Muhammadbek Dilshodbek ugli Mahsudov
PhD student of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization
This article addresses the issue of prioritizing export-oriented products in land use and land distribution. Prioritization of export products in the diversification of land use is the main support in raising the economy of developing countries.
Key words: diversification, land fund, land distribution, land use, export, development.
The diversification and management of the use of land fund necessitates the revision of land distribution in the use of single property potential. The choice of important areas of effective use of land property potential is a complex process, depending on the conditions and factors that determine the development of production processes in the network and within the network. In the effective implementation will be solved of the diversification of the land fund, the most pressing problems of the district's territory, according to its essence and function. The main of them are the following:
1. Continuous improvement of this process as a result of the study and analysis of the legislation for the development of land relations.
2. To create the most favorable conditions based on the scientific and methodological aspect of the location of the production forces for the current period and prospects.
3. Provision of distribution by land fund, land categories, socio-economic sectors, land users and land types in proportion taking into account the period and climatic conditions.
4. Ensure the continuous economic growth of land resources extended reproduction development and soil fertility.
5. To create an economic and environmental basis for effective use of each land plot.
The land fund is the total land resources area of the country. Before commenting on the concept of diversification of the use of land stock, we need to give a definition to
the concept of diversification. The definition given by British economists Bennock, Bakster and Devis is remarkable "diversification is the process of establishing a circle of goods and services in a firm or geographic region". In this definition, diversification is considered a process, the main attention is paid to its result. Diversification it is an investment approach aimed at minimizing the risks associated with distribution financial or production resources in various industries and sectors in the manufacturing or trading process. Diversification is common in the foreign exchange and stock markets as a means of minimizing losses during trading. Diversification it is aimed at increasing the efficiency of production, expanding the range of products and directing the sales markets in order to obtain economic benefits and prevent bankrolling, developing new types of industries. Such diversification is called the diversification of production. Diversification this is the process of self-organization of increasing diversity in a particular local area; the process of expanding the content and nature of labor through the growth of its internal diversity, increasing diversity in the field of culture and art, recreation (recreation) and others; the process of increasing the profile of industrial enterprises and associations (extensive and intensive development of the); separate the subsidiary companies from the parent company or Enterprise, Association or concern with the growth of the type, size and types of services. The science of changing and stabilizing diversity is diatropic (Yu. V. Tchaikovsky). It would not be an exaggeration to say that ensuring the stability of the diversification cycle of the land fund is the most important condition for the diversification of the use of the land fund.
Let's analyze the experience of one of the developed countries Holland in the field of agriculture! In the Netherlands, cadastre is maintained by the cadastral service, which is involved in updating and maintaining land borders, planning the use of new land and creating, updating and producing large-scale maps. The Netherlands is a farmer on its territory of 1 million hectares, exporting about 102 billion dollars of agricultural products. The secret of Holland's success in agriculture can be explained by the unity of the state and the two, who freely support the novasians, who support them in their work. The Netherlands does not have favorable conditions, resources for conducting agricultural activities. With her half a million hectares of land, Holland is ranked second in the world in terms of Agricultural Products Expo. In the first place-the USA, its land area is 270 times larger than that of the Dutch. In addition, the country also ranks first in the world in terms of onions and potato export. In general, the second place in the world in terms of vegetable export. In the world of seed trade, one third of the contracts are concluded in the Netherlands. All this is the work that is being done there in half a million hectares.In 2018, the Dutch gross domestic product amounted to 53106 dollars per person. 12th place in the countries of the world. Like many other countries in Europe after the Second World War, the situation was severe in Holland.
For example, 60 percent of the transportation system was out of work. A billion dollars allocated as aid to the country after the war were first spent to stabilize the financial situation. And the renunciation of the colonies brought benefits, not harm to the state -the state drew all its attention to its problems. Before the war, when the Netherlands was mainly engaged in trade, now began to produce products. The period from 1950 to 1970 year is called the "Golden Age" of the Dutch economy. In 1950, the gross domestic product amounted to about 5 thousand dollars per person, while by 1973 the figure exceeded 13,5 thousand dollars. The leading sphere of the country's economy is the food industry. 20 years ago in this country, the slogan "to spend twice as much resources, to grow twice as many products" was followed. Fermers have reduced water consumption by 90 percent, while using chemical fertilizers in greenhouses has been completely abandoned. In poultry farming, the use of antibiotics decreased by 60 percent.
The cycle of diversification can be carried out as follows in the category of agricultural land.
-overuse manner in relation to the amount consumed (extended reproduction).
-in equal proportions to the amount consumed (simple reproduction).
- in small quantities when consumed (below the normal production level).
-not re-produced at all.
The automated single system of multi-purpose land information in the conduct of state land cadastre through the attraction of grant funds of international financial institutions and investment projects - launched. In 2020-2030, the concept of Water Economy Development was developed, the strategy of Water Resource Management and irrigation sector development will be introduced. Wide application of drip, rain and other water-saving technologies in irrigation of agricultural crops, in this regard, the mechanism of stimulation of landowners and water consumers is introduced.
For information, currently, more than 20 million hectares of land are used in agriculture, including 3.2 million hectares of irrigated land, and the necessary raw materials for food and economic sectors are grown for the needs of the population.
According to the decision will be introduced the procedure for introducing into the use of lands that have ceased to be used and where there is a reserve of groundwater, allocating them on preferential terms to the population for the
cultivation of agricultural products.
As a result of the study, the following terms are proposed to science: ''Diversification of the use of Land Fund This is an educational concept in which the use of land areas in the territory is constantly divided into categories according to the established main purpose, the classification according to socio - economic demand changes''.
