PROBLEMS OF TEACHING THE SUBJECT «TECHNOLOGY OF SEWING PRODUCTS» Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
vocational training / Technology of sewing products / teaching methods / practical and problem-based learning. / профессиональное обучение / Технология швейных изделий / методика преподавания / практическое и проблемное обучение

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Samikova Zahro Juraevna

the article deals with the main problems affecting the quality of teaching at the university of the subject «Technology of sewing products». A number of problems related to the organizational, methodological and substantive aspects of education were identified. Based on the analysis of the problems, potential solutions were proposed that each teacher can implement in their work, thereby improving the quality of the learning process, the involvement of students in the educational process, expanding the range of practical skills and professional competencies they acquire.

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в статье рассмотрены основные проблемы, влияющие на качество преподавания в ВУЗе учебного предмета «Технология швейных изделий». Был выделен ряд проблем, касающихся организационной, методической и содержательной аспектов образования. На основании проведенного анализа проблем были предложены потенциальные решения, которые каждый преподаватель может реализовать в своей работе, тем самым повысив качество процесса обучения, вовлеченность студентов, расширив спектр приобретаемых ими практических навыков и профессиональных компетенций.



PRODUCTS» Samikova Z.J.


Abstract: the article deals with the main problems affecting the quality of teaching at the university of the subject «Technology of sewing products». A number of problems related to the organizational, methodological and substantive aspects of education were identified. Based on the analysis of the problems, potential solutions were proposed that each teacher can implement in their work, thereby improving the quality of the learning process, the involvement of students in the educational process, expanding the range of practical skills and professional competencies they acquire.

Keywords: vocational training, Technology of sewing products, teaching methods, practical and problem-based learning.


ИЗДЕЛИЙ» Самикова З.Д.

Самикова Захро Джураевна - старший преподаватель, кафедра дизайна одежды, Ташкентский международный университет КИМЁ, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены основные проблемы, влияющие на качество преподавания в ВУЗе учебного предмета «Технология швейных изделий». Был выделен ряд проблем, касающихся организационной, методической и содержательной аспектов образования. На основании проведенного анализа проблем были предложены потенциальные решения, которые каждый преподаватель может реализовать в своей работе, тем самым повысив качество процесса обучения, вовлеченность студентов, расширив спектр приобретаемых ими практических навыков и профессиональных компетенций.

Ключевые слова: профессиональное обучение, Технология швейных изделий, методика преподавания, практическое и проблемное обучение.

UDC: 378.147

The academic discipline «Technology of sewing products» plays an important role in the fashion and tailoring industry and provides students with the opportunity to gain practical experience in designing and constructing high-quality garments. Currently, there are a number of problems associated with the effective teaching of this subject, which can negatively affect the learning and success of students. The purpose of this article is to consider the range of problems related to teaching the subject «Technology of sewing products» at the university and to offer potential solutions to improve the process of teaching Technology of sewing products.

One of the main problems in teaching «Technology of sewing products» is the insufficient amount of practical experience that students receive. Due to the limited number of classroom practical classes, some topics are revealed only in theory, without the opportunity to apply knowledge in practice. This may make it difficult for students to understand and apply the concepts they have learned and may lead to a limited understanding of the subject. To overcome this problem, it is important to provide students with ample opportunities to participate in extracurricular practical projects, in circles [1] and individual events.

Another problem in the teaching methodology of «Technology of sewing products» is the insufficiently rapid adaptation of the curriculum content to changing realities. The field of sewing technologies is constantly developing, new techniques and technologies are constantly being developed, new equipment and computer software are appearing. If the curriculum used to teach a subject does not reflect these changes, students may not receive a comprehensive education appropriate to the current labor market. To overcome this problem, it is important to regularly review and update the curriculum, updating its content.

Difficulty in assessing students' achievements. Assessment of students' progress in this subject can be a difficult task, since it includes not only knowledge of theory, but also creative practical projects, practical skills and competencies that are difficult to test with traditional testing or survey methods. To overcome this problem,

it is necessary to consider the possibility of introducing alternative forms of evaluation into the educational process, such as portfolio [2], demonstration of finished products, and expert evaluation.

Limited access to industry experts. Inviting industry experts to conduct guest lectures, seminars and reallife examples can be a valuable way to improve the teaching of «Technology of sewing products» and will not only allow you to learn from experienced professionals, but also plan career growth at the stage of preparation at the university.

Insufficient emphasis on creativity and innovation: «Technology of sewing products» is a creative and dynamic field, and it is important to encourage students to innovate and think outside the box. However, in some cases, teaching this subject may be too focused on acquiring technical skills to the detriment of creativity and innovation.

Limited opportunities for collaboration and teamwork. Collaboration and teamwork are important skills in the field of Technology of sewing products, since working in this field involves working together on the design and production of products. However, in some cases, teaching this subject may not provide students with sufficient opportunities to work together and develop teamwork skills.

Thus, the analysis of existing problems shows us that it is important to introduce into the educational process a whole range of solutions that will help improve the quality of teaching the subject and increase the interest and involvement of students. It is important for teachers to be active, innovative and flexible in their approach to teaching «Technology of sewing products». It is necessary to include new technologies, alternative forms of assessment and real-world examples in the curriculum, as well as creating opportunities for cooperation, creativity and innovation. Next, we will consider several methodological techniques that teachers can use in their classes and which, in our opinion, will improve the quality of knowledge, skills, skills and competencies of students in this academic discipline.

Teachers are required to:

• Encouraging students to participate in practical projects that are a key aspect of teaching Technology of sewing products. This will allow students to apply the skills and techniques they have learned and give a deeper understanding of the subject.

• The inclusion of information and communication technologies in teaching can also help make the subject more exciting and relevant for students [3]. For example, teachers can use digital design tools to help students create patterns, or use software to simulate the sewing process, 3D review of the finished product.

• Encouraging students to work together on projects. This allows you to learn from each other and develop not only modeling, designing and sewing skills, but also teamwork skills.

• The use of problem-oriented learning can also be an effective way to teach «Technology of sewing products». This approach involves presenting students with real problems related to sewing. Their task is to find solutions using the skills and methods they have learned [4].

• Implementation of experimental and industrial training. By this we mean giving students the opportunity to work with real clients, for example, designing and sewing clothes to order, performing projects in production [5] can also help deepen their understanding of the subject and give them valuable real-world experience.

• Adaptation of teaching methods to different learning styles characteristic of students [6]. It is important to understand that each person has different dominant learning styles, and it is necessary to adjust the approach to learning accordingly. For example, some students learn better with visual aids, while others may prefer practical classes.

• Encouraging creativity, which is also an important aspect of learning. We consider it important to encourage students to experiment with different materials, colors and patterns, as well as to express their personal style and creativity in their sewing projects [7].

It is also important to promote the importance of Technology of sewing products and the value of studying this subject among students, parents and the wider community. This could be done through events and exhibitions showcasing the work of students and teachers, as well as through media campaigns.

In conclusion, we note that teaching the discipline "Technology of sewing products" is an important and complex process. In order for students to receive a comprehensive and effective education, it is important to overcome the problems outlined in this article. By making appropriate changes in the educational process, it is possible to improve the teaching of this subject and help students develop the competencies, skills and knowledge they need to achieve career success.

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