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Ключевые слова
distance learning / the feasibility / case method / clinical departments / medical students.

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Kaspruk N., Batranovska S.

The article emphasizes the need to search for and implement innovative information technologies for the professional training of medical students at clinical departments of higher medical establishments in modern conditions, and considers the characteristic features of distance learning and the problems that arise in this case. The article describes the technology of implementation and the types of use of the case method, it's problems and benefits in the organization of group sessions on the course "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", as one of the forms of training that optimizes and brings the educational process closer to real organizational and production situations, thus contributes to the development of clinical thinking future doctors and raises the level of their professional training.

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Kaspruk N.,

Associate professor

Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Batranovska S. Assistant

Department of pharmacology Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsy, Ukraine


The article emphasizes the need to search for and implement innovative information technologies for the professional training of medical students at clinical departments of higher medical establishments in modern conditions, and considers the characteristic features of distance learning and the problems that arise in this case.

The article describes the technology of implementation and the types of use of the case method, it's problems and benefits in the organization of group sessions on the course "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", as one of the forms of training that optimizes and brings the educational process closer to real organizational and production situations, thus contributes to the development of clinical thinking future doctors and raises the level of their professional training.

Keywords: distance learning, the feasibility, case method, clinical departments, medical students.

Mankind has entered a new stage of its development, when information technology is becoming one of the most important components of human life, and in today's conditions — the only possible option for learning. Therefore, the problem of finding new forms of organization of the educational process has become crucial. Nowadays higher education institutions are actively positioning their contribution to the innovation process, social development and design innovative technologies that ensure the formation of professional skills of students under the conditions of quarantine. Thus, the requirements of today are a fundamentally new, high-tech approach to the process of knowledge transfer, which makes it possible to create a system of mass lifelong learning, a wide exchange of information. Such a system can adequately and flexibly respond to the needs of society for the training of well-qualified professionals, although, for medical specialties, this option is considered as temporary and, in the future, as ancillary [1].

Characteristic features of learning in present-day reality's conditions are:

1) interactivity of learning: where interactive opportunities are used in the system of distance learning of programs and information delivery systems, allowing to establish and even stimulate feedback, provide a form of dialogue and constant support, which is not possible in most traditional learning systems;

2) individualization of education, which allows to implement for the student an individual approach as well as an individual method of questioning.

3) information support of distance learning is characterized by the fact that students get access to a lot of Internet resources, also to a set of necessary educational materials in modern electronic form directly from the distance learning server "MOODLE". The latter besides detailed coverage of theoretical issues contains a

number of illustrative information, which, in turn, promotes students to study the needed material more thoroughly and comprehensively.

4) modern computer telecommunications are able to provide knowledge transfer and access to a variety of educational information at the appropriate level, and sometimes much more effectively than traditional teaching aids.

We can also identify certain problems that arise when studing of subject during distance learning. Among them: 1) overcoming psychological isolation; 2) the problem of effective management of students' learning activities and effective feedback; 3) the problem of psychological unpreparedness of students for self-dependent work [2].

Thus, the introduction of the distance learning technologies will contribute to get a qualitatively new educational product. Significant expansion of the information educational environment, increasing the ability of students and teachers to communicate with colleagues from other universities, access to global information resources — all this helps to encourage students' motivation to learn, strengthen their creative self-realization, master telecommunications skills as necessary living conditions in the information society [3].

One of the forms of training that brings the educational process closer to real clinical situations is the case method. Briefly, this method can be described as "learning by doing". During the preparation of the case based method for training, the problem of defining professionally oriented goals is important.

Taking into account the structure and specifics of the course "Clinical Immunology and Allergology", we consider the most effective case method in the form of examination of a virtual patient with the nosology proposed by a teacher (on the topic of a practical lesson). The students receive nosology in immunopathology,

the teacher offers individual information on the patient's age, anamnestic peculiarities.

Using these data, the students are asked to add the defining data of the immunological history, to make a plan of specific immunodiagnostics and immunother-apy (taking into account possible contraindications), as well as to determine the prognosis for this patient.

This type of case method helps its participants to form the necessary skills for examining a patient with immunopathology, to consolidate the acquired basic knowledge in the specialty. In addition, the case method will be carried out in the form of a game, which creates an atmosphere of competition and interest of the participants, since after the completion of the task all the examples are analyzed in the group. Students who make correct comments and suggestions withing the discussion receive additional stimulating points [4].

The teacher manages the process of case method and performs the following functions: setting of the goals and objectives of case method, developing of the situations and questions for training; assignment of the students into groups; presentation of the participants of case method, distribution of the roles; giving the floor to the participants of case method; coordination of work of the participants of case method; summarizing the discussion.

