, information about temporary and permanent jobs for students, graduates and young specialists, labor market reviews and employment tips.

The following exercises can help use these websites for vocational guidance.

Exercise 1. Study websites giving information on vacancies (e.g. www.job.ru). Find information about wages paid to people in your profession. Have you found any job offers in the city (region) in which you live? How many? How many job offers are there in other cities (regions)?

Exercise 2. Using forms for job seekers on www.trudvsem.ru, write: a) an application asking the government to provide vocational guidance to help you choose a profession / obtain a job / undergo vocational training; b) an application asking the government to assist in finding a suitable job.

Exercise 3. A. Using the sites giving information about vacancies (e.g. www.trudvsem.ru), examine labor market trends in your area. What jobs are most needed? Can you see any that go with your university majors? B. Using advanced search on www.job.ru, study the information on spheres of professional activity in your area. What jobs are most/least needed? Is your future job in demand? C. Using advanced search on www.job.ru, make a list of jobs that make up your favorite sphere of professional activity. Find information on the listed jobs you don’t know. Which of them appeal to you? Why?

The above exercises develop students’ abilities to look for job vacancies; to write documents necessary during job search; to analyze the labor market of a city, area, region or a country; to review their professional development plans.

2. Websites that help write a CV. For example, www.jobs.ua/resume_sample/ resume_types, www.jobway.ru/idealres,www.profresume.com.ua/master-resume.html, professia.ru/resume_help.php, www.rabota.ru/soiskateljam/career/obraztsy_ sostavlenija_rezjume.html, www.profkonsultant.ru/services/resume contain CV samples, forms, templates and writing tips. The exercises given below can help use these websites for vocational guidance.

Exercise 1. Study resume examples and writing tips given on various sites. What do they have in common? What is the difference between them? Which website contains reliable information? Why do you think so? Write your own CV; use various samples and templates.

Exercise 2. Write your immediate relatives’ resumes. Use CV writing tips, samples and templates.

The above exercises help develop the skill of writing a CV based on international standards and the skill of objectively describing educational and job experience, personal qualities and capabilities.

3. Websites www.profsystem-bg.com,www.rabotka.ru,www.rabota-in.net, www.profvibor.ru,www.echo.msk.ru/programs/pspisok,www.metodkabi.net.ru, digest.subscribe.ru/business/psychology, digest.subscribe.ru/business/school, proftime.edu.ru contain job guides, vocational videos, radio tracks about professions, journalistic and popular science articles about issues of job placement, personal and professional self-determination. The following exercises can help use these websites during vocational counseling.

Exercise 1. Watch videos on www.profvibor.ru and listen to radio tracks on www.echo.msk.ru/programs/pspisok. Have you learned any new facts about your future profession? What exactly? What’s your idea of this profession now? What’s the professional like?

Exercise 2. Read the article "Why do people work?" on Subscribe.ru (http://subscribe.ru//archive/help.lifeschool/201108/02005717.html).

What is the author of the paper afraid of? What does the author criticize? What does he think an effective person is like? What does he think is the true sense of labor activity? Do you agree with the author? What about the readers who have posted the comments? Whose point of view do you share? Why?

The above exercises promote a person’s understanding of the profession he/she is interested in; they develop the ability to compare characteristics of professions belonging to the same sphere of professional activity and the ability to speculate on issues of employment and professional self-determination.

4. Websites www.profcareer.ru,www.profkonsultant.ru,vsetesti.ru contain various tests which help students understand what field they know best and identify the area and position that will be a good fit for them. Students can get test results immediately after testing. The following exercises can help use the above websites for vocational guidance.

Exercise 1. Take the "Position plus" test on www.profcareer.ru. Analyze the test results. Answer the following questions: 1) What positions fit you? 2) What options of career development are best for you? 3) Which results do you consider reliable and which ones seem to be doubtful? 4) What is your idea of your career interests? Is it different from what it was before testing?

Exercise 2. Take the "Vital setting" test on www.profcareer.ru. Study the test results and answer the following questions: 1) Are you active or passive? 2) Do you seek creative freedom or strict conditions? 3) Are you responsible or light-minded? 4) What are the probabilistic predictions and suggestions that the test provides? 5) Which results do you consider authentic and which ones seem to be doubtful? 6) What is your attitude toward life? Is it different from what it was before testing?

