Научная статья на тему 'Преодоление межъязыковой интерференции в обучении английскому языку как иностранному'

Преодоление межъязыковой интерференции в обучении английскому языку как иностранному Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Межъязыковая интерференция / Интерференционные ошибки / Лингвистическая грамотность / Академический текст / Устная и письменная речь / Научная деятельность / Коммуникация. / Interlingual interference / Interference errors / Linguistic literacy / Academic text / Oral and written speech / Scientific activity / Communication.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Кобилжон Валиев

В данной статье рассматривается проблема межъязыковой интерференции и ее роль в методике преподавания иностранных языков. “Интерференция” (отрицательный эффект) латинское слово, “inter” между, внутри, “ferentis”означает переносчик, передатчик, то есть отрицательный эффект, неизвестная миграция , препятствие, медлительность, навыки и способности понимаются как ведущие к отрицательному результату. Важность и необходимость преодоления межъязыковой интерференции для развития коммуникативной компетенции студентов: устная и письменная речь на английском языке как иностранном приведет к успешному общению в учебной и научной деятельности.

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Overcoming interlingual interference in teaching english as a foreign language

This article discusses the problem of interlingual interference and its role in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. “Interference” (negative effect) a Latin word, “inter” between, inside, “ferentis”means transporter, transmitter, that is, a negative effect , unknown migration, obstruction, sluggishness, skills and abilities are understood to lead to a negative outcome. The importance and necessity of overcoming interlingual interference for the development of students ‘communicative competence: oral and written speech in English as a foreign language will lead to successful communication in academic and scientific activities

Текст научной работы на тему «Преодоление межъязыковой интерференции в обучении английскому языку как иностранному»

Жамият ва инновациялар -Общество и инновации -Society and innovations

Journal home page: https://inscience.uz/index.php/socinov/index

Overcoming interlingual interference in teaching english as a foreign language

Kobiljon VALIYEV1

Namangan State University

article info


Article history:

Received January 2021 Received in revised form 15 January 2021 Accepted 20 February 2021 Available online 7 March 2021


Interlingual interference Interference errors Linguistic literacy Academic text Oral and written speech Scientific activity Communication

This article discusses the problem of interlingual interference and its role in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. "Interference" (negative effect) - a Latin word, "inter" between, inside, "ferentis"- means transporter, transmitter, that is, a negative effect , unknown migration, obstruction, sluggishness, skills and abilities are understood to lead to a negative outcome. The importance and necessity of overcoming interlingual interference for the development of students 'communicative competence: oral and written speech in English as a foreign language will lead to successful communication in academic and scientific activities

2181-1415/© 2021 in Science LLC.

This is an open access article under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.ru)

Ingliz tilini chet tili sifatida o'qitishda tillararo interferensiyani bartaraf etish

_ аннотация_

Калит сузлар: Tillararo interferensiya Interefereniya xatolari Lingvistik savodxonlik Akademik matn Og'zaki va yozma nutq Ilmiy faoliyat Muloqot

Mazkur maqolada tillararo interferensiya muammosi va uni chet tillarni o'qitish metodikasida tutgan o'rni haqida fikr yuritiladi. "Interferensiya "(negativ effekt) - lotincha so'z bo'lib," inter "orasida, ichida," ferentis " - tashuvchi, uzatuvchi, ya'ni salbiy ta'sir, noma'lum ko'chish, to'siqsizlik, sustkashlik, ko'nikma va malakalarning salbiy oqibatga olib kelishi tushuniladi. Talabalarning kommunikativ kompetentligini rivojlantirish uchun tillararo interferensiyani bartaraf etishning ahamiyati va zarurligi: ingliz tilini chet tili sifatida o'rganishda og'zaki va yozma nutq, akademik va ilmiy faoliyatda muvaffaqiyatli muloqot qilishni ta'minlaydi.

1 PhD researcher, Namangan State University, Namangan, Uzbekistan E-mail: valiyev@mail.ru

Преодоление межъязыковой интерференции в обучении английскому языку как иностранному

_ аннотация_

Ключевые слова:

Межъязыковая интерференция Интерференционные ошибки

Лингвистическая грамотность Академический текст Устная и письменная речь Научная деятельность Коммуникация

В данной статье рассматривается проблема межъязыковой интерференции и ее роль в методике преподавания иностранных языков. "Интерференция" (отрицательный эффект) - латинское слово, "inter" между, внутри, "ferentis"- означает переносчик, передатчик, то есть отрицательный эффект, неизвестная миграция , препятствие, медлительность, навыки и способности понимаются как ведущие к отрицательному результату. Важность и необходимость преодоления межъязыковой интерференции для развития коммуникативной компетенции студентов: устная и письменная речь на английском языке как иностранном приведет к успешному общению в учебной и научной деятельности.

