Научная статья на тему 'Professionalism of employees in public administration in the conditions of social and political change'

Professionalism of employees in public administration in the conditions of social and political change Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Tytarenko Liubov Mykolaivna, Yatsenko Volodymyr Arkhypovych

The article focuses on the consideration of the trends of professionalism and career dynamics of specialists in public administration. The problems of organization of public service in the conditions of general social and sociopolitical changes are defined. The emphasis is on the need to improve the functioning of state-public authorities, improving the sphere of governance in the direction of socio-economic and political modernization of modern Ukraine. The conditions and factors of carrying out of purposeful state policy in various spheres of vital activity, and especially in the field of formation of professionalism of employees in the field of public administration are determined. It is noted that the main role among the tendencies and factors of reforming public administration is the leading role of the state. It is established that the oriented policy of the state embodies the dialogue of power and society, directs trust and interaction between the state, employers, social and political institutions and individual citizens. The emphasis is on the importance of active state policy aimed at improving the career success of public administration employees, the positive dynamics of his professional development career advancement, which is related to the acquisition of professionalism, experience, business activity, realization of personal potential and achievements of the corresponding status It is proved that functioning of an effective system of preparation of public servants should include modern approaches to learning, adherence to standards, and the formation of educational space to meet the educational needs of public servants in accordance with qualifications and activities. The analysis shows that one of the central aspects of the staffing of public administration is the search for new ways of reforming it. As a result of the implementation of new areas of reform, the effectiveness of the public service, public administration as a whole, and the need of the society in qualified personnel in the field of public administration, as well as the development of modern approaches to the professional development of the staff of the public authorities should be realized. The determining factor in the effectiveness of reforming the public administration system is the professionalism of public servants, and the very professionalization is a necessary component of the development of public service in Ukraine

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Концентрируется внимание на рассмотрении тенденций профессионализма и карьерной динамики специалистов публичного управления. Определена проблематика организации государственной службы в условиях важных социально-политических изменений. Акцент делается на необходимости улучшения функционирования органов государственнопубличной власти, сферы управления, социально-экономической и политической модернизации современной Украины. Определены условия и факторы проведения целенаправленной государственной политики в различных сферах жизнедеятельности, особенно в сфере формирования профессионализма государственных служащих. Отмечено, что основной среди тенденций и факторов реформирования публичного управления является ведущая роль государства. Установлено, что ориентированная политика государства олицетворяет диалог власти и общества, направляет доверие и взаимодействие между государством, работодателями, социально-политическими институтами и отдельными гражданами. Акцентируется внимание на важности активной государственной политики, направленной на совершенствование успешности карьеры государственного служащего, положительной динамики его профессионального развития продвижения по службе, что связано с приобретением профессионализма, опыта, деловой активности, реализации личностного потенциала и достижением соответствующего статуса. Доказано, что функционирование эффективной системы подготовки публичных служащих должно предусматривать современные подходы к обучению, соблюдение стандартов, а также формированию образовательного пространства для обеспечения образовательных потребностей публичных служащих в соответствии с квалификацией и видом деятельности. Анализ показывает, что одним из центральных аспектов кадрового обеспечения публичного управления является поиск новых путей его реформирования. Результатом реализации новых направлений реформирования должны стать как повышение эффективности публичной службы, публичного управления в целом, так и реализована потребность общества в квалифицированных кадрах в сфере публичного управления, развитие современных подходов к профессиональному развитию персонала органов публичной власти. Определяющим фактором эффективности реформирования системы публичного управления является профессионализм публичных служащих, и именно профессионализация является необходимой составляющей развития публичной службы в Украине.

