Научная статья на тему 'Problem of formation of qualification -professional requirements for public officials as the basis of selection of public service persons in Ukraine: methodological approach'

Problem of formation of qualification -professional requirements for public officials as the basis of selection of public service persons in Ukraine: methodological approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
public service / public servant / professional qualification requirements / position / selection / leadership / personal qualities / political / economic / legal / social / psychological / ethical / managerial competence / публічна служба / публічний службовець / професійно-ква- ліфікаційні вимоги / посада / селекція / лідерство / особистісні якості / політич- на / економічна / правова / соціальна / психологічна / етична / управлінська ком- петентності

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Andreev Vasyl Nikolayevich

The article analyzed regulatory documents of Ukraine, which regulate the issues of determining the professional qualification requirements for employees, and find out that these documents establish requirements that are non-systemic and can be applied to any managerial position. The author proposes, taking into account the tendencies of the development of the public service system, to identify seven types of competencies of public servants: political, legal, economic, social, psychological, managerial, moral and ethical. Political competence and moral legitimacy implies an understanding of the nature of the basic social functions and organizational structure of the modern state, the principles and forms of democracy, the nature of the interaction between different branches of government, the role of political parties in the life of society. Legal (legal) competence of civil servants is formed in the course of basic vocational training, which relates to the main branches of law and is based on the skills of its professional application in various spheres of activity. Economic competence is differentiated depending on the specialization of civil servants and within the framework of a general for all level should include an assessment of the ability to apply a comparative analysis of key economic concepts. Sociological competence is related to the awareness of civil servants of the concept of the social structure of modern society, its dynamics and its impact on political and socio-economic processes. Psychological competence is the basis for effective communication contacts, when it is necessary to understand people, their interests, motives and intentions, to find an individual approach to them. Management competence includes knowledge of management methods, value-orientation regulation, integrated management of labor motivation, development of creative potential, etc.

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Проаналізовано нормативно-правові документи України, які врегульовують питання визначення професійно-кваліфікаційних вимог до службовців, та з’ясовано, що зазначені документи встановлюють вимоги, які є несистемними та можуть бути застосовані до будь-якої управлінської посади. Автором запропоновано, враховуючи тенденції розвитку системи публічної служби, визначати сім видів компетентностей публічних службовців: політична, правова, економічна, соціальна, психологічна, управлінська, морально-етична. Політична компетентність та моральна легітимність передбачають розуміння природи основних суспільних функцій та організаційної структури сучасної держави, принципів та форм демократії, характеру взаємодії між різними гілками влади, ролі політичних партій в житті суспільства. Правова (юридична) компетентність державних службовців формується в процесі базової професійної підготовки, що стосується основних галузей права та ґрунтується на навичках її професійного застосування в різних сферах діяльності. Економічна компетентність диференціюється в залежності від спеціалізації державних службовців і в межах загального для всіх рівня має включати оцінку здатності застосовувати порівняльний аналіз основних економічних концепцій. Соціологічна компетентність пов’язана з усвідомленням державними службовцями концепції соціальної структури сучасного суспільства, її динаміки та впливу на політичні та соціально-економічні процеси. Психологічна компетентність є підставою для ефективних комунікаційних контактів, коли необхідно розуміти людей, їхні інтереси, мотиви та наміри, знаходити до них індивідуальний підхід. Управлінська компетентність включає знання методів управління, ціннісно-орієнтаційне регулювання, комплексне управління трудовою мотивацією, розвиток творчого потенціалу тощо.

Текст научной работы на тему «Problem of formation of qualification -professional requirements for public officials as the basis of selection of public service persons in Ukraine: methodological approach»

UDC: 35.08 (082+083)

Andreev Vasyl Nikolayevich,

postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (093) 2905612, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740

Андреев Василь Миколайович,

асшрант кафедри публичного адмтх-стрування, Мiжрегiональна Академы управлтня персоналом, 03039 м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740

Андреев Василий Николаевич,

аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039 г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 290 56 12, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0002-6206-7740 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i11.15

problem of formation of qualification-professional requirements for public officials as the basis of selection of public service persons in Ukraine: methodological approach

