PRIORITY AREAS OF THE LONG-TERM SAMBO TRAINING SYSTEM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gaziev Sh.Sh.

Мазкур мақолада самбо спорт турининг сўнгги йилларда дунёда эгаллаётган ўрни ҳамда мусобақа натижалари ёритилган. Шу билан бирга, мамлакатлар кесимида тайёргарлик босқичлари қай тарзда ташкил этилганлиги дастурлар асосида белгилаб ўтилган. Ўзбекистонда самбо спорт турини ривожлантириш ҳамда ёш авлодни жисмонан етук бўлиб ўсишида самбонинг аҳамияти кенг талқин этилган.В данной статье описывается роль самбо в мире в последние годы и результаты соревнований. При этом то, как организованы этапы подготовки в разрезе стран, определяется на основе программ. Значение самбо в развитии спорта самбо в Узбекистане и дорастании молодого поколения до физической зрелости широко интерпретируется.This article describes the role of sambo in the world in recent years and the results of the competitions. At the same time, how the preparation stages are organized by country is determined on the basis of programs. The significance of sambo in the development of the sport of sambo in Uzbekistan and the growth of the younger generation to physical maturity is widely interpreted.

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Спорт машFулотлари: техника, тактика, усулият

Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки

лаш максадида жисмоний тарбия ва спортга ихтисо-слашган олий таълим муассасалари хдмда жисмоний маданият факультетларида курашни илмий урганиш максадида илмий-тадкикотлар самарадорлигини ошириш зарур.

5. Хорижий фукаролар учун жисмоний тарбия ва спортга ихтисослашган олий таълим муассасалари хдмда жисмоний маданият факультетларида бака-лаврият, магистратура ва докторантура учун алох,ида кабул квоталари шакллантириш ва уларни маълум имтиётиёзлар асосида укишга кабул килиш керак.


1. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining "Kurash milliy sport turini rivojlantirish va uning xalqaro nufuzini yanada oshirish chora-tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi Qarori. 2020 yil 4 noyabr, pQ-4881.

2. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining "Jismoniy tarbiya va sport sohasida kadrlarni tayyorlash hamda ilmiy-tadqiqotlar tizimini yanada takomillashtirish chora-tadbirlari to'g'risida"gi Qarori. 2022 yil, 3 noyabr. PQ-414.

3. Moenig, U., Sungkyun, C., & Taek-Yong, K. (2014). Evidence of Taekwondo's roots in Karate: An analysis of the technical content of early Taekwondo literature. Korea Journal, 54(2), 150-178.

4. Johnson JA. Taekwondo as an Academic Field of Study for Non-Koreans: An Unconventional and Extreme Form of Martial Arts Tourism. Sustainability. 2021; 13(6):3124.

5. https://www.knsu.ac.kr/eng/academic/taekwondo.do


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To contact with the author:


PhD, docent SH.SH. GAZIEV1

1Uzbek state university of physical education and sport, Chirchik city, Uzbekistan




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В данной статье описывается роль самбо в мире в последние годы и результаты соревнований. При этом то, как организованы этапы подготовки в разрезе стран, определяется на основе программ. Значение самбо в развитии спорта самбо в Узбекистане и дорастании молодого поколения до физической зрелости широко интерпретируется.

Ключевые слова: самбо, многолетняя подготовка, соревнование, тренировка, соревнования, ученики спортивной школы, молодежь, подготовительные этапы, спорт, воспитательный процесс.

Мазкур маколада самбо спорт турининг сунгги йилларда дунёда эгаллаётган урни ^амда мусобака натижалари ёритилган. Шу билан бирга, мамлакатлар кесимида тайёргарлик боскичлари кай тарзда ташкил этилганлиги дастурлар асосида белгилаб утилган. Узбеки-стонда самбо спорт турини ривожлантириш ^амда ёш авлодни жисмонан етук булиб усишида самбонинг а^амияти кенг талкин этилган.

Калит сузлар: самбо, куп йиллик тайёргарлик, мусобаца, машгулот, беллашувлар, мактаб уцувчилари, ёшлар, тайёргарлик босцичлари, спорт мактаби, таълим жараёни.

This article describes the role of sambo in the world in recent years and the results of the competitions. At the same time, how the preparation stages are organized by country is determined on the basis of programs. The significance of sambo in the development of the sport of sambo in Uzbekistan and the growth of the younger generation to physical maturity is widely interpreted.

Key words: sambo, long-term training, competition, training, sports school students, yortU, preparatory stages, sport, educational process.

The sport of sambo is developing more and more in the world, surprising the representatives of many countries with the technical and tactical actions performed in the competitions. As the sambo wrestlers are showing their talent in the international arenas, the results of their many years of training and the training programs and methods used by the coaches are reflected.

Performance is not an achievement achieved after a month or a year of training loads, but the path traveled since the beginning of sports. At the same time, preparation requires proper distribution of training processes, rational planning of each period, and scientifically based individual approach to each athlete.

