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Ключевые слова
internationalization / higher education in the People's Republic of China / prerequisites and factors of internationalization / интернационализация / высшее образование в Китайской Народной Республике / предпосылки и факторы интернационализации

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Wang Miao

This article presents the prerequisites we have identified (the emergence of a higher education system focused on using the achievements of European countries; the active development of a network of higher education institutions) and factors (globalization; socio-economic transformation; strategic direction of international public policy; intensification of educational initiatives; intensification of academic cooperation and partnerships) in their interrelation and influence on the genesis of the process of internationalization of higher education in the People's Republic of China.

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В данной статье представлены выделенные нами предпосылки (зарождение системы высшего образования, ориентированной на использование достижений европейских стран; активное развитие сети учреждений высшего образования) и факторы (глобализации; социально-экономической трансформации; стратегической направленности международной государственной политики; акти-визации образовательных инициатив; интенсификации академического сотрудничества и партнер-ских отношений) в их взаимосвязи и влиянии на генезис процесса интернационализации высшего образования в Китайской Народной Республике.





УДК 378(510)

Wang Miao

Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I. P. Shamyakin, Mozyr, Republic of Belarus Scientific supervisor: Tatsiana Vladislavovna Paliyeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor


This article presents the prerequisites we have identified (the emergence of a higher education system focused on using the achievements of European countries; the active development of a network of higher education institutions) and factors (globalization; socio-economic transformation; strategic direction of international public policy; intensification of educational initiatives; intensification of academic cooperation and partnerships) in their interrelation and influence on the genesis of the process of internationalization of higher education in the People's Republic of China.

Keywords: internationalization, higher education in the People's Republic of China, prerequisites andfactors of internationalization.


The phenomenon of internationalization of higher education is actively developing at present and is directing the educational systems of many countries of the world towards the path of integration and productive interaction. As Belarusian scientists note, "the internationalization of education becomes the object and subject of targeted policy on the part of the state, focused on solving national, political, social and economic problems" [1, p. 80]. Considerable experience has already been accumulated in organizing and implementing international cooperation between universities, which requires study and comprehension for further improvement of this activity.

The genesis of the processes of internationalization of higher education has been studied by scientists from different countries both within the framework of applied research and in works related to the philosophical justification of this phenomenon, such as H. De Wit [2], M. Stiasny [3], P. Scott [4], V. Kupriyanova-Ashina, Chang Zhu [5], D. A. Smolyakov [6] and others.

The People's Republic of China, paying great attention to the task of successful consolidation with the global sociocultural space, gives the process of internationalization of higher education state and supranational status. The internationalization of higher education in China has been studied by scholars such as Huang Mingdong [7], K. Wang, J. Li, K. Zhao [8], J. Xie [9] and others. In these works, it is shown that the processes of internationalization in China developed along a specific vector, but taking into account global trends, but their in-depth analysis has not yet become the subject of special research. Historical and pedagogical analysis will allow us to highlight the conceptual socio-political and national value components of further improvement of the processes of internationalization of higher education that are significant not only for China, but also for other countries.

As noted by Belarusian researcher D. A. Smolyakov: "One of the most pressing issues in the theory of internationalization of higher education is its genesis, i. e., the reasons and conditions for the emergence of the phenomenon. The development of this problem seems to be the starting point that will give impetus to further theoretical and applied study of the development of this direction, since it will shed light on the natural environment of its origin, and therefore will bring us closer to understanding the essence of the phenomenon" [6, p. 14] (translation into English - Wang Miao).

Internationalization of higher education has become a key component of China's strategy to increase its global influence in education, research and innovation. Chinese higher education institutions have undergone significant transformation to embrace internationalization, resulting in a surge in their global ranking and prominence. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present the results of the first stage of our

© Wang Miao, 2023


BECHIK Mflny ÍMa I. n. mAM^KIHA № 2 (62) 2023

research and present the prerequisites and factors we have identified that shape the process of internationalization of higher education institutions in the People's Republic of China.

Research methods and methodology

The work was carried out based on a methodological concept developed for historical and pedagogical research, which includes methodological approaches of three groups: basic (system-structural, functional, procedural, activity-based, historical-logical); paradigmatic (social-stratification, polyparadigm, cultural, axiological) and instrumental approaches of a technological nature (ontological, phenomenological, diversification) [10]. During the research, methods of retrospective and comparative analysis, methods of synthesis and generalization were used.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study, which formed the basis for the interpretation of the extensive factual material used in studying the genesis of the internationalization of higher education in China, were the following basic provisions:

- general theory of culture (K. N. Leontiev, N. A. Berdyaev, M. M. Bakhtin, D. S. Likhachev, M. S. Kagan, etc.);

- the theory of dialogue of cultures (M. M. Bakhtin, V. V. Bibler, etc.) and the concept of its implementation in the educational process (A. P. Valitskaya, V. V. Serikov, etc.);

- theories of multicultural education (I. V. Balitskaya, I. S. Bessarabova, V. P. Borisenkov, O. V. Gukalenko, K. Grant, G. Zh. Dautova, A. N. Dzhurinsky, T. V. Paliyeva, E. R. Khakimov, O. V. Khukhlaeva, O. E. Khukhlaev, etc.)

