Научная статья на тему 'Профессиональный дискурс учителя иностранного языка'

Профессиональный дискурс учителя иностранного языка Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Красножонова Е. С.

Наше исследование посвящено использованию инновационных методов и приемов обучения на уроках иностранного языка в школе. В статье рассматриваются различные активные методы, но наиболее эффективным методом на наш взгляд является метод организационно-обучающей игры, который способствует интенсивной тренировке памяти, развитию творческого воображения, укреплению навыков общения школьников. Данные инновационные методы способствуют развитию познавательной активности учеников, что в свою очередь является определяющим стимулом к изучению иностранного языка и в свою очередь повышают мотивацию и интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

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The article is devoted to the problem of using innovative methods and different active forms at foreign language lessons at school. In article various active methods are considered, but the most effective method in our opinion is the method of organizational-training game which promotes intensive training of memory, development of creative imagination and communicative skills of pupils. The given innovative methods promote development of informative activity of pupils that in turn is defining stimulus, motivation and interest to studying a foreign language.

Текст научной работы на тему «Профессиональный дискурс учителя иностранного языка»

Красножонова Е.С.1,

'Кандидат педагогических наук, Пятигорский Г осударственный Лингвистический Университет ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ДИСКУРС УЧИТЕЛЯ ИНОСТРАННОГО ЯЗЫКА


Наше исследование посвящено использованию инновационных методов и приемов обучения на уроках иностранного языка в школе. В статье рассматриваются различные активные методы, но наиболее эффективным методом на наш взгляд является метод организационно-обучающей игры, который способствует интенсивной тренировке памяти, развитию творческого воображения, укреплению навыков общения школьников. Данные инновационные методы способствуют развитию познавательной активности учеников, что в свою очередь является определяющим стимулом к изучению иностранного языка и в свою очередь повышают мотивацию и интерес к изучению иностранного языка.

Ключевые слова: инновационные методы, языковые игры, организационно-тренировочная игра, коммуникативные способности, модернизация современного образования.

Krasnozhonova E.S.1,

'Candidate of Pedagocical Sciences, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University USE OF INNOVATIVE METHODS IN PROFESSIONAL DISCOURSE OF A TEACHER OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES


The article is devoted to the problem of using innovative methods and different active forms at foreign language lessons at school. In article various active methods are considered, but the most effective method in our opinion is the method of organizational-training game which promotes intensive training of memory, development of creative imagination and communicative skills ofpupils. The given innovative methods promote development of informative activity ofpupils that in turn is defining stimulus, motivation and interest to studying a foreign language.

Keywords: innovative methods, linguistic games, organizational-training game, communicative skills, modernization of the education

Our research is devoted to using innovative methods and training receptions at foreign language lessons at school. In article various methods are considered, but the most effective method in our opinion is the method of organizational-training game which promotes intensive training of memory, development of creative imagination, strengthening of skills of dialogue of schoolchildren. The yielded innovative methods promote development of informative and cognitive activity of pupils that in turn is defining stimulant to studying foreign language to raise motivation and interest to learn a foreign language.

The problem of activation of informative activity of pupils always excited minds of teachers, methodologists and psychologists. From the middle of 70th years of the XX-th century at domestic school the tendency to fading of interest of schoolboys to educational activity was found. Student teaching has reacted to this problem so-called non-standard lessons which had a main objective excitation and deduction of interest of pupils to study.

Now in modern didactics there is a burning search of effective paths to develop pupils’ informative forces and abilities. During an epoch of rapid development of industrial forces, scientific and technical progress, volume of the arriving information, life puts in the forefront in school training a problem of activation of informative (cognitive) activity of pupils. The maximum development of the creative approach to any activity, development of the initiative, activity and independence in all members of a society is the requirement of today's life. The beginning of formation of these qualities should be necessary at school. Informative activity of pupils at school is a necessary stage of preparation of young generations to life and work. The primary goal of any teacher is to search and find new methods and means of perfection of a lesson which would lead to activation of informative activity of pupils. Doctrine activation can be presented as a line of activity of pupils on the decision of problems with use of the most various sources of knowledge [ 1,48].

