педагогические науки
Кештова Оксана Калабиевна, Марнат Ольга Борисовна, Терехова Юлия Зиновьевна ЛИНГВО-ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ПОДХОД К МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОМУ ...
УДК 378.1
DOI: 10.26140/anip-2019-0801-0039
© 2019
Кештова Оксана Калабиевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков №1 Марнат Ольга Борисовна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков №1 Терехова Юлия Зиновьевна, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков №1 Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова (115093, Россия, Москва, Стремянный пер., 36, e-mail: [email protected])
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается важность применения межкультурных компетенций в обучении иностранным языкам для профессиональных целей. Сегодня lingua franca для всех, несомненно, является английский язык. Но для успешного общения сотен миллионов людей разных культур необходимо обеспечить формирование языковых компетенций, компетенций межличностного общения, а также межкультурного общения. В статье выделяется значимость лингво-профессионального подхода в межкультурной коммуникации. Обзор литературы дает краткое представление о проделанной работе в этой области. Дж.Ньюлип, Дж. Лингенфельтер, М.Мудиан, Дж.Мартин, А.Вульф и другие современные авторы предложили свои выводы по проблеме межкультурного общения, служащего сегодня главным образом деловым целям. Указывается, что в соответствии с современными требованиями, изучение межкультурного общения должно иметь в основе определенные методологические подходы; работа должна проходить систематично, с учетом культурных, личностных предпочтений и знаний обучающихся. Статья представляет три метода практико-ориентированного обучения межкультурным коммуникативным навыкам. Приводятся примеры из личного опыта авторов. Рассматриваемые методы это - рецептивно-продуктивный, репродуктивно-продуктивный и продуктивно-креативный. Авторы делятся опытом применения этих методов в процессе обучения иностранному языку для профессиональных целей. Дается обзор используемым в учебном процессе аутентичным и современным учебным пособиям, предлагаемым Британскими издательствами. В статье уделено внимание проблеме сложности понимания русскими студентами двусмысленности английских речевых форм: лексических и лексико-синтаксических и необходимости это учитывать в учебном процессе. Все это происходит на фоне сокращения контактных часов, что приводит к увеличению объема самостоятельной работы для студентов, необходимости подбора дополнительных материалов преподавателями, подключение дополнительных ресурсов, сегодня это в основном онлайн ресурсы.
Ключевые слова: межкультурные компетенции, обучение иностранным языкам, лингво-профессиональный подход, коммуникативные навыки, рецептивно-продуктивный метод, репродуктивно-продуктивный метод, продуктивно-креативный метод.
© 2019
Keshtova Oksana Kalabievna, senior lecturer, Department of foreign languages №1 Marnat Olga Borisovna, senior lecturer, Department of foreign languages №1, Terekhova Yulia Zinovievna, senior lecturer, Department of foreign languages №1 Russian University of Economics. G. V. Plekhanov (115093, Russia, Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 36, e-mail: [email protected])
Abstract. The article deals with the description of the importance of intercultural competence in foreign language study for professional communication. As the title implies the article describes an important role of lingvo-professional approach to intercultural communication with a short reference to the lingua franca history. In the literature review there is a short overlook of the issue research given in different contexts. Subsequently the work gives valuable information on three methods of practice-oriented teaching intercultural communication skills. This information is based mainly on authors' own experience and research. The skills in question are described as follows: receptive-productive (which deals mainly with cultural issues), reproductive-productive (which concentrates mainly on behavioral and analytical skills) and productive-creative (which provides a good opportunity for creativity). The article gives a detailed analysis of basic interacting patterns during the process of intercultural communication, explaining how an authoritative type of pedagogical communication transits to collaboration with apprentices. The authors share their experience of implementing these methods in teaching students professional foreign languages by means of an example of authentic and modern-day course-books printed by British publishing houses. Certain attention is given not only to research in the area of Bachelor's program but the program of Masters of Business Administration as well.