Training of an athlete is a multifaceted process that has its own content and form of organization, has a complex systemic effect on the athlete's personality, physical condition and health, and is aimed at his comprehensive education.

Long-term training in sports is the only process of competition and educational activity that ensures the continuity of tasks, tools, methods, and organizational forms of training at these stages [1].

Long-term sports training is a single process of competitive and training activities that ensures the

continuity of tasks, tools, methods, and organizational forms of training by stages: sports and recreation, preliminary training, preparation, improvement of sports skills and higher sports skills.

Due to the fact that the exact order of the multi-year training program of sambo wrestlers in the world has not been established, the long-term maintenance of high results of athletes remains one of the pressing problems. Because there are no special criteria defined by coaches for the preparation process of the period from the athlete who took the first step to the sport to the level of the athlete who takes prizes in prestigious international competitions. This issue can be caused by the change of competition rules and weight categories of sambo wrestling in recent years. However, as the performance and development indicators are increased based on the scientific-methodical approach to the training of champions in each Olympic sport, the development of the sambo sport, which is becoming significantly popular today, also requires a scientific solution to many problems [2].

The representatives of our country have been successfully participating in the World and Asian championships, the «A» World Cup dedicated to

Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки

the memory of Anatoly Kharlampiev and the «A» World Cups held for the prize of the president of the International Sambo Association (FIAS). Despite the fact that the representatives of the Russian Federation took the leading place in the above competitions, we are pleased that the national team of Uzbekistan is in the second place.

Therefore, as it is evident that Uzbekistan's sambo athletes are beating many countries' representatives in competitions with training programs of great importance on the world scale and the methods used by coaches, an individual approach to each athlete is the need of the hour. It is important to organize training sessions in the pre-competition period, taking into account the training programs and technical-tactical actions performed in the training sessions with the participation of the members of the national team.

On average, 25-30 international competitions in the sambo sport are organized around the world in a year. Members of the national team of our country cannot participate in all of them.

The Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the National Olympic Committee have been significantly supporting our athletes in recent years. As you know, since the beginning of 2018, the team has changed in the Sambo Association of Uzbekistan: senior coaches, women's coaches, as well as youth. There was also a change in the leadership of the SAMBO Association. Vice presidents and administrative staff have changed. The President of the Sambo Association and the team are working on the development of SAMBO in Uzbekistan. Starting from 2019, Uzbekistan rose to the top three in the World Sambo Championships, and in 2021, from the third place to the second place in the world ranking. It is worth noting that we would not have been able to achieve such results if the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan had not paid attention to sports, especially sambo. One of the most important aspects is that the leadership of the association and athletes feel the support of the country's leader [3].

It is no secret that in sports there are such concepts as Olympic and non-Olympic sports. In Russia, sambo is equated to an Olympic sport, but not in all countries. If we intend to increase the success of sambo fighters in prestigious competitions in our country, we should start forming all the news and characteristics of sambo in the minds of our children in order to choose this sport from the elementary grades. The physical development of the new generation, mastery of the movement skills of this sport, when they become fully mature, is the foundation for the increase in the number of our champions in the future.

In this regard, if we analyze the training program of training of sambo athletes in mature sports schools of the CIS countries [4], multi-year sports training is:

a single pedagogical system that ensures the continuity of tasks, tools, methods, and organizational forms of training for all age groups;

optimal ratio of educational processes, education of physical qualities, formation of motor skills and abilities;

focus on high sportsmanship; optimal ratio of different aspects of training;

a steady increase in the size of general and special educational funds, the ratio between which is constantly changing;

gradual increase in volume and intensity of training and competitive loads;

strict adherence to gradation in the process of using education and simultaneous development of physical qualities on competitive loads;

superior development of individual qualities at all stages and at the most favorable age periods for this. Training of young athletes includes several stages: initial training groups (1-2 years of training); initial specialty groups (2-3 years of training); in-depth specialization groups (2-3 years of training); improvement of sports skills in sports improvement groups (from candidate for master of sports to master of sports);

realization of individual capabilities - in groups of the highest sportsmanship (from master of sports to master of sports).

The training program for athletes of different ages is aimed at solving the following tasks:

- selection of talented children;

- creating conditions for physical education and physical development of children;

- formation of knowledge and skills in the field of physical education and sports;

- formation of constant interest and conscious attitude to physical education, sports;

- strengthening the health of athletes and training their bodies;

- ensuring all-round physical fitness of athletes and forming special qualities that determine sports growth and success in competitions;

- improving techniques and tactics, gathering experience of participating in competitions;

- making corrections to the training process based on the analysis of activity results, forming the ability to reach the peaks of sports skills;

- acquisition of instructor and referee practice qualifications.

Solving these tasks is carried out at each age stage of education and upbringing based on specific requirements that take into account the specialization and skills of athletes. Material selection and systematization are based on the principles of complexity, continuity and variability.

