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the reliability of cargo / the road development / railway sector
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услуг в этой сфере достиг 112,7 процента. План в сфере грузоперевозок автомобильным, железнодорожным, воздушным, морским и речным транспортом выполнен на 111,2 процента, по грузообороту - соответственно, на 109,2 процента. Темп роста по оказанию услуг за январь-июль по Агентству «TйrkmendemiryoNary» составил 111,2 процента, Агентству «Tйrkmenawtoulaglary» - 133,5 процента, Агентству «Tйrkmenhowayollary» - 120 процентов, Агентству «TйrkmendenizderyayoNary» - 113,7 процента, Агентству «Тйгктепа^а^а§ук» - 107,5 процента. Статистика отражает плановый рост показателей в контексте поставленных главой государства задач по формированию высокоэффективной транспортной инфраструктуры, призванной обеспечить удовлетворение спроса на перевозки грузов и пассажиров, повышение их безопасности и качества, а также конкурентоспособности транс- портных работ и услуг отечественных перевозчиков на внутреннем и внешнем рынках, создание условий для инвестиционной активности и международной торговли. В контексте развития международного сотрудничества в транспортной сфере, открывающего возможности для плодотворного экономического партнёрства, отметим факт создания в текущем году совместных рабочих групп Туркмено-Узбекской и Туркмено-Казахстанской комиссий по транспортно-транзитным вопросам и логистике.

Необходимо последовательно повышать объёмы автомобильных грузоперевозок, продолжать международное партнёрство в области развития транспортных коридоров. С учётом ввода в эксплуатацию железнодорожной магистрали Казахстан-Туркменистан-Иран, ставшей составной частью внушительного грузопотока по маршруту «Север- Юг», важно координировать усилия для дальнейшего наращивания объёмов экспорта в страны Ближнего Востока. Безусловно, эти направления станут дорогой дружбы и сотрудничества стран региона, надёжной транспортной артерией, ибо данные маршруты, помимо экономической выгоды, предоставят широкие возможности для конструктивной интеграции в мировое экономическое пространство на условиях равноправного взаимодействия.

Список использованной литературы:

1.Расширенное заседание Кабинета Министров Туркме- нистана //«Нейтральный Туркменистан»- 9 июля 2022 г.

2.Выездное заседание Кабинета Министров Туркменистана //«Нейтральный Туркменистан». - 13 авгу- ста 2022.

3.Итоговое Заявление Конференции министров транс- порта развивающихся стран, не имеющих выхода к морю //«Нейтральный Туркменистан». - 17 августа 2022г.

© Мередов С.О., Куввадов П.Б., Акджаев А.Р., Тайлыев О., 2023

УДК 62

Пенаев Г. М.,

кандидат экономических наук, Амандурдыев У. Д., преподаватель Бабаева Т. Г., преподаватель Аннамырадова А., преподаватель Научный руководитель: Маммедов Дж., доцент, кандидат технических наук Институт Инженерно-технических и транспортных коммуникаций Туркменистана



the reliability of cargo, the road development, railway sector.

In the wise domestic and foreign policy strategy of the Honorable President, successful transport is one of the priority directions of development of a diplomatically independent and Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan. The railway sector of the country, which is the main driving force of the transport system, is being developed in accordance with the requirements of the times. The stated requirements include increasing the transit capacity of railways, the reliability of cargo and passenger traffic, increasing the mass and speed of moving structures, service along the road, development of logistics, improvement of digital system implementation, compliance with ergonomic and ecological requirements, and others [1, 2].

It is important that modernization by introducing innovative technologies in the railway sector should be carried out in harmony with modern environmental and ergonomic issues [3, 4]. In this regard, the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in his historic speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly -"Turkmenistan considers it important to solve climate and environmental problems among the main directions of the work of the UN for the coming years" - it is special that he put forward the ideas of the general public with a clear objective. it is worth celebrating ("Turkmenistan" newspaper, No. 240, 20.09.2023). As a result, in connection with the historical need for ecological well-being, it is well-founded that it would be advisable to reform the methods of energy production and increase the use of vehicles, electrification of railways and the transition to electric propulsion systems.