Текст научной работы на тему «Professionalism of employees in public administration in the conditions of social and political change»

UDC: 35.08 (477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-5(20)-236-249

Tytarenko Liubov Mykolaivna,

PhD of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of the Dept, of the Humanities and Social and Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odesa, Str. Genuezska, 22, e-mail: lubowt@ukr.net, tel.: 067-271-86-82

ORCID: 0000-0001-8994-3467 Титаренко Любое Миколагвна, кандидат полтичних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри гумантарних та сощаль-но-полтичних наук, Одеський регюналь-ний iнститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украгни, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, e-mail: lubowt@ ukr.net, тел.: 067-271-86-82

ORCID: 0000-0001-8994-3467 Титаренко Любовь Николаевна, кандидат политических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры гуманитарных и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22 e-mail: lubowt@ukr.net, тел.: 067-27186-82

ORCID: 0000-0001-8994-3467

Yatsenko Volodymyr Arkhypovych,

PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Dept. of the Humanities and Social and Political Sciences, Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 65009, Odesa, Str. Genuezska, 22, e-mail: javladimir1964@gmail. com, tel.: 098-134-92-72

ORCID: 0000-0003-3845-0405

Яценко Володимир Архипович,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри гумантарних та сощаль-но-полтичних наук, Одеський регюнальний тститут державного управлтня Нащональног академп державного управлтня при Президентовi Украти, 65009, м. Одеса, вул. Генуезька, 22, e-mail: javladimir1964@gmail.com, тел.: 098-134-92-72

ORCID: 0000-0003-3845-0405

Яценко Владимир Архипович,

кандидат наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры гуманитарных и социально-политических наук, Одесский региональный институт государственного управления Национальной академии государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 65009, г. Одесса, ул. Генуэзская, 22 e-mail: javladimir1964@gmail.com, тел.: 098134-92-72

ORCID: 0000-0003-3845-0405


Abstract. The article focuses on the consideration of the trends of professionalism and career dynamics of specialists in public administration. The problems of organization of public service in the conditions of general social and sociopolitical changes are defined.

The emphasis is on the need to improve the functioning of state-public authorities, improving the sphere of governance in the direction of socio-economic and political modernization of modern Ukraine.

The conditions and factors of carrying out of purposeful state policy in various spheres of vital activity, and especially in the field of formation of professionalism of employees in the field of public administration are determined.

It is noted that the main role among the tendencies and factors of reforming public administration is the leading role of the state. It is established that the oriented policy of the state embodies the dialogue of power and society, directs trust and interaction between the state, employers, social and political institutions and individual citizens.

The emphasis is on the importance of active state policy aimed at improving the career success of public administration employees, the positive dynamics of his professional development — career advancement, which is related to the acquisition of professionalism, experience, business activity, realization of personal potential and achievements of the corresponding status

It is proved that functioning of an effective system of preparation of public servants should include modern approaches to learning, adherence to standards, and the formation of educational space to meet the educational needs of public servants in accordance with qualifications and activities.

The analysis shows that one of the central aspects of the staffing of public administration is the search for new ways of reforming it. As a result of the implementation of new areas of reform, the effectiveness of the public service, public administration as a whole, and the need of the society in qualified personnel in the field of public administration, as well as the development of modern approaches to the professional development of the staff of the public authorities

should be realized. The determining factor in the effectiveness of reforming the public administration system is the professionalism of public servants, and the very professionalization is a necessary component of the development of public service in Ukraine.

Keywords: professionalism of employees in the sphere of public administration, successful career, socially oriented policy, dynamics of professional development, public authorities, staff culture in the field of public administration, factors of successful career, public administration, administrative services, interaction of authorities and society, socio-political development.



Анотащя. Зосереджуеться увага на розглядi тенденцш професiоналiзму i кар'ерно'1' динамши фахiвцiв публiчного управлшня. Визначено проблематику оргашзаци публiчноï служби в умовах загальносусшльних та сощаль-


Акцент зроблено на необхщносп полiпшення функщонування органiв державно-публiчноï влади, удосконалення сфери управлшня в напрямку соцiально-економiчноï та полггично! модернiзацiï сучасно! Украши.

Визначено умови та чинники проведення щлеспрямовано! державно!' по-лiтики у рiзноманiтних сферах життедiяльностi, а особливо у сферi форму-вання професiоналiзму службовщв у сферi публiчного управлiння.

