PROFESSIONAL LINGUAL DIDACTICS VALUE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING THEORY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Batunova I.V., Lobineva E.I., Nikolaeva A.U.

The article is about professional lingual didactics value in foreign language teaching theory. The authors mark the main directions of professional Lingual didactics that are scientific proving of legal pointing out of professional Lingual didactics as a foreign language learning methodological base for professional purposes in a Higher technical school.

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Batunova I. V.,

Associate professor (PhD) ORCID: 0000-0002-1825-0097, Siberian federal university, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Lobineva E.I.,

Associate professor (PhD) ORCID: 0000-0002-4053-175Х Siberian federal university, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Nikolaeva А. U.,

Associate professor (PhD) ORCID: 0000-0003-2060-6344 Siberian federal university, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Abstract. The article is about professional lingual didactics value in foreign language teaching theory. The authors mark the main directions of professional Lingual didactics that are scientific proving of legal pointing out of professional Lingual didactics as a foreign language learning methodological base for professional purposes in a Higher technical school.

Keywords: lingual didactics, language theory, English learning process organization, Higher school, teaching theory.

Lingual didactics takes a very important part in the Language theory. In contrast to didactics, studying educational and learning general, lingual didactics substantiates the regularities connected with language nature, methods and means of teaching depending on didactic purposes and contents, tasks and character of learning language material, learning stage, students intellectual and language development. It accumulates all theoretical findings of related sciences (Lingual didactics, psychology, methodology, etc.), processes them from educational position and builds the model, basing on language "image".

Lingual didactics' subject can include everything: everyday life, politics, culture, professional activity, different kinds of interpersonal and international relations, living and inanimate nature development peculiarities and so on. Besides, direct subject of English language teaching is scientific knowledge of language system as phonetic, grammar, and lexical aspects' combination and all kind of language activity skills.

Lingual didactics' content cannot be built in language subject logical intrinsic peculiarities because it consists in purely linguistic (language and speech) and nonlinguistic aspects integration that is expressed in new language code overlaying into subject field.

Professional Lingual didactics is relatively new field of knowledge, appeared in the l Lingual didactics' frames. It is interdisciplinary scientific area connected with professional oriented English learning process organization. Professional orientation is the approach determining the English language content material in Higher schools which have to fulfill the modern educational requirements. In this context, Lingual didactics is a methodological aspect of English language learning theory. It must develop "method' methodology" of this discipline peculiarity, include found out linguistic regularities from pedagogical point of view and introduce them in the learning activity.

The main rules of national professional Lingual didactics were developed by outstanding Russian scientists (Erchak N. T., Zimnaya A. A.). This field' scientists apply understanding and philological description of such phenomenon as "language" determining its pedagogical potential.

The major position, being taken into account, consists of language understanding as regularized sign system (graphic, sound), that serve for object naming and thoughts expressing with interpersonal and international communication.

Kolshanskii V. G. gave the following definition: "language is objective world' secondary existence" localized in consciousness and verbally presented. It serves as people socializing means, its introduction to national and world culture.

Language cognitive aspect, its ability to reflex the whole world makes it to be the instrument of a person development and perception. Professional Lingual didactics gives Higher school students the opportunity to master the speech activity in integration of context learning with language subject learning process. There is the overlaying of language subject context and special disciplines in the process [4].

In this case, the students' foreign language activity is a mean of modeling social and professional tasks language expression. So, the integration of professional, subject and linguistic components forms the required social and professional foreign language communicative competence which is the main aim of higher school education. So, professional vocabulary understanding and using in speech is one of the main students' language competence. Foreign language speech component is being integrated into the structure of future specialists' professional training on the situational context foundation because it is necessary to solve the communicative problems in any language activity.

Lingual didactics and professional Lingual didactics ratio is the ratio of the whole and its part. If lingual didactics is considered as a whole theory of language learning then professional Lingual didactics formulates the foreign language learning main regularities using originally empirical and then scientifically proved data [5].

