Научная статья на тему 'Prikaz 5. Internacionalne konferencije OTEH 2012 – odbrambene tehnologije'

Prikaz 5. Internacionalne konferencije OTEH 2012 – odbrambene tehnologije Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Vojnotehnički glasnik
Ключевые слова
internacionalna konferencija OTEH 2012 / Vojnotehnički institut Beograd / aerodinamika i dinamika leta / aircraft. / International Conference OTEH 2012 in Belgrade / Military Tehnical Institute / aerodynamics and flight dynamics / aircraft.

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Vlado P. Đurković

U članku su prikazani radovi i događanja na petoj internacionalnojkonferenciji OTEH 2012, odbrambene tehnologije, održanoj u Beogradu,u prostoru Vojnotehničkog instituta (VTI), u periodu od 18. do 19.septembra 2012. godine.U radu su prikazane sekcije po oblastima i dat prikaz predavanjapo pozivu.Dat je i prikaz ustanova autora i koautora koji su aktivno učestvovaliu radu kongresa iz R. Srbije.

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This article gives an overview of all papers and events at the Fifth International Scientific Conference on Defense Technologies OTEH 2012 held in Belgrade, in the Military Technical Institute (VTI), from 18th to 19th September 2012. The paper review presents the Conference Sections by subjects and guest-lectureres as well as the institutions of all authors who actively participated at the Conference. The Fifth International Scientific Conference on Defense Technologies OTEH 2012 was held in Belgrade in the Military Technical Institute in Žarkovo, from 18th to 19th September 2012. The Conference program was organized in two plenary sessions and a working part which took place in four halls. In the plenary session, two key lectures were held by eminent experts from abroad. The first lecture entitled „An adaptive remeshing technique for 3D crack growth simulations”, was given by Dr Vincent Chiaruttini (ONERA Institute, Paris, France). The second one, „New Technologies for Advanced Defence Systems”, was held by Dr Filippo Neri (Virtualabs Company, Rome, Italy). Fifteen sessions were organised at the Conference. The authors presented their works in open discussions answering questions from the audience. The average number of attendees at each session was about 40.s. The papers were sorted by topic areas: • Aerodynamics and flight dynamics: 12 papers • Aircraft: 23 papers • Weapon systems, ammunition, energy materials, combat vehicles: 29 papers • Integrated sensor systems and robotic systems: 16 papers • Telecommunication and information systems: 18 papers • Materials and technologies: 34 papers • Quality, standardization, metrology, maintenance and exploitation: 11 papers Out of 163 submitted papers for this Conference, 145 papers were accepted and distributed in an electronic form on CDs to the present authors, co-authors, guests and invitees to the Conference. The number of participants with authors and co-authors was impressive – 243. The authors (either of their own or plenary papers) from 15 countries were present at the Conference. It should be noted that at this conference, unlike the previous one also held in the VTI, Belgrade, in 2011, there was a significantly higher number of younger researchers. There was a general impression that many reseach results communicated at the Conference deserved to be published in reference journals on the SCR list. A number of papers from this Conference will be considered for publication in the Scientific Technical Review. It should be noted that the MO-VTI organizing committee largely contributed to the Conference to be evaluated as a well-organized event. • From a total number of papers (145), there were 32 (or 22.06% ) from abroad. Once again, the Conference justified the purpose of this type of conferences. The other works of authors and co-authors were from the following institutions in Serbia: The Ministry of Education and Science and Technological Development, • Military Technical Institute (VTI), Military Academy (MA), the Army of Serbia (SAF), the Ministry of Defence (MOD), Department of Defense Technology (MDT), University of Defence (UD) Military Institution Dedinje, Military Archives, Technical Test Center (TTC), Technical Overhaul Institute Čačak (TRZ), the Central Logistics Base, Institute of Strategic Studies, Criminal Police College, • GOŠA Institute, Institute of Engineering, • Faculties of Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Metropolitan University, Faculty of Technology and metallurgy, College of Project Management, • UTVA Aircraft Industry Pančevo, Intel Communications, IHATEM, Vlata com, Iritel, Peripolis-Electronics, Computer Engineering, Thermo Electric, HK Krušik Valjevo. The Conference had a truly international character. As in previous years, the participation of the Army of Serbia in this important event is fully justified, and the goal is reached. In addition to the communication of the research results, there was a fruitful discussion in which the problems were reviewed, opinions and experiences exchanged and possibilities to solve presented problems discussed. It was again confirmed that communicating work at such events with the participation of scientists and relevant institutions from the country and abroad certainly has a positive impact on the scientific and professional level of work in the Army. It also has a positive impact on professional and scientific training of researchers in experimental centers and institutes as well as teachers, thus raising the quality of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Military Academy. It can be concluded that the cooperation of the Army with the members of other institutions in solving and researching problems of organizations and scientific-technical approach confirms the openness of the Army for the involvement of other individuals and institutions in solving problems in the field of defense as well as the willingness and ability of the members of the defense system to engage in solving problems in civil institutions.

