Научная статья на тему 'Formation of professional qualification requirements for personnel in the public administration system: theoretical analys'

Formation of professional qualification requirements for personnel in the public administration system: theoretical analys Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
public service / public servant / professional qualification requirements / position / leadership / managerial competence / social competence / information competence / communication competence / psychological competence. / публічна служба / публічний службовець / професій- но-кваліфікаційні вимоги / посада / лідерство / управлінська компетентність / соціальна компетентність / інформаційна компетентність / комунікаційна компетентність / психологічна компетентність

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Slonovsky Mikhail Vasylevich

The article analyzed the main approaches to the concept of “professionalqualification requirements for a public servant” by systematized approaches to professional qualification requirements. The proposed systematization of the specified requirements, in particular, the following blocks are allocated: requirements to the person; communication qualities; professional qualities; social qualities; ethical qualities. The analysis of literature on the issues gave grounds to determine that the professional qualification requirements of a public servant are a set of qualities, knowledge, skills, skills directly related to the process of performing a public service (performed in the performance of their official duties) and affect the effectiveness and performance of activity. The normative-legal documents on the issues of formation of professional qualification requirements for public servants are analyzed. It is emphasized that there are only typical requirements for civil servants of the categories “A”, “Б”, “B” and there are no such requirements for officials of local self-government. It is grounded that the main qualities for the category “B”, that is, the performers, are the understanding of the mission of the state body, where it operates, the ability to perform qualitatively the tasks assigned to it by the direct leader, to understand the importance of this work, the focus on the result, the ability to work with people, understanding the needs of the population in services, the ability to find contact with the population, etc. It is determined that one of the basic factors of development of personnel of the public administration system is the definition and strict regulation of the professional qualification requirements of specialists. Since such requirements outline the mechanisms of personnel development, focus on the formation of professionally significant qualities for a public servant, they provide an opportunity to see the “way” of forming a qualitative staff of public administration. It is noted that there are such approaches to distinguishing requirements for public administration personnel: firstly, a competent approach — when a set of competencies is determined, which should be characteristic of the employee in a certain position. Secondly, the set of qualities of the employee (listed qualities of the employee, which should be inherent in a specialist). Thirdly, the list of specialist’s powers in the system of public administration.

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Проаналізовано основні підходи до поняття “професійно-кваліфікаційні вимоги до публічного службовця”. Запропоновано систематизацію зазначених вимог, зокрема виділено такі блоки: вимоги до особистості; комунікаційних якостей; професійних якостей; соціальних якостей; етичних якостей. Аналіз літератури з проблематики дав підстави визначити, що професійно-кваліфікаційні вимоги публічного службовця — це сукупність якостей, знань, вмінь, навичок, які безпосередньо стосуються процесу виконання посади публічної служби (здійснюються під час виконання своїх посадових обов’язків) і впливають на ефективність та результативність діяльності. Проаналізовано нормативно-правові документи з питань формування професійно-кваліфікаційних вимог до публічних службовців. Акцентовано увагу, що типові вимоги висуваються лише до державних службовців категорій “А”, “Б”, “В” і відсутні до посадових осіб місцевого самоврядування. Обґрунтовано думку про те, що головними якостями для категорії “В”, тобто виконавців, є розуміння місії державного органу, де він працює, вміння якісно виконувати завдання, які ставить перед ним безпосередній керівник, розуміти важливість цієї діяльності, спрямованість на результат, вміння працювати з людьми, розуміння потреб населення у послугах, вміння знайти контакт з населенням тощо. Визначено, що одним з базових факторів розвитку персоналу системи публічного управління є визначення та чітка регламентація професійно-кваліфікаційних вимог фахівців. Саме такі вимоги окреслюють механізми розвитку кадрів, фокусують увагу на формуванні професійно значущих якостях публічного службовця, дають можливість побачити “шлях” формування якісного складу кадрів публічного управління. Зазначено, що існують такі підходи до виокремлення вимог до кадрів публічного управління: по-перше, компетентнісний підхід — коли визначається набір компетеностей службовця на певній посаді; по-друге, набір якостей службовця (перелічуються якості службовця, притаманних фахівцю); по-третє, перелік повноважень фахівця в системі публічного управління.

Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of professional qualification requirements for personnel in the public administration system: theoretical analys»

UDC: 35.08 (477)

Slonovsky Mikhail Vasylevich,

post-graduate student Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 02000, Kyiv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (093) 871 00 48, email: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7406-6297

Слоньовський Михайло Васильович,

асшрант Мiжрегiональноï Академп управлтня персоналом, 02000, м. Kuïe, вул. Фрометiвська, 2, тел.: (093) 871 00 48, email: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0001-7406-6297

Слонёвский Михаил Васильевич,

аспирант Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом, 02000, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (093) 87100 48, email: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0001-7406-6297 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i13.146


Abstract. The article analyzed the main approaches to the concept of "professional-qualification requirements for a public servant" by systematized approaches to professional qualification requirements. The proposed systematization of the specified requirements, in particular, the following blocks are allocated: requirements to the person; communication qualities; professional qualities; social qualities; ethical qualities. The analysis of literature on the issues gave grounds to determine that the professional qualification requirements of a public servant are a set of qualities, knowledge, skills, skills directly related to the process of performing a public service (performed in the performance of their official duties) and affect the effectiveness and performance of activity. The normative-legal documents on the issues of formation of professional qualification requirements for public servants are analyzed. It is emphasized that there are only typical requirements for civil servants of the categories "A", "B", "B" and there are no such requirements for officials of local self-government. It is grounded that the main qualities for the category "B", that is, the performers, are the understanding of the mission of the state body, where it operates, the ability to perform qualitatively the tasks assigned to

it by the direct leader, to understand the importance of this work, the focus on the result, the ability to work with people, understanding the needs of the population in services, the ability to find contact with the population, etc.

It is determined that one of the basic factors of development of personnel of the public administration system is the definition and strict regulation of the professional qualification requirements of specialists. Since such requirements outline the mechanisms of personnel development, focus on the formation of professionally significant qualities for a public servant, they provide an opportunity to see the "way" of forming a qualitative staff of public administration.

It is noted that there are such approaches to distinguishing requirements for public administration personnel: firstly, a competent approach — when a set of competencies is determined, which should be characteristic of the employee in a certain position. Secondly, the set of qualities of the employee (listed qualities of the employee, which should be inherent in a specialist). Thirdly, the list of specialist's powers in the system of public administration.

Keywords: public service, public servant, professional qualification requirements, position, leadership, managerial competence, social competence, information competence, communication competence, psychological competence.


Анотащя. Проаналiзовано основш шдходи до поняття "професшно-ква-лiфiкацiйнi вимоги до публiчного службовця". Запропоновано систематиза-цш зазначених вимог, зокрема видшено таю блоки: вимоги до особистосп; комушкацшних якостей; професшних якостей; сощальних якостей; етич-них якостей. Аналiз л^ератури з проблематики дав шдстави визначити, що професiйно-квалiфiкацiйнi вимоги публiчного службовця — це сукупшсть якостей, знань, вмшь, навичок, яю безпосередньо стосуються процесу вико-нання посади публiчноï служби (здшснюються шд час виконання сво'1'х по-садових обов'язюв) i впливають на ефектившсть та результатившсть дiяль-ность Проаналiзовано нормативно-правовi документи з питань формування професiйно-квалiфiкацiйних вимог до публiчних службовщв. Акцентовано увагу, що типовi вимоги висуваються лише до державних службовщв кате-горш "А", "Б", "В" i вщсутш до посадових оаб мiсцевого самоврядування. Обгрунтовано думку про те, що головними якостями для категори "В", тобто виконавцiв, е розумiння мюп державного органу, де вiн працюе, вмiння яюс-но виконувати завдання, як ставить перед ним безпосереднш керiвник, ро-зумiти важливiсть ще!' дiяльностi, спрямованiсть на результат, вмшня пра-цювати з людьми, розумшня потреб населення у послугах, вмшня знайти контакт з населенням тощо.

Визначено, що одним з базових факторiв розвитку персоналу систе-ми публiчного управлiння е визначення та ч^ка регламентацiя професш-но-квалiфiкацiйних вимог фахiвцiв. Саме такi вимоги окреслюють мехашз-

ми розвитку кадрiв, фокусують увагу на формуванш професiйно значущих якостях публiчного службовця, дають можливiсть побачити "шлях" форму-вання якiсного складу кадрiв публiчного управлiння.

Зазначено, що юнують такi пiдходи до виокремлення вимог до кадрiв публiчного управлiння: по-перше, компетентнiсний пiдхiд — коли визнача-еться набiр компетеностей службовця на певнш посадi; по-друге, набiр яко-стей службовця (перелiчуються якостi службовця, притаманних фахiвцю); по-трете, перелiк повноважень фахiвця в системi публiчного управлшня.

Ключовi слова: публiчна служба, публiчний службовець, професш-но-квалiфiкацiйнi вимоги, посада, лвдерство, управлiнська компетентнiсть, соцiальна компетентшсть, iнформацiйна компетентнiсть, комунiкацiйна компетентнiсть, психолопчна компетентнiсть.


