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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Devdariani Natalia Valerievna, Rubtsova Elena Viktorovna

The article deals with the problems of teaching the perception of video material in English as a foreign language (EFL). The main focus is on the study of non-specialized online resources used in foreign (English) language classes. The basic principles of using online resources when teaching English are proposed for developing listening skills. The object of the research is non-specialized online resources used in the lessons of English as a foreign language. Subject - principles of using online resources in EFL teaching to develop listening skills. It is proved that the use of non-specialized online resources (video materials based on them) can be considered as the basis for the development of any type of tasks for speech understanding. Researchers are examining a selection of videos that are considered in this study as a didactic teaching tool. Experimental results are given, including an overview of the non-specialized segments of the TED Talks and YouTube online resources. Examples of lessons based on the material of Internet resources are given. The theoretical material was tested in English lessons in secondary schools in Kursk, Russia. An analysis of domestic (Russian) and foreign approaches to the definition of communicative competence allows the authors to define it as the ability to solve urgent communication problems in various contexts through the English language. The methodological aspects of using non-specialized online resources for developing listening skills described in this study, as well as the algorithms of the lessons, can be used in the process of teaching English. To confirm the hypothesis of the research, the authors presented methodical materials based on the use of such online resources as TED Talks on the topic: "How language shapes our way of thinking".

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© Автор(ы) 2021 SPIN: 7224-4927 AuthorlD: 462174 ORCID: 0000-0003-4711-8615

ДЕВДАРИАНИ Наталья Валерьевна, кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Русского языка и культуры речи» Курский государственный медицинский университет (305041, Россия, Курск, ул. Карла Маркса, д. 3, e-mail: devd.nata@yandex.ru)

SPIN: 8728-9478 AuthorlD: 680842 ORCID: 0000-0002-3872-1351

РУБЦОВА Елена Викторовна, кандидат филологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры «Русского языка и культуры речи» Курский государственный медицинский университет (305041, Россия, Курск, ул. Карла Маркса, д. 3, e-mail: rubcova2@mail.ru) Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются проблемы обучения восприятию видеоматериала на английском языке как иностранном (EFL). Основное внимание уделяется изучению неспециализированных онлайн-ресурсов, используемых на занятиях по иностранному (английскому) языку. Предлагаются основополагающие принципы обращения к онлайн-ресурсам при обучении английскому языку для развития навыков аудирования. Объектом исследования являются неспециализированные онлайн-ресурсы, используемые на уроках английского языка как иностранного. Предмет - принципы использования онлайн-ресурсов в обучении EFL для развития навыков аудирования. Доказывается, что использование неспециализированных онлайн-ресурсов (видеоматериалов на их основе) может рассматриваться как основа для разработки любого типа заданий с целью понимания звучащей речи. Исследователи изучают критерии отбора видеороликов, которые рассматриваются в данном исследовании в качестве дидактического средства обучения. Представлены результаты эксперимента, включающего обзор неспециализированных сегментов онлайн-ресурсов TED Talks и YouTube. Приведены примеры разработки занятий на материале Интернет-ресурсов. Теоретический материал апробирован на уроках английского языка в общеобразовательных школах г. Курска, Россия. Анализ отечественных (российских) и зарубежных подходов к определению коммуникативной компетенции, позволяет авторам определить последнюю как способность решать актуальные проблемы коммуникации в различных контекстах посредством английского языка. Методологические аспекты использования неспециализированных онлайн-ресурсов для развития навыков аудирования, описанные в данном исследовании, а также алгоритмы уроков могут быть использованы в процессе обучения английскому языку. Для подтверждения гипотезы исследования авторами представлены методические разработки занятия на основе использования таких онлайн-ресурсов, как TED Talks на тему: «Как язык формирует наш образ мышления»). Анализ занятия показал, что онлайн-ресурсы такого рода могут быть одним из важнейших компонентов для создания комплексов упражнений на развитие навыков аудирования.