Abstract. The article analyzed regulatory documents of Ukraine, which regulate the issues of determining the professional qualification requirements for employees, and find out that these documents establish requirements that are non-systemic and can be applied to any managerial position. The author proposes, taking into account the tendencies of the development of the public service system, to identify seven types of competencies of public servants: political, legal, economic, social, psychological, managerial, moral and ethical. Political competence and moral legitimacy implies an understanding of the nature of the basic social functions and organizational structure of the modern state, the principles and forms of democracy, the nature of the interaction between different branches of

government, the role of political parties in the life of society. Legal (legal) competence of civil servants is formed in the course of basic vocational training, which relates to the main branches of law and is based on the skills of its professional application in various spheres of activity. Economic competence is differentiated depending on the specialization of civil servants and within the framework of a general for all level should include an assessment of the ability to apply a comparative analysis of key economic concepts. Sociological competence is related to the awareness of civil servants of the concept of the social structure of modern society, its dynamics and its impact on political and socio-economic processes. Psychological competence is the basis for effective communication contacts, when it is necessary to understand people, their interests, motives and intentions, to find an individual approach to them. Management competence includes knowledge of management methods, value-orientation regulation, integrated management of labor motivation, development of creative potential, etc.

Keywords: public service, public servant, professional qualification requirements, position, selection, leadership, personal qualities, political, economic, legal, social, psychological, ethical, managerial competence.



Анотащя. Проаналiзовано нормативно-npaBOBi документи Украши, як врегульовують питання визначення професiйно-квалiфiкацiйних вимог до службовщв, та з'ясовано, що зазначеш документи встановлюють вимоги, яю е несистемними та можуть бути застосоваш до будь-яко1 управлшсько1 посади. Автором запропоновано, враховуючи тенденци розвитку системи публiчноl служби, визначати ам видiв компетентностей публiчних службовщв: пол^ тична, правова, економiчна, сощальна, психолопчна, управлшська, мораль-но-етична. Полiтична компетентшсть та моральна легiтимнiсть передбачають розумшня природи основних суспiльних функцiй та оргашзацшно! структу-ри сучасно! держави, принцитв та форм демократа, характеру взаемоди мiж рiзними гiлками влади, ролi полiтичних партiй в жита сусшльства. Правова (юридична) компетентнiсть державних службовщв формуеться в процес базовое' професшно1 пiдготовки, що стосуеться основних галузей права та Грун-туеться на навичках li професшного застосування в рiзних сферах дiяльностi. Економiчна компетентнiсть диференцiюеться в залежност вiд спеща^заци державних службовцiв i в межах загального для вах рiвня мае включати ощн-ку здатносп застосовувати порiвняльний аналiз основних економiчних кон-цепцiй. Соцiологiчна компетентшсть пов'язана з усвщомленням державними службовцями концепци сощально1 структури сучасного сусшльства, ii дина-мiки та впливу на полпичш та соцiально-економiчнi процеси. Психолопчна компетентшсть е шдставою для ефективних комушкацшних контактiв, коли необхщно розумiти людей, 1хш iнтереси, мотиви та намiри, знаходити до них

шдивщуальний шдхщ. Управлiнська компетентнiсть включае знання методiв управлiння, цiннiсно-орiентацiйне регулювання, комплексне управлшня трудовою мотивацiею, розвиток творчого потенщалу тощо.

Ключовi слова: публiчна служба, публiчний службовець, професшно-ква-лiфiкацiйнi вимоги, посада, селекцiя, лщерство, особистiснi якостi, пол^ич-на, економiчна, правова, соцiальна, психологiчна, етична, управлшська ком-петентностi.