In conclusion it may be stated that professional Lingual didactics is being developed as Lingual didactics field having it own aims and content. The main directions of professional Lingual didactics are scientific proving of legal pointing out of professional Lingual didactics as a foreign language learning methodological base for professional purposes; lingual didactics integrative nature description, its categorical and terminological vocabulary developing; purposes and the whole professional oriented foreign language learning methodical infrastructure determination on the foundation of new methodological approaches; selection and developing of language materials to be helpful in mastering language competence in all kinds of language activity; lingual professional environment creation for foreign language mastering; development of foreign language professional communicative competence model formation that is a professional oriented key concept.


1. Erchak N.T. Foreign languages: mastering psychology. Training manual. Moscow. 2013. P. 215. (In Russian).

2.Zimnaya A. A. Speech activity lingual psychology. Moscow. 2001. P. 402 (In Russian).

3.Kolshanskii V. G. Lingual heritage of XX c.Ed.№ 3. Moscow. 2007. P. 15. (In Russian).

4.Batunova I.V., The educational process in learning of foreign language (English) in non-linguistic institutions/ Batunova I.V.// International Research Journal. 2017. № 01 (55) Vol 3. pp. 25—27. URL: https://research-journal.org/pedagogy/process-obucheniya-inostrannomu-anglijskomu-yazyku-v-neyazykovyx-vuzax/ doi: 10.23670/IRJ.2017.55.035 (date of access 06.12.2021). (In Russian).

5.Batunova I.V., Lobyneva E.I., Nikolaeva A.Yu. Application of effective training methods at foreign language classes at non-linguistic (technical) higher education institutes/ Batunova I.V., Lobyneva E.I., Nikolaeva A.Yu. // International Research Journal. 2018. — № 1 (67) Vol. 4. pp. 11—14. URL: https://research-journal.org/pedagogy/primenenie-effektivnyx-metodov-obucheniya-na-zanyatiyax-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-v-neyazykovyx-texnicheskix-vuzax/ doi: 10.23670/IRJ.2018.67.045 (date of access 06.12.2021). (In Russian).

УДК 81.811.11-26



Guzikova Valentina Victorovna

Cand. Sc. (Philology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,

Yekaterinburg, Russia

Abstract. The article regards the views of some prominent researchers in the field of studying English idiomatic expressions, used with the aim of creating a specific imagery while writing a newspaper material. Phraseological units, proverbs, sayings and popular expressions are an integral stylistic component of the newspaper's language, a significant source of expressive and emotional saturation, an essential means of implementing the constructive and stylistic peculiarities of newspaper speech. Relying upon the classifications of the well-known linguists, the author of the article concludes that all the possible modifications can be subdivided into the four most common groups. By means of idioms that are not translated verbatim, but are perceived in an updated form, as a result of which the aesthetic aspect of the language is enhanced respectively.

Keywords: idiom, imagery, journalistic style, proverbs, sayings, modification, newspaper, ellipsis, parceling, contamination.

Introduction. Our research interest is the question of idiomatic expressions of the English language as a means of creating a specific imagery of a newspaper material. Phraseology plays one of the most significant roles in the language due to its semantic richness, imagery, color, conciseness and brightness. It brings to oral and written speech such important features as smoothness, originality and grace. One can't but agree with Professor A.V. Kunin, one of the well-known researchers in the area in question, who refers to phraseology as "the treasury of language". "Phraseological units reflect the history of the people, the originality of their culture and way of life. The English Phraseological Foundation is a complex conglomerate of ancestral and borrowed phraseological units with a clear predominance of the former" [Kunin 1996: 5].

A significant number of English idioms are closely related to ancient mythology, history, literature (the root of all evil - корень зла; the olive branch - оливковая ветвь (a symbol of peace and tranquility)). Some idioms go back to Aesop's fables and other Greek legends and fairy tales (cherish a viper in one's bosom - to warm a snake on your chest; the lion's share - львиная доля; blow hot and cold - "to be indecisive; to waver"- семь пятниц на неделе). A significant contribution to the English "treasury of language" was made by such

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