Ключевые слова: аудирование, онлайн ресурсы, TED Talks, дидактические средства, аутентичные видеоматериалы, английский язык как иностранный (EFL), методическая разработка, восприятие, комплекс упражнений, алгоритм урока.


© The Author(s) 2021

DEVDARIANI Natalia Valerievna, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the "Russian Language and Speech Culture" Department Kursk State Medical University (305041, Russia, Kursk, Karl Marx Street, 3, e-mail: devd.nata@yandex.ru) RUBTSOVA Elena Viktorovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the "Russian Language and Speech Culture" Department Kursk State Medical University (305041, Russia, Kursk, Karl Marx Street, 3, e-mail: rubcova2@mail.ru) Abstract. The article deals with the problems of teaching the perception of video material in English as a foreign language (EFL). The main focus is on the study of non-specialized online resources used in foreign (English) language classes. The basic principles of using online resources when teaching English are proposed for developing listening skills. The object of the research is non-specialized online resources used in the lessons of English as a foreign language. Subject - principles of using online resources in EFL teaching to develop listening skills. It is proved that the use of non-specialized online resources (video materials based on them) can be considered as the basis for the development of any type of tasks for speech understanding. Researchers are examining a selection of videos that are considered in this study as a didactic teaching tool. Experimental results are given, including an overview of the non-specialized segments of the TED Talks and YouTube online resources. Examples of lessons based on the material of Internet resources are given. The theoretical material was tested in English lessons in secondary schools in Kursk, Russia. An analysis of domestic (Russian) and foreign approaches to the definition of communicative competence allows the authors to define it as the ability to solve urgent communication problems in various contexts through the English language. The methodological aspects of using non-specialized online resources for developing listening skills described in this study, as well as the algorithms of the lessons, can be used in the process of teaching English. To confirm the hypothesis of the research, the authors presented methodical materials based on the use of such online resources as TED Talks on the topic: "How language shapes our way of thinking".

Keywords: listening, online resources, TED Talks, didactic tools, authentic video materials, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), methodological development, perception, set of exercises, lesson algorithm.

Azimut of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology.

2021. T.10. №3(36)p-ISSN: 2309-1754; e-ISSN: 2712-8474


This article deals with the problems of learning the perception of foreign language (English) material. It is noted the relevance of studying communicative competence, part of which is the formation of listening skills. Analyzed domestic and foreign approaches to the definition of communicative competence, the authors define the latter as the ability to solve actual problems of communication in educational, residential and industrial context through English.

In this research, it is proved that the process of listening comprehension by using video not only increases the chances of understanding authentic text, but also significantly increases the motivation of students to the process of learning English as a foreign language. The researchers examine the criteria for selecting the videos that are didactic learning tool. The most important of them is the linguistic material which, in the opinion of the authors of the article supposed to meet the communicative orientation of the classes, i.e., after viewing the video, students should be able to use acquired vocabulary and grammatical structures in the formation of their own statements.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the methodological aspects of using non-specialized online resources for developing listening skills described in this research, as well as the developed lesson algorithms, which can be used in the process of teaching EFL at the level of basic general education in Russia.

This research is devoted to the analysis of the methodological foundations of the use of non-specialized online resources for the development of listening skills in a foreign language (English) text. Within the framework of this study, sets of exercises for students of the level of basic general education were also developed and tested.

Authentic audio and video materials, which were created directly by native speakers, help us to get closer to this goal by immersing ourselves in the atmosphere and culture of the country of the target language, which makes the process of mastering English language material more exciting, lively and easy. The realization of this goal can be facilitated by non-specialized online resources, which provide a choice for the teacher in the selection of such material.

Under non-specialized online resources in the framework of this research, we mean resources containing materials on various topics (Internet portals, social networks, media sites, blogs, etc.), the purpose of which is to provide the necessary information to meet the social needs of people.

As for specialized resources, they include sites, portals, communities with narrowly focused topics and are focused on the study of a particular branch of human life (educational resources), including the study of EFL.

Thus, the object of the research is non-specialized online resources used at EFL lessons for students of basic general education. The subject of the research is the principles of using these online resources in the process of EFL learning for developing listening skills.