The principle of complexity is expressed in the closest interconnection of all aspects of the educational process: theoretical, physical, technical, tactical and psychological training, pedagogical and medical supervision, rehabilitation measures.

The principle of continuity is applied in the sequence of giving theoretical material according to the stages of training, in the complexity of the teaching content, in the increase in the volume of educational and competitive loads, in the unity of tasks, in the deepening and expansion of knowledge on theoretical issues in accordance with the requirements of improving the qualifications of athletes,

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Техника, тактика и методика спортивной тренировки

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in accordance with the requirements of high qualification, teaching tools and methods, step by step , can be observed in the transition from stage to stage.

The principle of variability gives a certain freedom in choosing tools and methods, in determining the time of training of athletes. Based on specific conditions, when solving a specific pedagogical problem, trainers can make their own adjustments to the construction of educational cycles and training without violating general approaches.

Preliminary preparation stage (TB).

Periods: up to one year and more than one year. Pupils who have reached the age of ten, who have expressed a desire to play sports and who have written permission from a doctor, are admitted to the initial preparatory stage of educational institutions. The duration of the stage is 2 years.

The employment of the TB-1 group is up to 25 people, the employment of the TB-2 group is 20 people, at the initial stage of training, a constant interest in sports is formed, a wide range of motor skills and abilities are formed, physical education, health and educational activities aimed at mastering the basics of physical education and physical education are carried out. will go At this stage, transfer by academic year is carried out on the condition that students fulfill the control standards for general physical and special training.

Education and training stage (UT stage of sports specialty):

Periods - initial specialization and advanced specialization.

The groups are made up of healthy students who have shown their sambo skills, completed at least one year of training and met the general physical and special training admission standards, and are employed in the primary specialty group. (UT up to 2 years) up to 14 people, higher specialty (UT over 2 years) up to 12 people.

The duration of the stage is 4 years. At this stage, transfer by academic year is carried out on the condition that students fulfill the control and transfer standards for general physical and special training. In the stage of training (stage of sports specialization), the level of general and special physical-technical, tactical-psychological preparation increases, experience is gained in official sports competitions in sambo, performance stability is achieved, sports motivation is formed, and athletes' health is strengthened.

Stage of improvement of sports skills (SM).

This stage is the improvement of general and special physical qualities aimed at increasing the functional capabilities of the body, technical, tactical and psychological training, official sports competitions, keeping sports motivation at a high level, maintaining the health of athletes, and strengthening the stability of showing high sports results in the region and the whole country.

At this stage, the experience of competitive preparation is accumulated and mentally improved. Special attention is paid to the training of sambo players. The duration of the stage is 3 years.

The groups of this stage will be made up of 10 athletes who have successfully completed the training stage in training groups, who have completed the category of candidate for master of sports and who have passed the established standards of physical fitness. At this stage, it is carried out in the conditions of positive dynamics of the growth of sports indicators for the academic year. At this stage, training of athletes is carried out on the basis of individual plans.

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Stage of superior sportsmanship (OSM).

The groups of this stage are composed of promising athletes who have fulfilled (approved) the requirements of national master of sports, international master of sports standards and have passed the standards of physical development and physical training. The duration of the stage is not limited, the employment of the group is up to 8 people. At this stage, the training of athletes is carried out on the basis of individual plans and is aimed at achieving results at the level of sports teams of the country's Federation, increasing the stability of showing high sports results in national and international official sports competitions.

The specified stages of training can be closely related to the programs of sports schools and schools of higher sports skills, which have had a theoretical basis in the CIS countries for many years. However, it is no exaggeration to say that sambo sport is included in the curriculum of secondary schools from the 1st grade in several countries. Including Russia (class 1), Belarus (class 5), Armenia (class 5) and Georgia (class 5). Such countries are considered the leaders of sambo, having produced many strong world and European champions.

Conclusion. From the above evidence, we can conclude that long-term training in the sport of sambo is still relevant and questions many scientists and coaches. As long as we, the scientists, take all the responsibility into our own hands and do not find scientific grounds to increase the effectiveness of sambo fighters, the representatives of other countries continue their training with the intention to dominate.

Elementary sambo methods should be included in physical education classes for primary school boys. In this way, we will help our youth to become not only physically strong, but also spiritually mature wrestlers. A great advantage of practicing sambo from school is that it can serve as a convenient foundation for reaching higher heights in sports such as judo, non-Olympic sports, Uzbek martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, and mixed martial arts. In addition, sambo sport plays a role as a great impetus in the formation of a strong and courageous generation that has its own character and can serve the country with loyalty.


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2. Сергиенко Л.П. Спортивный отбор - ТЕОРИЯ И ПРАКТИКА. -М., 2013.

3. Rayner Martens. Successful coaching - NY., 4th Edition., 2022.

4. Максимов Д.В., Селуянов В.Н., Табаков С.Е. Физическая подготовка единоборцев. - М. 2011.

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