Аннотация. Проанализированы нормативно-правовые документы Украины, регулирующие вопросы определения профессионально-квалификационных требований к служащим и выяснено, что указанные документы устанавливают требования, что есть несистемными и могут быть применены к любой управленческой должности. Автором предложено, учитывая тенденции развития системы публичной службы, определять семь видов компетенций публичных служащих: политическая, правовая, экономическая, социальная, психологическая, управленческая, морально-этическая. Политическая компетентность и моральная легитимность предполагает понимание природы основных общественных функций и организационной структуры современного государства, принципов и форм демократии, характера взаимодействия между различными ветвями власти, роли политических партий в жизни общества. Правовая (юридическая) компетентность государственных служащих формируется в процессе базовой профессиональной подготовки, касающейся основных отраслей права и основывающейся на навыках ее профессионального применения в различных сферах деятельности. Экономическая компетентность дифференцируется в зависимости от специализации государственных служащих и в пределах общего для всех уровня должна включать оценку способности применять сравнительный анализ основных экономических концепций. Социологическая компетентность связана с осознанием государственными служащими концепции социальной структуры современного общества, ее динамики и влияния на политические и социально-экономические процессы. Психологическая компетентность является основанием для эффективных коммуникационных контактов, когда необходимо понимать людей, их интересы, мотивы и намерения, находить к ним индивидуальный подход. Управленческая компетентность включает знание методов управления, ценностно-ориентационное регулирование, комплексное управление трудовой мотивацией, развитие творческого потенциала и др.

Ключевые слова: публичная служба, публичный служащий, профессионально-квалификационные требования, должность, селекция, лидерство, личностные качества, политическая, экономическая, правовая, социальная, психологическая, нравственная, управленческая компетентности.

Statement of the problem. Formation of requirements to the future experts of the system of state services is an important issue for selection of professional staff of state employees. Today the laws and regulatory documents of Ukraine are formed, which regulate the professional qualification requirements for personnel for future state employees, at the same time these requirements are general and of comprehensive nature.

So, the research problem of formation of professional and qualification requirements for positions of state service is becoming actual, depending on the functional responsibilities considering the features of their performance and implementation of their official duties.

For the selection of personnel state employees the formation of professionally-qualifying requirements is of key importance, the better the requirements for certain specialists are defined, the more effective and efficient the arrangements on selection of state employees will be implemented. In the end, this will enable to quickly and efficiently generate professional personnel of state employees and to improve it constantly.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Problems of professiona-lization, professionalism of personnel of the state service, service in bodies of local self-government, definition of professional qualification requirements for positions of state service and service in bodies of local self-government are analyzed by many Ukrainian and foreign scientists, politicians.

In particular, the problems of professionalism, defining professional qualification requirements for state employees

were analyzed in the works of V. Averi-anov, G. Atamanchuk, V. Bakumenko, Yu. Bytiak, S. Dubenko, N. Goncharuk, A. Melnyk, R. Naumenko, V. Obolen-skyi, Yu. Odegov, O. Parkhomenko-Kutsevil, Yu. Rosenbaum, I. Surai, A. Turchynov, V. Chuguievskyi, S. Shek-shnia, etc. These authors analyze the concepts of "professionalization", "professionalism", "professional staff of the state management system", define professional-qualification characteristics important for state employees.

So, G. Atamanchuk analyzes the components of the system of profes-sionalization of state employees. Professionalism, according to G. Ataman-chuk, is a multifaceted phenomenon, in particular, it is the combination of education, self-development of a specialist, personal qualities, personal experience, willpower and the like. In addition, professionalism can be defined as the inner attitude of the specialist to work. The basic requirements that characterize the professionalization of a state employee (personal professionalism), consist of the performance of duties assigned by the state, through the presence of skills, experience, knowledge, and personal abilities [1].

A. Turchynov analyzes the requirements to a professional and professio-nalization of the individual of a state employee [2].

However, the problem of determining the professional qualification requirements for state employees in the system of implementation of the selection mechanisms is not analyzed.

The aim of the study is the methodological analysis of problems of formation of the qualification and professional requirements to state employees

as the basis of selection of personnel foe state service in Ukraine.

Presentation of the basic material. New requirements to professional knowledge and the culture of conduct of state employees arise from the rapid development of science and technology, introduction of computer technologies, information processes in all spheres of state and public activities, industry, agriculture. Application of new scientific and technological achievements leads to a change in the nature of governance and requirements for qualification of employees, their knowledge and skills, requires understanding of the objectives and new methods of leadership, mastering the science of management, increase in office and general culture.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On state service" [3], adult citizens of Ukraine who are fluent in the state language and who have a high education degree not below those, that are stated below, have the right to state service:

1) master — for positions of categories "A" and "B";

2) bachelor, junior bachelor — for positions of category "C".