According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation of the third version, one of the requirements for the structure of the Educational Program of the Basic General Education is the possession of competence in the field of ICT [1]. Therefore, in recent years, there has been a trend towards the introduction of information technology in the field of education, which makes the learning process more informative and interesting. This increasingly popular use of online resources meets the needs of students in obtaining relevant information for them, and also helps the teacher to implement a student-centered approach [2, p. 289-300].

Referring to Internet resources, the teacher can select authentic material, developing all types of speech activity of students (listening, reading, writing, and speaking).

Research methods - descriptive, comparative, questionnaire method, as well as elements of statistical analysis are used in this study.

The research material was video files taken from non-specialized segments of such online resources as TED Talks (on the topic "How language shapes the way we think") and YouTube (on the topic "Inside Alessandra Ambrosio's Home") (Open Door channel).


Today, the most important source of information is the Internet. We watch news, interviews of famous personalities, various talk shows, advertising videos, etc., that is, we perceive information not only with the help of texts, audio texts, but also with the help of video materials. The use of video materials in teaching EFL is gaining more and more popularity nowadays [3-6]. Firstly, there is a feeling of novelty, since the material familiar to everyone is audio texts. Secondly, the main principle in the use of video materials is the principle of clarity. Through the video, we can follow the gestures, facial expressions of the speaker, which makes the process of perceiving information easier and more interesting. Thirdly, colorful informative video materials increase the students' interest in viewing and listening to the text [7,8].

Difficulties in the content of audio text or video material include problems associated with understanding the text, facts or events that occur in it, the sequence of actions, the main idea of the text. To avoid such difficulties, the teacher should select the material very carefully, taking into consideration the characteristics of each student, such as age, level of language training, his interests, etc. During preparing for the lesson and selecting materials for listening, a teacher should, according to a number of researchers [9,10,11], take into account the following recommendations:

1. The learner always more easily perceives the information already known to him. Therefore, at the initial stage, the teacher can offer to read the text, and then listen to it. Next, another audio recording can be included which will be closely related to the previous text, so that students have the opportunity to understand new information and compare the two texts with each other.

2. No need to give too light text, because it can reduce the motivation of students. The most optimal variant is a text with a level of complexity "at the limit of difficulty" [12]. Indeed, for the effectiveness of training, it is very important to have some kind of incentive to overcome difficulties in order to understand the main problem of the text, to realize the actions of the heroes.

3. The content of the text should be correspondent to the age of the person, his life experience, which also influences the formation of motivation for the listened text.

4. The text may contain "redundant elements" (silence fillers), such as various kinds of introductory words, repetitions that do not carry any information, but give some additional time to comprehend the basic information.

5. The installation plays an important role in working with audio text or video materials. The success of working with the text will depend on how the teacher gives the setting. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the pre-text stage of listening [13].

There are many sites specially created for teaching EFL nowadays. These include, for example, EngVid.com, BBC Learning English, aehelp.com (Academic English Help), Learn English British Council, List English and a number of others. However, of course, the English-speaking segment of the Internet goes far beyond specially designed platforms. These are non-specialized, not created exclusively for the purpose of EFL education, authentic resources that represent a huge potential for the development of language skills, including listening skills [14].

Following the purpose of our research we have to look at the description of such online resources as YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/) and TED Talks (https://www.


According to research data for 2019, more than 81% of residents of the Russian Federation from 16 to 44 years old use YouTube services (Russian YouTube statistics for 2019). Thus, we can conclude that YouTube is already firmly rooted in our lives and it's used not only for leisure purposes, but for educational as well.

On YouTube, you can find educational videos (video lessons, lectures, seminars) and entertaining blogs, talk shows, interviews, which can also be used in the process of learning EFL. With the help of this online resource, we can place the student in a natural foreign language environment using authentic material.

TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a special platform that brings together the best ideas of the world's greatest TED speakers, represented in short emotional talks. This platform offers to users short presentations on a variety of topics, such as science, medicine, arts, business or global issues. Videos are sorted into the following categories: topics, languages, duration, events. As for the duration, it can vary from 6 to 18 minutes or more (Figure 1.).

