Научная статья на тему 'Professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development (archetypal approach)'

Professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development (archetypal approach) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khim Mariia Kimsanivna, Danylovych-Kropyvnytska Marta Lvivna

The article is devoted to clarification of the specificity of the influence of archetype on professionalism in the field of public administration. The article investigates the main aspects of professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development in accordance with their archetypes. Today, domestic scientists are often investigating the archetype of political leaders. The application of archetype methodology in the presented study made it possible to determine that the authority of a civil servant as a personified subject of a postmodern society is a value system of dominant societal properties that specifies the archetype, according to which priorities are set in the choice of imperatives, the principles of achieving legitimacy and management methods, which are used to achieve the management objectives. In this article modern archetypes of different groups of employees of public authorities in Ukraine are proposed and their main archetypal characteristics as the main component of their image are singled out. According to the characteristic features of each of the archetypes of the civil servant, the main problems of their professional and personal development are identified. The necessity of taking an archetypical approach into realization of the basic modern mechanisms of development of civil servants, which promote their professionalism, is substantiated. Creation of an effective civil service system requires improvement of approaches to the formation of a new type of civil servant guided by such values as self-realization, professional development, morals, creativity, defending own opinion, self-esteem, etc. Due to this, the level of professional activity increases, the desired status is achieved, which implies a successfully built career. This article provides guidance on how to adapt them to specific aspects such as professionalism, learning and motivation.

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Статья посвящена выяснению специфики влияния архетипа на профессионализм в сфере государственного управления. В статье исследуются основные аспекты профессионального и личностного развития государственных служащих Украины в контексте устойчивого общественного развития в соответствии с их архетипами. Сегодня отечественными учеными довольно часто исследуются архетипики политических лидеров. Применение архетипической методологии в представленом исследовании дало возможность определить, что авторитет государственного служащего как персонифицированного субъекта постмодернистского общества является ценностным комплексом системы доминирующих социетальных свойств, которые конкретизирует архетип, в соответствии с чем устанавливаются приоритеты в выборе императивов, принципов достижения легитимности и методов управления, используемых для достижения поставленных управленческих целей. В статье предложены современные архетипы разных групп служащих органов публичной власти в Украине и выделены их основные архетипические характеристики как основные составляющие их имиджа. Согласно отличительных признаков каждого из архетипов государственного служащего выделены основные проблемы их профессионального и личностного развития. Создание эффективной системы государственной службы требует совершенствования подходов к формированию нового типа государственного служащего, который руководствуется такими ценностями, как самореализация, повышение квалификации, профессиональное развитие, нравственность, творчество, отстаивание собственного мнения, самоуважение и тому подобное. Именно благодаря этому повышается уровень профессиональной деятельности, достигается желаемый статус, предусматривающий успешно построенную карьеру. В статье даны рекомендации по их приспособлению в разрезе отдельных аспектов, таких как профессионализм, обучение и мотивация.

Текст научной работы на тему «Professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development (archetypal approach)»


DOI: https://doi.org/10.32689/2617-2224-2019-18-3-478-487

Khim Mariia Kimsanivna,

Assistant Professor, Department of Administrative and Financial Management, "Lviv Polytechnic" National University, 82000, Stary Sambir, str. Gogolya, 18, tel.: 063 3569527, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-3151-6435 Xím Mарiя Шмсатвна, асистент кафедри адмтктративного i фтансового менеджменту, Национальный утверситет "Львiвськa полтехтка", 82000, м. Старий Сaмбiр, вул. Гоголя, 18, тел.: 0633569527, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3151-6435 Хим Мария Кимсановна, ассистент кафедры административного и финансового менеджмента, Национальный университет "Львовская политехника", 82000, г. Старый Самбор, ул. Гоголя, 18, тел.: 063 3569527, e-mail: missm28@ ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0002-3151-6435

Danylovych-Kropyvnytska Marta Lvivna,

Ph.D, Associated Professor, Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics, "Lviv Polytechnic" National University, 79044, Lviv, str. Melnyka, 5, tel.: 097 0218981, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3963-5524 Данилович-Кропивницька Марта Львiвна,

кандидан економтчих наук, доцент кафедри теоретичноï та приклaдноï економi-ки, Нацюнальний утверситет "Львiвськa полтехнта", 79044, м. Львiв, вул. Мельника, 5, кв. 1а, тел.: 097 0218981, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3963-5524