The person who aims to occupy the position of the state service should meet the following general requirements:

1) for positions of category "A" — total work experience of not less than seven years; experience in the positions of the civil service of categories "A" or "B" or in positions not lower than a head of departments in local government or experience in senior positions in relevant field for at least three years; fluency in the national language, command of a foreign language, which is one

of the official languages of the Council of Europe;

2) for positions of category "B" — in the state body whose jurisdiction covers the entire territory of Ukraine, and it its office — work experience on positions in the state service of categories "B" or "C" or experience of service in local government or experience in management positions of enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership for at least two years, fluency in the state language;

3) positions of category "B" in a state body whose jurisdiction extends to the territory of one or more regions, cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol, and in its bodies — work experience on positions in the civil service of categories "B" or "C" or experience of service in local government or experience in management positions of enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of ownership for at least two years, fluency in state language;

4) positions of category "C" — education degree of a junior bachelor or a bachelor degree, fluency in state language [3].

Thus, the Law establishes general requirements for state employees, but does not specify requirements on accounting of public-administrative activity and specifics of work of the employees.

According to the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 22, 2016 № 448 "On Approval of Standard requirements for persons who apply for occupation of positions in the civil service of a category "A" [4] special requirements to persons applying for the posts of category "A" include: firstly, knowledge of the legislation of

Ukraine; second, the presence of leadership skills (setting goals, priorities and objectives; strategic planning; ability to work with large amounts of information and the ability to perform multiple tasks; business negotiations; achievement of results); thirdly, the ability to make effective decisions (public policy analysis; necessary knowledge for the effective allocation and utilization of resources (including human, financial, material); fourth, communication and interaction (ability to implement effective communication and conduct public presentations; collaboration and building partnership; openness); fifth, the management of change; sixth, the organization administration and staff; seventh, personal competence (integrity, determination and insistence during decision-making; focus on service to society, protection of national interests; system thinking; innovativeness and impartiality; self-organization and self-development; ability to work in stressful situations); eighth, the management of public finances; the ninth, working with information [4].

These professional requirements were generated randomly and can suit any specialist who manages the enterprise, organization, institution. One of the main requirements to the employee is honesty, objectivity, consistency in activities and ability to plan activities of organizations, institutions, enterprises.

Now let's analyze the requirements for positions of the civil service of a category "B".

According to the order of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service dated 06.04.2016 № 72 "On approval of the Procedure of determining special requirements for persons who

apply for occupation of positions in civil service of categories "B" and "C" [5] special requirements for persons who apply for occupation of positions in the state service of a category "B" include:

1. Leadership (performing business negotiations; the ability to justify one's own position; achievement of results).

2. Effective decision making (the ability to solve complex problems; provision of the rate of price and quality; efficient use of resources (including financial and material); analysis of government policies and planning measures for their implementation; ability to work with large amounts of information; ability to work in multi-tasking; setting goals, priorities and targets).

3. Communication and interaction (skills of effective communication and public speaking; collaboration and building partnership; openness).

4. Implementation of changes (the plan of changes; the ability to maintain the changes and work with the response; the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented changes).

5. Management of organization of work and staff (organization and control of work; management of projects; management of quality service; ability to work in a team and to lead a team; motivation; evaluation and development of subordinates; ability to resolve conflicts).

6. Personal competence (analytical skills; discipline and consistency; innovation and creativity; self-organization and development orientation; diplomacy and flexibility; independence and initiative; service orientation; ability to work in stressful situations) [5].

However, these qualities are non-systemic and general. The concept of

"leadership" is considered from the point of view of communication competence, not as leadership. In addition there is no competent management staff, because the class "B" includes people that govern micro teams and personnel management skills are important.

The study will analyze the requirements for employment in the state service category.

In accordance with the above order the special requirements for persons who apply for occupation of positions in the state service of a category "C" include [5]:

1. Qualitative performance of set tasks (working with information; ability to work in multiple projects simultaneously; orientation on achieving results; ability to solve complex problems; ability to effectively use resources (including financial and material); ability to provide suggestions, to argue and present).

2. Teamwork and cooperation (ability to work in a team; ability to effectively coordinate with others; ability to provide feedback).