More precisely, the purpose of the use of land resource in a particular region is changing as a result of changes in socio-economic goals. This process does not remain the same.
If we analyze the situation of the use of land resources in the sixteenth district, which is considered an object of research! Altyaryk District of Fergana region was founded on September 26, 1926. The population of the district is 214.4 thousand people with the status of January 1, 2021 [1]. Total land in the administrative borders of the Altyaryk district is 63088 hectares. The total land of -Altyaryk district is 40090 hectares [2-7].
As for the situation in the Altyaryk district, the district mirishkar has an unofficial brand "Alt yaryk's fruits" on the world market to this day. The reason is that the residents of the district were able to make use of their farmland to a high level of efficiency. After the independence of our homeland, having deeply understood the concept of a market economy, they achieved the practice of using every inch of the land allocated by the government [8-11].
In particular, in the 90-ies from the farmland in the district began to grow the most important vital food products from seasonal crops, such as cucumbers, black cucumbers, radish, tomatoes, peppers, pickled peppers, greens, turnips, radish, beets, peas, beans. In the district itself, the markets were sold by farmers to entrepreneurs at wholesale prices, and from the financial side they were able to carry out the supply of their family members. Also, from the perennial plantations, a high level of skills in the care of fruit trees, such as grapes, apricots, cherries, peaches, began to form. Since the population, not limited to its own farmland, began to absorb the land in the state reserve, neglected, parks, vineyards in large areas were restored. Since the beginning of the XXI century, residents of the district began to introduce their own way of life in the greenhouse business. In the greenhouses began to plant varieties of cucumbers, such vegetable crops as tomatoes, peppers, which began to bring varieties of seeds from Holland [10-12]. In the Centers of the district villages, vegetable markets-crops begin to function as soon as they begin to ripen. Local entrepreneurs in the markets, domestic markets throughout the country in their own trucks, export of large trucks to foreign countries began when consumption began to grow. In addition, fruits began to
enter both domestic and foreign markets. Grapes are highlighted as the main exported fruit of the Altyaryk. Because the income from the sale of grapes is several times higher than seasonal crops. As the price of one kilogram of grape fruit, which is recognized as a specific record among the farmers of the Altyaryk district, is noted 270-280 thousand rubles. This result was achieved in the last ten days of March. This means a significant income, because in the usual 13-16 acres of land the climate does not come cold, the subordination of grape seedlings yields up to 4-5 tons.
The main support that will provide the population of the district from the economic side is dekhan farming! If we come to exact statistics! On average, the area of one area in the district is 13,25 acres[13-15].
The volume of fruit and vegetable Expositions in the district amounted to 6 million US dollars in 2016, 16.5 million US dollars in 2017, 37.5 million US dollars in 2018, 70 million US dollars in 2019. Products (, services) worth a total of 68071,5 thousand US dollars were escorted to foreign countries during January-December of 2020 in Altyaryk district, 3 572.6 thousand US dollars (5.2 percent) of the export volume corresponds to the index of industrial products, 60537.6 thousand US dollars (88.9 percent) of agricultural products and 3 961.3 thousand US dollars (5.9 percent) of other types of products [21].
In 2019, a total of 280 billion sum 190 thousand tons of fruit and vegetable products were grown in the Altyaryk district. In 2020, 1,936,9 billion sums of agricultural products were grown [16]. In January-December 2020, 54276 tons of grapes were grown in the Altyaryk district, the share of grapes grown in Ferghana region was 30.2 per cent. 92,3 percent of the volume of grown grapes corresponds to the contribution of dehkan and personal auxiliary farms of the population. 16273,9 tons or 30,0 percent of grapes grown in the district were exported to foreign countries. The value of grape exports amounted to 15.2 million US dollars [21].
In the Altyaryk, in 2017 there were 22 units capacity 15 thousand tons of refrigerators. By the beginning of 2020-th year, there are about 80 thousand tons of capacity refrigerators. In 2018, there were 223 vehicles with referees, and by the end of 2019, there are 590 vehicles[17]. Altyaryk products in them are entering the markets of such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, China. Now that our country is developing rapidly, many documents under the law and legislation are being adopted simultaneously with the times, we must work diligently to achieve new heights in agriculture, as in all spheres [18].
Proceeding from the above, I propose the following to ensure the diversification of the use of the District Land Fund by giving priority to export-oriented products;
• 1. Organization of "Export trade center" complexes in the territory of the district (in order to assist exporters, farmer and dehkans in the region);
• 2. To give priority to agricultural lands in the selection of cultivated varieties taking into account the following characteristics of the location of the land plot:
1. Soil condition;
2. Climate;
3. Sizot waters;
4. Technoogen is located in the area or not;
5. Amount of precipitation;
6. Availability and suitability of irrigation networks;
7. Water demand of the crop type;
8. Agrotechnical activities that need to be carried out in relation to the type of cultivated crop;
9. The price of the grown product in the previous season;
10. whether there is demand for exports or not.
• 3. In the process of restoration or placement of production facilities in the territory of the district, in the case of putting unused and state-owned objects into auction or giving them for use (on a lease), it is necessary to ensure that the business plans of the applicants give priority to the ones established for the purpose of creating export-oriented goods[19-23].
The above will lead to the fact that the land users in the district will receive additional income, the further penetration of foreign currencies into the territory, the creation of jobs and the increase in number will lead to an increase in the economic indicators of the territory. From the experience of developed countries it is known that the higher the volume of exports than the volume of imports of the country, and the constant increase in this indicator leads to the development of the economy, the Prevention of the state of the purchase of Natural Resources in the country.
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