Данилович-Кропивницкая Марта Львовна,

кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры теоретической и прикладной экономики, Национальный университет "Львовская политехника", 79044, г. Львов, ул. Мельника, 5, кв. 1а, тел.: 097 0218981, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-3963-5524


of cívíl servants of ukraíne


development (archetypal approach)

Abstract. The article is devoted to clarification of the specificity of the influence of archetype on professionalism in the field of public administration. The article investigates the main aspects of professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development in accordance with their archetypes. Today, domestic scientists are often investigating the archetype of political leaders. The application of archetype methodology in the presented study made it possible to determine that the authority of a civil servant as a personified subject of a postmodern society is a value system of dominant societal properties that specifies the archetype, according to which priorities are set in the choice of imperatives, the principles of achieving legitimacy and management methods, which are used to achieve the management objectives. In this article modern archetypes of different groups of employees of public authorities in Ukraine are proposed and their main archetypal characteristics as the main component of their image are singled out. According to the characteristic features of each of the archetypes of the civil servant, the main problems of their professional and personal development are identified. The necessity of taking an archetypical approach into realization of the basic modern mechanisms of development of civil servants, which promote their professionalism, is substantiated.

Creation of an effective civil service system requires improvement of approaches to the formation of a new type of civil servant guided by such values as self-realization, professional development, morals, creativity, defending own opinion, self-esteem, etc. Due to this, the level of professional activity increases, the desired status is achieved, which implies a successfully built career. This article provides guidance on how to adapt them to specific aspects such as professionalism, learning and motivation.

Keywords: archetype, civil servant, official, professional and personal development.


Анотащя. Статтю присвячено з'ясуванню специфши впливу архетипу на професiоналiзм у сферi державного управлшня. У статт дослщжу-ються основш аспекти професшного i особиспсного розвитку державних службовщв Украши в контексп сталого сусшльного розвитку вщповщно до 1хшх архетитв. Сьогодш вггчизняними науковцями досить часто до-слвджуеться архетитка пол^ичних лiдерiв. Застосування архетипово'1 методологи у дослщженш, що презентуеться, дало можливють визначити, що

авторитет державного службовця як персошфшованого суб'екта постмодерного сустльства е щншсним комплексом системи домiнуючих сощеталь-них властивостей, яю конкретизуе архетип, вщповщно до чого встановлю-ються прюритети у виборi iмперативiв, принципiв досягнення лептимносл та методiв управлiння, що використовуються для досягнення поставлених управлшських цiлей. У статтi запропоновано сучасш архетипи рiзних груп службовцiв оргашв публiчноl влади в Укра1ш та виокремлено !х основнi ар-хетиповi характеристики як основнi складовi 1хнього iмiджу. Вiдповiдно до характерних ознак кожного з архетитв державного службовця виокремлено основш проблеми 1хнього професшного i особиспсного розвитку. Обгрунто-вано необхщшсть урахування архетипного пiдходу при реалiзацil основних сучасних механiзмiв розвитку державних службовщв, що сприяють шдви-щенню 1х професiоналiзму.

Створення ефективно! системи державно! служби вимагае вдоскона-лення пiдходiв до формування нового типу державного службовця, який керуеться такими щнностями, як самореалiзацiя, шдвищення квалiфiкацil, професiйний розвиток, моральнiсть, творчють, вiдстоювання власно! думки, самоповага тощо. Саме завдяки цьому пiдвищуеться рiвень професшно1 д^ яльностi, досягаеться бажаний статус, що передбачае устшно побудовану кар'еру. У статт надано рекомендаци щодо !х пристосування у розрiзi окре-мих аспектiв, таких як професiоналiзм, навчання та мотивацiя.

Ключовi слова: архетип, державний службовець, посадова особа, профе-сiйний i особистюний розвиток.


Аннотация. Статья посвящена выяснению специфики влияния архетипа на профессионализм в сфере государственного управления. В статье исследуются основные аспекты профессионального и личностного развития государственных служащих Украины в контексте устойчивого общественного развития в соответствии с их архетипами. Сегодня отечественными учеными довольно часто исследуются архетипики политических лидеров. Применение архетипической методологии в представленом исследовании дало возможность определить, что авторитет государственного служащего как персонифицированного субъекта постмодернистского общества является ценностным комплексом системы доминирующих социетальных свойств, которые конкретизирует архетип, в соответствии с чем устанавливаются приоритеты в выборе императивов, принципов достижения легитимности и методов управления, используемых для достижения поставленных управленческих целей. В статье предложены современные архетипы разных групп служащих органов публичной власти в Украине и выделены их основные архетипические характеристики как основные составляющие их имиджа.