Текст научной работы на тему «Prikaz 5. Internacionalne konferencije OTEH 2012 – odbrambene tehnologije»



Vlado P. Đurković, Univerzitet odbrane u Beogradu,

Vojna akademija, Katedra vojnomašinskog inženjerstva, Beograd

OBLAST: vojno inženjerstvo VRSTA ČLANKA: prikaz


U članku su prikazani radovi i događanja na petoj internacionalnoj konferenciji OTEH 2012, odbrambene tehnologije, održanoj u Beogradu, u prostoru Vojnotehničkog instituta (VTI), u periodu od 18. do 19. septembra 2012. godine.

U radu su prikazane sekcije po oblastima i dat prikaz predavanja po pozivu.

Dat je i prikaz ustanova autora i koautora koji su aktivno učestvo-vali u radu kongresa iz R. Srbije.

Ključne reči: internacionalna konferencija OTEH 2012, Vojnotehnički institut Beograd, aerodinamika i dinamika leta, aircraft.

U periodu od 18. 9. do 19. 9. 2012. godine održana je u Beogradu u prostoru Vojnotehničkog instituta u Žarkovu, Peta međunarod-na konferencija OTEH 2012 odbrambene tehnologije (5th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies OTEH 2012).

Kongres je organizovao Vojnotehnički institut (VTI) pod pokrovitelj-stvom Ministarstva odbrane Republike Srbije.

Prostrane zgrade i opremljene laboratorije sa predivnim i udobnim amfiteatrima doprineli su da se Konferencija održi u ugodnoj i opuštenoj atmosferi.

Skup je počeo obraćanjem direktora Vojnotehničkog instituta puk doc. dr Zorana Rajića.

Svečanom otvaranju prisustvovalo je preko 350 učesnika, od kojih je 73 bilo iz inostranstva. Bili su to visoki predstavnici Ministarstva odbrane i Vojske Srbije, Ministarstva prosvete i nauke, predstavnici naučnoistraži-vačkih i obrazovnih institucija, fabrika i zavoda odbrambene industrije, ci-vilnih institucija i akreditovani vojni predstavnici iz 18 zemalja.


Skup su pratili brojni akreditovani predstavnici medija iz sledećih re-dakcija: magazina Odbrana, B92, Radio Beograda 1, FoNet-a, Infobiro-a, Beta pres-a, Svet info plus-a, Palma plus-a, RTS-a, Tanjuga, RTV Pink-a, Anadolije AA.

Skup je otvorio ministar odbrane Republike Srbije, gospodin Alek-sandar Vučić.

U pauzi između sednica, drugog dana, učesnici skupa su imali prili-ku da obiđu Laboratoriju za raketne motore i Laboratoriju za eksperimen-talnu aerodinamiku.