Informative activity is effective force of formation of the person of the schoolboy in educational process as it promotes occurrence of the intellectual response to process of knowledge and provides cognitive-emotional responsiveness of the pupil in informative process. According to A.D.Klimentenko's opinion, activation of pupil’s activity is one of paths of perfection of a lesson of a foreign language where the foreign language as is one of means of dialogue and familiarizing pupils to culture of other country; and also means patriotic and international education. At the present stage of development of a society the foreign language for many people is a vocational training component. However, despite presence of enormous requirement for mastering by pupils by foreign languages, the contradiction between the purpose of training to a foreign language at school and real results is observed; On termination of obligatory employment at school many never more are reverted to language studying; knowledge degree is reduced only to primitive level; the foreign language at comprehensive school for many is the poor progress factor. One of paths of the decision of this problem is an application of such means, forms and the training methods which introduction essentially variants lesson frame, the form of activity of pupils and learning, raises efficacy of teaching and educational process » [2, 55].

The concept of modernisation of Russian education for the season till 2010 so defines social requirements to school education system: "to the еducing society are necessary it is modern formed, moral, enterprising people who can take over self-contained critical decisions in difficult situations, predicting possible consequences, capable to cooperation, differ mobility, dynamism, constructability, possess the educed sense of responsibility for destiny of the country".

Modernisation of the maintenance of formation in Russia at the present stage of development of a society is not in the last instance connected to innovative processes in the organisation of training to foreign languages.

The main task of modern training not only to yield wide formation, but also to arrange the person of the growing up person to independent acquisition of knowledge, to constant tendency to go deep into knowledge area, to form proof informative motives of the doctrine, informative interest is basic of which. For formation of informative interest of pupils there are variety of factors, including search of methods and forms of the organization of educational activity matters. Does not raise the doubts that fact that the problem of the teacher consists in finding and development of such forms of work which would aggregate the teacher and pupils in one creative collective e, would raise a role of independent work, activity of pupils in all process of study.

From this point of view the major problem of school - formation of high-grade citizens of the country. And on decisions of this problem in many respects depends, than the schoolboys will be engaged, what trade will select, and where will work. The school cannot yield the person a store of knowledge on all life. But it in a state to yield the schoolboy the basic basic reference points of the basic knowledge. The school can and should educe informative interests and abilities of the pupil, to impart to it the key competences necessary for the further selfeducation.

Today in the attention centre - the pupil, its person, unique private world. Therefore the main objective of the modern teacher - to choose methods and forms of the organisation of educational activity of pupils which optimum correspond to an object in view of development of the person.

Last years the question on application of new information technology at high school is even more often brought up. It not only new means, but also new forms and the teaching methods, the new approach to training process. A main objective of training to foreign languages is formation and development of communicative culture of schoolboys, training to practical mastering by a foreign language.

As has shown the analysis of the scientifically-methodical literature on the yielded problem that the problem of the teacher consists not only in creating conditions of practical mastering by tongue for each pupil, to choose such methods of training which would allow each pupil to display the activity, the creativity, but also to stir up informative activity of the pupil in the course of training to foreign languages. In our


opinion, such modem pedagogical technologies as training in cooperation, the design procedure, use of new information technology, Internet resources help to realise the personal-oriented approach in training, provide an individualization and differentiation of training taking into account abilities of children, their level of education.

We consider that the most successful variant at the decision of the problems set forth above is the effective utilization of innovative methods and training receptions at foreign language lessons at school in the form of organizational-training game.

It is known that games on a foreign language it is the special kind of the didactic stuff used for the purpose of increase of informative interests of pupils, but language game, as a rule, contains not only the entertaining information. Comprehension new knowledge and abilities "is disguised" in the form of game that promotes intensive training of memory, development of creative imagination, strengthening of skills of dialogue. Submergence on language medium and application of game technologies allows mastering great volume linguistic information for rather short time.