Согласно отличительных признаков каждого из архетипов государственного служащего выделены основные проблемы их профессионального и личностного развития.

Создание эффективной системы государственной службы требует совершенствования подходов к формированию нового типа государственного служащего, который руководствуется такими ценностями, как самореализация, повышение квалификации, профессиональное развитие, нравственность, творчество, отстаивание собственного мнения, самоуважение и тому подобное. Именно благодаря этому повышается уровень профессиональной деятельности, достигается желаемый статус, предусматривающий успешно построенную карьеру. В статье даны рекомендации по их приспособлению в разрезе отдельных аспектов, таких как профессионализм, обучение и мотивация.

Ключевые слова: архетип, государственный служащий, должностное лицо, профессиональное и личностное развитие.

Problem statement. The growth of the human factor in management is today one of the main trends in the development of the public administration system both in Ukraine and abroad. As a result, we can observe an increasing interest in the peculiarities of behavior of representatives of various authorities and management structures. The formation of a democratic and law-governed state, the development of the foundations of civil society, the integration of Ukraine into the standards of the European Union, and the implementation of administrative reform, in particular the reform of the civil service, require the preparation of a new generation of managers and specialists of state authorities, the formation of a professionally trained personnel reserve for replacing positions in state structures. Every year the experts put forward new requirements for activities in modern conditions, but government officials often lack personal experience, social practice and qualification frame-

work that would meet the requirements of public services to European standards. Thus the main attention should be paid to the search, enrichment and sustainable use of capacities of public servants to preserve and strengthen the quality of staff, the best reconcile needs of central authorities and the personal interests of government officials. It is actualize scientific rethinking the role and place of political archetypes and built on these myths in modern governance process.

Analysis of recent research and publications and identification of previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The archetype of public administration was formed on the basis of an archetypal approach. E. Afonin, T. Vakulova, O. Donchenko, L. Kochu-bei, O. Krutiy, O. Pelin, O. Romanenko, Yu. Shajgorodsky, V. Shedyakov and others pay considerable attention to the study of archetypes in the national scientific discourse. Some aspects of this problem were investigated in works by

O. Obolensky, V. Oluyka, S. Seryogina, S. Khajiradeva, G. Shchokina and others. Among the works devoted to the social and value principles of public administration, the formation of national consciousness, historical memory and other aspects of the modern process of state formation in Ukraine, it should be noted works by G. Atamanchuk, V. Ba-kumenko V. Kozbanenko, V. Knyazev, O. Kryukov, I. Nadolnyk, M. Piren, V. Rebkalo, G. Sitnik, P. Shompka, F. Shamhalov. However, the place of archetype in the formation of professional and personal development of a civil servant in the scientific literature was almost not considered. Therefore, the relevance of the subject matter is beyond doubt.

The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of the influence of archetype on professionalism in the field of public administration, to study the main aspects of professional and personal development of civil servants of Ukraine in the context of sustainable social development in accordance with their archetypes, to offer modern archetypes of different groups of employees of public authorities in Ukraine and according to the characteristic features of each of the archetypes of the civil servant to outline the main problems of their professional and personal development, as well as to give recommendations for their adaptation in terms of certain aspects, such as professionalism, learning and motivation.

The main research material. The formation of a professionally prepared apparatus of state authorities of Ukraine and bodies of local self-government, capable of permanent and dynamic development, is rightfully considered one of

the main factors of strengthening the state, an effective instrument for the effective realization of its functions. Professional and personal development of civil servants acts as the main principle and mechanism of formation and development of personnel potential of public administration system. Today there is a problem in providing the system of public administration of professional, specially trained personnel, defining the priorities of personnel development, taking into account the professionaliza-tion of the personnel. After all, development involves the continuous formation of a professional staffing system of public administration, at the same time, the continuous repeated selection and improvement of personnel potential of this system. Although there are mechanisms for professionalising the personnel of the public administration system, it is precisely now that there is a "lack" of skilled personnel.

