Научная статья на тему 'Problems of implementation of the academic literacy in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan'

Problems of implementation of the academic literacy in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Ruziyeva Elvira

The article presents problems of implementation of academic literacy in high schools on the basis of author personal experience. The approach of the need to reorient university teachers ways to transfer knowledge to strengthen the independent work of students, their self-development and self-education.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Problems of implementation of the academic literacy in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan»

5. Казаренков В.И. Самообразование в системе университетской подготовки специалистов. // Проблемы современного образования. Вып.6. -М.: РУДН, МАНПО, 2007.

6. Коджаспирова Г.М. Культура профессионального самообразования педагога. М., 1994. - С.69.

7. Колбаско И.И. Учащимся о самообразовании. Минск: «Народная асвета», 1976. -С. 6-7.

8. Князева М.Л. Ключ к самосозиданию. М.: Молодая гвардия, 1990. - С .49.

9. Кузьмина М.Г. К вопросу о понятии «самообразование» //Формирование у учащихся стремления к самообразованию. Волгоград: ВГПИ, 1976. - С.15 - 18.

10. Матюшкин А.М. психологические принципы готовности к самообразованию /Психолого-педагогические проблемы непрерывного образования: материалы симпозиума. М.: НИИ СИМО АНН СССР. 1980. - С. 30.

11. Райский Б. Ф. О комплексном подходе к формированию у школьников готовности к самообразованию // Самообразование школьников и развитие их личности. -Волгоград: ВГПИ, 1978. - С.3 - 11.

Problems of implementation of the academic literacy in higher education institutions of Kazakhstan Ruziyeva E. (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Проблемы внедрения академической грамотности в вузах Казахстана Рузиева Э. А. (Республика Казахстан)

Рузиева Эльвира Абдулмитовна /Ruziyeva Elvira - кандидат экономических наук, доцент,

кафедра финансов и кредита,

Новый экономический университет им. Т. Рыскулова, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Abstract: the article presents problems of implementation of academic literacy in high schools on the basis of author personal experience. The approach of the need to reorient university teachers ways to transfer knowledge to strengthen the independent work of students, their self-development and self-education.

Аннотация: приводятся проблемы внедрения академической грамотности в вузах, основанные на личном опыте автора. Подход заключается в необходимости переориентации преподавательских способов передачи знаний к усилению самостоятельной работы студентов, их саморазвития и самообразования.

Keywords: academic literacy, MOOC, the problems of higher education, training students. Ключевые слова: академическая грамотность, МООС, проблемы высшего

образования, обучение студентов.

Increased integration and globalization processes, including higher education, leading to a revaluation is necessary, and even a kind of universalization of requirements for written work of students. In this regard, there are problems associated with the introduction of technology as the academic writing and to the acquisition of relevant practical skills at universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as it ultimately affects the competitiveness of the university. Particular importance in the academic literacy acquires an essay that, on the one hand stands the new training method, on the other - is the most convenient form of practical implementation of the acquired skills of academic literacy.


In the scientific literature, especially in recent times, it has paid much attention to the problems of academic values, development of the practice of written work, creative thinking, integration of science and education, etc. In particular, O. N. Krutikova writes that «academic culture, embodied in the educational and scientific potential of the University, includes not only knowledge-component but also various types of activity approach ... to the formation of research skills of students» [1, с. 44]. Realy, the development of the academic culture in its full content in itself suggests that students should have the skills of academic writing, and it is an integral part of university education. At the same time, the very awareness of the need for active implementation of academic literacy among students does not give the desired results. The actual implementation of any particular aspect of this area leads to the teacher together with the student faces a number of significant problems. For example, sharing experience in the formation of the academic literacy of students in the Faculty of Public Administration of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration E. V. Mironov said that said that «...The main work is carried out not in class and outside of it. It happens... because clean time spent writing the relevant works will inevitably exceed their allotted to classroom hours, and secondly, because the final goal... - finding the students individual style of thinking and scientific handwriting - suggests separateness from the rest» [2, с. 102]. Therefore this huge flow of students to university professors who are now used to work, is simply not in a position to develop academic writing skills in the classroom, and to the independent work of students of Kazakhstani universities are not yet capable.

Another problem with the implementation of academic writing skills in the universities of Kazakhstan becomes a sitting somewhere deep in the subconscious of many teachers understand student learning as a direct transfer of knowledge of the «lecture-retelling». In particular, I. B. Korotkina, describing his experience in implementation of academic writing in the linguistic center, says that «the most important thing was to overcome the barriers between students and teachers... and the elimination of prejudice embedded in the head... the Soviet teacher centric «education» [3, с. 121].