Figure 1 - TED Talks Interface

Today, the TED Talks portal, not being specially created for the purpose of EFL education, is actively used in teaching English due to the following reasons:

1. Availability. All videos from TED conferences are freely available on this portal, and can be watched free.

2. Relevance of topics and constantly updated content. New videos appear on the TED portal, where speakers talk about social problems, spiritual life, everyday topics, and discuss global issues.

3. Live speech.

4. These materials are authentic and not educational in nature.

5. Ease of use of this site.

Thus, non-specialized online resources YouTube and TED Talks are actively used by teachers in the process of teaching EFL. Indeed, thanks to their visual and auditive component, these resources are able to move students around the world, acquaint them with the culture of the target language, and also immerse them in the atmosphere of everyday life of a native speaker.

The result of the study of theoretical and practical developments in the field of using video materials for EFL learning was the assumption that the adaptation of video materials from non-specialized online resources can become a solid basis for the establishment tasks of various types and levels of complexity aimed at understanding of speaking. These tasks can be successfully integrated into the learning process. It should help to increase the motivation of students, since they are not a product specially established for educational purposes, but reflect real life with a high degree of authenticity.

Example of the structure of the lesson based on the online resource Ted Talks

To realize the goal of our study on the possibility of using online resources that were not developed specifically for the purposes of EFL learning, we had a lesson with a demonstration of more complex video material, the duration of which was 14.13 minutes.

Figure 2 - "How language shapes the way we think" reading by the linguist Lera Boroditsky

To develop listening assignments, the online resource TED Talks and the video of the lecture «How language shapes the way we think» reading by the linguist Lera Boroditsky were used (Fig.2).

Lera Boroditsky was born in Minsk, Belarus, where she spent her childhood, and then immigrated to the United States with her family. Today she is engaged in psycholin-guistics and works as an adjunct professor at the University of California. Lera Boroditsky not only teaches and writes scientific works, but also gives her lectures around the world (Online service hsw-mba.livejournal.com, 2012). Valeria is bilingual, that is, English is not her native language. However, due to her high level of English proficiency, it is difficult to distinguish her from a native speaker. Such a phenomenon can become an indicator of integration into a foreign language environment and serve as an example for students.

We suppose this video lecture is an effective material for students; it carries not only psycholinguistic, but also regional and socio-cultural information, acquaints students with the peculiarities of the culture and language of other countries. In addition, the topic of this video is reflected to the program material.

The main task of the teacher at the pre-demonstration stage was to prevent possible difficulties that could arise when watching the video.

First the teacher gave a summary of the video, explaining the purpose of the questions asked. Thanks to such a short discussion, students were able to guess the topic of the video. Nevertheless, before watching, the teacher distributed didactic materials containing certain lexical units (terms) and their translation in order to facilitate the process of information perception. Then she oriented students to formulate the main ideas and write down keywords while watching. (While watching, try to write down some main ideas and key words. After that we will compare your key words).

Thus, as we can see at the demonstration stage students had rather difficult tasks that require a high degree of concentration while watching.

At the post-demonstration stage, the teacher offered to compare the key words and main ideas that every student had written down. (Let's compare your key words). The results of completing this task revealed that not all students understand what key words are, so only 90 people (less than 50%) coped with this task. To eliminate the difficulties that arose during the described stage of working with video recording, the teacher invited students to look at the board where their keywords were written and reproduce the corresponding fragment from the video (Now I want you to look at these words again and reproduce the episode where each word is used. Use that very word).

Azimut of Scientific Research: Pedagogy and Psychology.

2021. T.10. №3(36)p-ISSN: 2309-1754; e-ISSN: 2712-8474

To complete such kind of tasks also required a lot of efforts. However, despite all the difficulties, most of the students were able to cope with the task. The only obstacle during the exercise was the lack of vocabulary for further speaking and communication.