Defining the state of professional competence, it is necessary to refer to the research of S. Dubenko [1], O. Obolensky [2], which makes it possible to distinguish two levels of qualities that should have a civil servant: the first — the primary, initial qualities, inherent in a person who claims to the state office, and the second — the acquired qualities that are formed in the process of performance of official duties, accumulation of experience and promotion. All these qualities, that form the archetype of a civil servant, regardless of his rank, or his duties. The archetype forms one or another psychosocial set of value priorities, preferences, patterns of behavior that directly affect the professionalism of a civil servant. Therefore, we can assert that, on the one hand, the influ-

ence of globalization factors, and on the other hand, the existence of archetypes and archetype leads to the emergence of new features in public administration, in particular those relating to professional and personal development. Psychosocial cultural factors of social life become a defining, system-forming beginning, defining the "fate" of external, socio-material, institutional practices of the development of public administration and society as a whole [3].

In the scientific literature one can find a rather diverse typology of archetypes inherent in the entire society, as well as political leaders in particular.

Thus, in modern political science there are several basic archetypes: harmonious, hegemonic, conflict and pluralistic [4].

Harmonious — implies the existence of a homogeneous cultural environment, established traditions and civil society (in this case, new generations easily enter into political life). This type represents the close interaction between power and person, and the individual relates to power with a high degree of respect.

The hegemonic archetype is most commonly found in closed political systems, which are not susceptible to the values of other systems and are self-sufficient. This type assumes that a person has a negative attitude to all political and social norms, except propagated by his group (class, religion, etc.), which has a dominant power in society and is part of politics solely on its values.

Conflict — characterized by a low general culture of the entire spiritual sphere — general, religious, socio-political (in such societies sometimes there is a highly developed elite culture, but

it does not affect the majority). This type assumes that an individual maintains loyalty only to his group and supports it in the fight against political opponents.

The pluralistic archetype admits that the recognition of human rights of equality with other citizens can change their political passions, recognizes that others have the right to have other beliefs.

Quite interesting is the idea of V. Lisnichy [5], who proposed a typology of political archetypes according to their most characteristic features (see Table 1).

It is clear that the list of such archetypes is inexhaustible, and after analyzing some of them it can be seen that their main differences are based on two components: self-interest (personal development) and focus on social interests and careers (professional development) (see Figure):

Within the civil service it is impossible to imagine such a post, for which the personal component would not be of great significance. In addition, a civil servant of any rank must qualitatively and professionally perform the task , regardless of whether the power changes and, therefore, should be "distant" from politics. Along with the rapid pace of globalization, modern administrative reforms and other transformational processes new archetypal images based on basic archetypes have begun to emerge, but they are becoming characteristic of modernity.

Therefore today, we can safely talk about archetypes of not only political leaders, but also civil servants of any level. Table 2 proposes archetypal images of contemporary civil servants in

Archetypes of politicians

Archetype of politicians characteristic features

Businessman high managerial and business qualities, reliability, ingenuity, ability to get out of difficult situations through making non-standard decisions

Reformer a converter in any field of socio-political life, science, technology, art, etc.

Professional a specialist in his business with a solid luggage of knowledge, experience. He knows what needs to be done to achieve the goal

Master a leader who works fruitfully throughout his life. In the presence of a limited number of resources can provide a stable work of subordinates, as well as rationally solve all existing problems

Man of power The leader, who proved his ability to solve difficult tasks, has extensive experience in working at the state level, and has the support of reputable leaders and citizens

Lawyer a person who has decent legal knowledge and services in the law enforcement sphere of activity

Popular personality a man who has gained natonalwide popularity and respect outside politics, which became a springboard for the political elite

Fighter a categorical person, who always ready to fight negative appearances and encourage others to fight

Targeting ^ toeards own interests (personal development)


Man of power

Popular personality






orientation towards public interests and career (professional development)

The difference between politicians' archetypes by focusing on their own interests

(personal development) and public interests and careers (professional development)

view of their personal and professional interests. To construct these archetypal images it is expedient to use the ideas of American economist and political scientist E. Downs, who proposed his typology of civil servants [6].