Аннотация. Проанализированы основные подходы к понятию "профессионально-квалификационные требования к публичному служащему". Предложена систематизация указанных требований, в частности выделены следующие блоки: требования к личности; коммуникационные качества; профессиональные качества; социальные качества; этические качества. Анализ литературы по проблематике дал основания определить, профессионально-квалификационные требования публичного служащего — это совокупность качеств, знаний, умений, навыков, которые непосредственно касаются процесса исполнения должности публичной службы (осуществляются при выполнении своих должностных обязанностей) и влияют на эффективность и результативность деятельности. Проанализированы нормативно-правовые документы по вопросам формирования профессионально-квалификационных требований к публичным служащим. Акцентировано внимание, что типичные требования выдвигаются только к государственным служащим категорий "А", "Б", "В" и отсутствуют к должностным лицам местного самоуправления. Обосновано мнение о том, что главными качествами для категории "В", то есть исполнителей, есть понимание миссии государственного органа, где он работает, умение качественно выполнять задачи, которые ставит перед ним непосредственный руководитель, понимать важность данной работы, нацеленность на результат, умение работать с людьми, понимание потребностей населения в услугах, умение найти контакт с населением и тому подобное.

Определено, что одним из базовых факторов развития персонала системы публичного управления является определение и четкая регламентация профессионально-квалификационных требований специалистов. Поскольку именно такие требования определяют механизмы развития кадров, фокусируют внимание на формировании профессионально значимых качествах для

публичного служащего, дают возможность увидеть "путь" формирования качественного состава кадров публичного управления.

Отмечено, что существуют такие подходы к выделению требований к кадрам публичного управления: во-первых, компетентностный подход — когда определяется набор компетеностей служащего на определенной должности; во-вторых, набор качеств служащего (перечисляются качества служащего, присущих специалисту); в-третьих, перечень полномочий специалиста в системе публичного управления.

Ключевые слова: публичная служба, публичный служащий, профессионально-квалификационные требования, должность, лидерство, управленческая компетентность, социальная компетентность, информационная компетентность, коммуникационная компетентность, психологическая компетентность.

Target setting. In the public administration system personnel play a decisive role, they form and implement a managerial solution. Any action in the public administration system depends on the human factor and the personnel potential in public administration.

At present, there is a problem of the absence in qualitative public-management decisions, positive changes in the public administration system reform, which depends from specialists working in the public administration system. Therefore, the problem of the formation and development of personnel in the public administration system is the basis in the modern reforming process the life of Ukrainian society.

One of the basic factors in the personnel development in the public administration system is the definition and strict regulation of the professional qualification requirements for specialists. Since such requirements outline the mechanisms of personnel development, focus on the formation of professionally significant qualities for a public servant, they provide an opportunity

to see the "way" of forming a qualitative staff in public administration.

Analysis of recent publications on issues. The concept of "business qualities", "professional qualities", "personal qualities", "professional activity" is considered by many scholars both Ukrainian and foreign, including:

0. Antonova, G. Atamanchuk, A. Go-lovach, N. Goncharuk, S. Dubenko, M. Lesechko, V. Malinovsky, A. Markov, R. Naumenko, N. Nizhnik, O. Obo-lensky, Yu. Povarenkov, S. Seroginym,

1. Surai, O. Turchinov and others.

Problems of professional qualification in civil servants have been repeatedly raised in a special scientific Soviet period. The main research focus, as a rule, is on the features problems of the employee in the state apparatus, his culture and management culture, the assessment of personal qualities. Among them are: "education", "education", "social and technical knowledge", "tact", "honesty", "hardness", "common sense", "health", "the ability to establish the right relationships in the team, with subordinates and lea-

dership", "qualification and business", etc.

The purpose of the article. Comprehensive analysis of scientific approaches to determining the aggregate competences of personnel and public administration systematization as public servants.

The statement of basic materials. The problem of professional qualification requirements formation is the basis for the formation of a professional public service in Ukraine. These requirements should derive from the functions performed by a public servant, the level of office, and his influence on government-management decisions.

The professional qualification requirements for a public servant are requirements for his professional qualities, knowledge and skills necessary for the successful performance of the corresponding duties. They also determine the scope of the use of a specialist. These requirements should be reflected in the qualification that is developed for each post [9, p. 66].

In turn, the professional qualification characteristic of a public servant's position is a normative document that defines a well-founded list of professional tasks, responsibilities and powers of a specialist, requirements for his professional training, educational qualification, practical experience [5, p. 349]. The qualification characteristic establishes the position of a post in the structure of the state authority on the basis of its legal status and main tasks and reflects the legal status of a civil servant, in particular rights, powers, functional duties, responsibility and social guarantees.