Such exercises help develop students’ idea of individual differences and the ability to compare these differences with job requirements to review professional development plans.

In our opinion, the exercises given in the paper should be used to promote students’ private work, viewed as an activity essential for pedagogical assistance aimed at promoting students’ professional self-determination. Using homework helps stimulate students’ initiative. Checking home exercises during group work and vocational counseling helps to get students to take part in joint activity to analyze and solve problems of professional self-determination. Scholars consider that all these factors assist in developing "confidence in one’s ability to succeed and to solve problems independently" [5, p. 270].

Thus, the problem of promoting modern students’ professional selfdetermination should be solved in the context of the informatization of education in contemporary Russia. One of the ways to solve the problem is to get students to do web-based exercises relevant for vocational guidance.

Список литературы

1. Завражнов, В. В. Педагогическое обеспечение профессионального самоопределения будущих педагогов-психологов в вузе : автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.08 / Завражнов Василий Владимирович. - Пенза, 2010. - 22 с.

2. О мотивах учебной деятельности современных студентов / Н. Н. Таньков, Т. А. Гордеева, А. О. Булатова, П. Б. Тишулин // Университетское образование : сб. ст. XV Междунар. науч.-метод. конф. (г. Пенза, 6-7 апреля 2011 г.) / под ред. В. И. Волчихина, Р. М. Печерской. - Пенза : Изд-во ПГУ, 2011. - С. 217-218.

3. Родичев, Н. Ф. Поддержка профессионального самоопределения и профессиональная ориентация: перспективы развития / Н. Ф. Родичев // Новые ценности образования. НЦО = New educational values. NEV : сер. науч.-метод. изд. / науч. ред. Ната Крылова. - М., 2010. - Вып. 3 (45): Самоопределение ребенка. - С. 58-67.

4. Интернет-технологии в образовании : учеб.-метод. пособие / Р. Н. Абалуев [и др.] -Тамбов : Изд-во ТГТУ, 2002. - Ч. 3. - 114 с.

5. Пряжникова, Е. Ю. Профориентация : учеб. пособие для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / Е. Ю. Пряжникова, Н. С. Пряжников. - 4-е изд., стер. - М. : Издат. центр «Академия», 2008. - 496 с.

УДК 330.1


В. Д. Батомункуева

Рассмотрены теоретические исследования категории «здоровье» как общественного блага. Здоровье издревле является главной жизненной ценностью человека, основой гармоничного развития личности и величайшим благом. В современном обществе «максимально достижимый уровень здоровья» признается одним из неотъемлемых прав человека и народа, выступает как важнейшее условие и средство, как одна из конечных целей общественного развития. Наоборот, низкий уровень здоровья населения ассоциируется с прямой угрозой национальной безопасности любого государства, с препятствием его социально-экономическому прогрессу.

In article are considered theoretical researches of the category «health» as the public benefit. Health since ancient times is the main vital value of the person, a basis of harmonious development of the personality and the greatest benefit. «The most achievable level of health» admits modern society to one of inalienable rights of the person and the people, acts as the major condition and means, as one of ultimate goals of social development. On the contrary, low level of health of the population associates with direct threat of national security of any state, with an obstacle to its social and economic progress.

Традиционно в экономической теории здоровье населения рассматривается как ресурс. В ряде стран в конце ХХ в. естественное воспроизводство населения превратилось в одну из острейших социально-экономических проблем.

Вопрос о сущности и значимости здоровья всегда был и остается центральной методологической проблемой многих наук. Без осмысления понятия «здоровье» невозможно сущностное понимание ценностных ориентаций как медицины, которая призвана служить людям, обеспечивая возможности самой жизни в наиболее приемлемых для человека формах, так и самих людей, а также места и роли государства и общества в создании условий, благоприятных для жизни и здоровья людей.

Можно сказать, что это интегральный показатель качества жизни в объективных ее проявлениях.

В экономической теории здоровье может рассматриваться как благо, на которое предъявляется спрос в силу наличия у него определенных потребительских характеристик [1]. Каждый индивид в процессе своей жизнедеятельности максимизирует имеющуюся у него функцию полезности, которая позволяет ему ранжировать альтернативные комбинации благ при условии имеющихся бюджетных и других (например, временных) ресурсных ограни-

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