As the primary goal of a language subject is formation of basic communicative abilities on the foreground questions of research of motivation and efficacy of game act. Game - voluntary business to force to play it is impossible, game it is possible to carry away only children the criteria and assessments, the preferences. How to make so that the offered game has cleared in children interest to learn a foreign language and the activity gradually passing from game to the educational?

Own understanding of the yielded problem it is visible in the following. Game, as well as other forms of activity should be under construction on certain principles. Accordingly the knowledge of the main rules of the organisation of game activity will predetermine its success. Taking into account the told we will evolve some the basic requirements shown to carrying out of linguistic games which we try to adhere in the work:

• Intriguing and entertaining purposes;

• Availability of game to all children;

• Aesthetic appeal of game;

• The right of participants of game to an error and a freedom in choosing of actions;

• Competitive character of game.

The purposes put in the name of linguistic game, should be opened and at the same time intriguing. In the instruction to game on the foreground it is necessary to put forward allure and singularity of forthcoming actions, appeal of a net result. Provocation, i.e. artificial excitation of interest, considerably raises motivation to game, promotes emotional enthusiasm. Such approach will allow on the offer: we Will play in words? - hear in the answer the joyful consent: we Will play!.

Linguistic games should be accessible to all children have worked an indispensable condition - participation of all and everyone. Linguistic games should be "beautiful" and draw attention of potential participants not only the maintenance, but also the form. It is a question of the thought over design of a requisite (the table with texts of proverbs, tongue twisters; bright posters with the plotting of plants etc.; schemas - models for construction of offers; a map, etc.) and an interior (tour agency, cafe, shop etc.). For this purpose skillfully enough to dispose of a board, paints and to involve extra linguistic stock (a barrel - a whirly, clothes elements, accessories, flowers, foods etc.). The kind of the premise decorated with attributes, according to a game situation, softens an emotional pressure and helps participants to be adjusted on game.

Whose snow clod is bigger?

The game purpose: to dilate a linguistic and cultural urological outlook of pupils, to make active a regional geographic stuff (names of the countries English-speaking).

Game conditions: children sit down in a circle. The first says the name of the English-speaking country, the second retries the first name and adds the. What «the snow clod» from place names will appear more beats. It is welcomed bilingual character of game.

Collect a bouquet of English primroses

The game purpose: to enrich pupils’ vocabulary on topic Flora. To dilate representation of regions of Russia playing about flora and English provinces.

Game conditions: the leader suggests competing commands in a definite time «to collect a bouquet» English primroses, having chosen their names from the presented list of words.

«Collecting a bouquet», the participant says aloud the name of a flower and selects the conforming card (drawing, a picture) with its plotting.

Correctness of a choice of colours, correctness of a pronunciation of their names and speed of performance of the task estimates. Collected a bouquet the leader offers the additional task: to tell a poem in English/Russian tongues about colours from a bouquet. Performance of the additional task brings to participants 2 points for each poem. The command which has typed the greatest quantity of points beats.

At the organisation of independent working on by a new theme important that trained was is interesting comprehensively and penetrating to work a new stuff. How it can be made?! Certainly, by means of awake methods! For working on by a lesson theme it is possible to use methods "Beehives", "Cards", "Examination", «the Card of group consciousness». For discussion and decision-making carrying out - methods «Traffic light», "Priorities", "In the firing line". For representation of a stuff of independent work trained - "Info-roundabout", «the Bus stop», "Fair".

Method «the Bus stop»

The purpose: to learn to discuss and analyze the set theme in small bunches.

Bunches: 5-7 persons

Number: all class

Time: 20-25 minutes

Stuff: sheets of the big format (a paper, the poster, a notebook for flipchart), felt-tip pens.

Carrying out:

The teacher defines quantity of discussed questions of a new theme (optimum 4-5). Participants break into bunches on number of questions (5-7 persons in everyone).