The literature analysis on the subject provides grounds for determining that the professional qualification requirements in a public servant are a set of qualities, knowledge, skills, skills that directly relate to the process of performing the post in public service (carried out in the performance of their official duties) and affect the efficiency and performance of activity.

Then in the study we will analyze the legal documents on the issues of professional qualification requirements formation for public servants. It should be noted that there are only typical requirements for civil servants of the categories "A", "E", "B" and there are no such requirements for officials of local self-government.

In accordance with the Typical Requirements for Persons Applicating to Category "A" Civil Service, the following requirements are set for candidates: special and general requirements. General requirements include education, work experience in certain positions, knowledge of foreign languages [6].

Specific requirements include:

• knowledge of Ukrainian legislation;

• professional knowledge;

• leadership skills: setting goals, priorities and benchmarks; strategic planning; ability to work with a large amount of information and ability to perform several tasks simultaneously; conducting business negotiations; achievement of the final results;

• ability to make effective decisions: analysis of state policy; availability of necessary knowledge for efficient allocation and use of resources (including human, financial, material);

• communication and interaction: ability to communicate effectively and to make public presentations; cooperation and networking; openness;

• change management: creating a plan for change and improvement; management of change and reaction to them; assessment of the effectiveness of changes;

• management of the organization and personnel: organization of work and control; project management; management of high-quality services; motivation; human resources management;

• personal competencies: princip-ledness, resolve and demanding when making decisions; the focus on serving the public, protecting national interests; systematic; innovation and impartiality; self-organization and self-development; ability to work in stressful situations;

• public finance management: knowledge of the fundamentals of fiscal legislation; knowledge of the system of state control in the field of public finances;

• work with information: knowledge of the basis of legislation on information; ability to work in e-govern-ment [6].

It should be noted that such a set of qualities suits the positions of both civil service and private enterprises. Leadership is defined as the ability to lead, the formation of a team spirit, a single comparative culture, as well as general requirements, including those relating to communication competence. In addition, one main unit is absent, namely constant self-development and another inspiration for the development of their own skills, skills, mastering of new

methods of work, improvement of their own method of work.

In addition, the requirements for the honesty of a public servant, which can be measured by various psychological tests or on a polygraph, should be separately set.

The special requirements of persons who are candidates for civil service categories "E" and "B" include:

• leadership (business negotiations, ability to substantiate their own position, achievement of final results);

• effective decision-making (ability to solve complex tasks; ensure a correlation of price and quality; efficient use of resources (including financial and material resources); analysis of state policy and planning of measures for its implementation; ability to work with large masses of information; ability to work with multitasking; setting goals, priorities and benchmarks);

• communication and interaction (skills of effective communication and public speaking, cooperation and networking, openness);

• implementation of changes (implementation of a plan of changes, ability to support changes and react to them, assessment of the effectiveness of the changes made);

• management of the organization of work and personnel (organization and control of work, project management, quality management, teamwork and team management, motivation, assessment and development of subordinates, ability to resolve conflicts);

• personal competencies (analytical abilities, discipline and systemicity, innovation and creativity, self-organization and development orientation, diplomacy and flexibility, independence

and initiative, service orientation, ability to work in stressful situations) [7].

These requirements are general in nature and can not be objectively measured. The concept of "leadership" substitute the concept of communication competence.

The following requirements for the civil service category "B", which include:

1. Qualitative performance of tasks (work with information, ability to work in several projects at the same time; focus on achievement of final results; ability to solve complex tasks; ability to effectively use resources (including financial and material resources); ability to submit proposals; to argue and present them).

2. Teamwork and interaction (ability to work in a team, ability to effectively coordinate with others, ability to provide feedback).

3. Perceptions of changes (implementation of the plan of changes and improvements; the ability to accept changes and change).

4. Technical skills (ability to use computer equipment and software, use office equipment).

5. Personal competencies (responsibility; systematic and independent work; attentiveness to details; persistence; creativity and initiative; self-development orientation; service orientation; ability to work in stressful situations) [7].

In our opinion, the main qualities for the category "B", that is, the performers, is the understanding of the mission of the state body, where he works, the ability to perform qualitatively the tasks assigned to him by the direct leader, to understand the importance of

this work, the focus on the result, the ability to work with people, understanding of the needs of the population in services, the ability to find contact with the population, etc.

That is, the requirements are communicative competence, information competence, intellectual competence, etc.

