Научная статья на тему 'Проектирование образовательных программ'

Проектирование образовательных программ Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Терских Ирина Александровна

Педагогическое проектирование представляет собой одно из направлений деятельности в образовании, обеспечивающее решение конкретных педагогических задач на основе фундаментальных научных теорий. Основой для структурного и параметрического этапов проектирования ОП становится модель специалиста. В предлагаемой статье рассматриваются особенности проектирования ОП в педагогическом вузе, основные этапы проектирования, а также критерии оценки качества этих программ

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Pedagogical designing represents one of the educational activity directions, providing solution for certain pedagogical tasks based on the fundamental scientific theories. The model of creating a specialist is becoming the basis of the structural and parametrical phases of Educational program (EP) designing. The offered paper considers the characteristics of EP designing in higher educational institution, as well as the criteria for evaluation of the quality of these programs.

Текст научной работы на тему «Проектирование образовательных программ»

force, he smokes with his friends because all of them smoke. (conformed or conciliating type); d) a pupil is afraid of darkness, punishment, infection, uncertainty and getting bad marks. (alarmed type).


Using of active educational technologies in the realization of practical direction in psychological pedagogical education of would-be teachers, as well as solving of pedagogical tasks on the basis of psychological knowledge can develop teachers' pedagogical competence.


The realization of psychological knowledge about the subjects of educational process in practice highly depends on the overcoming of academic reservation as far as psychological information concerns. The results of psychological research should be available for teachers as well as practical results of psychological pedagogical experience should be used and analysed by scientists. It's not advisable to be guided by certain schemes and recipes during educational process. Cooperation and interaction will lead us to success.

Works Cited

1. Simushina, L. G. Contents and methods of teaching in technical schools / L. G. Simushina, N. G. Yaroshenko. -M.: High School Publishers, 1990-1992. - P. 39.

2. Ball, G. A. The theory of educational tasks: Psychological Pedagogical aspect / G. A. Ball. - M.: Pedagogica, P 184.

3. Lerner, I. Y. The quality of pupils' knowledge. What should it be? / I. Y. Lerner. - M.: Znaniye, 1978. - P. 48.

4. The collection of tasks in General Psychology / edited by professor V. S. Merlin. - M.: Prosveshcheniye, 1974. -P. 207.

5. Leontyev, A. N. Activities.Consciousness.Personality / A. N. Leontyev. - M.: Politizdat, 1975.

6. Venger, A. L. The scheme of individual inspection of younger schoolchildren / A. L. Venger. - M.: VNIK "School", 1989. - P. 80.

УДК 37(091) ББК 74.202.21

И. А. Терских


Аннотация. Педагогическое проектирование представляет собой одно из направлений деятельности в образовании, обеспечивающее решение конкретных педагогических задач на основе фундаментальных научных теорий. Основой для структурного и параметрического этапов проектирования ОП становится модель специалиста. В предлагаемой статье рассматриваются особенности проектирования ОП в педагогическом вузе, основные этапы проектирования, а также критерии оценки качества этих программ.

Ключевые слова: педагогическое проектирование, педагогическая технология, образовательная программа, модель создания специалиста, компетентность, компетенция, система, кредитная система, качество составного индекса.


Abstract. Pedagogical designing represents one of the educational activity directions, providing solution for certain pedagogical tasks based on the fundamental scientific theories. The model of creating a specialist is becoming the basis of the structural and parametrical phases of Educational program (EP) designing. The offered paper considers the characteristics of EP designing in higher educational institution, as well as the criteria for evaluation of the quality of these programs.

Key words: pedagogical designing, pedagogical technology, educational program, model of creating aspecialist, competence, competence system, credit system, quality composite index.


Pedagogical designing is a complex and multistage process. In the inlet of this system there are requirements of State Educational Standards, employers, students, parents. As a result of predictive modeling, designing we create a model of specialist - a set of integral criteria (competences) and unit criteria, which provide a basis for structural and parametric phases of educational program designing. We shall

obtain a strict sequence of program elements with input and output parameters, determined by the model of specialist plus normative information through the system setoff units. Further on follows educational process (pedagogical technology) designing, as a result of which we achieve the desired result (specialist model requirements).