An important problem stands, and the fact that the students themselves simply today is not suited to independent work and self-development. The desire of teachers to present all the material directly to their students during class distracts potential students from having to learn additional material relating to employment. In addition, the age of computer technology, namely the Internet, flooding the huge flow of information, half of which is merely a fiction and does not carry any load informative.

A big step forward in the development of 'programs' students became self-introduction to our university MOOC (massive open online course) integrated disciplines. When MOOC integrates in discipline case of each subject is drafted, containing not only the specific material for the study of the discipline in the form of lectures of the teacher, but also video lectures with leading platforms MOOC, as well as reading materials, available when you register for the respective MOOC. As a result, the students before classes were to learn the material, watch video lectures and presentation of topics, that is ready to engage yourself. The division classes to lectures and practical was lost as they are now all become practical-oriented. Directly in the classroom, students or on the basis of the studied materials have begun to practical calculations on concrete real-world examples, or hold discussions or activity was organized in the form of «auction», where the student must be «purchased» offered him a statement, and only faithful statement as it brought income and false allegations - loss.

In addition, training has been constructed in such a way that, without prior training for employment of students was difficult to take part in the lesson and, accordingly, to get high scores. But at the same time during the sessions he was able to learn the material on the theme of employment, if a timely manner and actively engage in the work of the subgroups. It is also practiced by the so-called method of «curator», the student, who is very well absorbed by the material of discipline took patronage over poorly performing students and getting some extra points. As a result, students learn how to develop their knowledge, write essays and other works, designed to protect their projects.


Thus, the implementation of aspects of academic literacy in the universities of Kazakhstan faces a number of important and urgent problems, creating unwieldy given direction. In this context, first of all, it is necessary to revise the very structure of the teaching of disciplines, as well as the approach of teachers to conduct classes. The main burden in training the student should carry appropriate and independently under the guidance of his mentor. Perhaps rethinking approaches to the education system will create favorable conditions for the realization of the academic literacy in high schools of Kazakhstan.


1. Krutikova O. N. Academic Writing in conditions of «academic capitalism» // Higher education in Russia, 2012. - № 5. - P. 43-47.

2. Mironov E. V. Formation academic literacy of students: the experience of the Faculty of Public Administration // Higher education in Russia, 2013. - № 7. - P. 101.

3. Korotkina I. B. From language center to the center of academic writing // Higher education in Russia, 2013. - № 8-9. - P. 120-124.

Adaptation of foreign students to vital activity in the high school Datsyshyn P.1, Nikolaenko O.2, Stelmoshchuk P.3 (Ukraine) Адаптация иностранных студентов к жизнедеятельности в вузе Дацишин П. Т. , Николаенко О. А. , Стельмощук П. О. (Украина)

2Дацишин Павел Трофимович / Datsyshyn Pavel - кандидат медицинских наук, доцент;

2Николаенко Оксана Александровна / Nikolaenko Oksana - кандидат биологических наук,


кафедра нормальной физиологии;

3Стельмощук Павел Олегович / Stelmoshchuk Pavel - ассистент, кафедра нормальной анатомии,

Винницкий национальный медицинский университет им. Н. И. Пирогова, г. Винница, Украина

Аннотация: в статье анализируются вопросы адаптации иностранных студентов в Винницком медицинском вузе в новой стране. Исследование показало социально -психологические факторы, определяющие эффективность процесса адаптации иностранных студентов к учебно-воспитательному процессу.

Abstract: the article analyzes the problem of adapting of foreign students at the medical university in Vinnitsa. Sociological research has revealed socio-psychological factors that determine the effectiveness of the adaptation process of foreign students to the educational process.

Ключевые слова: адаптация, гомеостаз, иностранные студенты.

Keywords: adaptation, homeostasis, foreign students.

Адаптация (от лат. adapto - приспособляю) - приспособление строения и функций организма, его органов и клеток к условиям среды. Процессы адаптации направлены на сохранение гомеостаза [3, c. 10].

Вопросы адаптации постоянно используются преподавателями университета, работающими с иностранными студентами младших курсов и деканатом по работе с иностранными студентами. Каждый год в университет приезжают иностранные граждане для учёбы на подготовительном факультете и основных факультетах: медицинском, стоматологическом и фармацевтическом. В настоящее время обучаются


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