U okviru skupa organizovana je izložba maketa aviona Udruženja „Beogradski maketarski klub", pod nazivom „Sto godina srpskog vojnog vazduhoplovstva".

Na kraju skupa, u okviru ceremonije zatvaranja, prisutnima se obra-tio predsednik naučnog odbora dr Jovan Isaković. Uz rezime dvodnev-nog rada i konstataciju da je OTEH 2012 ispunio očekivanja organizatora svi učesnici su pozvani na sledeći skup OTEH 2014, koji će se održati za dve godine. Tom prilikom je dodeljena i nagrada za najbolji rad. Na osno-vu odluke Naučnog veća Vojnotehničkog instituta, najbolji rad je rad pod nazivom „An example of the side force determination in the rocket motor thrust vector system“, dr Nikole Gligorijevića sa grupom koautora. Autoru je uručena plaketa sa znakom Vojnotehničkog instituta.

Za skup je prihvaćeno 145 radova od kojih su 32 iz inostranstva i to iz 15 zemalja: Kine, Alžira, Egipta, Turske, Velike Britanije, Italije, Fran-cuske, Belorusije, Ukrajine, Poljske, Češke Republike, Bugarske, Slove-nije, Bosne i Hercegovine i Crne Gore.

Program konferencije se realizovao kroz dva plenarna izlaganja i radni deo skupa, koji se odvijao po sednicama u četiri sale.

U okviru plenarne sednice održana su dva uvodna predavanja emi-nentnih stručnjaka iz inostranstva. Prvo predavanje pod nazivom „An adaptive remeshing technique for 3d crack growth simulations“ održao je Dr Vincent Chiaruttini (ONERA Institute, Pariz, Francuska). Drugo uvod-no predavanje „New technologies for advanced defence systems“ održao je Dr Filippo Neri (Virtualabs Company, Rim, Italija).

Za dva dana rada održano je 15 sednica. Na njima su autori izlagali svoje radove i u okviru otvorenih diskusija odgovarali na pitanja prisutnih. Prosečan broj prisutnih na sednicama bio je oko 40.

Radovi su bili razvrstani po tematskim oblastima:

Aerodinamika i dinamika leta: 12 radova

• Vazduhoplovi: 23 rada

• Naoružanje, municija, energetski materijali, vozila: 29 radova

• Integrisani senzorski i robotski sistemi: 16 radova

• Telekomunikacioni i informacioni sistemi: 18 radova

• Materijali i tehnologije: 34 rada

• Kvalitet, standardizacija, metrologija, održavanje i eksploatacija: 11 radova


Đurković, V., Prikaz 5. internacionalne konferencije OTEH 2012 - Odbrambene tehologije, pp. 270-275


Od ukupno prijavljena 163 rada, za skup je bilo prihvaćeno 145 radova, koja su dati u elektronskoj formi prisutnim autorima i koautorima radova i go-stima i zvanicama na samom kongresu. Broj učesnika sa autorima i koautorima je impozantan a iznosio je 243. Na samom kongresu su bili zastupljeni autori (bilo za plenarna predavanja ili same radove) iz 15 zemalja.

Treba istaći da je na ovoj konferenciji, za razliku od prethodne koja je održana takođe u VTI Beograd 2011. godine, bio prisutan znatno veći broj mlađih istraživača. Opšta je ocena da su na samom skupu saopšteni rezultati istraživanja, od kojih značajan broj, zaslužuju da budu publikova-ni u referentnim časopisima sa SCI liste.

Treba istaći da su predstavnici MO-VTI u okviru organizacionog od-bora, svojim angažovanjem, doprineli sa svoje strane da skup bude oce-njen kao dobro organizovan.