Complexity of clear decomposition at phases of educational program (EP) designing ought to be pointed out.

What is the primary task for developers of educational programs of training of a would-be teacher? What difficulties do the EP developers face most often?

All didactic and psychological sources interpret the training process as a successive handling of training tasks.

Introduction of setoff unit system shall be accompanied by training process reorganization, which could lead to its maximum transparency including the results of in-process and final qualification. Training process reorganization can also be directed to expanding freedom in choosing individual educational route by a student.

The latter imposes high requirements to formalization (modeling) of separate units and modules of educational programs, consisting in a certain system of criteria of evaluation of their content, ability to implement particular objectives (sub-objectives) of educational program. In this case an individual educational route is developed with regard to not only setoff units but other components as well. As a consequence there arises a challenge of creating sufficiently simple information systems for handling the task of the structural phase of educational program designing.

We have tried to present EP in the form of a hierarchy structure. EP main structural elements and levels are as follows: program principle scheme representing separate cycles (scientific, humanitarian etc.); units, modules, sections, topics and training tasks. Units are combined to modules - EP structural elements, reflecting an individual training discipline with corresponding sections and topics. The minimal element of the training process is a training task.

The aim of our study is to reveal the characteristics of EP designing with regard to teacher's training higher educational institution as well as to develop the educational program evaluation criteria and quantitative characteristics of its efficiency.

Review of the Literature

Application of notion «designing» in educational sphere, its adaptation and transformation into notion «pedagogical designing» involves reconsideration of the conception of some conventional categories, necessity of inter-correlation, etc.

Pedagogical designing is treated by contemporary pedagogics in two aspects:

• phase of any individual pedagogical activity in handling of a certain training task;

• specific form of pedagogical activity which is the precondition of the regulative pedagogical function fulfillment [7].

In the first case pedagogical designing is understood as professional activity of a teacher faced by a problem. This activity involves a strictly ordered sequence of actions resulting in innovations in practice.

The second aspect involves designing pedagogical systems of various types and levels, pedagogical processes and situations as a result of operation of these systems.

The relevance of this study is determined by a number of circumstances: first, pedagogical designing as an academic and pedagogical field is currently in the process of establishment, consolidation of empirical facts and research findings. Second, in practice training of an intended teacher does not mould the consistent perception of pedagogical activity. Component wise character of the professional education of a teacher prevents comprehensive understanding and development of authorial professional-and-methodical activity. State educational standard proclaims the requirement to develop teacher's designing skills (objective setting, planning, engineering etc.), but in real life little concern is set to this professional activity component. This is due to the fact that many educators are not ediquately competent.

This discrepancy indicates the necessity to update the ideology and content of higher professional education, its transfer to technological level.

Pedagogical technology is the system and sequence of scientifically-grounded components of teacher's activity (educator's activity), directed at achievement of optimum results in solving the set tasks.

The quality of professional training at higher educational institution is a direct function of pedagogical technology adopted for pedagogical task fulfillment and level of professional and pedagogical culture of an educator. «How to build up, arrange technological process, in particular, the process of training; which route to select from the student's initial level up to achievement of certain goals within the specified period of time; how to build up a student's motivation and what conditions for academic activity shall be provided for him - these are the constituents on which dependent is the training process quality, the quality of training a specialist-professional and a specialist-personality» [1, 49].

By definition given by V. A. Slastyenin [5]: pedagogical technology is the ordered complex of actions, activities and procedures, which are the tools for achievement of diagnosable and predictable result

under varying conditions of the educational process. This technology shall meet the requirements as follows:

- availability of clearly and diagnostically set objective;

presentation of the training material content to be learnt in the form of a system of representative and practical tasks and methods of solution thereof;

- availability of fixed sequence, logic of material learning;

- identification of means of cooperation between the members of the training process;

- motivational support of activity of an educator and students, based on realization of their personal functions in the process;

- identification of limits for rule violation in educator's creativity.