Students' language experiences in foreign language learning may be caused by interlingual interference as multiple meaning and synonymy of native language and target language. "Language experience" means the negative or positive impact of a student's knowledge, skills and abilities acquired so far on Uzbek, Russian and foreign languages on the acquisition of the foreign language material currently being studied nowadays as actual issues in language learning and teaching. Students' "language experience" can be impaired (negative influence - interference) or helpful (positive effect - transposition) in learning a foreign language. "Interference" (negative effect) - a Latin word, "inter" between, inside, "ferentis"- means transporter, transmitter, that is, a negative effect , unknown migration, obstruction, sluggishness, skills and abilities are understood to lead to a negative outcome. Uzbek students who are studying English as a foreign language often have the negative influence (interference) can be interlingual (native language, second language, foreign language) and internal (in the foreign language itself). Interference occurs in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, interferes with the understanding of the speech process, and even puts speakers in a situation where they do not understand each other.

Interlingual interference is the process of adding grammatical forms of the native language and the studied foreign language, i.e. word formation methods, native language and foreign language syntax, the process of joining rhyming and noun suffixes, plural forms of nouns, aspects, such as changes in the tense forms of verbs (especially incorrect verbs). Therefore, in the study of grammar and lexicography, such phenomena are compared with the native language. Mistakes that can be made only when the teacher takes into account such events in the choice of exercises are prevented. Interlingual difficulties:

1) Inconsistency of adverbs (eg to look for - search) (in Uzbek verbs do not include adverbs);

2) There are no known grammatical events in the Uzbek language (eg article);

3) The use of auxiliary verbs in English does not exist in Uzbek;

4) In English, the words in the sentence are subject to a strict order. Non-use of adverbs is strictly followed in English. In Uzbek, words can be interchanged, for example:

Peter built a house. "Peter built a house." Uy qurdi Petr. Qurdi uy Petr. Petr qurdi uy. The meaning of the words does not change in the Uzbek language.

5) There are many present, past and future tenses of expression of action in English.

The phenomenon of interlingual interference is discussed more in the psycholinguistic aspect of foreign language teaching methods. Psycholinguistics is a separate branch of science that studies human speech activity. The psycholinguistic aspect of the methodology studies the peculiarities of the speech development of students in the process of learning a foreign language. In contrast to the sociolinguistic aspect, which methodologically organizes the relevant language material on the basis of the content of education, the psycholinguistic aspect is of special importance for the modern foreign language teacher. In this area, it helps to understand the peculiarities of the modern student in foreign language learning, the stages of development and dynamics of speech activity. A teacher who is aware of such features will be able to understand issues related to the relationship between language and speech activity. If the knowledge of the sociolinguistic field of methodology helps the teacher to methodically prepare foreign language material, psycholinguistics helps to acquire the conceptual basis for creating optimal conditions for the development of students' speaking activities. Students' speaking activities in a foreign language will be developed to identify the knowledge, skills and abilities that will be acquired based on the requirements of the program.

In pedagogy, positive and negative interference are distinguished in the works of leading modern scientists on the methodology of teaching foreign languages (Solovova E.N., Galskova N.D., Bim I.L., E.I. Passov etc.) Interference is more often called the negative effect of the interaction of languages in the mind of the speaker, caused by the difference in grammatical, lexical, phonetic, etc. systems; the positive effect is often called simply" transfer. It is also important to note that if in linguistics, interference is mainly referred to in relation to bilinguals, then in pedagogy - in relation to those who ideally strive to become a bilingual, that is, to those who study a foreign language. So, we see that interlingual interference is an objective phenomenon of a cognitive-linguistic nature, significantly affecting a whole complex of thought processes involved in mastering a foreign language.

Linguists and teachers of English as a foreign language pay attention to many difficulties arising in the communication of representatives of different cultures in English and propose to assess the level of foreign language proficiency (language competence) through the ability to communicate in society (social practice) and intercultural competence (intercultural competence) [1].