- theories of global education (I. Yu. Aleksashina, F. G. Altbach, etc.);

- theories of humanization and humanitarization of education (L. A. Volovich, G. V. Mukhametzyanova, Z. G. Nigmatov, etc.).

Research results and discussion

Prerequisites are understood by us as preconditions that anticipated the emergence of the internationalization of higher education as a phenomenon. We identified the following prerequisites:

1. The emergence of a higher education system focused on using the achievements of European countries.

China's higher education system has a rich history dating back to ancient times. Defeat of China in the Opium Wars of 1840 and 1860 revealed the country's socio-economic lag behind Western countries and its closest neighbor Japan. One of the reasons was recognized as the ineffectiveness of the traditionally established educational system. This understanding led to educational reform in 1862 and the opening of the first higher education institution in China - the Beijing Foreign Language High School, which trained diplomats and translators. This educational institution has already applied conceptual principles that were aimed at preserving national traditional approaches to education and training using advanced European technologies and the latest scientific knowledge.

The first university opened in China is considered to be Beiyang University (1895, Tianjin). This educational institution also borrowed the European model of organizing the educational process and management structure. Foreign teachers were invited to give lectures, and curriculum and materials from Western European educational institutions were used.

One of the first higher educational institutions in China, opened in 1898 on the basis of the Beijing Higher School of Foreign Languages, is also considered the Institute of Humanities of Peking University (Jinshi Taxuetang). Its distinctive feature was the presence of a large amount of equipment that was progressive for that time, which was used both in the educational process and in scientific work. Such equipment of the educational institution was carried out on the model of Japanese universities and some of the equipment and materials were purchased in this country.

With the opening of Peking University in 1899, the active creation of educational institutions at various levels in China began. This educational institution begins to operate pedagogical courses that train mentors, which contributed to the spread of education in the country. To organize the work of Peking University, the "Charter of a Higher Educational Institution" was proposed, which regulated many issues of both organizational and methodological nature. In particular, it laid down the fundamental principles of Chinese higher education, which were aimed at integrating Chinese and European sciences. It was recognized that a foreign language was a means to study the achievements of other cultures. Thus, Chinese science was enriched with European knowledge.

The educational reforms carried out at the end of the 19th century contributed to the expansion of the network of higher education institutions in China, which subsequently contributed to the socio-economic



prosperity of the country. These early beginnings laid the foundation for today's comprehensive internationalization initiatives. However, modern internationalization efforts began in the late twentieth century, with a particular emphasis on increasing educational exchanges and cooperation with other countries.

2. Active development of a network of higher education institutions in China.

After the creation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, in a relatively short time, the Chinese government managed to create a practically new educational system and reform higher education institutions, which were close to the educational models of the USA, European countries, Japan, and the USSR in structure and organization, but nationally oriented by content. As L. V. Pirozhenko and Xinxin Wang note, "by the end of the second decade of the 21st century, China has become a country whose higher education system has no equal one in scale in the world. The development of university education is considered by the leadership of the People's Republic of China as one of the strategies for increasing political status, a necessary condition for achieving the geopolitical, economic, scientific and technical influence of China" [11, p. 44] (translated into English by Wang Miao).

According to the statistics for 2019, the total number of higher education institutions in the PRC was 2,956, including 1,265 regular institutes and universities, 1,423 specialized higher education institutions, and 268 professional retraining institutes. In 2019, there were also 828 institutions for training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel (master's and doctoral programs) [12]. As for the total number of students in higher education institutions of all types, it reached 40,020,000. For every 100,000 of the country's population, there were 2857 students receiving higher education [12].

The factors influencing the development of internationalization processes in China are as follows:

1. Globalization factor

As noted by T.V. Paliyeva: "Globalization as a result of an objective, complex and contradictory process of interaction between many countries and peoples is reflected in the political, socio-economic, informational, environmental, ideological foundations of the picture of the world. On the one hand, globalization strives for homogenization, standardization and unification of various spheres of social life, which is seen as a threat to the preservation of national identity, traditional cultural values, etc., and on the other hand, it promotes the interconnection and mutual development of various national institutions, cultures and social systems. Such ambivalence (duality) of globalization processes requires an adequate response of social systems" [13, p. 76] (translation into English - Wang Miao).