Зазначено, що основною серед тенденцiй та факторiв реформування пу-блiчного управлшня е проввдна роль держави. Встановлено, що орiентована полiтика держави уособлюе дiалог влади i суспiльства, спрямовуе довiру i взаемодiю мiж державою, роботодавцями, сощально-полггичними iнститу-тами та окремими громадянами.

Акцентовано увагу на важливостi активно!' державно! полггики, спрямо-вано! на вдосконалення усшшносп кар'ери службовцiв у сферi публiчного управлiння, позитивно! динамiки його професшного розвитку — просуван-ня по службу що пов'язано з набуттям професiоналiзму, досвiду, дiловоï активности реалiзацiï особистiсного потенцiалу та досягненням вщповвдного статусу.

Доведено, що функцiонування ефективно! системи пiдготовки публiчних службовцiв мае передбачати сучасш пiдходи до навчання, дотримання стандарт, а також формування освлнього простору для забезпечення освлшх потреб публiчних службовцiв вщповщно до квалiфiкацi'í та виду дiяльностi.

Аналiз свiдчить, що одним iз центральних аспектiв кадрового забезпечення публiчного управлiння е пошук нових шляхiв його реформування. Результатом реалiзацi'í нових напрямкiв реформування повинш стати як шд-вищення ефективносл публiчно'í служби, публiчного управлiння у щлому, так i реалiзована потреба сусшльства у квалiфiкованих кадрах у сферi пу-блiчного управлiння, розвиток сучасних пiдходiв до професiйного розвитку персоналу оргашв публiчно'í влади. Визначальним фактором ефективносл

реформування системи публiчного управлтня е професiоналiзм публiчних службовцiв, i саме професiоналiзацiя е необхiдною складовою розвитку пу-блiчноl служби в Украшь

Ключовi слова: професiоналiзм службовцiв у сферi публiчного управ-лiння, успiшна кар'ера, сощально орiентована полiтика, динамiка профе-сiйного розвитку, публiчнi органи влади, культура пращ службовщв у сферi публiчного управлiння, фактори усшшно! кар'ери, публiчне управлiння, ад-мiнiстративнi послуги, взаемодiя влади i суспiльства, сусшльно-полггичний розвиток.



Аннотация. Концентрируется внимание на рассмотрении тенденций профессионализма и карьерной динамики специалистов публичного управления. Определена проблематика организации государственной службы в условиях важных социально-политических изменений. Акцент делается на необходимости улучшения функционирования органов государственно-публичной власти, сферы управления, социально-экономической и политической модернизации современной Украины.

Определены условия и факторы проведения целенаправленной государственной политики в различных сферах жизнедеятельности, особенно в сфере формирования профессионализма государственных служащих.

Отмечено, что основной среди тенденций и факторов реформирования публичного управления является ведущая роль государства.

Установлено, что ориентированная политика государства олицетворяет диалог власти и общества, направляет доверие и взаимодействие между государством, работодателями, социально-политическими институтами и отдельными гражданами.

Акцентируется внимание на важности активной государственной политики, направленной на совершенствование успешности карьеры государственного служащего, положительной динамики его профессионального развития — продвижения по службе, что связано с приобретением профессионализма, опыта, деловой активности, реализации личностного потенциала и достижением соответствующего статуса.

Доказано, что функционирование эффективной системы подготовки публичных служащих должно предусматривать современные подходы к обучению, соблюдение стандартов, а также формированию образовательного пространства для обеспечения образовательных потребностей публичных служащих в соответствии с квалификацией и видом деятельности.

Анализ показывает, что одним из центральных аспектов кадрового обеспечения публичного управления является поиск новых путей его реформирования. Результатом реализации новых направлений реформирования должны стать как повышение эффективности публичной службы,

публичного управления в целом, так и реализована потребность общества в квалифицированных кадрах в сфере публичного управления, развитие современных подходов к профессиональному развитию персонала органов публичной власти. Определяющим фактором эффективности реформирования системы публичного управления является профессионализм публичных служащих, и именно профессионализация является необходимой составляющей развития публичной службы в Украине.