Kao što je rečeno od ukupnog broja radova (145) iz inostranstva su bila 32 ili 22,06%. Time se još jednom potvrdila opravdanost konferencija ovog tipa. Ostali radovi autora i koautora su bili iz institucija iz Srbije i to:

• Ministarstvo prosvete nauke i tehnološkog razvoja,

• Vojnotehnički institut (VTI), Vojna Akademija (VA), Generalštab vojske Srbije (GŠ VS), Ministarstvo odbrane (MO), Uprava za odbrambe-ne tehnologije (UOT), Univerzitet odbrane (UO), Vojna ustanova Dedinje, Vojni arhiv, Tehnički opitni centar (TOC), Tehnički remontni zavod Čačak (TRZ), Centralna logistička baza, Institut za strategijska istraživanja, Kri-minalističko policijska akademija,

• Institut GOŠA, Institut tehničkih nauka,

• Matematički fakultet, Mašinski fakultet, Elektrotehnički fakultet, Me-tropoliten univerzitet, Tehnološko metaluški fakultet, Visoka škola za pro-jektni menadžment,

• D.O.O. UTVA Avio industrija Pančevo, Intel komunikacije, IHA-TEM, Vlata com, Iritel, Peripolis-elektronika, Računarski fakultet, Termo Elektro, HK Krušik Valjevo.

Skup je imao međunarodni karakter. Od ukupno 29 članova nauč-nog odbora, 10 članova je bilo iz inostranstva i to iz: Nemačke, Turske, Češke, Novog Zelanda, Bugarske, Kanade i Bosne i Hercegovine. Zva-nični jezik skupa bio je engleski.

Kao i prethodnih godina, učešće pripadnika Vojske Srbije na ovom značajnom skupu potpuno je opravdano, a cilj je postignut. Pored saop-štavanja rezultata istraživanja, vođena je plodna diskusija u kojoj su sa-gledani problemi, razmenjena mišljenja i iskustva i razmatrana moguć-nost rešenja iznetih problema.

Ponovo se potvrdilo da izlaganje radova na ovakvom i sličnim sku-povima, kako međusobno, tako i sa naučnim radnicima iz zemlje i ino-stranstva, i iz drugih naučnih i obrazovnih institucija svakako ima poziti-van uticaj na naučni i stručni nivo rada u vojsci. Takođe, utiče i na struč-


no i naučno usavršavanje kako istraživača u opitnim centrima i instituti-ma, tako i nastavnika, te podiže kvalitet nastave na osnovnim i posledi-plomskim studijima u Vojnoj akademiji i Univerzitetu odbrane upošte.

Može se zaključiti da saradnja pripadnika Vojske sa pripadnicima drugih institucija u rešavanju i istraživanju problema iz organizacije i na-učno-tehničkim pristupom potvrđuje otvorenost Vojske za angažovanje drugih lica i institucija na rešavanju problema u oblasti odbrane, ali i spremnost i sposobnost pripadnika sistema odbrane da se angažuju na rešavanju problema u civilnim institucijama.


OTEH, 2012, 5th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies, Belgrade, 18-19 September, PROGRAMME, Organized by Military Technical Institute, Serbia, Belgrade.

OTEH, 2012, 5th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies, Proceedings ISBN 978-86-81123-58-4, Military Technical Institute, Belgrade, 18-19 September.

http://www.vti.mod.gov. rs/ote h


FIELD: Military Engineering ARTICLE TYPE: Review


This article gives an overview of all papers and events at the Fifth International Scientific Conference on Defense Technologies OTEH 2012 held in Belgrade, in the Military Technical Institute (VTI), from 18th to 19th September 2012.

The paper review presents the Conference Sections by subjects and guest-lectureres as well as the institutions of all authors who actively participated at the Conference.

The Fifth International Scientific Conference on Defense Technologies OTEH 2012 was held in Belgrade in the Military Technical Institute in Žarkovo, from 18th to 19th September 2012.

The Conference program was organized in two plenary sessions and a working part which took place in four halls.

In the plenary session, two key lectures were held by eminent experts from abroad. The first lecture entitled „An adaptive remeshing technique for 3D crack growth simulations”, was given by Dr Vincent Chiaruttini (ONERA Institute, Paris, France). The second one, „New Technologies for Advanced Defence Systems”, was held by Dr Filippo Neri (Virtualabs Company, Rome, Italy).