Functions of the students: general discussion eithe situation or task; analysis of etiological factors influencing the diagnosis and the proposed scope of examination; plan of the options for immunodiagnostics and analysis of the obtained results (interpretation of the immunogram); immunotherapy planning (depending on the task); registration of the patient's medical history.

Students also perform presentation work on one of the current topic's questions (optional). This type of activity is credited as student's individual independent work (10 points). Usually 1-3 presentations are heard at each lesson, followed by a discussion with the whole group.

One of the criteria for the success of the case method as a result is the willingness of students to correct their mistakes and the ability to listen to someone else's point of view. People who know both how to understand where they were wrong and admit their mistakes, are able to reject ineffective strategies of activity, choose new ones, improving their thinking. It is also necessary to develop the skills of "looking from the outside" in order for them to become a habit [5].

To form such a component of critical thinking as the willingness to correct own mistakes, may be used the method of solving case-situations "analysis of failed clinical experience", or evaluation of the decision. Then the students are offered a situation, the solution of which is already known. The task is to evaluate the solution critically, and to propose your own, more optimal one.

The feasibility of using case technology in the practice of higher education is undeniable, because it promotes the activation of thought processes and allows the teacher to reveal the potential of each student, stimulating the development of mental activity. Each case-situation simulates a clinical situation, improving

the skills of quick and competent decision-making. Self-dependent reconstruction of the situation's algorithm contributes to the development of the main components of critical thinking, such as awareness, flexibility, perseverance, etc.

In order for case technology to become an effective teaching method, it is extremely important that work with students is based on certain requirements for the situations themselves and for the organization of group work in the classroom.

The clinical situation should include three components (theoretical, practical and emotional). At the same time, it is important that knowledge is not given in a finished form, but requires students to make efforts of their mental activity. The plot of case situations can be taken from medical or pedagogical literature, monographs, journalistic articles, reference books.

It is crucial that the situation was as close to reality as possible, i.e. was not fictional. At the same time, the circumstances should be distinguished by their relevance, "drama" and informational content, i.e. be transparent enough to find a solution.

Secondly, it is necessary to have different options for presenting the situation to students. The very essence of the technology is to enhance students' motivation for professional activity through solving specific situations. To do this, you can use various types of situations: a printed case (graphs, tables, illustrations), a multimedia case (in the form of a computer presentation), a video case (film, video or audio materials). Such a variety of visual information helps to maintain the interest of students, enhancing their creativity and thinking abilities [6].

Thirdly, work on each case should involve group performance, discussion, and various options for game modeling. Case technology can be an effective tool for the development of critical clinical thinking if the work on the situation and the presentation of the solution are organized in groups. The algorithm for working on a problem, as a rule, consists in getting to know the case, analyzing additional literature, finding solutions, and presenting the result [7].

The work can be organized into subgroups, when all students are divided into small teams of 3-4 people. After the agreed time has elapsed, each group will present its work, and at the end all the results are discussed together. Another option is to organize a business game. In this case, students are given clinical situations, and roles are also assigned, within which they will have to solve the situation (doctor, patient). As a rule, this is a collective discussion game in which representatives of various "subspecialties" can take part. Upon completion, it is crucial to take stock using the elements of introspection. At the end of the work on each situation, it is important that the students realize what knowledge helped them to solve the situation, what skills were not enough to cope with the task. It is imperative that each student could speak up. Moreover, it is necessary to teach that the students evaluate the results of others and their own achievements themselves. For example, use the option: "whose solution was the best?"

Therefore, the use of case technologies in the organization of group forms of teaching at clinical departments can be an effective tool of clinical thinking development of the future doctors. Moreover, the use of the above methods contributes to both the optimization of the educational process at the university and the improvement of the level of professional training of graduates, orientates them towards further teamwork, develops such socially significant qualities as mobility, initiative, independence, as well as flexibility, perseverance, and determination.


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Grynyuk S.,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor Department of Foreign Philology National Aviation University Zaytseva I.

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


In the following paper the authors have investigated the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on students' psychological well-being and their self-attitude during distance learning. They have focused on the analysis of the concepts: "psychological well-being" and "self-attitude". The authors have summed up a methodology to counteract COVID-19 for students - the recommendations on improving the level of students' psychological well-being and readiness during the period of distance learning in an extreme situation.

Keywords: pandemic, COVID-19, higher education, psychological well-being, self-acceptance, self-attitude.

1. Introduction

The following study is the result of the project "Potential of higher education in conditions of the pandemic: global, European, national dimensions" (registration number: 2020.01/0172) of the National Research Fund of Ukraine financed at the expense of the state budget.

Currently, due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an actualization of socio-psycholog-ical, economic and many other problems, which inevitably affect the sphere of higher education as well. This alarming situation affects the entire population of the world, regardless of age, gender and social class; and this situation, which has a high stressogenic potential,

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