Ключевые слова: профессионализм государственного служащего, успешная карьера, социально ориентированная политика, динамика профессионального развития, государственные органы власти, культура труда государственного служащего, факторы успешной карьеры, публичное управление, административные услуги, взаимодействие власти и общества, общественно-политическое развитие.

Problem statement. The development of the public administration system in Ukraine takes place under conditions of dynamic changes. On the one hand, it is precisely in the context of rather complicated socio-political processes, the fall of economic growth, the introduction of a martial law in a certain country, on the other hand in the conditions of organization of the system of public service in Ukraine in accordance with European standards.

The aspiration of Ukrainian society to progressive transformations on the basis of European values necessitates, first and foremost, the need for a large-scale, timely, adequate and rapid renewal of the country's vital activities within the framework of purposeful implementation of public-management reforms [1].

The strategy of the state personnel policy of Ukraine defines the main directions of personnel reforms in all spheres of public life, among which the important place is allocated to the sphere of public administration, since the competitiveness of the state and

sustainable social and economic development depends on the professionalism of the personnel potential of the state administration [2].

There is a general scientific point of view that public administration reformation should conceptually reflect the theoretical foundations of qualitative general social changes in view of the modern problems of the implementation of the new policy of the state. This necessitates a more in-depth refinement of the theoretical and methodological principles of the theory and practice of social and public administration, as well as the strategic tasks of implementing the policy of public administration of Ukraine.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Problems of theoretical understanding of the Institute of Public Administration and Public Service are paid attention by representatives of the national science, namely: V. B. Averianova, N. T. Honcharuk, S. D. Dubenko, O. D. Krupchan, V. Ya. Malynovskyi, T. V. Motrenko, N. R. Nyzhnyk, O. Yu. Obolenskyi,

V. P. Tymoshchuk and Ye. S. Chernono-ha, etc. Their fruitful theoretical work served as a solid ground for familiarizing with the national specifics of public service in the system of public management.

Taking into account the urgency of the issue of improving the efficiency of public administration in the conditions of European integration, improving the career dynamics of employees in the field of public administration in the difficult realities of our time, we will try to simulate the professionalism of public servants as a condition for the effective work of public authorities.

It should be noted that a number of approaches have been developed in the theory of management, based on which the problem field of public administration can be structured differently. Such approaches are contained, inter alia, in the works of H. Atamanchuk, V. Afanasiev, K. Kerns, S. Kravchen-ko, O. Mashkov, M. Meskon, H. Rait, T. Saati, Yu. Surmin, V. Tsvietkova and others. The decisive factor is that the effectiveness of public administration is closely linked to the efficiency of the career development of those representing the state.

According to N. Honcharuk, in recent years the issue of reforming the public service has become quite acute in order to increase the professionalism and competence of employees in the field of public administration, training of highly qualified personnel [3, p. 167-180].

N. Artemenko believes that the professionalism of a public servant is the basis of his development, which influences the further activities that he uses to carry out socio-economic transfor-

mations in society, political processes in the interests of the functioning and development of the state [4, p. 76-79].

In the considered work of scientists is analysed public service reform, influence of the level of education on the professionalization of personnel. At the same time, the problems of professionalism of public servants are not sufficiently studied.

The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the essence of the professionalism of public service personnel, improve the career dynamics of employees in the field of public administration, and determine the constructive changes in the system of public administration, the conditions and factors of innovative development of society.

Presentation of the main research material. Economic and socio-political transformations are associated with the emphasis on the Western choice of foreign policy and the European choice that is, the changing emphasis on management activities and the need for a new management elite that can solve both strategic tasks and problems of socio-economic development of the country and together goals related to the integration of Ukraine into the European community.

At the same time, we have witnessed the fact that the organization of the public service system in Ukraine today has disadvantages, and first of all, in terms of promotion, achievement of a high level of qualification and motivation of public servants.