At the beginning of the second lesson, which followed the first one with minimum intervals, the teacher checked the homework (retelling the text using the outline). In order to facilitate the perception of a large amount of information, a certain fragment of the text was divided into three parts. The fragment was accompanied by the following assignment:

Task 1. You will have worksheets with a full transcript of the episode you are going to watch. Watch the video again and write the correct word(s) to complete the gaps in the text.

So, let me tell you_some of my favorite examples.

I'll start with an example from an Aboriginal community in

Australia that I had the chance to work_. These are

the Kuuk Thaayorre people. They live in Pormpuraaw at the

very west_of Cape York. What's_about Kuuk

Thaayorre is, in Kuuk Thaayorre, they don't use words like "left" and "right," and instead, everything is in cardinal directions: _, south,_and west. And when I say everything, I really mean everything. You would say something

like, "Oh, there's an ant on your_leg." Or, "Move your

cup to the north-northeast a little bit.

The complexity of this task was not only because of the volume of the text. As far as the students had to work with the video recording at home, we decided to give the opportunity to listen to the text only once. However, despite all the difficulties, most of the students (160 people) coped with the task perfectly, but at the same time expressed their opinion on the difficulty of its implementation. According to the students, filling in the blanks, they were not completely sure of the correctness of the chosen lexical option. The remaining 120 people left 2-3 passes blank. Since the task of listening is not only to learn to understand speaking, but also to be able to use the information received in situations of real communication, the teacher offers students a creative task: it was necessary to imagine that they were at the international conference dedicated to language issues and thinking. Their task was to make a discussion using examples from the video. To make work more productive and interesting, the teacher divided the class into 3 groups and gave a specific example from the video to each group.

Task 2. Imagine that we're taking part in an international conference devoted to language. Prove the idea that "the language we speak shapes the way we think". Use the examples from the episode:

The Aboriginal community in Australia - 1st row;

"Languages also differ in how they divide up the color spectrum -- the visual world." - 2nd row;

"Languages also differ in how they describe events." -3rd row.

This task aroused great interest among the students, which became clear already during the preparatory stage. The students actively discussed their ideas, shared opinions with each other about the proposed situations in the lesson. This task is consistent with the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program; it helped students to master the techniques of educational and social interaction with peers within the framework of joint activities [15]. The result of the assignment was the performances of the groups presenting their points of view, using active vocabulary and examples from the video.

Although the main goal of the conducted lessons was to develop listening skills by using authentic video material based on non-specialized online resources, it was impossible not to integrate other types of speech activities closely related to listening into the exercise complexes, which proves the universality of non-specialized online resources.


Listening is multifunctional: it allows to improve phonetic, lexical, grammatical, communication and other skills. The listening process is more successful if the learners re-96

ceive information through the visual and auditory channels at the same time. The presence of visual support and audio text brings learners as close as possible to the situation of real communication, it also allows not only to hear the sounding speech, but also to see the emotions, gestures, facial expressions of the speaker, which facilitates the process of listening.

The focus of this study was on authentic videos that are the content of non-specialized online resources, that is, platforms that are not created specifically for the purpose of teaching EFL.

During the study, the following tasks were solved:

1) approaches to the interpretation of listening as a type of speech activity are considered,

2) described various aspects of listening in the process of learning EFL,

3) analyzed the main stages of teaching listening (pre-demonstration, demonstration, post-demonstration),

4) studied the problems that students face in the listening process, as well as possible ways to solve them,

5) an overview from the standpoint of their didactic and motivating potential of the online resources YouTube and TED Talks was made.

In the course of our study, we put forward a hypothesis that the use of non-specialized online resources (video materials based on them) can become the basis for the development of any type of tasks aimed at developing understanding of speech. The set of exercises can be successfully integrated into the educational process, which will help to increase the motivation of students to learn EFL.

To test this hypothesis, lessons were developed based on such online resources as TED Talks on the topic: "How language shapes the way we think". Analysis of the lessons showed that online resources of this kind can be one of the most important components for creating sets of exercises for listening skills development.


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Статья поступила в редакцию 24.01.2021 Статья принята к публикации 27.08.2021

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