Analysis of foreign and native scientific and pedagogical literature made it possible to draw a conclusion that the pedagogical technology is connected with the systematic approach to education and training, covers all aspects, elements of the pedagogical system: from goal setting up to designing the whole didactic process and verifying its efficiency.

The first challenge which an educator faces at the phase of pedagogical process designing is to develop the content. The training program and the student make up the project of the content of education. A teacher independently makes a decision what material should be selected for presentation to the students in accordance with the objectives of the pedagogical activity.

As applied to Higher Educational Institution (HEI) the personal growth of a student takes a ranking place in the model to be developed. It involves development of general-cultural and professional-and-humanistic orientations and qualities of the student personality.

Designing is usually considered in its consecutive steps or stages. Different authors define the content and structure in different ways. According to the opinion of Novikov A. M. [4] the phase of designing includes the steps as follows:

1. Conceptual step (problem formulation, objective determination, criteria selection).

2. Modeling.

3. System development.

4. Technological preparation.

Pedagogical designing as compared to conventional designing has its own characteristic features, to which Rozin V. M., Tatur U. G., Yakovleva N. O., refer as the following:

• plurality of subjects of designing and plurality of requirements which should be taken into account by the project developers;

• variation and flexibility of pedagogical projects;

• systematic, interdisciplinary approach to pedagogical projects from psychological and pedagogical, historical and cultural perspectives, etc.;

• activity of the pedagogical process subjects which can hinder or facilitate implementation of proposed innovations;

• influence of the author's personal, value orientations on the project quality [6].

Agreeing in general with the authors of the mentioned above study we should note that it refers only to the stage of content designing. Besides those specific features of pedagogical designing presented in a number of studies are also typical of process designing. However the specific character of pedagogical designing consists in low level of formalization of the object (pedagogical phenomena). This level reflects the existing level of development of human sciences, and that of pedagogics in particular. At present the most important place in pedagogics taken by the tools of mathematical statistics which is completely unjustified. We believe that the urgent task consists in developing a set of tools based on the fuzzy-set theory.

Ya. Ditrikh [2] offers the following algorithm of activities when designing:

• generation of field of vision for this designing need in accordance with the necessity for its recognition;

• determination of tasks which shall be solved to satisfy the designing need;

• listing the foregone and probable problems and sub-problems;

• determination of logical connections between the elements.

The study [1] gives a more detailed presentation of the designing phases:

• determination of need and determination of objective;

• scientific research;

• determination of task and main ideas;

• concept elaboration and its analysis;

• conclusion, etc.

According to D. Jonson [3], the process of designing comprises three phases as follows:

• divergence - expansion of the design situation boundary limits to provide sufficient space for decision making;

• transformation - development of principles and concepts;

• convergence - designing proper, selection of a least cost variant.


In recent years along with skills, knowledge and experience there has been introduced the notion of competence. Thus to determine the training discipline objectives means to reveal and develop a system of competences which the student shall acquire.

When designing a certain program the requirements to specialists' knowledge and competences are specified at various levels (acquaintance, reproduction, skill and etc.). These levels correspond to different types of activity (reproductive, reconstructive, productive, etc.), which is reflected in a credit evaluation of individual modules (courses or disciplines) of educational program (EP).

What is the primary task for developers of educational programs of training of a would-be teacher? It is obviously the task of planning certain results of studying the educational program by levels of knowledge, competences, methodological culture and complex training for professional activity. These results shall be evaluated by means of a certain system. Such system is represented by the credit system.

Credit system is the system of quantitative evaluation of the educational program content from the perspective of the planned results of their mastering - acquired knowledge and competences - and with regard to the scope of the material to be learnt, its level and significance, as well as normative period of mastering.

When developing the domestic credit system some experience of the leading global universities (ECTS, USCS, CATS systems etc.) was applied.

Each module (course, discipline) of an educational program is evaluated, as is known, by a certain number of credits. The module has a working program structured by objectives and tasks. The important part of the working program is composed by materials for in-process and final control of program mastering and the quality evaluation criteria equal for all forms of training. Thus transition from conventional organization of the training process to the system of setoff units involved development of evaluation means and technologies suitable to the newly-set tasks.