The professionalism of the personnel of the public administration system consists of the professionalism of each employee, but does not equal its amount (number of employees). That

is, every public servant is a professional in the field where he/she works, but the whole system of public administration is not always effective, because there are a number of problems: bureaucratic retardation, corruption actions, the complexity of solving issues of socio-economic growth and social protection, etc. [5].

The peculiarity of the career dynamics of employees in the field of public administration is that the candidate enters the service, occupying a lower position in a clearly defined career hierarchy. Usually, coming to a public service after certain training is hiring. The career model requires very narrow professional training, and experience is considered as the most important indicator of qualification [6].

However, the practice shows that the effectiveness of public administration is confirmed by the effectiveness of the adoption of management decisions and government-management reforms.

Undoubtedly, the process of making managerial decisions should be understood as the process of purposeful influence of the subject of public administration representing state power in the form of specially formed bodies and their systems, on the object of management, which is the whole society or part of it (officials who generate managerial ideas and solutions), which results in satisfying the needs of the state and society [7, p. 65].

The administrative and managerial decision of the state body is refracted through the prism of human behaviour, which manifests itself in the preparation, adoption and implementation. Modification of managerial decisions is directly related to the professionalism

of a public servant, the managerial culture of an institution, organization, and institutional body.

In addition, we give the possible options for the stages of making managerial decisions, which are primarily:

• In identifying priority issues and forming an 'agenda'.

• The development and consideration of alternative options for solving public problems.

• In the final choice, formulation and legitimization of the state decision.

• In realization and carrying out in political practice of accepted state decisions.

• In control over the implementation of the decision and 'feedback' with its results.

A common scientific point of view is that public administration is a type of political and administrative management activity. Among all the issues facing the state, the main issue is the staff, first of all, the staff of the leaders. Most scholars regard state administration as an integrative function of socio-political and economic activity. There is an opinion on state administration as an independent system of social relations or a kind of specific activity. However, all scholars are in common in the fact that the nature of management lies in social orientation [8, p. 390].

Management in the literal sense begins when in any interconnections, relations; phenomena and processes, there are conscious interests and knowledge, goals and will, energy and human action. A public servant is often a generator, coordinator and manager of managerial decisions, and public service is a necessary element of all managerial processes in the state. Functions

of a professional public service are not only in solving current organizational issues, but above all in the analysis, evaluation and forecasting of socioeconomic and political processes; providing the country's (regional) leadership of objective information about the state of affairs; assessment of alternative options for possible solutions and providing relevant services to politicians, etc. The main functions of management decisions are: directing, providing, organizational, coordinating and stimulating. Stages of the preparation of management decisions are united: the definition of goals (set of tasks); collecting and analysing information about a task to be solved; definition, prediction of the development of the situation and the formation of problems; generation of possible variants of managerial decisions and the formation of their criteria and choice.

At the same time, it should be noted that along with the effectiveness of making managerial decisions, there is a decrease in the professionalism of employees of the management and their formal attitude to official duties. The reasons for such inconveniences are violation of ethics of behaviour, abuse of power by officials and bureaucratic deformation of power. These and other similar problems are covered in theoretical researches of scientists [9, p. 13].

We believe that it is necessary to create certain conditions for the management elite not to become completely corrupt. In particular, it is freedom of speech, an opportunity for the media to disclose facts of violations of democratic norms and procedures that will ensure the openness of power struc-

tures. Moreover, openness involves a social lift for the most capable, talented representatives from different sections of the population, as well as a feedback from the public that is involved in making managerial decisions. Next, we need pluralism and free competition of promising elites of managerial personnel. To date, the system of public administration requires qualitative changes, which are determined by the legislation, political leadership of the state and the professionalism of employees in the field of public administration, which embodied political decisions in life.