Globalization also influences the processes of internationalization of higher education, which are carried out in all countries of the world. As noted by D. A. Smolyakov, there are several approaches to understanding the mutual influence of globalization processes and the internationalization of higher education. Some identify these phenomena, whereas some separate them. According to the scientist, the theory of considering internationalization as the antipode of globalization has a more stable scientific position. At the same time, internationalization is considered in the context of a multicultural concept, which makes it possible to neutralize the negative impact of globalization in terms of unification and depersonalization and increase the national-cultural context in higher education systems [6, p. 14-20].

We are of the opinion that the ongoing globalization processes actively influence both, positively and negatively, international cooperation in general and the interaction of educational systems in particular, which is reflected in the target and content aspects of the process of internationalization of higher education. Therefore, we consider globalization as a factor.

2. Factor of socio-economic transformation

China's rapid economic growth and urbanization have had a profound impact on the internationalization of higher education institutions. Financial support is needed to establish international partnerships, initiate exchange programs and attract foreign teachers and students. Chinese universities are constantly striving to attract more resources from public, private and international sources. In recent years, Chinese universities have invested significant financial resources in the development of international cooperation in order to improve the quality of higher education and the level of scientific research, which has a direct impact on the growth of the competitiveness of educational institutions.

Note also that as disposable incomes have risen substantially over the past thirty years, more Chinese students can afford to study abroad, and this exposure to global educational systems has increased demands for greater internationalization within domestic higher education institutions.

3. Factor of strategic orientation of international public policy

China's foreign policy is based on the construction of diplomatic vectors based on a general strategy of socio-economic development and has a close connection with traditional Chinese philosophy and worldview. This position can be allegorically described in the form of water, which finds the shortest path to the required place. The goal of China's policy at the present stage can be described as the creation of a global


ВЕСН1К МДПУ ímh I. П. ШАМЯК1НА № 2 (62) 2023

power with significant global influence with the dominance of traditional values. The foreign policy being built regulates and has a direct impact on the ongoing internationalization processes, determining their direction, content and organizational features.

4. Factor in activating educational initiatives

The Chinese government has played a decisive role in promoting the internationalization of higher education. Several key initiatives have significantly impacted this process. In 1995, the Chinese government initiated a national project called "Project 211" with the goal of developing about 100 universities according to international standards. As a result, a significant number of higher education institutions has been established in China over the past few decades, many of which are ranked among the world's top universities.

Another important initiative that significantly influences the processes of internationalization of higher education is China's Belt and Rood Initiative project, which is an important mechanism of China's national strategy, aimed not only at accelerating the country's socio-economic development, but also at strengthening its international influence. Strengthening international educational ties in order to enrich scientific knowledge, improve the quality of education, intercultural understanding and cooperation has also become one of the means of solving global problems, such as providing resources, preserving the ecology of the planet, etc.

5. Factor in intensifying academic cooperation and partnerships

International cooperation has played an important role in the global integration of Chinese higher education institutions. Universities have established partnerships with foreign institutions, promoting exchange of teachers and students, joint research projects and double degree programs. This collaboration exposes Chinese students and teachers to international perspectives and builds their intercultural competence. Thus, the educational sphere becomes the basis for the development of contacts between the People's Republic of China and other countries of the world, providing socio-cultural and intellectual rapprochement. Cooperation between educational systems promotes establishing strong ties in other areas, primarily in economics, culture, and politics.


Thus, we have identified and substantiated the prerequisites for the development of internationalization processes in China, such as the emergence of a higher education system focused on using the achievements of European countries and the active development of a network of higher education institutions. As the leading factors influencing the development of the internationalization processes of higher education in China, we identified the following ones: the factors of globalization, socio-economic transformation, strategic orientation of international public policy, intensification of educational initiatives, intensification of academic cooperation and partnerships.

The internationalization of higher education institutions in the People's Republic of China is a multifaceted process driven by a combination of historical context, government policies, academic collaboration, socioeconomic changes, and a focus on global research and innovation. As China continues to invest in its higher education sector and develop international partnerships, its higher education institutions are likely to further strengthen their place on the global stage, helping to advance the country's soft power.


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Поступила в редакцию 04.07.2023 E-mail: 0605tanya1980@rambler.ru

Ван Мяо


В данной статье представлены выделенные нами предпосылки (зарождение системы высшего образования, ориентированной на использование достижений европейских стран; активное развитие сети учреждений высшего образования) и факторы (глобализации; социально-экономической трансформации; стратегической направленности международной государственной политики; активизации образовательных инициатив; интенсификации академического сотрудничества и партнерских отношений) в их взаимосвязи и влиянии на генезис процесса интернационализации высшего образования в Китайской Народной Республике.

Ключевые слова: интернационализация, высшее образование в Китайской Народной Республике, предпосылки и факторы интернационализации.

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