Bunches are distributed on bus stops. At each stop (on a wall or on a table) the sheet of the big format with the question written down on it on a theme is located. The teacher puts a problem to bunch - to write down on sheet high lights of the new theme, falling into to a question. Within 5 minutes in bunches the supplied questions are discussed and the key moments register. Then at the command of the teacher of bunch pass clockwise to the following bus stop. Get acquainted with available records and, if necessary, supplement them within 3 minutes. To correct the existing records made the previous bunch it is impossible. Then the following goes to a new bus stop and even 3 minutes on acquaintance, discussion and addition of the records. When the bunch is reverted to the first stop, it within 3 minutes gets acquainted with all records and defines the participant of bunch who will represent stuff. After that each bunch presents results of work on the question. At the end the teacher summarises everything told by all bunches, if necessary introduces corrective amendments and sums up work.

The note: It is desirable to organize bus stops (to attach sheets with questions) in different angles of an educational room that in the course of discussion of bunch did not disturb each other. Questions of a studied theme can be stylized under names of bus stops.


The positive emotions invoked by game, the dialogue inherent in organizational-training games, in a complex with suggestive delivering of stuff form the informative interests of pupils promoting informative and communicative activity of pupils, to involuntary mastering of the information speaking another language.

It is possible to assert that all modern innovative technologies are directed on increase of activity of pupils: the true got by inherent stress of efforts, has huge informative value. The activation of educative-informative activity lifted on level of creative processes, more all expresses reformative character of activity. Its creative character is always connected with something new, to change of a stereotype of actions, activity conditions. The main thing - satisfaction activity that congenially influences both motives, and on doctrine means, and on adaptability of pupils to dialogue with the teacher, with schoolmates, on building of the congenial attitudes in activity.

Thus, it is possible to ascertain that purposeful and regular use presented above technologies at training to a foreign language promotes realization of following purposes such as, to perfection of abilities of pupils in oral and written speech, to dilating of an outlook of trainees, development of communicative skills, abilities to work with the dictionary and other sources, stimulates schoolboys to be active, educes at them interest, imagination.


1. Bespalko V.P. The Items of Pedagogical technology, M: Pedagogies, 1999 - 256p .

2. Klimentenko A.D. To a question on individually-typological distinctions in exhaustion degree at various methods of training// Questions of psychology. Moscow, 1990. № 6. - p.44-49

3. Kukushkin V. S. Modern pedagogical technologies at elementary school: the grant for the teacher / V.S.Kukushkin. - Rostov-on-Don.,

2004. - 365p.

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6. Stronin M. F. Training games at a lesson of English language/ M. F.Stronin - Moscow, 1981. - 344p.

7. Schukina G.I. Activization of informative activity of pupils in educational process /G.I. Shchukina - Moscow: Prosveshchenie.-

2005. -234p.

Крошнева М. Е.

Кандидат филологических наук, Ульяновский государственный технический университет ВОЙНА В ИЗОБРАЖЕНИИ ВАДИМА ГАРДНЕРА


На материале стихотворения поэта-эмигранта В. Гарднера «Едем мы. Позади нас пожары...» (1939) рассматривается художественное пространство войны.

Ключевые слова: литература русского зарубежья, художественное пространство, художественный образ, гетеротопия.

Kroshneva M

Candidate of Philology Sciences, Ulyanovsk State Technical University THE WAR IN THE WORK OF VADIM GARDNER


On the material of the poem the poet-immigrant V. Gardner "We're Going. Behind us, the fire..." (1939) is considered art space war.

Keywords: Literature of Russian emigration, fiction space, art image, heterotopias.