As a result of predictive modeling or designing we obtained a model of specialist - a set of integral criteria (competences) and unit criteria, which provide a basis for structural and parametric phases of educational program designing. We obtained a strict sequence of program elements with input and output parameters, determined by the model of specialist plus normative information through the system of setoff units. Finally, there followed educational process (pedagogical technology) designing, as a result of which we achieved the desired result (specialist model requirements).

Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of structural scheme of EP development, main structural elements and levels of which are as follows: separate cycles (scientific, humanitarian etc.); units, modules, sections, topics and training tasks. Units are combined to modules - EP structural elements, reflecting an individual training discipline with corresponding sections and topics. The minimal element of the training process is the training task.


| Cycles ~~




Fig. 1. Educational Program Hierarchy Structure

Curriculum disciplines are ranked as compulsory and optional. The list of compulsory disciplines is determined by educational standards, which can also contain a recommended list of optional disciplines. With the regard to the opinion of employers, traditions of the educational institution and characteristics of the regional labor market the disciplines of specializations are selected. Specializations are ranked as optional disciplines.

The less the standard regulates the main educational program parameters, the more possibilities for improvement of own educational programs, their adaptation to individual demands of students and employers, labor market, Higher Educational Institution and students we have. In conditions of individually-oriented organization of the training process this significantly simplifies the practical provision for succession of professional educational levels. There arises a possibility to shorten the training periods at the upper levels for the graduates of the preceding levels.

Individual curriculum development by a student is a possible subject to availability of a specially appointed educator-consultant. The educator-consultant is not only an assistant but also a personal tutor whose activity is focused on training a specialist ready to independent professional activity, whose moral qualities correspond to the cultural and moral-and-ethical traditions of the civil society.

We believe that the existing credit systems provide quantitative evaluation only with regard to the scope of the material to be learnt. But the up-to-date system shall give the qualitative evaluation of the educational program structural element and from the perspective of planned results of its mastering - acquired knowledge and competences. Only in this case there is possibility for the student individual educational route designing


When qualifying (certifying) educational programs in correspondence to the set requirements (State Educational Standard qualification requirements) there appears a challenge of their quality quantitative evaluation. For such quantitative evaluation there can be applied the quality composite index, taking in to account the quality of training under several integral criteria (competences). Each competence also includes a number of parameters of both qualitative and quantitative nature, requirements to which compose the specialist qualifying characteristic or job analysis. Requirements to each parameter (criterion) are formulated in the form of limited values, placing the upper or lower limit on the parameter values. For competence numerical evaluation the qualitative parameters shall be preliminary conversed to numerical form through the expert assessment of values by scoring.

The issues to be considered in further studies are as follows: determination of educational program quality composite index (this index is a function of quality criteria of all competences), as well as development of EP quality evaluation technology. This technology can be applied for EP certification (qualification).

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Works Cited

1. Chernilevskiy, D. V. Didactic technologies in the higher school. The manual for universities / D. V. Cher-nilevskiy. - M.: UNITA-DANA, 2002. - 438 p.

2. Dietrich, L. Designing and constructing: Translation from Polish / L. Dietrich. - M.: Science, 1991. - 456 р.

3. Jonson, D. Methods of designing: Translation from English. The second edition / D. Jonson. - M.: World, 1986. -326 р.

4. Novikov, A. M. Learning task as a didactic category // World of Education. - 2006. - № 1. - Р. 28.

5. Slastyenin, V. A. Pedagogics: textbook / V. A. Slastyenin, N. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; edited by V. A. Slastyenin. - M.: Academy, 2008.

6. Tatur, Yu. G. Educational system of Russia: higher school / Yu. G. Tatur. - M.: Bauman MSTU, 1999.

7. Terskikh, I. A. To the question of designing of educational processes // Innovations. Innovative technologies in education. - M.: IAP-PRESS, 2011. - Part 3. - P. 75.

УДК 378 ББК 65.291.6

О. С. Причина, Д. Л. Мороз, К. Руиз


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