A large number of researchers who studied public service paid enough attention to bureaucratic concepts of the functioning and development of the state. This is understandable, since it is impossible to imagine a state without a developed bureaucratic system. At the same time, we emphasize the fact that, unlike bureaucracy as an objective phenomenon of social life, hy-pertrophied bureaucracy is presently a kind of social disease, a destructive, socially dangerous process, which leads to a reduction in the efficiency of any sphere and the fall living standards of the population.

Bureaucracy ultimately grows into a system of bureaucratic power, based on a combination of formal and informal ties of bureaucracy with the state. It is omnipotent, closed, acting under the laws of the hierarchy and a firm mechanism of power that stands above the law and the will of members of society. This power is transformed into a self-sufficient, functioning organization, based solely on its own interests [10].

The social roots of bureaucracy consist in the peculiarities of the position of this social group in society, in a significant peculiarity of their work. Like any social community, leaders have not common interests with the people, their team, the region only, but also their specific ones. Under certain conditions, the deformation of the entire system of social interests is possible: the apparatus that created to serve society, region, etc. loses a purely official role, concentrates power in its hands and uses them in their own interests only.

We substantiate the essence of the professionalism of the public service personnel in that the replenishment of the staff of the public administration without adequate professional training leads to a significant interest of the bureaucracy in transferring significant attributes to its official role.

Today, the two-fold task is particularly acute: to preserve and strengthen the management apparatus capable of effective work, and at the same time to block bureaucracy. Finally, strict adherence to the rule of law, democratic procedures is required. At the same time, civil society should not lose control over the political situation in society and healthy scepticism in relation to any government.

Accordingly, before the employees in the field of public administration are faced with the task of solving problems at the state level: the dismissal of management personnel from bureaucracy, ensuring a decent standard of living for people and creating the necessary conditions for the formation of civil society. In our opinion, any measures of a purely economic or political nature be-

come successful only in the conditions of a transparent professional growth of a specialist, mobilization of moral and psychological potential of both power structures and civil society, transformation of individual and social consciousness.

Recently, it has to be stated that at the present stage a wide variety of different scientific fields and methods of political research is directed at the processes of social democratic transformations. In scientific literature devoted to issues constructive changes in the public system management, career dynamics of employees in the field of public administration and training of managerial personnel is being given more and more attention. It is important to note that one of the major mistakes of modern state policy is the overwhelming advantage of technocracy over a socially oriented humanitarian component.

The study of sociological concepts allows us to understand the essential problems in society, to identify the factors of innovation development of the reform of the public service. The data of sociological surveys on the career mood of employees in the field of public administration of Ukraine reveals the essence of a successful career, explores the conditions and factors of personal and professional achievements, proves the role of the culture of labour in building a successful career in the public service system, highlights the causes of disharmonization of subordinate relations and the head, identify problems that arise in the process of promoting employees in the field of public administration, etc. According to the results of the Youth of Ukraine 2018 sociological survey, 36,6 % of young people

recognized the 'building of a career' as the most desirable achievement in life [11]. We believe that sociological dimensions are the necessary means to increase the efficiency of career development, improve the system of public administration, and go to three main directions: the reform of the management structure; improvement of professional level of managerial personnel and definition of the conceptual foundations of administrative management in the conditions of complex democratic transformations of society.

In our view, the issues of organizational efficiency of the public service are extremely relevant for the modern society after the election of the President of Ukraine. The public service should not obey narrow-party interests, serve as separate political leaders. Instead, it should serve the interests of the people, the law and provide national interests. The public service cannot be highly professional and effective if it serves ambitious politicians and is entirely under their influence.

Under the European choice, administrative and public service personnel of the public service are constantly in development and determined, in addition to political and economic factors, the growing role of science in the organization of management, the use of modern information technology, which requires modern training and the formation of a new type of career growth of employees in the field public administration.

The formation of the readiness of management personnel to make decisions in the conditions of democratization of society is becoming of paramount importance. Therefore, raising

personal responsibility and upgrading the administrative culture will positively affect the professional orientation of public administration personnel.