3. The perception of the changes (the plan of changes and improvements, the ability to accept change and to be changed).

4. Technical skills (the ability to use computer hardware and software, use of office equipment).

5. Personal competence (responsibility; consistency and independence in work; attention to details; persistence; creativity and initiative; focus on self-development; service orientation; ability to work in stressful situations) [5].

It should be noted that the requirements for positions of category "C" are

quite common. In addition, the ability to use technology is important for all state employees and should not be reflected in the requirements of the position. Today a state employee carries out activities in the global information society and if he is technically illiterate, can't even, for example, file an electronic declaration (which is a required document when submitting documents to the competition). However, the requirements do not contain ethical requirements, which are important for the formation of skills of state employees.

According to N. Volodina, the basic competencies in the management system are as follows [6]:

• corporate (or key) that are applicable to any position within the organization and are resulting from the values of the organization, recorded in the relevant documents: the strategy, the code of corporate ethics;

• management (or managerial) that are needed for a head to achieve business goals and are developed for employees engaged in management activities and having subordinates in linear and functional subordination;

• professional (or technical) competencies that apply only to a specific group of positions.

Analysis of the literature on the problems [1; 2; 7-11] of formation of professional-qualification requirements for state employees gives grounds to define 7 core competencies that should be tested during selection of state employees. They include the following competencies: political, legal, economic, social, psychological, managerial, ethical.

Political competence and moral legitimacy stipulates understanding of

the nature of basic societal functions and organizational structure of the modern state, principles and forms of democracy, the nature of the interaction between different branches of government, the role of political parties in society.

Legal (law) competence of state employees is formed during basic training, with regard to the main branches of law and is based on the skills of its professional application in different spheres of activities.

Economic competence is differentiated depending on the specialization of state employees and within general levels for everybody must include an assessment of ability to apply a comparative analysis of basic economic concepts [11; 2].

Sociological competence is associated with the awareness of state employees of the concept of social structure of modern society, its dynamics and influence on the political and socio-economic processes.

Psychological competence is the basis for effective communication contacts, when it is necessary to understand people, their interests, motives and intentions, to find individual approach to them.

Managerial competence includes knowledge of management, value-orientation regulation, integrated management of labor motivation, development of creative potential and the like.

According to Yu. Bytiak, morally-ethical aspect of representation by an official of the state or a public authority is important because under any circumstances, a state employee is a representative of the government. Each state body or institution is endowed with a

certain amount of competence of the authority that he (she) was entrusted by the government. The state in this case is considered as an abstraction, because the state can not consist of only one body, it is a mechanism, and therefore the representation of this mechanism is complicated and large. If we are talking about the performance by state employees of the state tasks and functions, it emphasizes the significance and role of state service in the state, the unity of state power, despite its division into separate branches of government, reflects the moral and ethical component of state service. The responsibility for the performance of duties and proper implementation of the rights of the state employee significantly grows when the employee feels that he/she is the representative of the state, moreover, that in a significant number of cases of legal duties coincide with the moral duties. The legal and moral duties are equally important and binding, but also legal duties are associated with the possibility of application of state coercive measures for non-compliance or improper execution [8, p. 31].

Conclusions. The study analyzed legal documents of Ukraine, which regulate the matter of determining the professional qualification requirements of employees and clarified that these documents set requirements that are non-systemic and can be applied to any managerial positions. The author suggests, given the trends of development of system of state service, to identify seven types of competences of the state employees: political, legal, economic, social, psychological, managerial, ethical. In the author's opinion, the existing regulations for defining special profes-

sional qualification requirements for state employees should encompass the requirements for the ethical conduct of employees and to determine key qualities of state employees — honesty, impartiality, consistency in activities.

Future researches should analyze the stages of assessment of competencies of state employees, as well as highlight the effective mechanisms of selection of state employees.


1. Atamanchuk G. V. (2002), Sushchnost' hosudarstvennoy sluzhbti [The essence of public service], RAHS, Moscow, Russia.

2. Turchinov A. I. (1998), Professyo-nalyzatsyya y kadrovaya polytyka: problemti razvytyya teoryya y prak-tyky [Professionalization and personnel policy: problems of development theory and practice], Flynta, Moscow, Russia.

3. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2015), The Law of Ukraine "About civil service", available at: http://zakon2.rada. gov.ua/laws/show/889-19 (Accessed 29 August 2017).

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