Вадим Даниилович Гарднер (1881-1956) один из «негромких» поэтов-эмигрантов, которому удалось по-особому, выразительно представить свое творчество в портрете литературы русского зарубежья. Он с детства был окружен блистательной плеядой даровитых родственников, осевших в просвещенной Европе, Америке, России. Жизненный, творческий путь Вадима Г арднера не раз пересекался с деятельностью Николая Г умилева, Александра Блока, Вячеслава Иванова и другими. Прижизненные поэтические сборники выходили в Санкт-Петербурге 1908 г., Москве 1912 г., Париже 1929 г., печатались последующие издания [1]. Автору работы ранее приходилось сообщать о Гарднере как поэте русского зарубежья в Финляндии, чье художественное творчество пронизано романтическими мотивами, природной образностью, трагическим пафосом одиночества [2].

Тема настоящей работы - описать поэтическое пространство стихотворения «Едим мы. Позади нас пожары...». Цель анализа -рассмотреть гетеротопии реального другого места, характеризующегося особыми взаимоотношениями между пространством и временем. Методология исследования: современные интерпретации пространства в литературе мыслителей Ж. Батая, Э. Левинаса, М. Бланшо; постстструктуралистическое понимание пространства как гетерологии М. Фуко, представляющим «гетеротопию» специальным местом, где проходили обряды инициации в древних обществах и современном мире: кладбища, корабли, поезда, музеи, библиотеки, ярмарки и театры; а также размышления о пространстве и времени Н. О. Лосского, П. А. Флоренского, М. М. Бахтина и других.

Представляя новый концепт для анализа пространства, Фуко дал толчок к развитию новой ветви восприятия географии: гуманитарной географии, сложившейся вокруг географического образа как системы взаимопроникающих символов, архетипов, мифов, сказок, притч, которые достоверно, с исчерпывающей полнотой характеризуют физическое пространство стран, регионов, любой территории.

Для Гарднера как автора стихов центральным географическим образом, вокруг которого располагаются другие картины мира, предметы, лирические размышления героя, описания его впечатлений и воспоминаний, является Финляндия. Здесь все ему любо, мило, дорого. К месту строки из «Финского сонета»: «Люблю я шум прохладного прилива // И пену волн и ветра дикий вой.; // И качку лайб то носом, то кормою, // Люблю твой гул, живительный прибой! // Ты мне мила, суровая природа // Финляндии, страны моей родной.».

Эту глубокую привязанность к родине Гарднер пронесет сквозь жизнь, и в более поздних стихах, во время настоящей беды, 30 ноября 1939 г. необычайно остро, эмоционально, предельно выразительно выскажется о войне в стихотворении «Едем мы. Позади нас пожары»: «.Даль зловещим пылает огнем. / Жгут дома, чтоб врагу не достались; / В красном зареве весь окаем // Мчит нас, мчит автобус. Все родное, / Все, что близко нам было, - вдали. / Милый дом наш, земля и постройки / И могилы, что сердце влекли. // В безысходном отчаянье души. / С очагами своими простясь, / Жалкий скарб захватив, люди едут, / В Неизвестность куда-то стремясь, // Потрясенные всем, что случилось. / И бессильною злобой полны, / Разорясь, обнищав, проклинают / Роковую стихию войны». В России эту войну называют финской, в Финляндии - зимней.

Изображенным поэтическим языком событиям вторят воспоминания вдовы поэта, записанные Л. Яковлевой, бывшей соотечественницей, ныне проживающей в Хельсинки. Яковлева, в опубликованных архивных материалах о Гарднере, случайно сохранившихся у нее после работы с рукописными материалами поэта, а также по личным впечатлениям от встреч с Марией Францевной Гарднер в конце 1990-х гг., пересказала в биографической книге «Человек, утративший надежду.» эпизод побега семьи поэта. «О том, что случилось с ними в это время Мария Францевна рассказывала много раз и забыть это невозможно. Она говорила, что они <.> не хотели уезжать, ведь они русские и им нечего бояться <.> [3, 173].

Физическое пространство стиха составляют гетеротопии небольшого хуторка, заливающегося пожарищем: «милый дом», «земля», «постройки»; брошенные «могилы» близких и родных; подожженные подворья; дороги с идущими по ним автобусами с


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