Public administration covers the human personality of the administrator, the internal organization of the manager, the specific features and behaviour of employees in the field of public administration and connection of the administrative subsystem with the political system [12]. The basis of the modern concept of improving the career dynamics of a public servant is the management of public service personnel, which in turn, of course, embodies the growing role of the individual, the moral and psychological qualities of the employee in the field of public administration, knowledge of his motivational guides and orientation to gaining knowledge and their ability use in professional activities. Representatives of management should have high professional skills, innovative thinking, foresight and entrepreneurship [13, p. 72-81].

The most important functions of personnel management should include such as socio-psychological diagnosis; analysis and regulation of group and personal relationships, manager and subordinate relationships, management of social conflicts and stresses; informational support of the control system; employment management; evaluation and selection of candidates for vacant positions; analysis of personnel potential and staffing needs; planning and controlling a business career; professional and socio-psycho-logical adaptation of workers; management of labour motivation and regula-

tion of legal issues of labour relations, etc.

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Thus, the constructiveness of changes in the system of public administration, the conditions and factors of innovative development of society directly intersect with the functions of the public service, which is a means of implementing the state policy in the management system. The fulfilment of state policy functions is conditioned by specific actors in the person of public service employees.

One of the most important characteristics of professionalism is a public employee, who is considered a central figure in the management structures. The essence of professionalism lies in the ability of the manager to establish and develop interpersonal contacts, use human resources, diagnose and assess their own career development opportunities.

From the point of view of M. Luka-shevych, 'the changes that have taken place in society raise requirements for management personnel, their professionalism, training and retraining'. The scientist believes that there are appeared publications on the theory and practice of self-management in management literature of recent years, analysis of which is useful for career growth. The concept and technique of self-management can be used for a business career that is used for 'self-assessment of business qualities as prerequisites for the achievement of success' [14, p. 220-225].

Thus, scientific approaches to understanding the essence of business careers can determine the classification of government-management decisions, as well as the theoretical preconditions

for the development of an integrative concept, focused on the disclosure of internal mechanisms of 'career dynamics' and the effectiveness of the behaviour of a public servant. The public service is the organizational force of society, since, by facilitating the administration of the state. It prevents chaos in the country. Obviously, the effectiveness of public administration is closely linked to the performance of public officials. Today, the need to improve the training of public servants is very relevant [15]. It is the professional training of public servants that contributes to their career development and the development of professionalism. It is due to this that the level of professional activity increases, compliance with government-management decisions is achieved, the desired status, which involves a successfully built career and overcoming the challenges of the development of Ukrainian society.

Creation of a new effective public service system requires improvement of approaches to the formation of a modern type of public servant, for which the basic values are self-realization, continuous professional development, professional development and morality, etc.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. According to the guidance of an employee in the field of public administration, the basis for building his career is an individually conscious position that is related to the understanding of the socio-political situation and the choice of the optimal ways of professional growth and career promotion.

The processes of state development and the ways of its solution to the cri-

sis are primarily related to solving the problems of improving the subject-object relations of power in the internal management space and foreign policy relations.

Conducting state and administrative reforms is the most significant part of the problem field of socio-political changes and is today related to the mechanisms of ensuring administrative and public administration. The sectors of the state mechanism, in addition to general legal rules, the special regulatory framework regulating the sphere of public administration overcomes the uncertainty in the formulation of tasks.

In today's Ukraine, the search for a solution to these problems is in the direction of the democratization and preservation of the state (administrative-territorial) system, the integrity of the country and the fight against total corruption and external aggression. We must understand that, within the limits of the professional activity, it is necessary to involve talented people of high moral qualities, emotionally hardy and professionally trained in positions of public authorities.

The professionalism and career dynamics of employees in the field of public administration, as well as public policy in general, should be state by their very nature, goals and principles. Priority among these requirements is the transparency of the career growth of the best, high moral personalities, professionalism, and the choice of effective ways and means for transforming our country into a transparent democratic, social and lawful state in which all rights and freedoms of citizens and decent living conditions will be ensured.


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