Prerequisites for the transition to the implementation of the blended learning model in the methodology of teaching physical culture in general educational organizations
UDC 377
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.A. Akimova1 PhD, Associate Professor P.P. Thyssen1 R.R. Kalimullin1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the socio-cultural, normative and pedagogical prerequisites for the introduction of the blended learning model into the methodology of teaching physical culture in educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. The work carried out: theoretical analysis of legal documents in the field of sports and health work and informatization of education; generalization of advanced pedagogical experience of safe implementation of offline and online tools in the practice of teaching physical culture; SWOT analysis.
Results and conclusions. Among the fundamental socio-cultural prerequisites for the transition to the implementation of the blended learning model in the teaching of physical culture in educational institutions, the phenomenon of technologi-zation is singled out. The legal regulation of the protection of life and health of students with the use of a variable spectrum of the organization of physical culture and health work, physical education acts as normative prerequisites. The pedagogical prerequisites of the process under study are the renewal of the educational resources of physical culture based on innovative digital technologies, the development of variable forms of joint educational interaction for the development of the values of physical culture by the subjects of education.
Keywords: blended learning, teaching methods, physical culture.
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the impact of informatization of society on the education system, which significantly complements the realities of educational practices in raising a viable generation. In the context of a pandemic and the development of variable forms of organization of the educational process, it is necessary to update the methodology of teaching physical culture in a general educational organization based on blended learning as a significant factor in the improvement of children and youth, the formation of their life and educational success, optimal integration into society.
Objective of the study was to theoretically substantiate the socio-cultural, normative and pedagogical prerequisites for the introduction of the blended learning model into the methodology of teaching physical culture in educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. Within the framework of the study, the following was carried out: theoretical analysis of legal documents in the field of sports and recreation work and informatization of education; generalization of advanced pedagogical experience of safe implementation of offline and online means in the practice of teaching physical culture; SWOT analysis.
The study was carried out under the project "Methodology of teaching physical culture in a general education organization, taking into account the implementation of the blended learning model", which is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as part of the state assignment (additional agreements No. 073-0302021-044/1 dated 06.30. No. 073-0302021-044/2 dated July 21, 2021 to agree-
ment No. 073-0302021-044 dated January 18, 2021).
Results of the study and their discussion.
Among the fundamental socio-cultural prerequisites for the transition to the implementation of the model of blended learning in the teaching of physical culture in educational institutions, the phenomenon of technologization is singled out, which is a trend in the lifestyle of modern society and a person, the leading means of implementing physical education in an unfavorable epidemiological situation, requiring a change in the content and organization of the educational process towards technology.
The content of the term "technologization" [3] most capaciously reflects the need of educational practice in building the educational process in physical culture in accordance with the technological cycle (within the academic year), which ensures completeness of the structural and content elements of blended learning. In this context, the technological chain of teaching physical culture can be represented as an algorithm of systemic actions of the teacher and students in the transition from one form of interaction to another.
Blended learning in the author's understanding can be the basic regulator of modern physical education of a person, providing a rational combination of information and educational resources of full-time (practice) and distance (theory) learning with elements of self-education. The phenomenon of tech-nologization meaningfully focuses on determining the method of organizing interaction between the teacher, students and various sources of information, which in the semantic aspect is designed to minimize risks and increase the influence of positive factors of offline and online learning.
The normative prerequisites for the model of blended learning are the legal regulation of the protection of life and health of students using the variable spectrum of the organization of physical culture and health work, physical education.
The implementation of the blended learning model should be carried out in a safe combination of online (the theoretical aspect of expanding knowledge about the preservation and development of health, physical fitness in terms of physical, mental and social vectors) and offline (practical development of physical qualities, motor abilities, improvement of all types of physical culture and sports activities) formats that provide students with the acquisition of
skills and abilities of self-organization, self-management by physical improvement with an independent choice of the educational route, time, place and pace of learning to achieve academic and life success.
The pedagogical prerequisites of the process under study are the renewal of the educational resources of physical culture based on innovative digital technologies, the development of variable forms of joint educational interaction for the development of the values of physical culture by the subjects of education.
Updating the educational resources of physical culture based on innovative digital technologies enhances the range of strengths of the introduction and implementation of the blended learning model in the teaching of physical culture, which include the adequacy of the organization of physical education and upbringing to the realities of modern life; flexibility of the educational process; variability of traditional and innovative methods of pedagogical interaction; expanding the range of opportunities for professional development of teachers and communication of students; expansion of multimedia communication channels between the student and the teacher; implementation of individual educational trajectories of mastering physical culture (involvement of each student in the educational process); objectivity of control of educational results; stimulation of systematic independent work of students).
However, we should not forget about the weaknesses of the blended learning model, which include: the imperfection of the legislative framework for the implementation of electronic educational resources; insufficiency of electronic resources for teaching physical culture; low ICT competence of teachers.
The development of variable forms of pedagogical interaction in the context of blended learning focuses on minimizing the risks of its implementation in the teaching of physical culture, which involves:
- observance of the principles of consistency and synergy in the methodology of teaching physical culture, which are necessary for the digital transformation of physical education;
- the inclusion of new knowledge in the existing one and the construction of students' own knowledge;
- formation of long-term motivation of students for regular physical education;
- effective organization of the regime of work and rest;
Theory and Practice of Physical Culture I I June I № 6 2022
- ensuring the safety and psychological comfort of the educational environment;
- increasing the satisfaction of students from remote forms of mastering the content of physical culture.
Сonclusions. The effectiveness of blended learning in the methodology of teaching physical culture is possible on the basis of creative integration and the optimal ratio of offline realities of practical physical education classes and complementary online theoretical events of an educational nature with their focus on the safe transmission of physical culture values to students, raising their stable interest in regular classes physical culture and sports orientation.
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