Keywords: foreign language competence, intercultural communication skills, methodological approaches, lingvo-professional approach, business sphere, behavior pattern models, multicultural business environment.
1. Introduction.
Throughout the history of humanity, different languages have served as lingua franca on a regional basis. In Europe it was Latin first, with French coming next, which was fairly recently replaced by English. In China, with dozens of dialects spoken, it is Mandarin that serves as the common language of government and intellectual exchange. In the Russian Federation, a huge multinational, the role of lingua
franca is performed by the Russian language. Today due to a number of historical reasons, English has the status of lingua franca, a language that is used for international exchanges with over 1500 million speakers internationally.
In the era of political and economic globalization intercultural international contacts play an important role. The aim of learning objectives at present stage is formation of foreign language competence, i.e. the ability to communicate
Keshtova Oksana Kalabievna, Marnat Olga Borisovna, Terekhova Yulia Zinovievna LINGVO-PROFESSIONAL APPROACH TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ..
pedagogical sciences
interpersonally and interculturally. But the rapport between the participants of communication will not be adequate without intercultural communication skills. Developing communicative competences applicable to professional knowledge, skills and abilities in different business situations should become an important task in any course of foreign language teaching and especially English.
2. Literature Review
Intercultural communication has long been in the focus of scientists. Today we have gone that far as discussing clear contextual models for examining communication within cultural, microcultural, environmental and perceptual contexts resulting in verbal and nonverbal messages. The book of Neuliep James W. examines means of interaction: body language, eye contact, and the exchange of words, as well as the stages of relationships, cross-cultural management, intercultural conflict, and culture shock [1].
Researchers Lingenfelter J.E., Lingenfelter S.G. go further in their research and offer how to teach cross-culturally in a challenging situation of being a Christian educator in a culture other than your own. They discuss how to uncover cultural biases, how to address intelligence and learning styles, and even how to teach for biblical transformation [2].
A great deal of research has been done by Rubin A. and Babbie E.R., who study what helps students enhance their comprehension of text material and its application to the problems they are likely to encounter in social work practice; they consider behavioral objectives for applying content to practice, giving a number of tasks to practice applications and exercises, crossword puzzles, and practice-relevant discussion questions [3].
An insight into the difference of practice-oriented methods of teaching employed in the law courses required for degrees in business and economics was made by Wulf A.J. in his book "Law as Part of Managerial Skills Reform Proposals for Teaching Law to Business Administration and Economics Students" [4]. The author emphasizes that course contents and teaching methods should be adopted with reflection and adaptation to the needs of the target group. The content of law courses can be taught in a practice-oriented way, adapting and further developing the curricula that have proved suitable for law students to the needs of students of business and economics. Presentations of the legal life cycle of business organizations and discussions of management case studies on legal problems are similar in nature (as they are to the problems we face in the course of foreign language teaching at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics); practical teaching issues are similar with the aim of raising students' awareness of the legal problems that are important in running a company and teaching them skills that they can later use to tackle problems in their profession [5, 6].
3. Practice-oriented Methods of Teaching Intercultural Communication Skills
Development of intercultural communication today is known to happen in all spheres of life. The nature of relationship between people of different cultures has changed. The world has changed as well. This is due to many factors, comprising the processes of globalization and large-scale migration. In today's society foreign culture knowledge, interactive relationship (while remaining in your own culture) are of great importance.
In accordance with modern requirements the study of intercultural communication must be based on the following methodological approaches: cultural, systematic, based on personal activity and competence.
The culturally-based approach in teaching intercultural communication is basic in the learning process. It is defined as a mutual activity of a teacher and students. The first transmits knowledge, skills and abilities to students, the latter get this knowledge. It is a social process due to the society development needs. All components of the learning content and the learning process make up systems, such as a system of paralinguistic language tools, a system of speech behavior, a system of communication styles, a system of
non-verbal communication, a system of values, a system of stereotypes and prejudices, etc. All these systems are closely connected with each other and the gradual mastery of these systems, therefore, contributes to the formation of an intercultural personality.
