Научная статья на тему 'Professional communications in foreign languages as a key competence of students of faculties of Pedagogy'

Professional communications in foreign languages as a key competence of students of faculties of Pedagogy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Professional communications in foreign languages as a key competence of students of faculties of Pedagogy»


R. Tsvetkovich

Introduction. The report covers the evaluation of competences of communication in foreign languages of students of the faculties of pedagogy. At the present time, there are several defects in the process of study of foreign languages in general education schools of Serbia: (a) lack of intensity in the study of a foreign language; (b) direct reverse communication “teacher - student” is implemented not at the maximum level; (c) there is plenty of excessive secondary information, which means that students are taught “all and sundry” (Ilifi, 2010: 46). Such a situation creates a serious problem for education within the scope of the Bologna system, where the teaching of the Russian language at the higher educational institutions of Serbia is limited to one semester. The global processes typical of the modern stage of culture and educational development encourage the expansion of the international connections of the educational institutions and stimulate the mobility of students of teachers training institutions. The issue of final competences of students of faculties of training of the future elementary school teachers, which are the highest levels of professional competence, is the most unsettled issue.

Methods of research. They represent the diagnostics of the evaluation of competence of communications in foreign languages at faculties of training of future elementary school teachers, and analysis of factors that determine the competence of communication in foreign languages. The research was carried out during January and February 2013. A survey among the respondents was the empiric basis of the research. The survey was carried out among students of Leposavic (KiM, Serbia), who were studying to receive the qualification of “Elementary School Teacher”, and chose the Russian language as their field of study. Selection of the respondents was organized using the method of the straight-line sampling. The total number of respondents was N = 105. The research was evaluated with the help of an ordinal three-position scale developed by R. Likert (Likert scale, 1932). During the analysis “scale for measurement of the evaluation of competence of communication in foreign languages” was used (The Evaluation of the Students about Competence of the Communication on Foreign Languages - ESCCFL) at faculties for training future elementary school teachers. The scale was constructed based on ten statements, and standardized (Milinovifi, 2011, p. 417). With the help of the ordinal scale, the received data were processed; analysis and necessary adjustments were carried out. Descriptive and transversal (chance) models were used in the course of the research. Methodological tools -designed locally.

Results and discussion. Data received in the course of the research were processed using the method of parallel series, and the factorial method, and analysis was carried out using a linear correlation with determination of its coefficient.


Let us show the “Factorial matrix of evaluation of competences of communication in foreign languages”: F1. Active vocabulary is a precondition for achievement of the basic level of knowledge of the Russian language; F2. Knowledge of the verbal code (language) and rules of its use (communication) is a sufficient foundation for obtaining knowledge of the Russian language; F3. There are common linguistic patterns consistent to both the Russian and Serbian languages; F4. Without knowledge of the Russian language, students may not use and study literature in Russian; F5. Each member of the modern society should know at least one foreign language; F6. Deliberate knowledge of the grammatical system of the Russian language is a sufficient precondition to acquire knowledge of the Russian language; F7. National mentality, culture, spirituality and universal values of the Russian people are concentrated in the Russian language; F8. Language diversity makes a contribution to the international cultural environment; F9. Knowledge of the Russian language facilitates the development of competence in the field of academic mobility and further efficient professional activities; F10. In the context of globalization it is important to know English, which allows students to develop in the new cultural environment.

Cronbach's Alpha is satisfactory (a-0,736). It demonstrates the sufficient reliability of the measurement method. Examination of the accuracy of data received using Bartlett's Coefficient of Sphericity demonstrated that there was a statistical error in the compared variables at a level of p<0,001 (p-0,000), which proves the reliability of the calculation of the correlation matrix. In accordance with the above information, the sample survey turned out to be quite adequate. The accurate result of the sample survey is also proved by the values of Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients, that show that the coefficients of these statements are more than 0,60 (a > 0,60). Three main factors that determine competences of communication in the foreign languages were selected in the course of the research. These are factors 6, 2 and 8.

Factor No 6 - “Deliberate knowledge of the grammatical system of the Russian language is a sufficient precondition to acquire knowledge of the Russian language" (a-0,782) - explains 28.3654 of total variance. The factor “Knowledge of grammar" demonstrates the importance of knowledge acquired in the course of active communication in the Russian language. Knowledge of grammar of the Russian language allows a student: (1) to understand and adequately identify the communicative-speech blocks; (2) have a high level of development of grammar skills; (3) skills of oral dialogue and monologue speech; (4) master different types of speech interaction (face-to-face conversation, interview, role-playing games, discussions); (5) to take part in a dialogue - interrogation, to react adequately to the sentences of a partner in conversation; (6) to know the writing techniques and differentiate literary and non-literary texts (story, poem, newspaper article, instructions, letter, brief report); (7) to be able to select Russian electronic sources of information in a specific subject; (8) be aware of the cultural aspects and different forms of existence and development of the Russian language in many geographical, social and communication environments.

Factor No. 2 - “Knowledge of the verbal code (language) and rules of its use (communication) is a sufficient foundation for getting knowledge of the Russian language" (a-0,761) - explains 20.2974 of the total variance. The factor “Need in


communication" demonstrates the importance of acquisition of competence of communication in a foreign language. “Need in communication” of students reveals itself: (1) in perception of verbal statements and target-oriented extraction of the information with direct verbal reaction; (2) in the use of the main rules of language behavior in typical situations in different topics under the influence of which students themselves develop their communicative competences; (3) in the ability to initiate, support and finish a conversation on various topics; (4) in the ability to read and understand texts with different subject matters or professional texts based on previously studied materials with further answers to questions in the form of the connected text.

Factor No 8 - “Language diversity makes a contribution to the international cultural environment' (a-0,717) - explains 16.2178 of the total variance. The factor “Language diversity” stresses the importance of development of competence of communication in foreign languages at a level that makes it possible to work in the intercultural environment. This factor implies: (1) development of integrative qualities of a person with the most important qualities such as tolerance and sensitivity; (2) understanding of factors that determine optimal organization of communication (Russian mentality, Russian national self-conscious); (3) awareness of social and cultural information and its adequate use in the intercultural environment; (4) liberation from social and psychological stereotypes of understanding Russia (students have a critical eye on perception and understanding of differences between the Russian and Serbian cultures, understand the system of values of another culture and understand the roots and sources of social stereotypes); (5) interest and willingness to study the languages of neighboring states, languages of minority groups, Old Slavonic or finger speech (Liakopoulou, 2011); (6) the opportunity to receive satisfaction from professionally important information in the Russian language. This is especially obvious in the era of globalization, when the English language becomes dominant.

Conclusions. This theoretical and empirical research focuses on the analysis of competences of students - future teachers of elementary school from Leposavic (KiM, Serbia) in order to find out students’ opinion about the efficiency and sufficiency of language preparation. The research shows three main factors that determine competence of communication in the foreign languages: “knowledge of grammar1’, “need of communication" and “language diversity”, which prove the importance of acquisition of knowledge of foreign languages and the development of students’ positions within the scope of the competence of communication in foreign languages.


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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translations Bureau


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