Analyze scientific approaches to creating professional-qualification requirements for public servants.

There are such approaches to distinguishing the requirements for public administration personnel: firstly, a competent approach - when a set of competencies is defined, which should be inherent in the employee in a certain position. Secondly, the set of qualities of the employee (listed qualities of the employee, which should be inherent in a specialist). Thirdly, the list of specialist's powers in the system of public administration.

O. Akimov highlights such competencies of the employee:

• Integrative competence — the ability to integrate, knowledge, skills and abilities and their effective use in conditions of rapid change in the requirements of the environment;

• socio-psychological (emotional, conceptual and behavioral competence) — ability to lead, goal-setting, ability to realize defined plans and ability to innovate, knowledge and skills in the field of perception, understanding of human behavior, motivation of their activities, high level of empathy and communicative culture;

• organizational party — competence in specific spheres of management activity, decision-making, collection and analysis of information,

methods of work with people, etc. [1, p. 210-211].

According to Nesterenko L., a competent public servant is characterized by the following competencies:

1. Psychological competencies: perceptual, cognitive, mnemonic, emotional, volitional.

2. Personal competencies: intellectual abilities (reason, logic, conceptu-ality, originality, prudence); traits of personality (initiative, flexibility, creativity, honesty, integrity, demanding, confidence, independence, vigor, self-organization); temperament; reflection (tendency to introspection of personality and behavioral features); personal tectology (ability to self-regulation, ability to maintain a positive emotional tone, stress tolerance, flexibility in solving complex professional tasks); creativity (readiness to quickly master new forms of work, readiness to create new, more effective ways to perform the usual types of management activity, readiness to introduce innovations into the structure of management activity).

3. Social competences: knowledge of the basics of conflictology, social psychology; readiness for cooperation, interaction with the environment; responsibility; emotional intelligence (self-consciousness, impulsivity control, persistence, confidence, self-motivation and empathy).

4. Professional and managerial competences: knowledge of the regulatory and regulatory framework governing and regulating activities; knowledge of technological and organizational-managerial specifics of activity; organization of implementation of state decisions; possession of basic control methods [4].

According to Seryogina N., the professional and business qualities of civil servants can be determined taking into account the following criteria:

• personal: activity, communication, motivation, ability to make the right decisions;

• intellectual: competence, analytical component of thinking;

• business related to the peculiarities of the nervous system: working capacity, resistance to stress [8].

In each case, the determination of these qualities depends on factors:

• the choice of the place of employment by civil servants;

• situations arising in everyday work on a particular position;

• conflicts;

• motivation to change work;

• innovations related to changes in the characteristics of the working environment;

• the content, forms and methods of acquiring the relevant knowledge and skills of a civil servant profession;

• professional qualification characteristics of a civil servant.

In our opinion, the following qualifications should be included in the basic professional qualification requirements for a public servant:

1) requirements for psychological competencies of the individual:

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• requirements for innate personality qualities (temperament, intelligence, ability to quickly perceive information, respond to orders and perform them, flexibility, stress resistance, analytical skills, etc.)

• requirements of accumulated personal qualities (honesty, ability to restrain oneself, ability to quickly solve conflict situations, ability to behave

correctly, innovation, self-improvement);

2) requirements for the professional qualities of an employee:

• communicative qualities that are directed both in the middle of the state body and externally — communication with the population of the country, foreign partners, representatives of civil society;

• leadership — the ability to be an example for others, the formation of a positive attitude towards employees, the ability to lead, skills to work and build a team;

• information quality — ability to work with a large amount of information, to formulate common approaches, to systematize, to orientate in the globalization, information space;

• innovative qualities — application of innovative methods in activity, knowledge of new methods of activity;

• self-improvement and continuous improvement of qualification;

• responsible attitude to the case;

3) requirements for managerial qualities of an employee — knowledge of the management system, knowledge of regulatory documents in a particular area, ability to manage people, ability to manage the system, globalization thinking;

4) requirements for social qualities of an employee — tactfulness, sensitivity to emotional states and mood of others, compassion, sensitivity, trust, modesty in interpersonal relations and independence, demandingness, straightforwardness, practicality, self-confidence, self-esteem in formal relationships;

5) requirements to the ethical qualities of the employee — knowledge of ethical norms of conduct and their

implementation in the team, during relations with the country's population, foreign partners.

Conclusions. The research analyzes and systematizes approaches to the formation of professional qualification requirements for public servants. The author defines the following professional qualification requirements for a public servant: psychological qualities of an employee; communication qualities; professional qualities; managerial qualities; social qualities; ethical qualities.

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