The personality-oriented approach involves changing basic interacting patterns of a teacher and students during the process of intercultural communication. This approach involves transiting from authoritative type of pedagogical communication to collaborating with students, to their self-development. Relations between teachers and students are based on partnership, mutual communication is aimed at reaching a common goal. The process of intercultural communication has an «open» character and is focused on goals, motives and interests of each student, as well, as the whole group, and what is more - on the teacher's personality and professional activity style.
Specific phases of training correspond to each stage of particular culture learning. Here are the following phases of teaching: information-comparative, comparative adaptation and application phase.
In the first phase students get additional information about the target culture, its functioning laws and behavior pattern models. They also set their knowledge about their own culture against the culture of the target language, find similarities and differences and choose the correct model of behavior.
The comparison of two cultures applicable to a given situation is to be continued at the second phase. The information obtained is analyzed.
At the application phase intercultural communication is realized by a chosen model of behavior in real life and close to real-life situations.
Such approaches, stages and phase of teaching intercultural communication define types of exercises used in class: receptive-productive, reproductive-productive, productive-creative.
All these methods are fully applicable at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. It is worth pointing out that not only Russian students study at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, but students from all around the world. The university cooperates with more than twenty six foreign universities all over the world providing different exchange programs for students. This fact gives students a wide opportunity to master their skills and abilities in learning foreign languages, study cultures, traditions of these countries, peculiarities of business relations and business ethics. After the international internship semester our students share their experience in foreign training, tell their group-mates and professors about life and culture of the country they studied in, the way they communicated with the representatives of business sphere [7]. All of these become invaluable material for practical use in the teaching process.
Developing intercultural communication competences in the university occurs in stages. The first year students master concepts of intercultural communication doing exercises from General English textbooks of Pearson and Macmillan publishers. Most of these exercises are of receptive-productive character. For example, while reading the biographies of famous foreign artists in the textbook «Language Leader» U.3 the concept of "method acting" is introduced. At first it is difficult for students to understand this term. After the teacher's explanation of the Stanislavski Acting Methodology they understand modern theatre tendencies better. At the same time students see the importance of the interaction role and cross-cultural exchange. Students perceive the information received, process it and at a later stage they use it to make up their own reports on topics given. While teaching foreign languages to the first year students cultural approach aimed at the wide cultural training is introduced. It is done through a deep study of common cultural knowledge, later it is applied to specific areas of economics. Cultural approach is known to perform five functions: evolutionary, educational, training, cognitive and professional. [8-10]._
Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology. 2019. X 8. № 1(26)
педагогические науки
Кештова Оксана Калабиевна, Марнат Ольга Борисовна, Терехова Юлия Зиновьевна ЛИНГВО-ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНЫЙ ПОДХОД К МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОМУ ...
Later, at next stages of teaching foreign languages teachers draw more attention to reproductive - productive exercises. Reproductive-productive exercises help to develop sustainable behavioral skills in the situations of intercultural communication, improve intercultural analytical skills, solve search tasks of intercultural communication, such as preparing for and holding interviews, discussing intercultural communication problems, modeling situations of intercultural communication, role playing, etc.
Some psychologists and methodists studied issues of reproductive and productive learning, which is understood as a cognitive activity with included thinking processes. Learning is connected with knowledge application in practice. Reproductive learning is possible only when a student acts actively, tries to apply appropriate knowledge. In the process of acquiring knowledge creativity occurs. In the course book «English for Business Studies» a description of different types of cultures and their characteristics is given. Richard Lewis gives complete characteristics of different types of cultures. He created The Lewis Model of Culture. He showed how to embed knowledge of cultural behavior in individuals, teams and organisations, helping people do better global business [11, 7]. It is invaluable material for students to know more about cultures, ways of life, traditions and business ethics in different countries. At this stage of learning professional foreign languages a teacher pays much attention to professional language competences of students using different methods, such as the method of modeling situations of professional communication. When modeling such situations the peculiarities of communication with representatives of different cultures, as well as differences in business ethics, possible obstacles in communication, non-verbal means of communication are taken into consideration. To better understand these features a teacher gives students tasks to do information search as a piece of their individual work.