The methodology of teaching a foreign language connects psychology with two aspects - speech psychology and pedagogical psychology. Human speech is studied in speech physiology (linguophysiology) and the occurrence of speech and its perception in psycholinguistics. In all languages, speech occurs through language material and speech mechanisms. Speech is a complex mental process controlled by the activity of the human brain. The first and second signaling systems operate on the basis of the brain's ability to analyze and synthesize. The first signal system allows you to feel and know the outside world through hearing, sight, smell and taste and other senses. The second signal system is based on the generalization of reality through language symbols. The first alarm system also applies to the animal world. The second signal system is the first signal, which is expressed in words. Humans, unlike animals, pay attention to the content of speech when they perceive it.

Typical mistakes of students are the use of the direct meaning of a word instead of a figurative one, transfers of a given lexical correspondence to all combinations of a given word, mistakes in choosing the context meaning of a polysemantic word. To teach students the ability to analyze the contextual meaning of a word and find the corresponding equivalent in English, the following techniques are used: verbal explanation of difficult situations; interlingual comparisons; interlingual contrasting exercises; the actual translation. As a result, students acquire metacognitive skills to classify the information they receive, organize it into related structures, and analyze the meanings of words.

Interlangual interference is also the cause of lexical errors. The term "interference" is used in linguistic research to describe the phenomena that arise as a result of contact between two language systems (in bilingualism and in the study of a foreign language) and are manifested in the transfer of skills and abilities of the native language to a foreign one. V.A. Vinogradov gives the following definition: "Interference is the interaction of language systems in conditions of bilingualism, which develops either during linguistic contact or during individual assimilation of a foreign language" [3, p. 197]. The main reasons for interlingual lexical interference are:

1) complete or partial ignorance of the denotative meaning of the word, i.e. the relationship of a phonetic word to a specific designated object, an object of speech; 2) ignorance of the connotative meaning of the word (Latin: con - "together", notare - "to mark, to designate"), i.e. its complementary shades;

3) transfer of meaning from the unit of the native language to the corresponding unit of the second language and literal translation;

In case, how can an English teacher help a student to choose the correct meanings of words in teaching English? First, it must be remembered that our students are brought up in a monolingual culture, and the only way for them to express their thoughts is to use their native language. In order to express his thought in English, the student must master the technique of transcoding, which includes the following operations: changing the order of words in a sentence, choosing the necessary grammatical forms of the sentence members and the corresponding lexemes and syntaxemes. If the student is not familiar with the rules of re-coding, then its translation will have the character of tracing paper from the native language. Therefore, the teacher should develop exercises to prevent and overcome the influence of interlangual interference, to teach students the ability to analyze the contextual meaning of a word and find its equivalent in English. The methods of expression in Uzbek and English are different and this creates great difficulties in the development of students' speech in a foreign language.

For example, In Uzbek, when composing a general interrogative sentence, the suffix -miis added to the last word in the sentence and the intonation changes, while in English, not only the intonation, but also the number and order of words change:

In Uzbek - Is Bu sizning kitobingizmi? Siz ingliz tilida gaplashasizmi? Kirish mumkinmi?

In English - Is this your book? Do you speak English? May I come in?

Thus, as a result of the analysis, we come to the following conclusions:

Interlingual interference is a normal phenomenon in any interaction of languages, including when studying them, that is, when it comes to in fact, about their interaction in the mind of the student; in this case, it is possible not only to minimize this interference, but also to develop cognitive processes and operations on this basis. The methods of

expression in Uzbek and English are different, and this creates great difficulties in the development of students' speech in a foreign language. A student's speech in a foreign language is developed by mastering the method of expression in a foreign language. Purposeful and regular work to eliminate interlangual interference will make the oral and written speech of students in English more literate, and their academic activities, including at the intercultural level, more successful and effective.


1. Strauss, P. (2017). "It's Not the Way We Use English"- Can We Resist the Native Speaker Stranglehold on Academic Publications? Publications. No. 5, p. 27.

2. Vinogradov, V.S. (2001). Introduction into the Theory of Translation (General and Lexical Issues). Moscow: Institute of Secondary Education of the Russian Academy of Education Publ. 224 p.

3. Vinogradov, V.A. (1990). Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Publ. 688 p.

4. Solovova E. N. Methodology for teaching foreign languages. M .: Education, 2005.p.239

5. Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages: Linguodidactics and methodology. Moscow: Academy, 2005.336

6. Bim I.L. Methods of teaching foreign languages as a science and problems of a school textbook. M .: Russian language, 1977.288

7. Passov E.I. The concept of communicative foreign language education (theory and its implementation) / Passov E.I., Kibireva L.V., Kollarova E. St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2007.199

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