Đurković, V., Prikaz 5. internacionalne konferencije OTEH 2012 - Odbrambene tehologije, pp. 270-275


Fifteen sessions were organised at the Conference. The authors presented their works in open discussions answering questions from the audience. The average number of attendees at each session was about 40.s.

The papers were sorted by topic areas:

• Aerodynamics and flight dynamics: 12 papers

• Aircraft: 23 papers

• Weapon systems, ammunition, energy materials, combat vehicles: 29 papers

• Integrated sensor systems and robotic systems: 16 papers

• Telecommunication and information systems: 18 papers

• Materials and technologies: 34 papers

• Quality, standardization, metrology, maintenance and exploitation: 11 papers

Out of 163 submitted papers for this Conference, 145 papers were accepted and distributed in an electronic form on CDs to the present authors, co-authors, guests and invitees to the Conference. The number of participants with authors and co-authors was impressive - 243. The authors (either of their own or plenary papers) from 15 countries were present at the Conference.

It should be noted that at this conference, unlike the previous one also held in the VTI, Belgrade, in 2011, there was a significantly higher number of younger researchers. There was a general impression that many reseach results communicated at the Conference deserved to be published in reference journals on the SCR list.

A number of papers from this Conference will be considered for publication in the Scientific Technical Review. It should be noted that the MO-VTI organizing committee largely contributed to the Conference to be evaluated as a well-organized event.

• From a total number of papers (145), there were 32 (or 22.06% ) from abroad. Once again, the Conference justified the purpose of this type of conferences. The other works of authors and co-authors were from the following institutions in Serbia: The Ministry of Education and Science and Technological Development,

• Military Technical Institute (VTI), Military Academy (MA), the Army of Serbia (SAF), the Ministry of Defence (MOD), Department of Defense Technology (MDT), University of Defence (UD) Military Institution Dedinje, Military Archives, Technical Test Center (TTC), Technical Overhaul Institute Cačak (TRZ), the Central Logistics Base, Institute of Strategic Studies, Criminal Police College,

• GOŠA Institute, Institute of Engineering,

• Faculties of Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Metropolitan University, Faculty of Technology and metallurgy, College of Project Management,

• UTVA Aircraft Industry Pančevo, Intel Communications, IHA-TEM, Vlata com, Iritel, Peripolis-Electronics, Computer Engineering, Thermo Electric, HK Krušik Valjevo.


The Conference had a truly international character.

As in previous years, the participation of the Army of Serbia in this important event is fully justified, and the goal is reached. In addition to the communication of the research results, there was a fruitful discussion in which the problems were reviewed, opinions and experiences exchanged and possibilities to solve presented problems discussed.

It was again confirmed that communicating work at such events with the participation of scientists and relevant institutions from the country and abroad certainly has a positive impact on the scientific and professional level of work in the Army. It also has a positive impact on professional and scientific training of researchers in experimental centers and institutes as well as teachers, thus raising the quality of teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Military Academy.

It can be concluded that the cooperation of the Army with the members of other institutions in solving and researching problems of organizations and scientific-technical approach confirms the openness of the Army for the involvement of other individuals and institutions in solving problems in the field of defense as well as the willingness and ability of the members of the defense system to engage in solving problems in civil institutions.

Keywords: International Conference OTEH 2012 in Belgrade, Military Tehnical Institute, aerodynamics and flight dynamics, aircraft.

Datum prijema članka/Paper received on: 26. 10. 2012.

Datum dostavljanja ispravki rukopisa/

Manuscript corrections submitted on: 13. 11.2012.

Datum konačnog prihvatanja članka za objavljivanje/ Paper accepted for publishing on: 15. 11.2012.


Đurković, V., Prikaz 5. internacionalne konferencije OTEH 2012 - Odbrambene tehologije, pp. 270-275

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