Also, tasks on motivating students for oral and written speech are of great importance. A role play in which students are given special cards with the description of a certain situation and a task to speak out are an excellent opportunity for them to study and to know different tools of intercultural communication. Doing such tasks students develop their abilities to listen, agree/disagree, make concessions where necessary. In doing such tasks the technologies of the competence-activity approach (life skills) are used. The example of such a role play may be the task «Welcoming American colleagues» (from the textbook «English for Business Studies» by Ian Mackenzie) [11].
At a more advanced level (productive-creative stage) students are given vast opportunities to show their own creativity. Productive-creative tasks are aimed at offering opportunities for students to express themselves, to take the initiative in the learning process and participate actively in defining contents, methods and tools of international communication, for example, defining issues in business games and active participation in preparation and analysis of projects on intercultural orientation, realization of international multicultural projects, etc. As a result, project work is gaining more and more popularity among teachers and students.
In teaching professional foreign languages the third and the fourth year students it is necessary for teachers to possess basic subject knowledge which may result in active cooperation with teachers of subject disciplines. The synergy of foreign language teachers and teachers of subject disciplines is obtained [12, 13]. It is here that the technology of competence-activity is used. The deeper students study foreign languages for specific purposes the more intercultural communication knowledge they need. And, as a result students are already capable of independent communication with the representatives of other cultures [14]. As it was mentioned above, students of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics are not only from the Russian Federation, but also from abroad. Due to this fact, "round tables" are held where students exchange information and views on given topics.
Moreover, great experience of holding international conferences is obtained. It is a good motivator for deeper foreign language learning. An example of this is the International conference held together with the lecturers of the Chair of Accounting and Audit. At the conference students from different countries made presentations on Audit and Taxation in their countries. Conducting such kind of events is a bright example of intercultural cooperation.
Petrovskaya S.A. shares her experience in organizing a course of intercultural communication for MBA students at Plekhanov University. She points out the importance of direct or indirect discussion in communication process. Misunderstanding of each other, misinterpretation and sometimes simple ignoring of intercultural differences lead to serious problems at all levels of business. It is acknowledged by both employers and employees of Russian and foreign companies. As it was revealed, there is a need for development of negotiation skills and communication in multicultural business environment for students of the MBA program of the Business school ''Integral" of Plekhanov. She also mentions the importance of interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence which can highlight, on the one hand, the ability to understand intentions, motivations and wishes of other people and, on the other hand, realise their own feelings and motivations. As a result, it can help students to become more tolerant, flexible in real-life communication, acting out potential situations first in class [15].
To develop skills and abilities in foreign languages for specific purposes much attention should be paid to the tasks which aim to clear out lexical and lexico-syntactic ambiguity of Business English for Russian people. To define socio-cultural connotations teachers use the practice of translating authentic texts into the Russian language.
Due to the fact that now there is a reduction of classroom hours for foreign languages, the main part of tasks for students is given for self-study. Students are given different supplementary textbooks and recommended additional resources for self-study; with the help of interactive resources, they are invited to online workshops.
4. Conclusion
In conclusion, the importance of lingvo-professional approach to intercultural communication and practice-oriented method to teaching the course of foreign languages for professional communication must be emphasized [16, 17]. The Practice - oriented model of intercultural communication has the interactive character uniting the results of both theory and practice of intercultural communication and methods of teaching foreign languages for professional communication.
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Keshtova Oksana Kalabievna, Marnat Olga Borisovna, Terekhova Yulia Zinovievna LINGVO-PROFESSIONAL APPROACH TO INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION ..
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Статья поступила в редакцию 28.01.2019 Статья принята к публикации 27.02.2019
Azimuth of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology. 2019. Т. 8. № 1(26)