So, based on foreign experience, one should pay attention to the fact that the restructuring of the civil service in Ukraine can not completely eliminate the development of egoistic or selfish goals by civil servants (financial sup-

The archetype of a modern civil servant

More focused on personal development and own interests More focused on professional development and career goals

"Careerist" They are interested in official status, financial support, recognition and prestige; they are almost uneasy about reliability, loyalty, the interests of society or service and its specific tasks. They willingly support the "majority" policy. However, reaching their own goals can eventually become "guardians" "Protagonist" Devotional supporters of individual concepts, clearly fulfill their specific tasks, stand firmly in favor of their point of view, despite any arguments and objections

"Guardian" They are also interested in official status, financial support, recognition and prestige, but their activities are mainly related to the concepts of convenience and security.They are more focused on enlargement, but on maintaining their status "Defender" Their work is more focused on the opinion of the majority, but they defend their position almost in spite of objections and remarks

"Statesman" Concerned about the social significance and usefulness of the supported ideas and their tasks. Therefore, they are prone to compromise, and less aggressive in defending their point of view

port, prestige, power) and negative qualities (conservatism, adaptability, etc.).

It is clear that in order to intensify both professional and personal development, and at the same time realize personal and professional interests, it is necessary to develop a clear career strategy for each of the proposed archetypes, which consists of:

• match the personal interests of the civil servant and the interests of the institution;

• drawing up a clear program for professional development with taking into account the specifics and needs of each particular civil servant;

• implementation of the open planning and career development process;

• avoiding situations of termination of career development within one institution and absence of prospects for

self-development and opportunities for self-realization;

• development of optimal and understandable criteria of professional growth of a particular institution;

• tracking the capacity of each civil servant to plan his prospects within a single institution;

• organizing an objective assessment of the professionalism of specialists to improve the personnel reserve, reducing the excessive needs of employees and increasing the professional and qualitative qualities of the candidates being elected;

• the formation of plans for the professional development of employees to meet the needs of the institution at the right time [7].

Effective use of a career strategy will make it possible to combine the interest of civil servants in professional and ca-

reer growth and their personal interests and incentives (office status, prestige, stability, material improvement, self-realization and self-development of the individual). As part of the career development of civil servants, their positive attitude will increase, first of all, to positive organizational goals: loyalty to positions and interests of others, the fulfillment of not only their tasks, but also assistance in implementing programs of collaborators.

The broader and more definite prospect of career growth in the career development of employees, the practical orientation of qualification exams and service attestations is a significant incentive both in mastering special knowledge, skills and abilities, and in using them in the next job. Since Western civil service systems are predominantly career, foreign scientific, methodological and other materials relating to career systems can be found to be broader and more constructive in covering the range of issues related to civil service reform in Ukraine [8].

For the rapid activation of the professional and personal development of a civil servant of any category, the following elements are integral: education and self-education; analytical component, ability to predict the development of events, realistic thinking; communicative skills, ability to work in a team; control of behavior, stress resistance, pur-posefulness; well-defined career goals; persistence; readiness for independent management decision-making, ability to solve non-standard tasks and problems; realistic assessment of their skills and abilities; respect for oneself and others.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the key to the success-

ful growth of both the personal and professional development of a civil servant of any category belongs to the manager or chef who, above all, should be responsible for the personnel policy of the institution.

Conclusions and perspectives of further research. In the conditions of the rapid development of modern business space and new administrative reforms, there is the emergence of new archetypal images of not only political leaders and executives, but also civil servants of different ranks. Based on the above research, the necessity of taking into account the archetypical approach in realization of the basic modern mechanisms of activation of professional and personal development of civil servants is substantiated. Therefore, for each of the following archetypes, the combination of two elements, a subjective and a business career, is necessary and compulsory. These two elements must always be accompanied by self-realization and optimisation of professional activity. Given the current needs for improvement of the qualitative composition in the field of public administration, the prospects and directions of further research are determined, in particular: development of the system of professional and personal development of civil servants in EU countries, current tendencies of formation of professional and personal mentality of civil servants in Ukraine, use of experience of EU countries on the professional and personal development of civil servants in Ukraine, the formation of a state strategy of professional and personal development of civil servants on the basis of the implementation of European standards.


1. Dubenko S. (1998). Derzhavna sluzhba v Ukrayini [Civil service in Ukraine]. Kyiv: UADU, [in Ukrainian].

2. Obolenskyj O. (2006). Derzhavna sluzhba [Civil service], Kyiv: KNEU, [in Ukrainian].

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