It would not be wrong to say that the issue of electrification of a given section of the railway was solved based on technical and economic indicators until the 21st century. It took into account specific road conditions (profile), volume of cargo flows, fuel and electricity costs, the need to increase the carrying capacity of the road and its full use, and some other indicators. Similarly, the order of electrification of individual sections of railways in different countries is carried out in accordance with the development programs (according to the funds allocated for the transport system, taking into account the needs, etc.).

It is well known that operating costs decrease as traffic increases when electric vehicles are used on busy roads. These cost reductions lead to lower fuel and electricity costs, as well as maintenance and repair costs.

It should be noted that convenience is determined by the lower level of costs when comparing the performance of locomotives equipped with electric and heat engines (mainly - diesel). In practice, according to the international practice, it is considered economically feasible to switch to electric locomotives at the same cost as the railway locomotives are selected and used within the given track. The tension in the movement of the loaded component, which occurs when the load is equalized, is called critical tension or critical load currents [5].

As a result of the constant increase in freight traffic, the balance of costs can appear in a certain period of operation and show the feasibility (necessity) of electrification of railways by which year. This makes it possible to determine the sequence and timing of railway electrification at certain operating distances, depending on the operating frequencies of freight and passenger traffic [5].

Let's look at the proposed method [5] to determine the approximate times of transition from heat engine locomotives to electric locomotives with increasing load flows. This method uses the cost equation formula:

UEi + EH KEi = UTi + EH KTi, (1)

where UEi and UTi are the annual operating costs of electric and locomotive traction units in any road, mln. currency;

KEi and KTi - cost of electric locomotive and diesel locomotive;

EH is the normative coefficient.

K_LAE, K_LAT, AK_LAE, AK_LAT - the annual increase in the value of the locomotive fleet (according to the number of locomotives in the locomotive industry) with the increase in freight flows of electric locomotives and diesel locomotives, respectively;

K_fl,AE and K_fl,AT - investments in electrification and locomotives using electric and thermal locomotives.

Below is an example of determining the timing of electrification of a certain section of railway. Let's say we have to determine the time frame for electrification of a railway section according to the given table. Taking the normative coefficient E=0.1, we will put the initial data into formula (2) t_kp=3.36=4 years, that is, the electrification of the given interval of 4 years is considered economically viable. Here it is necessary to get the preliminary data accurately. Calculations should take into account the different means of transferring options from one option to another. Literature:

1. Revival of a new era of a stable state: National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052. A.: TDNG, 2022

2. National strategy of Turkmenistan on climate change. "Science" publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. Ashgabat 2013

3. Mammedov J. "Functional-cost analysis of electric moving structures" // Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan - Ashgabat: Scientific journal "Science and Technology in Turkmenistan" No. 6, 2022, pp. 88-91.

4. Mammedov J., Gokov G., Amandurdyev U., Babaeva T. Economic and ecological convenience of the infrastructure of railway transportation in Turkmenistan. // Moscow "Internauka": scientific magazine. ISSN 2687-0142 No. 10 (280) March 2023 Part 4. Pages 67-68.

5. Dmitrieva V.A. Mulukina F.P. etc. Economical rail transport. - M.: Transport, 1985. 438 p.

© Пенаев Г.М., Амандурдыев У.Д., Бабаева Т.Г., Аннамырадова А., 2023

УДК 681.3

Пирогов А.А.

канд. техн. наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО ВГТУ

г. Воронеж, РФ Лопатин Р.С. канд. техн. наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО ВГЛТУ имени Г.Ф. Морозова

г. Воронеж, РФ Меерсон В.Э.

канд. техн. наук, доцент ФГБОУ ВО ВГУИТ

г. Воронеж, РФ

Королев В.В.

студент ФГБОУ ВО ВГТУ г. Воронеж, РФ



В данной работе рассматриваются факторы, оказывающие воздействие на материалы компонентов

Ключевые слова:

Ползучесть, температура сплава, полупроводник, критическая температура, рабочая температура Из практики известно, что влияющим фактором на радиоэлектронные компоненты является

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